3 7 JANUARYS, 1907 Summary off Merjo Socialists at Lodz deal death to force 100,000 workmen on strike. Six are killed and twelve wounded. - James Bryce, newly appointed Brit ish ambassador to the United States, though 68 years of age, is a tireless athlete, according to word from Lon don. - Having failed by every other means to wean his youngest son, Prince Aug ustus William, from socialistic ten dencies, Emperor William arranges his engagement to PLrincess Alexandra Victoria, whom he relies on to' tame her fiance. Proposal for a tunnel under the British channel, which engineers say is practicable, may be defeated by the opposition of English military men, who hold that the tube would be, a peril. Travel may be made easy by an as sociation which will be started by a German duke, tho purpose of which will be to aid wanderers, obtaining for them discounts at hotels and investi gating cases of imposition. King Edward and his holiday hunt ing party at Sandringham are com pelled to abandon their sport by one of the heaviest snow storms England has had in many years. Deer hunt during the opn season in Ontario Province, it is estimated at Ottawa, was the greatest in the his tory of Canada in point of game slaughtered. Ambiguous bulletins give little idea of real condition of King Oscar and his recovery is considered doubtful New separation measure, giving the government- power to deal severely with the Roman Catholic church, is adopted by the French senate. National congress of Indiana, in ses sion at Calcutta, cheers the declara tion by a speaker that the people should demand home rule, the same as granted the Boers, whom they help ed to conquer. Archbishop Ireland's statement re garding the Vatican-France controver sy does not find favor with thee hurch authorities in Rome because of the American prelate's criticism of the French clergy. Joseph Letter and his mother, in an automobile, run over and killed a boy in Washington, and their chauf feur is under arrest. Giving no signs of the agony caused by two bullets which her husband fired into her head, Mrs. John O'Rourke of Morris Park, L. I., feigns death until her spouse, thinking him self a murderer, kills himself. "Fainting Bertha," the notorious Chicago shoplifter, escaped for the sec ond time from the Insane hospital in Elgin. Samuel Reymer and his young wife, formerly Nellio Paris, a dancing girl, were reunited in Pittsburg with tho family of theh usband after an es trangement of almost two years. Mrs. Mario Elsio Ilalfour, who lived in a shanty In I)a Angeles, ends her life, leaving a fortune, which no one knew she possessed, to tho jvoor, rending move by the government to bring about a settlement of the itrlko of firemen and englnemen cm Tho Nebraska the Southern Pacific, the situation re mains unchanged, both sides claiming gains. One of the largest office buildings In Denver is damaged by fire to the extent of $200,000 and one of the fin est libraries in the west is completely ruined. Many prominent ministers and citi zens of New York, Including J. Pier pont Morgan, sign an appeal to Sec retary Root asking the moral support of the United States of a movement to - correst abuses of the natives of the Congo Free State. Bill to disbar illiterates from voting in Missouri, which is said to be aimed at the negroes, will be urged in the legislature of that state. Expert estimates demand for wheat In northwest for the first eight months of 1907 will be 10 per centl ess than for the same period of 1906. Negroes seized the town of Waha- lak, Miss., kill three white men and threaten to massacre the entire white population of the place. Coroner's jury finds freight crew re sponsible for the wreck at Enderlin, N. D., - in which nine persons were killed and forty-five injured, and cen sures "Soo" road for employing in experienced men. At New Orleans it is reported that the gateway for transcontinental freight over the Southern Pacific road is closed by the striking firemen, but officials of the road claim that all passenger trains are running regu larly. J. G. Phelps tSokes withdraws his support from the West Side Y. M. C. A. of New York because it has estab lished classes in real estate and stock investments, declaring such teachings to be un-Christlike. - Children of orthodox Jewish fami lies in New York boycott the public schools because of the Christmas ex ercises. Three persons have frozen to death in the frigid weather which hold New York. "Grandma" Ella Marks, who cele brated her 114th birthday in New York, and was once 5 feet 8 inches tall, is now 4 feet 6 inches, and grow ing shorter. The Christmas mail in the New York postoffice broke all previous records, the number of letters" and packages in four days totalling over 500 million. Judge Duncan of the common pleas court at Findlay, Ohio, holds that probate court has no jurisdiction in anti-trust suit against the Standard Oil company and throws out verdict of guilty against the company. Pop receives 517 survivors of the pontifical army and exchanges Christ mas greetings with them, thanking them for their services in the past as defenders of the papacy. George W. Perkins, partner of J. P. Morgan, and Charles S. Fairchild, for mer president of the New York Se curity and Trust Company, are Indict ed on six counts charging tho New York Life lusuranco company by a New York grand Jury. James J. Hill announces that he will Independent retire from active business July 1, and will be succeeded by his son in control of enterprises. Attack on the university of Wiscon sin and the normal and other schools of that state is made by Superintend ent Cary, who tells the Wisconsin Teachers' association in Milwaukee that little progress has been made in fifty years. Reorganization of the public school system of Illinois and the appointment by the legislature of a commission to determine what steps shall be taken to this end are advocated by the State Teachers' association at its con ventlon. Alexander J. Cassatt, president of the Pennsylvania railroad, died sud denly of heart disease. New York corporation counsel plan ning to sue electric lighting compa nies for $3,600,000, alleged to be over charges on bills to thee ity during the last six years. Mrs. Russell Sage gives out a state ment in New York saying residents of other cities need not apply for aid from her, and that she will be in no hurry to distribute her wealth to charity. Governor Davidlson, in his message to the Wisconsin legislature, will urge the Massachusetts plan for control of public service corporations.' Revision of the state school laws after a study of systems prevailing in the United States and abroad is suggested by Governor Deneen who, in an address to the State Teachers' association at Springfield, advocates the appointment of a committee by the legislature for the work. In junction to prevent the Great Northern Railroad company, James J. Hill and the other officers of the road from proceeding with the proposed 60 million dollar increase of stock is ask ed at St. Paul by Attorney General Young, who alleges violation of the law. Drastic action, which may mean seizure of a railroad, Is threatened by Governor Gooding of Idaho In a let ter to Interstate Commerce Commis sioner Lane. The executive blames the entire coal famine in his state on the Oregon Short Line, which, he says, simply seeks big dividends. Justice Blschoff at New York sus tains "Judge" Andrew Hamilton's de murrers to the suits of the New York Life to compel him to account for $574,250, but holds he must account for $75,000 given him to pay taxes.' Another Milwaukee boodler pleads guilty and is fined, former Supervisor August Puis admitting that he re ceived $50 for his vote and agreed to accept $50 more. Decks are cleared at Washington for a great struggle over President Roose velt's discharge of the negro troops, and an unusually exciting debate In the senate Is looked for. Secretary Root Bays the state de partment will take no action In regard to the Con so beyond urging th Bel gtan government to do everything In its power to ameliorate the condition of the blacks. Decision In lower court" fining En rico Caruso for annoying women Is affirmed by-Recorder Goff In New York and there U no appeal. Wisconsin teachers. In session at uals. Since Madison, tablo President Resides from plan to Introduce target practlceny other schools, but Indorse his spelling. Switz- Charles S. Fairchild, former se.wlth tary of the United States treaeurnce, now in Rome, Is greatly surprised to., learn by cable of his indictment la New York and that George W. Perkins in connection with the insurance scan dals and denies that he derived any profit personally. ,' . Secretary of Commerce and Labor Straus appoints a commission In Washington to inquire into the steer age law. ' Henry C. Morris of: Chicago, speak ing at tho convention of the American Political Science association at Provi dence, U. I., declares that cheap labor in America's insular possessions men aces good wages and tho high stand ard of living. Ekern and LcRoy lead in the race for election as speaker of the new Wisconsin assembly. . Senator Beverldge and Vice Presi dent Fairbanks open fight which is to be waged in the Indiana legislature, the senator seeking the enactment of a primary law as the only chance of defeating tho Fairbanks forces. PATENTS that PROTECT I On Li W" J noKX ir inniun BUMII oa fOMlplal aaU. ft (4 MM R-S.A A. B.KCEy, Washington. n.C. Estab. 1861 PRIVATE maternity home; best med ical attention; baby adopted. Work for part expenses. Mrs. Sherman, 1701 Mo. Ave., Kansas City, Mo. XHE BEST YET We have 200 highly improved farms in Morris, , Wabaunsee, and Gary counties easterh Kansas. The lands are the best In the state for the .tsM--ey. For wheat, oats, corn, alfalfa, blue grass and fruits, these counties stand at the head. We have a larger land list than any dealers in the coun tryfor farms in the highest state of cultivation. We have 8,000 acres ' which was formerly a ranch divided into quarters just on the market, no better land in the state of Kansas, which we are selling at from' $20 to $30 per acre. Send for price list. , Highest references. WOODS INVESTMENT COMPANY, Lincoln, Neb. OUR SEEDS, PLANTS, Roses, Dulbs, Vines, Shrubs, FRUIT Ar ORNAMENT. AU TKKfcM hare bum the etandnrrt of excellence (or oror hjf a oeutary. You take no chance In buying ot '-'"''S5v U8 no fr priww are Cvv ynoUxlonliigh qoauty (roods. inctory in result. We mall ixxttp&Id, llom, 1' Inula, Jielae, Vine, t'.to.. on;l guarantee eefe arrival eal eaUataetina, larmtw by aipreta or fraicht. You will be iotereated in oar extraordinary cheap oflVr of over half a hundred choice collection ot Keeda, Plant, it aate, Kte. Your addreaa on a ptatal will Urintf yoa ear ir;aat 1 (tH-page Catalogue 1'KEtC K'wB'l far it today and te what value we tflre for ft IttOe money. 6J year. 44 green noara, I'SC acre. Til II MTORHS A. II A Kill SON CC BOX S21, PA1NE8VILLE, OHIO. Kt If thn Wftrlii- A Irvl f fr JA lik anrtjF Thm lklisuraft n4 hx-a jel WIUTI we e w a e w - e m e en v mm bowk ever iKiturri, A pnaUl will brinr it. KATKKIN'S SCKD HOUSE, Shcnfcndo4h, low. !r rprt Need Cin grewer in th worw) Hntch Chickens by I 8tcnm with tho Jexcelsior incubator Or WOODEN HEN I I intpW, ferfwt. fif rtntlatin. I iuu h vry fertile eat. U"4 I ttl f ft l helcii'ia na. ' fen t free t 1 to. U. MIAUL, iaUai iW- laiaUaJV.