12 THE NEBRASKA INDEPENDENT APJIIL 25, 17. it r wn wiriw " tm www m mm m Fox, a Clever Rogue New Orleans Picayune: The fox is given the palm in natural history fur being tha slyest of the animal bunch; he Is considered the confidence man of tne cntiro dumD nrute creation, ana . had you known the clever little villain that I once encountered in Kentucky, .some miles south of Louisville, you would have doubtless reached the con clusion with me that the fox wasn't accorded half his due, and that he should be placed In the category of master rogues." J. C. Foley, representing a Chicago leather firm, a guest at the New Dene- chaud, sat In the broad rotunda of the hotel, and to a few acquaintances of an hour told stories, and in the course of hi i yarn spinning Mr. Foley elabor ated on Master Reynard's genius for making his way in the world at the expense of all creatures. "I stayed at a fine house, surround ed by a big estate, south of Louisville, for several weeks, in the fall of 1899." Mr.' Foley took up his narrative, "and it 'wan' while I wa3 there that I made the acquaintance of the fox I am going to tell you of and became quite chum my with him. "The fox was n pet, belonged to Mr. Caldwell, my host, and that animal had moro sense than lots of people I've met; but this is no reflection on pres ent company, believe me. The fox t they called him Red, because of the color of his coat had been taken when a cub'at the end of a big hunt. The poor little fellow's mother had been ( torn to pieces by the hounds. She'd run to her burrow, you know, and the oub was saved from death by Mr. Cald well himself, just as a terrible dog was about to seize him in his daws. "Red was suckled on a bottle for some timvtut his health was good and ho grew and -developed Into a splendid specimen of his species. Tied was treat ed well by everybody. The servants and iarm lianas naa tneir instructions re garding hinlt and he was allowed th'i run of the place. But at an early age his true nature asserted itself, so I was told, and ho executed a raid on the poultry yard which netted him a big fat goose thnt had been set aside for holiday feasting. Red was caught by his master as he was galloping , away with tljrd$aj(l;gp8f 4nhte-jf$ogthpand Mr. Caldwell their and there 'gaye-fled a lesson that left a lasting impression. He took the goose away from the fox, and then lammed the furry little thief with a rattan cane until Mr, Red yelped with. pain. That cured theTox quite effectually of helping himself to homo poultry, but It did not raise the barrier against depredations in the neighborhood, and many a time did Mr. Caldwell have to pay some near-by farmer for. Coasts, enjoyed by Red. - "Mr. Caldwell was greatly attached to the boast, and let it be known throughout the district that he was willing to make good for any damage mo creature might work in his rov ings, so, of course, the neighbors did not use Red as a target for pistol and gun practice, only presented their bills after he had visited them. "When I had been at the place a few 'ays and made friend with Red, Mr. Caldwell" Invited me to take a horse back ride with him to a farmer's house a few miles away. 'I have to go over there and pay for" a dozen or so fine chickens that rascal there killed,' Mr. Caldwell said, and as he spoke he in dicated the .spot in front of the hearth stone, where lied lay curled up on a rug sleeping the sleep of the innocent and just. "We made the journey on our thor oughbred mounts in a little while, and the farmer, who was named. Jinks, ac corded us a hearty welcome. Invited us Into the sittlnq-ioor.i. after our horses had been taken in charge by a boy, nnd placed a decanter containing Funic genuine tuff, with the necessary Kla.'ses, mi tli . table heforo us. " 'Mr. Caldwell.' Jinks began, after we had taken one for sociability's sake-, 'that fox of 'yours Is th worst, depredator this countryside has ever' seen, and would you believe it. sir, he caught my chickens, not through itiivl;iM ss, but by the uu anest kind of tikkciy.' "Jinks made his p tatemeut.and If It hadn't hem vouched for by bH portly wife, a pillar in the Itaj list church, I hardly think we would have believed it. "Three day before. It nppearn, (he hired boy had neen lied slinking alons? Hie road lone th' lln of fences, I (dim? for the Jink f.tjtii. Red was i!v to be dlidiT'iuilsbed from ibo i r member of hi 'family by a ' . ; id collar, bearing u silver plate i' td studded with bra koolm that in f; tied hi neck, and the boy at unco It an led to th farm mid told Mr. Jink, v . lib sh. icmiU that nil th rhlcken In the hide yard, the only one that the fox could well Ruin entrance to, were luHd tnti i!h Ir frail wire houxe. and ttr ditr ff. .! end Tautened with a J.tU h that was operated f n, ftrlnar. "Mr. Jinks pusued this course for the reason that he couldn't waste time standing guard in the yard, and the chickens all housed, he went off to another portion of his land to do his work. The fox, it seems - lay in the bushes at the . edge of a wida ditch, and watched through the chinks in the fence until Mr. Jinks and his boy had departed, and then, arguing that the coast was clear, crept from his place of concealment and crawled under the gale into tha yard. He found the chicken all be yond his reach, but his natural slyness came to his assistance, and -after leap ing to a shelf against the house and overturning a pail of corn, set there to be'fed to the poultry later, he went to the chickenhouse and opened ' th door. He doubtless accomplished this feat by taking the string controlling the latch in his teeth and springing backward. This trick alone proved that Red was far above the averag; fox in point of Intelligence, and that he had either seen some one work' a L'.imllar door arrangement, or had in stinctively divined the purpose of th string. - "After opening the doorMie must have slunk under the edge of the house and laid there patiently wait ing for his evil scheme to work. And work it did, for chickens are even more foolish than geese, and twice as silly as ducks. The unsuspecting fowls, left their high perches, tempted by the corn which lay on the ground out in the open, and went to the feast which had been prepared tor their undoing. "Clucking and cackling with glee they fell upon the orn and began de vouring it, and then, like a red streaked, the fox's lithe body emerging from under the hojee, passed across the Intervening , space. Before the chickens knew, It Red had pounced right In their midst and with rapid bites, tore the heads from several of them, and as bad luck would have it, three of th chickens killed were im ported Plymouth Rocks. "The screeching from the poultry yard brought Mrs. Jinks to the side door, and she was just in time to see Red slip under the, fence and dash down the road in "the direction of hc-re.with two feathered-carcasses in his mouth' Thr'bther deMA"1Wte: 'hir was' forced"f6 leave behind. ' "Of course Mr. Caldwell settled, for the Plymouth Rocks, and all the way home he was muttering curses on the oflending Red. Rut I noticed when he entered the dining-room and Red came bounding to fereet him with short joyous barks, such as a dog would make, he stooped and tenderly stroked tho animal's head. ' "Since that experience I have always inclined to the belief that , the higher order of the lumb animals have some other force to monitor them than just plain instinct." BITS OF WASHINGTON LIFE WASHINGTON. April 19.-Mrs. Mary Ellen Lease, only a few years ago the joan or Arc or populism, and, who af ter mat party's decline and fall, ml grated from the war-inspiring atmos phere of Kansas to New York, Is now a regular lecturer on-Sundav for one of the big ethical culture societies of the metropolis. Mrs. Lease went to New York to practice law, but she appears not to have persisted lontr in that held of endeavor, as no record has yet ueen made of her appearance be fore the bar. .She was a stanch sup porter of President Roosevelt in the last campaign, as were other forceful women of tho west who were promi nent in the poDUlist moyement. Albert E. Mead, governor of the state of Washington, is sometimes likened to Abraham Lincoln, not be cause he resembles the emancipator in personal appearance, but because of his manner of speech and his witty way of saying things. Governor Mead was born In Kansas in 1SG1, but his parents removed to Ulinoia when he was a youiiK man. Ho Is a graduate of the. Southern Illinois university at Carbondale and of the union college of law at Chicago. Ho began tlv practice of his profession In LcotI, Wichita county, Kas.. in 1885. He moved to the state of Washington and settled In lilalne, Whatcom county, was elected mayor In 1K9;! and In the fall of the name year wan chosen to the Htate legislature. In IV.tS ho was elected piomcuting attorney of Whatcom county and removed bin residence to lt'-lllnghnm. the county seat, lie waa re-elected prosecuting attorney In 1S00, lituinoi to the practice of law on the expiration of Mm term and lit lt(4 waa itoi.itiuited for governor on tlw repub Mean ticket and b eted, lie Ik nerving iourynr term. A new memWr of lh t'nited StiiUs enate man who cornea un the enolea of the people of his state, and not be cause he has purchased his seat with trust-made millions is W, E. Borah of Idaho, successor to Dubois. Sena to Borah was born in Illinois. Then h was si farmer boy in Kansas. Later n taught school, learned the law an struck out for the coast. HeS couldn' pay farther than Roise, Idaho, so h nailed up a shingle there. It was tord bk.uuiii. nesenuy ne won a kwk raiser's case against the Union Pacifl and business began to flow his way. But he Jsn t rich even now Newspapers of Kansas declare that wnen nan Antnnny. editor or tne Leavenworth Daily Times, is elected to the house of renresentatives he will he head and shoulders above -almost any member Jn that branch of congresr. Anthony Is said to be six feet and four Inches high. Congressman Cy. Sulla way of New Hampshire is the giant of tne house. He measures six feet and six inches In height and is built in pro portion. Congressman Galusha A. Grow of Pennsylvania, who reeentlv died, tool- a leading part in the house almost rrom nis nrst appearance there. Con gress was trying to straighten out the momentous nue.stions whieh nreeerieH the civil war, and Grow plunged into the controversy with all the force of ms nature. un February 5, 1858, he had a personal encounter on the floor of the house with Congressman Keitt or houin Carolina. Kent, resenting an objection which Grow had made to a message from President Buchanan asking for the admission of Kansas to the union, walked over to him and asked Mm. what he meant by object ing. Then he added: "If you want to object, go over to your own side of this chamber!" "It's a free-hall," responded Grow; "I'll bo where I nlease." Keitt sneered back: "You're nothinz but a black republican puppy. G uacit to your own side. Grow retorted: "No matter what I am, no nigger driver can crack his wmn over me. t Then Keitt sturck at the . Pennsvl vania congressman, missed, and got, In return to blow behind the ear which sent him to his knees. What wag al most a free-for-all fight between the two sides or the house followed, but later Keitt apologized. For the stand which he took on the floor that uay tne Kansas fres state settlers pre sented Mr. Grow a gold medal, hear ing on one side a figure of an nnifftori armband the legend: "The first blow struck for fr'pHnrVi " Engineers throughout the rwlamallnn service are growing restive because of Secretary of the Intfrior finrfipirt'., Aa. lay in making known the substance of tne report nied by Special Agent Al bert R. Greene of Kansas, who after making an extensive trin thrmwh Ti. ho, is said to have uncovered what Is regarded as rerious irregularities in Che reclamation project's under way in that state, ine rcnort concerns nari rniar. ly the conduct of the work at De?r I' lat reservation, the biggest project in Idaho, involving the irrigation of a majority of the 1,500 eighty-acre farms to be thrown open to public entry with the completion of the work. Fortunate is the woman who has successfully cultivated the habit of sleeping at will. It Is said that Miss Julia Marlowe can rest between scenes of the- most exacting- plays- by her ability to drop asleep when she pleases. These little rerlods are great restorers, ana there need be no s;,eriai preparation for them. One associates sleep with darkness and bed but daylight, soft couches nmi chairs are just as good for sleeping purposes oniy tne power of will-concentration is lacking, and that is so general as to bo a serious drawback to good work in all directions. The greater the thief, the louder he cries about injustice and persecu tion when he is finally caught. NOT PARTICULAR. "Yd reward you (hie) buy, but I (htc) haven't a red cent" . Any old cent wLU to, bo Don't vedai 2 vA&r t ir SIDELIGHTS jjfcflEOPLE do not dance now with any (jtjgj vim. The mammoth is no more. The buffalo is nearly extinct. We are after the mosquito and consumption. Perhaps even the fool will one day be abolished. But shall we tamely sit by while dancing and the very household fly are menaced, asks the Boston Tran script. Rise, sturdy citizens of this soulless age, and hurl back these im pending outrages of an improvement mad new time. Will ye meekly stand still and suffer this privilege of your manhood to be wrest from your grasp? M. Desrats, dean of the Paris academy of choregraphy for such is his Impos ing title hear his lamentations on tha disappearance of all grace from man kindalong with the evanishment of his bread and Jjutter. "One dances no more," sadly -says M. Desrats, who, though getting on for seventy-seven, still, like young Sir Willoughby Patterne, "has a leg," and one of which many a junior might be Justifiably proud. Dancing, which he has practiced and taught for fifty seven years, has kept his limbs lithe, his cheeks rosy and his mind fresh. His enthusiasm for his art is as warm as it was when he was twenty, and when, after a liberal education, he gave up thoughts of the legal or medi cal profession and preferred "to con secrate himself to the cult of Terpsi chore" in his own language, which is as flowery as his manners. Though ha has always had and still has plenty of pupils, he has come to the tragic con clusion that dancing is dying out. "Oh, monsieur!" says he, "under the empire how beautifnllv th danced, and what beautiful women tney were:" m a year' 122 official balls were eiven that is. nights. He dates the downfall of danc ing from the introduction into France of the , "Boston." have come from. America. What a ca lamity was mere, for the slipshod two- Kt C'Ti Yna L-!1lkl Un 1 . t 1 " mircu me wa.nz, wnne out-of-door sports iiave buried it. "The aristocracy dances no more. Only the small boursreols now and then flees to Terpsichore." When the cake walk, the mattchiche, the kraquette and liguette were mentioned to M. Des rats he swooned, and had to be re vived with scented salts, such as early "Victorian ladies inhaled when emotions overcame them. Only a visit from On and her consort, Prince Henry, who played so notable a part in the rescue of the Berlin survivors, Is necessary to give the finishing touch to the "boom" in all thinsrs riitrh inv.ii i growing in London. -- -- A. visit from the young Dutch queen, who has never paid a state visit to London, is within the bounds of prob ability this year, and London seems to be unconsciously preparing itself for such an event. Dutch art. Dutch snti - cnnM about Holland jmri rn.i becoming more and more popular. A feAv years ago Mr. Nico Jungman's Dutch pictures began to take the pub- A year or two ner ihn nvini.oi,n' windows heean to hiwi ,iiv. r..tw - v IV 1 1 1 1 I'LIICH tigure sketches row nf nm t-iu boys in baggy trousers and sabots and Dutch girls in little round bonnets pigtails and sabots, and old Dutcli nsnermen and fishwives in ti,r. r,,;n costume of the low country ineludin" sabots. a The nictures of and especially the sabots, struck the popular taste, -and now the real sabot has invaded London. It hangs in the shop windows in the West End and the suburbs, tied up with ribbons and feet '' 1JUIC" saoots for English A pair of snhnts hno . u . latest lancy with the girl with a trim pair of ankles, and "sabot tea-parties" with Dutch costume and Dutch song's are beginning to enliven tho suburban Ths theater and tho inL.L.i,nn i taken UD thO rilllell hAnm HII.. n ..!. of Holland' is enjoying success at the Appollo. and at half a dozen halls In London and dozens throughout the country "Dutch" songs are the order of the day. Mm Alinle Puree! I Lea jig were both Pinging them at the . , l;1,s,t k' nd the Oxford inulc-hall has "the eight stars of HoU land, who ninir nnd drey, ainia iutch neenery. The latrat feature of the Dutch boom' h In nil-tun nnui....i-.i. newspaper lldVcttUt mi nt t..f.i the pattern i-f the old Dutch tile The C mum init i i r l . once mm,, hi. S,i,K antipathy to' the e .M ,,Mriit d on many previous oc-