The Nebraska Independent JANUARY 3, 1907 r!VVAVVVyVVVVvVv Vv VSV W vV Yr vv v vv Y 7 w vV JvV W vV VV vV TV! siUUK GREATEST JA: CLEARING 10 31 v-4 SALE.. I vo 8 ., .j) Mild weather has been your ally. Today we offer you a larger stock than we ever did In . Januarymore styles, more sizes, more fabrics. Every garment on our great clothing floor is in thU Mle' fUl1 drCM 8Uit and un,form8 excePted All our Suits, Overcoats, Raincoats and Trousers, not a single garment left out and all marked at prices which mean a clean saving of ip from 20 to 50 per cent from our regular prices, which are, as everyone knows, at least 20 per cent less than any other clothing store in Nebraska. 2 This Sale Lays Claim To Your for the reason that the goods offered are of the finest make and latest style. Very Particular Attention The product of such well known, high grade wholesale tailors as Hart, Schaffner and Marx, Steln-Bloch Co., HIrsh, Wjckwlre & Co., are here and make up fully 90 per cent of the goods offered, hence the man who Is in a position to take advantage of this sale cheapens his clothing bills without cheapening his clothing. It is simply the best sale we have ever arranged for the people and we predict that it will be the areatest success we have ewer atemn r wvwa Mttvniiiivui .-p ... a&m of The Sale I 0 The plan of this sale is very simple and eas ily understood. All Suits and Overcoats, full dress and uniforms excepted, are divided into WZ Five Qreat Lots values ranging up to $35.00. Coats, Fur Lined Coats and Odd Pants eb at 20 per cent discount. HERE THEY ARE Lot 1 pfpiil l - 4(ft & If 4 ? A Lot 2 & ALL OUR MEN'S SUITS AND OVERCOATS . Worth $27.50, $30.00, $32.50 and $35l00. 1 CHOICE $19.50. N This lot embraces the choicest lot of fine Suits and Overcoats that this or any other store has shown for this season. Not a gar ment offered but what is positively new and correct In style. ALL OUR MEN'S SUITS AND OVERCOATS Worth $22.50 and $25.00. CHOICE $15.50. $15.50 is the price, but the values we give you are as good as you can possibly secure today for $22.50 antf $25.00. Do not make the fatal mistake of confusing this sale with many other sales you may hear about, for this store delivers to the people exactly what it adver tises and will guarantee to fulfill every printed" promise in the store. Lot 3 Lot 4 ALL OUR MEN'S SUITS AND OVERCOATS P Worth $18.00 and $20.00. j CHOICE $11.50. . The Suits and Overcoats taken Into ac- K count under this lot arc all of the finest makes . . i . ii i a .i-i. ALL OUR MEN'S SUITS AND OVERCOATS Worth $15.00 and $12.50. CHOICE $8.50. Hero is a chance for every man tn droa well. No need to iro without ft Ann Suit m Lot 5 ... ALL OUR MEN'S SUITS AND OVERCOATS f( Worth $10.00 and $8.50. CHOICE $5.50. j ..v... hvvu iv wuuuui u nne Buit or " and are made from strictly all wool materials, Overcoat now; Indeed, we believe iranv mon f- I . V 1 1 - .. I 1... ,...,!, .It I. III r . . . . liivil v wuiio itiv bijvo mv iu '.uv nrviuK wuii win imure on supplying ruture wants when i'tv uvu.n"". ...y w.w.i'. i.iiv-j cum muii si'ivuuia opponunuy inis Is to ' given me upponunuy iu uuy our rt'Kiuar v and $1S Sultsi and Overcoats for $11.50. secure fine goods for the nrlees cpnprallv d , manded for very poor qualities. Here Is where the man who has to count f hU clothes money may get truly well made, Ctj good quality Suits and Overcoats at a price b that ho can easily afford to pay. J 3 One very special feature of this tale It the fact that all our superior stock of black and blue tlut, are Included In the tale. . Good, Clothes Morchanta Lincoln, Nobr. f