The Hebrccha Independent JANUARY 24, 1907 TBI mm 9-1 6 you have ever sent an order to Sears. Roebuck & Co. you mar be entitled to receive from them, FREE OF ANY COST TO YOU OF ANY KIND, one or more of the valuable articles illustrated hereon, this by reason of our LATEST REVISED AND MOST LIBERAL PROFIT SHARING PLAN, far more liberal than ever before.' EZflB "E3D ILCjDnL C7FEQ, 6JD IIU L1EUISEB 025.00 Pu37IT SI EEJCS'PLfin I- VAII 11119 ls sad have received freta m ir 1 UU Prott Sfessiag CertMcaass amounting te t ipdi $949, you ess aow iujlHb from us free la exohangelor yostr ftfSjQO la Prot Enaraas Certtanatea. your choice of any of the articles liros Hated bamm, or your eheseeot Bsy others, at shewn in our new rertsenana imprevea nee ran bning mob. wiw ana aw pian. not anly ct far TJMia value fcr thir moavey than they can get elsewhere, bnt they get a Profit Sharing Certificate for too full amount of each purchase, and now for the first time they can exchange the Profit Snaring Certificates when tier nave amounted to only $25.00 for their choice of an almost endless variety of very valuable goods. In this way you save two-fold, make a big saving in cost on the goods you buy and you have returned to yon a liberal portion of all the money you for our NEW FREE Prafl Stasias' Book sod loan itoat our latest PEOPLE UiSO C3YCSD5 RTJ C2t3,r.0E:i a co. send ns la the value we now give to those who bare; purchased as much aa 2.uu worm 01 goons nwn us. IMfJY rjTIl Cl that ferasarty reqoirad 1 10040 la certificate taJI feUllkbtf secure are bow givao for only $23.00, fluey that more recently retro tred from $50.00 to 1 100.00 in certificates to secure, are now given for only $25.00 in certificates. A great many more valuable articles are bow being given, wonderfully valuable articles. Including pianos, organs, baggies, sewing machines, rich and valuable furniture, watches and other goods, are now given free to our custo mers for a surprisingly small amount In Profit Sharing Certificates. It's all explained in our free Profit Sharing Book. Possibly you already have as much as 826.00 in Prolt Hharing Certificates; If so, and you wteh any of the articles shown hereon free, send us $26.00 in cer tificates, state which of these articles you want, and it will be sent to y free at once; or. better still, if you have $25.00 or more in our Profit Sharing Cert locates write for OCT free Profit Sharing Book and make your This rich, kit; gold f ioisbed metal stand or parlor taWe,wlth a haw, same, rich, onyx ized top, a beauti ful stand, 30 inches high, top 15x15 inches, is one of Uie richest goM fin ished metal onyx teed ton stands made, wnlLbesent free to any cus tomer of ours in exchange for Profit Sharing Certifi cates amounting to $25.00. This hand o me fur piece, a fine brown Bel gium coney fur, is made fa the very latest style, and has two tabs, one overlapping the other, trimmed with silk oma ,ment in front and chenille trimmings at bottom of tabs, lined throughout with sateen to match, an up to date, stylish neckpiece and is fiven free in exchange for roflt Sharing Certifi cates amounting to only szo.uu This big, rich, beautiful bantjosc temp will be fur nished free in exchange for Profit Sharing Certificate amounting to $25-00. The latest style for this season, beautifully decorated 1 n floral decoration; has a very large base and globe, rich, heavy metal stand, extra high grade burner. Lamp stands 20 inches high, and, indeed, is a valuable lamp and goes free for $25.00 In profit Snaring Certificates. T h i (handsome. big, beautifully etn bossed and decor ated cobbler seat rocking chair, an extra law, hand some, strong and well finished chair, a chair suitable lor any home, is now given In exchange for Profit Sharing Certificates amounting to only $25.00. Sr3 This handsome sew style ladies' mackin tosh or raincoat wttl ko furnbbed free in exchange far profit Sharing Certificate, amouating to May $25.00. This Is a very bsndsorae gar ment, made from an extra quality Quaker gray Berkley cloth. The inside of the coat Is a light weight brown cloth, ft is beautifully finished throughout; a handsome, stylish garment. Comes in size 32 to 44 bust measure, length 54 to 58 inches, is really an exceptional value and we give It free in exchange for Pmttt Hharine Cer tificates amounting to onlyl$25.00. This complete and handsome violin outfit, a real Stradivarius model violin, complete with raw, bow, resin. Instruction book and all, all given tor Profit Sharing Certificates amounting to only $2510. Fully described in our FREE PROFIT SHAR1NQ BOOK, This big, handsome, latest style men's waterproof mackintosh or. rriiKoat, a coat that can be worn either as a rasa coat or overcoat, a really high grade and val uable article of wearing ap parel, will be sent to any customer in exchange for Profit Sharing Certificates amounting to only $25.00. I'hls coat Is made in the very latest style, made from a good quality gray covert waterproof cloth, fancy plaid waterproof lining, made In the latest double breasted style, with velvet collar and three outside pockets, a handsome, large, ehowy and durable coat,' and if you will send us Profit Snaring Certificates amounting to only $25.00, state your size, height and weight, number ot Incites around bodv at breasts we will be pleased to send yea the coat free. u ... This bandsesae boys' two-piece knee pants suit made of wear resisting onion eassinere, for boys 8 to 14 years of age, given free In exchange for Profit Shar ing Cert incites amounting to only $25.00. Send us your certificates, state age Of boy, be snre to order No. 4OPS40$, and get this suit free. This big, band to me, prac tical, substantial, full sized washing machine given free in exchange for Profit Shar ing Certificates amounting -to $25.00. Wonderfully more liberal than ever before. This washing ma chine is made of carefully selected lumber, has heavy rustless galvanized iron bottom, remov able corrugated rubbers, is nicely finished nutaide and in, all iron parts are Japan ned; Inside dimensions are 19x28x13 inches; the machine weighs complete 45 pounds, is one of the strongest, simplest, most durable and practical washing machines on the market, and will be sent free to any customer of ours at any time in exenange fori Profit Sharing Certificates amotmt- Ing to only $25.00. This handsome, extra larze. hiah Jrade. beautifully ecorated bronze finish metal mantel clock, a clock standing 18 Inches high, 15 inches wide, an excellent time keeper, a really valuable article given in exchange for Profit Shar ing Certificates amounting to only $25.00. sT iC S .rSr f : I L J. Sewing Machines, Furniture, Buggies, Harness, Organs, Pianos, Fine Curtains, Rugs, Silverware, Watches, Dinner. Sets, tc are now given FREE by us for a sur prisingly small amount in Profit Sharing Certificates, at! explained in the FREE PROFIT SlUklNO CATALOGUE, election from the enormous assortment now shown. If you have never sent us orders borrow a catalogue from your neighbor or send to usTor a big 1300-page catalogue, which we will mail you free, start atones, and as soon as your orders have amounted to $25X0 or more, you can exchange the certificates we send you tor your cbosos ot an almost) end less variety or valuable merchandise. TELL ALL Y0U.1 FrJE.3 OT.E that we have now gens en to a $25.00 basis, sad that many articles aid that were heretofore furnished on the basis ot $50.00 to $100.ftJ are now furnhthed for only $25.00 In certificates. If any of your neigh bors have Profit Sharing Certificates amounting to $2&00 or more, tell them to be sure to write to us at once for our latest Free Profit Sharing Book. Don't fail to Unit write for our latest new FREE Profit Sharing Book, Just off the press, and see ail the valuable articles you can now get FHKK for your eertlflcatw amounting to $25.00 and upward. This beautiful golden ask park table, latest style, SO Inches high, top bj 24x24 inches, a very attractive piece of furniture, is given free by us for only $25.00 in Profit Shar ing Certificates, a wonderful offer.. , ... This magnificent turned glass bowl and stand and twelve beautiful tups toroatch, is now given by us free for Profit Shar ing Certificates amounting to only$25.O0, a more generous share of our profits than ever before, Howl is9M inches high and 10 Inches in diameter; cups are full slue, all latest pattern, beauU fuily cut, very brilliant, TO A crayon 'portrait, photograph of any Indi vidual, enlarged to life size, framed in this rich, gold finished frame and given free In exchange for Profit Sharing Cer tificates amounting to only $25.00. V 1 This fine rifle with stset barrsTani ssasooed waist stock, will shoot either 22 short or long cartridges. Is now Erven by us free for nnlv szo.w in rront nnarmg ueruncasea. Tins snous a feu cf ki miMtm mm at wakukla Mrtrlea. mm at wtrfch war heretofore fiiiolilml as 14000 aarf inward 1st certificates, which we now give to our customers in exchange tor Profit Sharing Certifi cates amounting to only $25.00. Many more are offered la our trig, free Preni Sharing Book, still more valuable articles, at $.10.00, $40.00 and upward; rich, valuable parlor, bedroom, dining room and other furniture, a vast variety of nwchantlise now riven la exchange for a surprisingly small amount in Profit Sharing CertficaUss. IF YOU IIAYESltlT US OHDEklS prised how much more your Profit Sharing Certificates are now worth than when you received them, and if you are holding Profit Sharing Certificates amounting to $25.00 or more, don't tail to write for our latest free Profit Sharing Book. Write us on s postal card or in a letter and simply say: "Send me your free Profit Sharing Book," and you will get the big, new, revised book by return mail, postpaid, free. oun FPUS DIG CATALOGUE IS FREE 0037 CUT AttYTim AUYUiZLE until you see In onr free Profit Sharing Book what we are grving to otnr customers free. If you need anything ot any kind today send your order to us. If you haven't one of our big catalogues and can't borrow one in your Immediate neighborhood, write for It. We will send yon the big 1300-pace book by return mall, postpaid, free. Just write us a letter or a postal and say, ' Send me your Big Catalogue." and the big 1300-page book will go to you Immediately by return mail, free and postpaid. It is a better catalogue than ever, the great est money saving book In the world. Then get your order to us, get your Profit Sharing Certificates started, and when they amount to $25.00 or more there is hardly any end to the variety of valuable articles you can get free. You will be surprised what a big part ot all the money you send us will go back to you in your own selection of valuable articles we win send you free ot cost, the articles that you may choose to select from our big free Profit Snaring Book. ADD11ESS. UGH ft' G0., 0(S0, DLL ki aweaBawwaaaaw vaBmaapam m a law providing for the draintage of swamp lands, but this bill is designed to be wider in application. It Is feared thiit should a test come, swamp lands would not include the land that is sub ject to overflow by a river. The new law gives power to "drain wet land; and land subject to overflow; and any land which will be improved by drain age; to build dykes and levees; to construct, straighten, widen deepen or alter .any ditch, drain, stream pi water course; to riprap or otherwise protect the bank of any stream or ditch; to construct, enhirge extend improve or maintain any drainage system; to con struct, enlarge, extend improve or maintain any system of control or sur face water or running water; and the rights, obligations and powers of such corporations, Including the power of eminent domain, the creation of debts, issuing of negotiable bonds and the ' levying of special assessments on such real istate and easements therein as may be benefited by such public work." LetcUlatora YUit NorfolU. NORFOLK, Neb., Jan. 21. Over-a dozen state legislators of Nebraska visited the Norfolk insane hospital during the day for the purpose of recommending an appropriation with an understanding 'f tj institution's nM-tN. lr. U. A. Young, the new fu iwrlnlendent, gave to each of th; visi tors a typewritten statement of what w eonMdeivU mn-ded by the Institu tion. It talis for an appropriation of JdT.ft for innv building. Dr, Youna states that a new hos pital for tl" aoul fetnaU iusm a neeii l. I Iim. H m t MiiiuaK u. wuii tost u would br unlike either the cottages or th new reconstructed vet WlnK, but would I'efteinble the win. A new UaKi! for the male t liri'fih rUM-H 1-4 lied.'d, whirl! would t'.i,t t.'u.Ofto, A n'W t aide capable of cartnic for thtiromrhbri-d stock. In order that u large quantity and good quality1 .f milk may be hid, Ik n ed.iL ThN would owl $T,S, Th Institution I now m crowd 4 that dormitories for the famale pa ttrniti are tn ius lilted up In the attic ot cottage ttnd Ihrre in the jjarrett th-) mfortunttt-Jt ,,,P lefiUMe the Plain t'a not provided more room. 1 Mnlng ro om in the mil tH are leinij mail ltt i.rmil'Mie. He dinint room Win? -iU to the u-uu-uh-nt and the heating plants which were in the cellars are being concentrated into one main heating plant. . There are at present forty patients from northern Nebraska in the Lin coln hospital, who came originally from this hospital, and were transferred to Lincoln at the time of the fire. There never has been enough room here for the return of those forty patients to their own hospital. Their families want them here, that they may visit them more easily. The institution now has a capacity for 250 patients. The natural rate of increase would bring 140 more above the sixty to leave in the next two years and this, with the forty brought back from Lincoln, would make 400 by the time the next legislature meets. Lincoln has asked for a new building, but Dr. Young contends that if the forty from Lincoln are returned, the claim of Lincoln for a new building will be invalidated. Dr. Young and other Insane hospital authorities are much In favor of a bill providing that each insane hospital in the state care for iU own acute cases, which would ci.ange the Hastings asy lum from one for the incurable to one like that at Lincoln or here. Annexation Arar Off. Annexation of Omaha and South Omaha, an object dear to the com mercial interests of Omaha find fav ored under certain conditions by many In South Omaha, appears as fur off as it was two years ago when the tltlon In boots from .South Omaha swooped down on represcntallve Mike Ixe and made his promise to kill his annexa tion bill. Home predict that the Itongtas !ee gatlon will not agree on a bill. There was no mku tif agreement la.t evn Ing when tih four of the twelve Ioiiga delegate met to Ifilk. There were present Senator Thomas and OlMon ami Hcprrst nt.illves t'larke and JJarvey. Mr. Urhn, representing the coiiun. rcl il IntercM of Omaha had wlili him a bill providing for annex t. Hon by legislative rnactment and with, nit consent of the Inhabitants of ihe cllir atTected, tllbort f South Omaha N rtahl to b opposed to this and is n.tld nt to be eager for annexation, und.-r any conditions. Mike l.ei will piotKibly lu.l.l on having hi Mil parsed. It provides for the content of the p.ople ef the tw i Itle.s, As long a lh' louglas men fail l aree they have little hope to secure the agree ment of the legislature on a bill. Those who favor annexation urge it on the ground of economy in city government. The question of legislating city. .officers . out of their positions is perplexing. None care to legislate anyone out of cftice. Interurban Bill. H. R. No. 1, by Lee of Douglas, and S. F. No. 25, by Thomas of Douglas, to permit street railway companies to own stock in and to connect with in terurban railroad companies, occupied the attention of the house railroad and the senate judiciary committee yes terday. The bill was championed by G. YV. Wattles of Omaha, who ap peared before both committees. The senate committee decided at once that the measure was worthy of passage and after amending It to make sure that only street railway companies in corporated under the laws of Nebraska should, have advantage of its pro visions recommended it for passage. The house committee had held one session on the measure before and In vited the gentlemen interested to ap pear last night and explain it. Mr. Wattles said Ihe bill was simply to simplify relations existing between the two classes of companies and to per mit Interurlmn companies to enter cities without going to the trouble of securing an individual right of way. It was purely a business matter and Mr. Wattles thought a meritorious measure. C T. Hoggs of Lincoln was Inclined to object to the measure as he thought the provision entitling the holders of the ;:t:ul; to fr!l and .ldiliomU provision that Interurban companies may cxirel,. the rlht of eminent do main might lve some advantage that did f"t Hpp ar on the surface if the measure. The committeemen listened to the discussion and Went Into executive e Mon, arriving at no decision in regard to Ihe measure. It is likely, however, that the bill will be recommended t pa vs. Iniemrbin companies already ps-ei the risjht of eminent domain. Some committeemen lliooaht tft.t ht',1 initfht be a way to rvintu-illy give railroad eomptnh. oj way into cltlen but It was thought by other that this would brt Impossible without t b inning thrt clui Wm of ntreet rail i way co! n pan lea, BIG STOCK SHOW AT DENVER Nothing. Ever Held to Compare to .;,',. Thin Exhibition. DENVER, ' Jan. "217 Th connection " ' with thij convention of the American national live stock association, the western stock show association is holding its second annual exhibition at the Denver stock yards. Of this show Col. W. EL Skinner, who conceived and carried to success the recent interna tional live stock exhibition at Chicago, said: "Relatively there has never been a show in the United States to equal this one in Denver. This show marks an epoch in the improvement of live stock which portends wonderful re-' suits for agriculture In this section." FINED FOR COCK FIGHTING Three Cuban Statesmen Kaplniit How It AH Unopened. HAVANA, Jan. ?.i.-Jose Miguel Gomez, the liberal candidate, ex-Congressman Medleta and General Monte agudo, the two latter also being lib erals, were lined $50 this morning for' cock fighting. General Pino Guerra, the ex-revolutionary leader, was to have appeared In court on the sanw charge but excused hruself on account of illness. The defendants claimed they did not Intend to break the law, but only wlshet! to make a demonstration of Cuba's national uport to ome high American army officer. BILLS PASSEDJN THE HOUSE Hiacvsftion of the Treaty , Maktasr I'linrr hy hHy, WASHINGTON, Jan. S.-Th houso to. lit ,,.iufa Ihrt attrtlu!il.,it t. uri.t a'in 4ii hk r i atireprUiloii bill which carrier tnnre than n..ti,..i .... , , . . ...tit...,. .?. ..',' , uiiii (( miiii iijr m I'lT-'i'T CHI carries il0lj,tv1. Hiirtnic consideration of Ihe ttlptorritths hitt speeches were made by lteprr nt. ;k..,h,. nf ! r nf m -L- v r.n 't.s Milking ier," by HepresruMiHe !Uv (den of Texn. v, ho irgd a more UlHral . i , i . . . - . i .. . , ...... of .bi'tentAlUi appointment, and by Itep - resentitUV l.oegworth ef OH'o hn st'1' ! In fter t the t'rdtd Jitates oae'u h I reUhoH-c of its fareiga ri'reentj,Ur.i