The independent. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1902-1907, October 25, 1906, Page 2, Image 2

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    The Nebraska Independent
OCTOBER 25, 190
Is one of the constitution
diseases. It manifests itsel
in local aches and pains,
inflamed joints and stifi
muscles, but it cannot Ix
cured by local applications.
It requires constitutions'
treatment acting througl
the blood, and the best is
course of the great medicine
.which has permanently
cured thousands of cases.
For testimonials of remarkable cure
end for Book on Rheumatism, No. 7
C. L Hood Co., Lowell, Mas?
Attorney General Mayer and to make
him a traitor to the people in these
election cases. They have been
strong enough to withhold the repub
n,o iorioi!tnrp frnm nassine: a re
count bill and they finally compelled
Mayer to refuse to allow the citizens
of New York to take quo warranto
proceedings through his office, for in
order to bring these proceedings it
was necessary to have his consent
I have made every effort to hive those
votes counted because of the prin
ciple involved, for I feel that if a
precedent is established by which the
people's votes can be dishonestly
counted and destroyed, and their will
at elections defeated by corporations,
a fatal blow has been struck at Amer
ican rights and liberty.
"There is now little danger to any
election thief or thug, to any criminal
boss or corrupt corporation in any
city or any section of New York sta'e.
for crimes committed against the
election laws. The citizen no longer
has any security for his ballot and
if he has not he has no opportunity
to protest against wrongs or to cor
rect any evils no matter how great
in our government.
"I have spent over $100,000 in the
attempt to have the people's votes
in New York City counted. I have
not given up the fight and I am in
this campaign to continue the strug
gle of last year.
"I hope a legislature will be elect
ed that will pass a recount bill so
that this conspiracy against the peo
ple may yet be overthrown. I hope
that an attorney general will be elect:
ed who will allow quo
ceedings and will prosecute the hi?
and little criminals who are respon
sible for the theft of the people's elec
toral franchises. I hope that a legis
lature will be elected that will pass
a direct nominations bill, for the de
struction of the boss evil can only be
permanently accomplished through dl
rect nominations.
"The mere overthrow of one boss
is Invariably followed under our pres
, ent system by the substitution o' an
other boss eaually evil. To accom
plish the permanent destruction of
all bosses it is necessary to attach
nA pHmtnate the svstem under
" which bosses thrive. Direct nomina
tions will overthrow not only the pres
ent bosses but the present boss svs
tem and it will place control of nom
lnations in the hands of the people
and remove it from the unclean hands
rt --y ftfoc the greedy group
of corrupt corporations.
"The corporation element of J he re
puMicin. party tint slid the!'- corpor
ation ticVet through a packe-i ron
vention like so many greased pigs at
country fair also struck out of the
republican platform the clause calling
for direct nominations, and thereby
not only failed to indorse but actually
repudiated the one honest and effect
ive measure by which bosses can be
"Any statement against bossism now
by the slick and slippery nominees
of that republican convention is as
absurd as a declaration against cor
porations would be while Woodruff,
Sheldon and Mayer conduct the repub
1'can campaign; while Ryan, Belmont,
Rogers, Rockefeller, Morton and Mor
"an pay the freight; while Sheehan,
Parker, Cleveland, Shepard, McClel
lro, Jerome and other corporation
lackeys cheer lustily for the corpora
tion candidates at so much per cor
poration cheer.
"I hope that a legislature will be
elected that will investigate the crim
inal merger of the New York City
traction lines, which the last legisla
ture refused to do, and will expose
the corrupt political partnership be
tween the attorney general's office and
Wall street; a legislature that will
investigate the incompetent and other
faithless departments; a legislature
that will nass an employers' liability
bill; a legislature that will sustair
a conscientious governor, and will
serve the people and not the trusts
And I hone a severe rebuke will b?
administered Attorney General Miyer
that d'scredited camp follower of the
corporations, that disgraced deserter
from the people's cause.
"I hne a judiciary will be elected
that will represent the people, and
not the corporations; and I hope the
people will believe me wholly and ab
solutely sincere when I say my only
object in being in this campaign is
to serve them and, if elected, to re
move the government from the hands
of the corporations who use it for
their private profit, and restore it to
fhe hinds of the people, to be con
ducted for the public good.
Squires Goes to Panama
Washington It was announced at
the state department that Herbert G.
Squires of New York had been select
ed to be American minister at Pan
ama to succeed Charles E. Magoon.
Senor Don Jorge Munoz Dead
Washington Senor Don Jorge Mu
noz, Guatemalan minister to the Uni
ted States, died here tody as the
result of an attack of malaria, com
plicated with stomach troubles.
Launch Russian Battleships
St. Petersburg Two powerful bat
tleshins of the Russian navy were
launched todav, the Andri Pervosvan
ni of 16 000 tons, and a smaller vessel,
the St. Eustace, at Sebastopol.
Off to Crow Reservation
Washington The interior depart
ment todiy received a dispatch from
Deputy Game Warden Johnson, at
Newcastle, Wvo., saying that the rene
gade Utes had left Gillette and were
moving north rapidly. This is inter
preted to mean that the Indians are
beaded for the Crow reservation or
the northern Cheyenne reservation.
The dispafch was transmitted to the
war department.
Waiting for the Opening
Goldfield Nev. Four thousand pros
pectors and nr'ning men are campei
on the borders of the Walke Indian
reservation awaiting the hour of 12
IT.I.'J'IMI,, lll.ll ,ll 1 ,, n ,
Your shoe money wQI go twice
as far n you buy the strong
well-made and bard-to-wear-
for boys and eirls. They are
best seasoned upper leather and tough so!i
soles and have fewer seams than other shoes
Mayer School shoes are shaped to prevent
injury to growing children's feet. "
Your dealer has them or will eet th
take no other. The Mayer trade-mark is stamped
mm m
on every soie.
We also make the
men and "Western
tor women.
F. Mayer
4' IT'Wy'-,:i:-iAriSj
i' HL.j, J l- Iff. Tat'.
Milwaukee, Wis.
o'clock Monday, October 29, for its
formal opening. The Goldfield News
came out today in a leading editorial
charging conspiracy on the part of the
government officials in securing in ad
vance the best of the mineral lands
for themselve sand families.
To Discuss Immigration
Rome Several newspapers here as
sert that the United States again has
proposed an international congress to
discuss European immigration to the
United States to be held in Washing
ton in 1907. The papers add that
Great Britain, France, Austria, Rus
sia. Italy, Denmark and Holland have
agreed to send delegates.
An interesting official statement is
made with regard to the finances of
the Labor party in Thursday's papers.
Each of the twenty-nine M. P.'s quali
fied to receive benefits from the par
liamentary fund is paid 200 a year,
and this, with other necessary ex
pPT1Bes percentage- of returning otH
cers' fees, salary of a clerk to the
whips, etc., and percentage to general
fnn(ibrinsrs the total expenditure to
6,290 per annum. Last year's in
come being only 4,000, the executive
announce that they will propose at
the next annual conference that pay
ments to the parliamentary fund of
the Tabor representation committee
should be raised from a penny to two
pence per member per annum. With
an income of 8 000 a marein of
1,50 would be left to meet th fur
ther charges of rminen'mc0 and re
urn''nr officers' fees anticipated from
the iicr'-ased representation of labor
in parliament. Spectator.
A few more years and our ears will
no lonrer be charmed by the sweet
tones of the tenor and the soprano.
The present fash'on of violent sport
is having a most disastrous effect on
the s'n-rl'nn; powers of the lmrg and il
is nrobahle that our descendants will
j)pvpt be able to enjov the operas of
Vrrdl o P.ces'ni owidt to the dearth
of singers. La Republique Francaise.
made oi
"Oonorblli" shoes for
Lady" shoes Jd&3i
Boot & Shoe 60.
Hustler with $500 to join
large Transfer, Storage &
Coal Co., and act probably
as foreman.
1307 N St., Lincoln, Nebr.
WOOD, J. C, & CO., successors to
Soukup & Wood. Expert cleaners
and dyers, 1320 N St, Lincoln, Neb.,
Phones: Auto 1292, Bell 147. Mail
order work carefully attended to.
Everything depends upon
your nerves. It. is nerve force
that causes the brain to direct
the motion of your body ; it is
nerve force that causes your
heart to pulsate, and send the
blood through your veins"; it
is nerve force that causes your
stomach to digest food, your
kidneys to filter the blood, and
the liver to secrete bile.
In fact, nerve force is . the
power that runs your body, so
if you feel worn-out, irritable,
nervous, cannot sleep, or eat
well, have pain or misery
anywhere, your nerves are
weak, and your system run
down. To restore this vitality
take Dr. Miles' Nervine which
.will strengthen and build up
the nerves. You cannot be
healthy without strong nerves.
"For eighteen years Dr. Miles
Nervine and Anti-Pain Pills have been
my close companions. Early in mar
ried life, while raising children, my
nerves became all worn-out could not
Bleep; had no appetite; Indigestion
very bad, and had such awful dizzy
ppells. Then I began using Dr. Miles'
Nervine, and at once I began to Im
prove, and soon' found myself In
perfect health." , , -
324 Pittsburg St.,- New CasUe. Pa.
Dr. Miles' Nervine: It sold by your
druggist, who will Guarantee that the
first bottle will benefit. If It falls, ha
will refund your money.
Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind
It Takes