3 APRIL 13, 1907. THE NEBRASKA INDEPENDENT TOO HAW! JGQSQ! I PMHIII; !-e bbbbbsbbbp HfEEgffiEll g::i you cou:it these dots? SUCCESSFUL FMKIM WILL 61 VI TO THCSC WHO CAN COUHT THE BOTS IN THE PIANO COWKCaY OR NEAREST CORRECTLY, THE F0U0WINI LIST OF PHIZES: CAN YOU DO IT? TktO Elegant FfcllSS. int to aMy and one to i tenttmi. 2nd. Two Hundred Dsllars Cssh. 3rd. Oni Hundred Dsllsrs Gash. 4th. Fifty Dsllars Cash. 5th. Tf?:r.ty-fiY3DslterC2sh. 5. Ten Dcllsrs Etch. Hsxt 10. Fivt Dslisrs Essh. Hut 25. Two Collars Each. CONDITIONS 50 cent pay far en year ud eae eeaet. $1.00 pays for tw. year m.md lares conata. Ym cat f 50 extra if yen have three counts. It will ay yea te hare three. 8ee ceaditiene below. BELAV! Ajomk IP YOl WANT A PIANO OR OTHER PRIZES ZFXlXSJa SEND YOUR COUNTS AT ONCE if If thisckart cats destroyed another ("i6e4opoa heavy Pfttier will be eant Jopea reeerpt of acstaiup (or postage, rnVniTinVC Sccnts Pf fora year's ssbscrlpttoata VlliVl I lull J Bcrcsssrui. Fakmino and one count; I1.B9m.ts for two roar, and three counts and makes you eligible for the special I50.U0 priies given, to winners of Its prises if they liM.it three counts. See below. A W A D n S wUI b BULde as follows The persoa giving corrector near An AKUJ est correotoonnt will get first prize. Wext nearest second.'ete. 550 pn I 7CC;"-We beliSTO ererybody sbonld bars three counts so they itylLLD can hare one each side of what they think is corrcet to more sure to hit it. To encourage this we will (ire $50.00 extra to win ners of 1st priies if they have three coants. Remember if you hare one count yon net piano on!v, but if yon nave three counts you get $50 extra. TIMU DDI 7CC 835.00 Extra. We feel early counters should IIITIE iKliCO be rewarded and we wiil aire 125.00 extra to the persoa w in nisp piano if count is mailed by May 15th. AI1D DECDAMCIRIf TVwrsPOn'tle business house, and UUft ALOl UnolDILI I I every prize must be and will be paid as stated. We refer to Iowa National Bank, Central 8tae Bank, German Saying. Baak; in fact any Bank, Expre. Company, business house or individual in Des Moines, as well as Dm or JBradstreets Agency, or the publisher of this paper. Iimrcc We hare wholly disinterested judges te award prises. Here 1. (JU1UG3 what they say: TO WHOM IT MAT CONCERN: W. ha v. .ten asks, hy the trtlUhera ef SUC CESSFUL FARNHNfit ad s Wvt In their wnt.it and cm that prizes art. all iwanM farrty. This w. will ifasl as auarantssittf sack esirtsitsni aksslirts fair irMtmtnt. Sienst-W. W. MORROW, Trsasiirsr Stats sf tern; HUGH MEN NAN, Jutis Bistriet Cert; Rtv. A. J. WKJUAMS. In ease of tie we will write each person so tied asking them to make as few words as possible from the letters of the alphabet, twin letter of the alpkabat twice and only twtoo, end no one word more than omce, each letter left over counting as one word. To the one tied in the counting who gires us the fewest words as above will be awarded first pnie. This practically eliminates all question of tie, bat if there should by aay possibility be a tie ia this the prize will be divided equally be tween these so tying. , , Subscription without counts is 25 cents per year, additional counts after tou have three entered as per our terms in paragraph "condition" aftovemay be entered at 2i cents each. This contest is not to be confused with the (messing or estimating con. tests. Our contest is a teat of skill in planning and counting and the best person wins. Nobody connected with our paper will be allowed to W compete. Contest doses June 80, but get your counts in at once. See ' about time prize sdovb. mrs. l. w. mors. lunu, low. A PIANO PRIZE WINNERS IN PAST CONTESTS A Diana far SI DA 8urlyPPisyter riinnieT I. UU. your contests know lag that they will receive (air treatment. Hew glad I viae te win a plane for so small as amooni and wholly unexpected. The paper alone 1. worth all I paid. HKS. L. W. NOTT , Marion, la. He Wis i Pitno. waSwLaUwyou are uoneat. l get a plan for a arise and avr heard of you until I answered your ad. Tour paper is worth twice the auhaoripUoa prie. W. C ELLIOTT, Audubon, low. Tint! fin Mm I St ray $108 aadlt wastes wluU.UU rnZe. easiest I eer earned. The dots are hard to count but I know the prises go te those who win them fairly. AMY R. BARN KB, Van Horn.lewa. Ml MM P..L To WhsmltBsjOwieorBs NBn wdUU Udsll. I won graadprisoof SIS Cash in last contest. I was muck surprlaod. I waattovoashaste 8uccsstul rarmlntr'a falroass to aary and rybedy. JOHN A. OOODWiM, Klchmead, Va. $50.00 for Canadi.TanVT.rh,rk,ni: Jr.il . M.,t - . . I .III .... fte Tjf,ps;r; UUWI A bwv(v ssm. sjvw b eviia us vejx u nivuev. aw n , m agaia. MISS B. FORNIKB, Maatane, Queeoe W n i'Wf, U.. .D!.., I rasaiKad the oiogant plan wuen i woa in TlOn R rllnl.yeurracant contest, audall was perfectly grand. I an recommending yu to all my Mends and you are at liberty to use my name as reference any time you wish. 1BAAG SHOT WELL, Koaklaad,0 Wo. OTHERS WHO HAVE WONt rB Hrra k. Furtman, Paaola,IlL E. L. Jones, trianOS t Cottar At., Anionla, Coan. Mr. Lib bieGreaUck,St.Faul, Minn. W, b, Kevr, .17 Frseman Bt., Clnclanatl, O. J. OamachUch, Kentlngton, Kan. Edith Hutchinson, Leonard. North Dakota. fim fin Era I. Bncknr, Fredonla, Eas. CL S. Wyman, fl UU Vinton, Iowa. K. M. Hail, Montrose, Ho. J. W. gmltk, Kama, Okla, L.K. Altoona, la. Aadnau,!. tso.eo casii fiCTft 8. Irving Stayer, M6 B. Bait. Baltimore, Md. &Jit Btlnaoo. Areata. CsJlf. A. J. Pardua. Altooi Albert Fetersoa, Uoldrogo, Me. Chaa. MoBiide, Peoria. 1U. Jos. Unser, BoUotIow, O. Mrs. V. BU B toner, granger, la. gDSKMii potramn, Mataaa, QotkM ' THESE ARE BUT A PEW BP MANY. WE COULD GIVE A LIST OP HUN. BREOS. YOU MIGHT AS WELL, BC A WINNER IP YOU 00 AT IT AT OMCE. PPBlisher SUCCESSFUL FAnm, Ta at, bes Meines, lews. I encloeo I..... ...i....... for sebseription to arccxssriJL Farmtno, and I wtab tn enter the f write ladles' or ffents') Contest If S1.00 is paid send three counts; if only 60c is paid seud ONLY ONE count. The extra S50.00 go only to tnose having tukjus or more counts entered. My count is; (1) (S) NAMB f.0 .(3), .State. fiddress all letters to SUCCESSFUL FARfJUiG, 481 Tenth, St.. Des lloines, Iowa. i : "VAC KING TMK BEC1I- Attorney Gensral McCarter of New Jersey accuses the president of quiz zing proftp-etive federal judges on ttwHr opinions and. probable decisions in cases affecting his policies. Theoretical ly this is a serious charge. When un der former regimes people suspected that federal judges were being appoint ed with reference to their hostUity to such policies as the president now represents, their protest was long and loud. Now the people do not protest, hut the interests which had the sub lime faith in the courts in that other time are now frantic over the alleged pHokirg of the bench. And unfortun ately, wbnt have the lawyers to show In cvii'ence that such packing of the bench as the president Is accused of doii.sr i not about as necessary to the public welfare as "packing" the senate with the riht sort of men? Even President Lincoln decided after somo experience that as between two candi dates, one witli opinions that met hi own ldiis of public policy, and another who dul nut he felt a good deal ensitr to appoint to the beruh the one who uii. with hi:n. If the law wfre.a t hin.tr to be inet'd out with a yardstlcK it mH'lit b uHicreiit. Hut most of our epochal supreme court decisions come by about as close a vote as the presi dential election. The people have no ticed this. Mr. Dooley onc observed that whether the constitution follows the flag or not, he had noticed that it usually followed the "miction" re AUTOMOBILE SPEED. Tlurteeu Lincoln blocks make om mile. A vehicle covering the distance from street to street in one minute is going a trifle faster than five miles an hour, in a quarter of a minute over twenty miles, in ten seconds between thirty and thirty-five miles. The laws governing the speed of automobiles In Nebraska were passed with the sup port of the automobile interests, and cannot be said to be in any sense se vere. The city is forbidden by the state law to make any additional regulation except as it applies to automobiles kept fop hire. Owners are required to register their machines with the secre tary of state at an expense of one dol lar, and display a number of piclfled legibility. Tho speed limit in the most crowded part of the city is ten miles nn hour, more than street cars are technically allowed. The necrelary of state Is informed that the law govern ing registration and numbering is not being generally obeyed. Automobilists recount as a common experience that they lose all sense of speed in the ex hilaration of rapid motion. The fre quency with which the big machines can be seen almost any hour of tho day on the broad Eleventh street pavement making their six blocks a minute, thirty miles an hour, proves the assertion to people who never set foot in an automobile. Some laws are too severe to be enforced. The automo bile law seems to be too lax to be worth enforcing. STANDARD OIIS DEFEAT. Standard Oil impregnability cannot survive an indefinite number of earth quakes like that in Chicago. Six weeks ago the company was brought to trial for something like two thous and violations of the anti-rebate laws. The trial was not a delvlog for proofs. Those were matters of record and un disputed; It was instead six weeks of horseplay by the Standard Oil attor neys with no Apparent end but to Htave off the evil day for a time. First the law was attacked because ofa flimsy technicality connected with the now interstate commerce law. Judge Lan dia promptly squelched that motion. Then 'the Standard attorneys proposed to force the government to identify the signatures on every bill of lading of fered In evidence, some thousands of them. Tho defense was set up of ig norance of the regular rate. How then, they argued, could they know they were getting rebates? Judge Lan dis instructed the jury that It was the company's business to know the legal rate. The jury voted guilty on the first ballot. The minimum line is $1,463,000, about three per cent of a year's net earnings. The maximum is 529.260,000. If this amount were levied, and the de cision escapes all the deadfalls between the court at Chicago and the court at Washington, the line proof profits of the Standard Oil company for this year would be only a measly fifteen per cent on the capital invested. DISAGREEMENT. The return of the jurymen with the announcement that they could not agree, standing seven to Ave for a verdict of murder In the first degree, is a dash of salt water in the face of the sentimentalists who wanted to see Harry Thaw acquitted. Whether he is eventually convicted, released or sent to the madhouse, this failure to acquit offhand will have a salutary effect. It shows that it is not so easy for a murderer to go scot free, even if he has unlimited financial resources, the most skilled legal defenders and Is able to make a powerful appeal to the "unwritten law" In a way to cause the wells of sentiment to overflow. Life Is held too cheaply in this country. Homicide Is our national crime. Acquittal in this case would have encouraged scores of murders of tho same kind in the next year. When the presiding judge held the jurors to a rigid adherence to the law, telling them that they must And the man guilty of one of three grades of mur der' or acquit him on the ground of insanity, he brushed away at one breath a cloud of rose colored vapor that had been hung about Thaw's de fense. A verdict of guilty of murder would have been better, but inconclusive as it Is the failure to acquit adds to the value of life and to the respect for law In the United States. TAFT'S JOVRNEYINGS. Secretary Taft has left Cuba with Its hostile factions and divergent interests habiad Um. JTluuisb. ha i Ui nnf prnmlflB the radicals an immediate election 0 the timid capitalists a prolonged Amer ican occupation,, he seems to have sat isfied everybody that everybody was to be dealt with fairly, and no sore spots are left behind. He is now in Porto Rico, where conditions are not serious, jnst a little fidgeting among the lead ers because they cannot yet have' their own way in all things; a trifle of re sentment because congress declined to quiet their title to be citizens either of the - United States or of Porto Rico. Secretary Taft will not apologize, for the shortcomings of congress, but the Porto Ricans know that he is fighting all the time for justice for the scatter ing Americas whose people have no representation In congress and are therefore likely to be forgotten by that body. Here Is a sight the people of the United States may wait long to see again hence they would better take notice now; a candidate for president of the United States turning his back on the American king with a vote, de voting himself Instead to carrying the square deal to unrestful wards in the West Indies and the unfranchised datto of the Philippines. Starch Digostod Sy Halt Extract Free Kaploffd fa ImmcsM Factory WJikb lake. Tat Wtrld'i iMt rerftct tti. Ono great food factory In the United States Is provided thousands of people with the Ideal wheat food which perfectly nourishes and supports every part of the body without taxing the weakest diges tion. This food IsMalta-Vita. It Is made . form choicest whole wheat, throughly washed, cleaned and steam cooked In the cleanest food factory In the world Since the enriient Hires wheat has been riiirrii-.i1 a:i the natural fixid of man kind. HcicntiHis ((infirm this and hive provt-d that It Is the only food on earth pmdiH ts whfch contains every Hi men t of food mpiircd by the human race from Infancy to old ik In Malta-Vita the pitokmi whoat Is ttilxd with pure barley malt exlrwet which converts the March ItiUi maltose (also called malt u(rr, or srapo sugar) Just a saliva do with the starch of ordinary food when tf.; n thro ughly rhfwed, Thus Malta-Vita, "the Perfect food." Is practically irdlgijid. It Is prompt v absorbed by th Wowl and convert r-d Into frurpv of brain and Ndy whl hf-r It m thrmigHty chewed ! not. Maltn-Vlta hi'tN-r than nv other food mpr'twnts every c-teinrnf riulrpd for health and vigor. It Is d-dlrlotm to tha t.iate, s Tamable It th moit fl:cnte n'om.irh and I'iffkty nsxlndlatr .1 without d"rit,rrr fh H'sl r "nualn- f-hy . .!! rt It ltit.1e up nnd .tn.Hn. I. Jus .tin ii fa hH r murt, (i. rvs Sn.t f-lrifl i utir ,i rr t '"-i th pin hf !. O t n u t 1 fti'n f oer I'rr". ""li'-d i,r!i?H j i !; i SHINN'5 COPPER CABLE r rr - B J LIGHTNING RODS ; 3 I" 7- . TM I the Genuine Care Soft Copper Cable Com , - ... i "i,L'' "'"' duciore, made of the bet grad of topper wire poe- - I- 'tf sibte to buy. Taoa.aada ol? bulldlags bavo been pro- I . , ui: with oar system of CaUo, tact ceo of -which -.--- ViJ . t , ' -' . ' 2 if v u "i .tarda as proof of their absolute protH?tloo. " ( t"! '1Z-IhJf K m"'V '-im : ThVVesteni Kire Iiniranre Co.,of Lincoln, and the .C: Cr i(t''r !., s.; - National Mutual Fire Inaursnc Co., of Omaha, two ' ". f r-' il t ' " leading Insurance eomiaalee, are making a liberal " 't K ' ' discn.uot an insursne, where our cbl Is ua-nt , L;7 'iVPV & ti' ' ' -2 1 1 1113 13 I VIDI.NCC TO YOU OP TUB VALUR lvJV tXiV O. - : l. r,:V-tr ;-4e7V;i op our wokk. ' "-ri l 'ii More Oaalsrs Wanted to Handle Our Ooods 4.1( ijl ..iV fe'iillVd W. C. SHINN, Manufacturer i ' &C '''itULEJ FACTORY 322 S. HTH ST., LINCOLN. NfU. Lli'Ni, M flfl