-.V. The Nebraska Independent OCTOBER 25, 1906 GREAT STOVE OFFER. WONDERFUL REDUCTION IN PRMES.1 Stores reduced to prices heretofore unknown or unthoueht of. gn fSCyfO buys this wonrferful 99 vfrl I O vitlue, new, high grade 1907 Model Airtight Sheet Iron Heating Stove. Large assort ment of. other airtight heaters fit correspondingly l"w prices. Won derful price reductions, astonlfhing offers, ail shown In our new Special Free Stove Catalogue. Write for our Free Stove Catalogue at once. VI QQ buys Vns this new, big 1W)7 Model Rococo Partem Oak Heating Stove for coal or wood; has every up to dale fea ture, perfect fire control, one of the very handsomest, strongest and brat oak heaters made. Our oew line of oak heaters of all kinds, the wonderful price reduc tions and our great stove offers shown in our FREE STOV E CATA LOGUE will surprise yon. $13.05 XTtT large, extra heavy, self feeding, double heating return flue Bate Durner ha rd coal heater; most elaborate large swell silver nickeled ornuuicnted dome. elaborate nickcj base, arms, nickel frame and other trimmings, mica (isinglass) swine doors, every known up to date feature, the most beautiful, the best base burner made, with the improvements of ail other line base burners and the defects of none, the equal of base burners that retail up to $M).00, beac.iifully illustrated and thorough-. rrm a ly d e s -Bribed In our Free Store Catalogue- buys thh big, full imki met Special dlafU siza six-hole stee range, completeasillustrate i with big.deep. porcelain lined reservoir, high shelf, wanning closet, etc. Very much kjmer prices if you do not need the retervoir, shelf or warming closet. A marvelous steel range bargain more full Bhown in our FREE STOVE CATALOGUE. si 9 0 CObuysthls. bkvu our Acme Triumph, the highest grade and best sf eel range in the world, the equal of any ranee you can b u v anywhere for SW.m. Just reduced from prices ranging from $27.95 to !2.05. $22.58 Is now the astonishing ly low reduced price for our finest Acme Triumph Steel Range, all complete with porcelain lined rceervolr, hich back, big shelf and closet, vatv hsf nf cirprvtliinir t hflt. money can buy. Write for our Free Stove catalogue ana learn all about these wonderful stove Pre reducl ions IN OUR OWH tVSOTH FACTORY at Newark, Ohio, the larutst siove foundry in the world, wn make every variety of the highest grade stoves made in the world and we sell tlicm direct to the wet at about one-half the lowest prices you can buy elsewhere. Every stove is covered by our binding guarantee, is guaranteed to reach you safely, free from break or damage of any kind and we agree to funvsh you any repairs in the years to come. Wondtrfvliy tow Jtejsht charges. We will tell you Just . ov little the He Eht will be on any stove to your town and the freight charge is so small it will surprise you. We have an Immense stock on hand of every kind and sine of stove and can ship your stove the day we get your order and it will reach you in Just a few days. OUR GREAT FREE OFFER, 3 or on a postal c-ird or 'n a letter simply sry, "Serd me your FREE STOVE CATALOGUE " and by return n ail you will receive, postpaid, free, our very latest special stove catalogue with all these nnd many other wonder ful offers, all the marvelous price reductions, the most attractive stove proposition ever heard of, the greatest stove offer we or anyone have been able to make. Remember also, if you buy a stove from us you s are In tiie profit, We give away free to our customers hundreds of valuable articles and this great Profit Sharing Plan, the merchandise absolutely Tree to you, Is all explained In the stove book. Don't buy a stove at home or elsewhere until you get this great stoye cat alogue and all our offers, write us thisminute. Address SEARS, ROEBUCK & CO., Chicago, ill. PRIVATE maternity home; best med ical attention; baby adopted. Work for part expenses. Mrs. Sherman, 1701 Mo. Ave., Kansas City, Mo. s Columbia national Bank OF LINCOLN, NEBRASKA. 'CAPITAL. $ 100,000.00' SURPLUS, 14,000 DEPOSITS 1,350,000 r OFFICERS "D John B. Wright, President 1st Vice Fres 2d Vice Pres Cashie Asst. Cashier J. H. Westcott, 5j Joe. Samuels JP. L. Hall, .W. B. Ryons, STORM ON CUBAN COAST Hurrican Sweeps East Coast of Cuba and it is Feared That 2,000 Lives Have Been Lost Miami, Fla, Belated reports from the tropical storm which swept Cuba and the coast of Florida indicate that it was one of the most appalling since the Galveston disaster. The losses of both life and property may surpass that cataclysm. A tidal wave accompanied the cy clone. This increased the sea horrors. It is estimated that upwards of 500 people were killed or lost at sea along the Florida coast alone. Hundreds of workmen employed on barges which sunk were nearly all lost. The steamer St. Lucie, crushed by a tidal wave, went down with 100 passengers off the Florida coast near Miami. - About 250 lives at Elliot's key were blotted out and the island was en gulfed by a great tidal wave. The entire fishing fleet, with its scores of men, off the coast at St. Augustine has disappeared. Scores of deaths are being reported from points in the interior of the peninsula. There were hundreds of vessels in the gulf and in the harbor of Havana it is know that many of the vessels were dashed to pieces on the' rocks. Others were overturned. Many ves sels were swept to sea and may be heard from later. It is estimated that over 100 were killed in Cuba. This estimate is in dependent of the sea losses. Jacksonville, Fla. Five hundred lives lost in the storm is the very latest estimate given out today. As communication is being restored re ports of the disaster come in from places heretofore unheard from. There are grounds for the belief that the worst news is yet to come. The property loss is one million dollars. Havana The steamer Elvira was caught outside the harbor by the hur ricane and capsized. Five men are reported lost. It is feared that many other coasting vessels were lost. According to the most 'reliable ac counts, the list of dead and fatally injured in Havana is between thirty and forty, and the total casualties on the island will exceed 100 dead and 500 injured. The latest figures are that the loss to the park and boulevard systems alone is a million dollars. The total damage may exceed three million dollars. Harry Fosdick, a teamster with the Twenty-eighth infantry, was crushed by a falling palm tree. He may die. It is rumored that one or two Amer ican civilians are among the dead. Troops are co-operating with the police to establish order. A NATION'S PLUNDER In announcing the consummation of a deal whereby trie steel trust is given possession of the iron lands on the Mesaba range controlled by the Great Northern railway, the Northern Pacific railway, James J. Hill and J. W. Long year, E. H. Gary, chairman of the steel corporation's board of directors, states that "the price to be paid is $1.65 a ton, delivered at the upper lake docks, with an increase of 3.4 per ton each succeeding year. The minimum of ore agreed to be mined is 750,000 tons for the year 1907, increased by 750,000 FOUND RELIEF BY TAKING PE-RU-5SJA 15 - v V ' 9 SURGICAL OPERATIONS AVOIDED. MRS. AIMMA MUNDEIM There can be no doubt about it that the tendency to resort to surgical opera tions has been too great in the past and that this harmful tendency is growing less every day. Experience has demonstrated that many ailments which seemed to require surgical operations in the past are now being enred by the use of harmless rem edies. Peruna has done as much as any other remedy to es tablish this very important fact. Thousands of people have been con demned to undergo eurgical operations Their physicians have told them that they must either submit to such opera tions or lose their lives. After this they have resorted to Peruna and found relief. Other good remedies have accom plished the same result, but it is safe to assume that no other remedy has equaled Peruna in its beneficent work. Many of the alleged incurable de rangements of the pelvis are dependent upon catarrh. There is no cure for these except the removal of the catarrh. Peruna seemingly works miracles in some of these cases. The explanation, however, is very simple. Peruna re moves the catarrh and Nature does the rest, Suffered Thirteen Years With Pelvic Troubles, Unable to find Relief. AN CPERATI0IM ADVOCATED. Pe ru na, Taken as a Last Resort, Brings Health and Strength. ANNA MUNDEN, Brinkley, Ark., writes: " suffered with female troubles for thirteen years, and tried the best doc tors in Louisville, Ky., without relief. "I spent thousands of dollars at the Springs. "The doctors desired that I have an operation performed to remove my ovaries, which I would not consent to. "I saw an advertisement of your Peruna and bought one bottle and be fore I had taken it all I could get out of bed and walk about. "After taking three bottles I was as well and hearty as ever. "I gained in flesh. From 118 1 in creased to 186 pounds. "If it had not been for your great and wonderful medicine, I would now be in my grave. ' would advise all women sufferers to try It "I would not be without it for the world." A WOMAN'S LETTER TO WOMEN. Mrs. Caroline Kramer, Fort Collins, Col., writes: 'The majority of women who are suf fering from disordered periods and other troubles, have such strong faith in doctors that they allow them to ex periment on them for kidney, liver, or stomach troubles, until they become discouraged and their money is gone. "This was my unfortunate experience for nearly two years, when my atten tion was called to Peruna. "I hardly dared believe that at last I had found the right medicine, but as I kept on using it and was finally cured I could only thank God and take cour age. "I have had most satisfying results from the use of your c---s raedicind and have SATISFACTORY advised dozens of ( RESULTS FROM women who wore S Pfj-RU-NA. ) suffering w i t h wJnJvJ woman's ills to use Peruna and let the. doctors alone, and those who have fol lowed my advice are better to-day and many are fully restored to health." tons each year until it reaches 8,250, 000 tons. Thereafter it continues on that basis." The amount of ore involved is esti mated by Mr. Gary at 750,000,000 tons. At the lowest estimate he places it at 700,000,000 tons. At the royalty to be paid, the owners of these iron lands will derive over a billion dol lars for the right of mining the iron that they contain. And none of this wealth has been created by them. They merely have gotten title to it through the stupidity of the people combined with the craft and corrup tion of their public servants. If the public's interest had been con sulted the billion dollars that is to be paid Into the pockets of Mr. Hill and his associates would go to the public. Not only is the public deprived of this princely revenue to which in justice It is entitled, but it must proceed to pay into the pockets of the men that have grabbed the Mesaba iron range the billion and more of money that the steel trust will collect and hand over to them. It was only a few years ago that the Mesaba iron ranere Delonged to the public domain. The lands have been frittered away and stolen. It is a shameful record the public stripped through its fatuity and the craft of private interests and the lack of pub lic spirit and breadth of view of American statesmen. It is part and parcel of a civilization that is based upon what Rockefeller is pleased to term "opportunity" opportunity for the crafty and greedy to exploit and plunder the many. And yet there are those that won der that there is discontent in the United States and a rising wave of social unrest and radicalism. Would they marvel if an Attila or a Ghazan Khan should have descended upon the United States and through force have stripped the American people of the things which cunning and greed have possessed themselves of through the operation of law and privilege? Dis content! The wonder is that there ia so little of it that there is only grumb ling. Milwaukee News.