Tho rjobrasta irndopcndcnt Is on indication that the stomach 2nd other digestive organs are weak, tired or debilitated, it causes no end of aches and pains and 13 most common where people bolt their meals and hurry and worry as . they do in this country. Hood sSarsapariBa cures dyspepsia it has a magic touch" in this disease. , . For testimonials of remarkable cures tend for Book on Dyspepsia, No. 5. C L Hood Co., Lowell, Mass. . t usal; to form cultural association : was, , In my "opinion, an error and to the ' detriment of the church, it was the -church's legal right so to -refuse. .In a spirit of conciliation, out. of respect totho consciences of the French Cath olics, and In order to do nothing to disturb peace and tranquility, the government' thereupon prescribed this easy, means. of continuing worship by a simple declaration in accordance with the law of 1881. ':. "The pope's order to ' the clergy to Teject this offer" practically incites them to violate the laws of the coun try. IIo no longer acts as the spirit ual head of the church, as the canon ical objections against the law of 1905 . cannot be invoked against that of 1881. The. pope now assumes. a political lead ership, .and the vital question is wheth ., er th e Catholies orFtnce, will consent .-. iu ivuuw liim ur uou ii mey ao, me government will act with even greater energy because of the tolerance it has tion of the law will be prosecuted, and, furthermore, spocial - measures, legislative and otherwise, may be taken." The special measures refererd to by M. Briand are those intimated by Pre- inier Clemenceau in the chamber of deputies, namely, to sstrip the clergy of their privileges, compel them td perform military service, and as a last resort, to treat them as foreign subjects ' ! ' Rainey Is After Watch Combine Washington, D. C Attorney Gen eral Moody has agreed to grant a hearing to Representative Rainey of Illinois in which the department of justice will be asked to secure Indict ments against the officers of the watch combine under section 4 of the Sher man anti-trust law, which so far has never been passed upon by the courts. This section forbids corporations to enter into contract with a citien of any foreign nation by which the trade between the United tates and other nations is hindered. . "My proof," said Mr. Rainey, "con- . Bists of written documents," letters and contracts - between the American . watch companies, which , operate as a trust, and .foreign dealers to whom they sell cheaper than to dealers at home, the foreign . purchaser -bindine himself to prevent the reimportation of . the. watches into the United States. TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY Take LAXATIVE BROMO Quinine Tablets. Druggists refund money if it fails to cure. E. W. GROVE'S denature is on each box. 25c 4 - r ' , Some Features of the President Navy and Army The president says the present navy is large enough but that one first class . battleship should be completed every year to take the place of an obsolete .vessel. Cruisers and smaller warships should be similarly - replaced as . rapidly as they, become unserviceable.. Currency Reform The president does not recommend any special plan for currency reform.but says some thing must be done to give elasticity to the present system.' ' " Philippine . Tariff The; recommend ation for a lower tariff or free trade in Philippine products is reported, as an act of justice to the islanders. . ' Porto Rican Affairs The president says American .citizenship , should' be conferred on the Porto Ricans. 'rf Cuba The recent insurrection in Cuba, leading to American interven tion, is reviewed briefly. : The prom ise is made that the government5 Will be restored to the Cubans after" new elections have been held' The presi dent warns the Cubans, however1 that they must maintain ! a stable govern ment or lose their independence . Jlawaii Every aid should be given the islands and a portion of our rev enues expended for educa tional and internal " improvements therein.1 ''' ""v ' r - Alaskan-There should be a complete reorganization of ;jhe governmental system of the territory "; ; 1 ' Labor : of ' Children Child labor he denounces as a blot on our civiliza tion. He urges a thorough invest! gation of. the whole subject. Corporation Campaign Contribu tions The president repeats his rec ommendation for 'a law prohibiting all corporations from contributing to the campaign -expenses of any party. American Shipping Ho expresses the hope that congress will pass a ship subsidy bill ' similar to the one introduced last year,- or, if that is im possible, he favors a subsidy for fast mail lines to the chief South American ports. Agriculture Tho president says the prosperity of the country is founded on agriculture and that in the future farming will be a technical and scien tific profession. He favors organiza tion by farmers. Irrigation, and-Forest Preservation He urges action by the national gov ernment for the preservation of for ests and the-extension of Irrigation works. : Memorial Amphitheater, at Arlington The president asks an appropriation for the erection of an amphitheatre in the National cemetery as necessary for the proper observance of Memorial day. Industrial Training It , should, be one of the prime objects of the nation, says the president, to promote indus trial training. He doubts the . wis dom of the public school system of giving mere literary instruction. Messag The Rio Conference Secretary Root's visit to the Pan-American con ference and his visit to most of the republics of South America is "com mented upon ' at length. The presi dent repeats his opinion that foreign nations should not , collect by force of, -arms contract debts, due by Amer ican republics. , Withdrawal of Coal Lands Con gress, should provide, says the presi dent, for the withdrawal of all coal lands from entry. He wants the gov ernment to lease the lands on the royalty system and to control the price of coal to the consumer. Employes' Inability The - present laws are unjust to wage earners, de clares the president.. It is a great in justice to compel the employe, or rather the. family of the' killed or dis abled victim, to bear the. entire bur den. . . .' ... Eight Hour . Law The , president urges a law limiting the number of hours- of employment of railroad em ployes, and the extension of - the eight hour day in, the United States. He also urges half holidays for government-employes during the summer. Appeal in Criminal ;. Cases The president strongly, urges t the senate to pass the bill already passed by the house conferring upon the government the- right of appeal in , criminal, cases on question s of law.- , ; - : . t-Algeciras Convention-The treaty for the supervision . of affairs of Mor occo is- urged upon the senate. . Not to ratify the treaty, says the president; means the forfeiture , of our commer cial rights in 'Morocco.' .-,.. Inheritance . and Income t Tax Gov ernment should impose a graduated inheritance tax, and, if possible, " a graduated income tax. . ; Japanese Questions-Fair treatment is due the Japanese because the Uni ted States must act uprightly toward all "men; passage of a -bill is asked providing for. naturalization of Japa nese who Intend to live In America; Congress Is urged to amend the stat utes -so as to empower , the United States to enforce the rights of aliens under treaties. ' ' Labor Wrong to prohibit injunc tions Jn all labor cases, but abuses should .be , corrected; need for Inter vention in strikes. Railways rBest . way to avert unde sirable move for government owner ship is to place their control and reg ulation in the hands of the govern ment; railway agreements favored if the agreements be approved , by the interstate commisison. Marriage and Divorce Congress should be given the power to regulate, and k thus wipe out scandals and abuses; urgent need exists to deal radically and efficiently with polygamy- -. Lynching Justice sure and swift urged for all, without regard to race or color, but it should be justice un der the law,' not mob savagery; rape always should be punished with death. iigestii Stomach trouble is not really a sickness, buta symptom. It is a symptom that a certain set ot nerves is ailing. Not the voluntary nerves that enable you to walk and talk and act but the automatic stomach kebvks over which youx mind has no control. I have not room here to explain how these tender, tiny nerves control and operate the stom ach. Mow worry breaks them down and causes -indigestion. How misuse 'wears them ont and causes dyspepsia. Dow neglect may bring on kidney, heart, and other troubles through sym pathy. I have not room to explain how these nerves may be reached and strengthened and vitalized and made stronger by a remedy I peQt years in perfecting now known by physicians and Druggists everywhere as Dr. Shoop's Restor ative, (Tablets or Liquid) I have not room to explain how this remedy, by removing the cause, usually puts a certain end to indigestion, belch ing, heartburn, insomnia, nervousness dyspepia. All of these things are fully explained in the boofc I will send you free when you write. Do not fail to fiend for the book. It tells how the solar plexus governs digestion and a hundred other things every one ought to know for all of us at some time or other have indigestion. With the book I will send free my "Health Token" an Intended passport to eoodheaith. - For the free book and the "Health roken " you must ad- Dr. Shoop, Box f Jacine.WJs. State eh book you want. Book 1 on Dyspepsia. ! Book 2 on the Heart. ' Book 3 on theKidneys, Book 4 for Women., Book 5 for Men. -Book 6 on Rheumatism Dr. Shoop's Restorative Tablets give foil three weeks' treatment Each form liquid or tablet hag equal meritDruggista everywhere. ELDER LY COUPLE ELOPEtTO WE D Pursued by Their Own . Children In Long Mountain-. Chase Lexington, Ky. Fifty-three years of mountain life had put no chill on the ordor of Ballard Cole and Mrs. Nancy Jane- Wiseman of Cumberland Gap, Tenn., who ran away from the wrath of, their own children and came here to be, married. Mr, Cole gave his age to; the license clerk at 53 years and Mrs. Wiseman owned; up to the same age.c The. ardent -pair told that they had been forced to walk several miles across the mountains to where they could get aboard a-train and escape their pursuing children, who thought that the- elopers were too old to know their own minds in the matter. TERMINAL FOR LOS ANGELES The Harriman Interests Preparing to " ' "Spend Ten Milliof Dollars ' Los Angeles, Cal. E. H. Harriman has .determined, it Is. stated, to set aside the sum of $10,000,000 for he improvement of the . Los Angeles Pa cine railway system. It Is stated that it Is the. intention of the Harrimaa agents to arrange for the construc tion of -a series" of subways to paral lel. Fourth street and that a ten story building, will be erected as a terminal station. Halt In German Tariff Negotiation , Berlin The American tariff com missioners, -who adjourned December 6 in order to get certain material la shape, will meet the German delegates again December . 10.. J The case of Ger many has already been 1 fully present ed to the Americans.- - t PILES CURED IN 6 TO 14 DAYS PAZO OINTMENT is guaranteed to cure any case oi itching. Blind, Bleeding or protruding Piles in 6 tP 14 days or money refunded. SOo. n J,