3 OCTOBER 11, 1906 The Nebraska Independent TOBACCO KILLS There's noth ing that can be said in favor of the tobacco habit. It's ex pensive; filthy; injurious t o health potive ly dangerous. Nicotine s a deadly poison witness the thousands o f deaths from to bacco Heart. to bacco cancer, fromdiseasesof stomach, liver, kid. eys, tnat had their start in tobacco poison. Tobacco-specific is a positive, absolute cure for the tobacco and cigarette habits. It is a vegetable remedy, and can be given secretly in food or drink. .It is harmless: no reaction or bad effects, and people taking the treatment STAY CUIIKD. For people who say "show me." we have a free sample treatment, which is sent on re quest. It has cured hundreds j ust this little free sample. "After nslDff tobacco forty-five years your free sample paekaxoof Tobaoco-Specitlc cured me en tirely. 1 feel very thankful to you for the remedy.'' M K. Smith, Rockingham, Vt FREE TREATMENT COUPON Cut this out, nil In your name and address, and mail t to Roger Drug and Chemical t o., UU Fifth and Hace Ms. Cincinnati, Ohio, and they will send you by return mail. In plain package, a free trial package of K' gers' Tobacco-Specific- The free trial package alone has cured others ana may cure you. THE MIDWEST LIFE This company now has over $335,000 o! insurance in force and has reached policy number 255, A list of its policy holders in Lincoln, even after exclud ing those who are stockholders, would disclose many- of the leading business H'nd professional, men of the city. Or-f-nized as an old line company, and 'iaing business as such from the start, t will not be handicapped by any as sessment or stipulated premium poll Mfs."The premium paid on each policy will be sufficient to . carry that policy. No class of policyholders will ever be- cove a burden to any other class. The Midwest-Life-is essentially an annual dividend company. It has not nut out a single, deferred dividend pot cy ."; Stock . in any financial; -commer- ciil or industrial enterprise could ; not vg soid if the management attempted sell it on the plan of allowing all 'Ividends to accumulate for 10, 15. or n years. Who would buy stock: in a vank if the directors said to the pro posed stockholders: You will receive no dividend for 20 years, and during those 20 years we will not even render you an accounting of the yearly earn ings? Why should a policyholder in a life insurance company have to wait 20 years before knowing what his in surance costs him? The agency force is increasing every month. Experienced men, ' who by years of service in the field have dem onstrated their ability to sell life in surance, recognize The Midwest Life as one of the coming companies of the great middle west and they ' are entering its service in greater numbers than such men usually enter into the service of a new company. The Midwest is a Nebraska com pany. Insure in it and keep the money paid in premiums in Nebraska. 80 acres in Otoe County zy2 miles southeast " of Bennett, for sale; 60 acres cultivated, balance blue grass pasture with fine elm, oak and walnut timber, nice orchard, fruit and berries of all kinds and large grove; fair im provements; price $60 per acre $2 800 cash, balance ten years at 5 per cent JOHN F. ZIMMER, Lincoln, Neb. WOOD, J. C, & CO., successors to Soukup & Wood. Expert cleaners and dyers. 1320 N St.. Lincoln, Neb.. Phones: Auto 1292. Bell 147. Mail order work carefully attended to, C-KA ILtvib tnat fnOTtCT""! Our 3 tok for liven ton Dialled on receipt of Gels. n'mnrfl j B.S.&A.B.LfiCEY.Washington.O.C. Estab.'iECfl. SOME YAGRANT THOUGHTS The children started to school last Monday, and as they tripped down the street you watched them through the window, and somehow or other a lump came up into your throat and the tears nto your eyes. You were not sorry, of course, that the children were go ing to school to get the education that is to fit them for citizenship. But the mere sight of the little ones trip ping off to school reminded you that it had been a long time since you went to school, and that reminded you also that you were growing old. O, not so awfully old, of course, but a little older. You still feel as young as ever, and you are quite sure that you could still jump a five-rail fence with one hand on the top rail if you really tried your best, and those streaks of gray in your hair are mere ly the result of that sick spell you had three years ago last spring. Of course you are not old just entering the prime of life. And yet, after all, it is such a long, long time since you tucked your books under your arm and hastened off to school. hand, jam your hands Into your pock ets and start. Those eggs would keep your hands warm until you got to school, then you'd put them the eggs, not your handsinto the bucket and there they'd be at noon. Great scheme, wasn't it? Occasionally she would change things a bit and have a couple of red-hot baked potatoes in stead of the eggs. Did you ever stop to think that your children are going to miss some thing when they grow up and hove children of their own? With their steam-heated, scientifically ventilated and easily accessible schoolhouses, how are Ihey going to gather their children about' their knees and tell them of the hard sledding papa and mamma had when they were school children? That's about one-half the pleasure our fathers and mothers had telling us youngsters how much we ought to appreciate our educational advantages and explaining the tough time they had trying to learn the "three It's." And we've had a lot of pleasure telling our children about the same thing, haven't we? Now what are our children going to do when they feel the necessity of en couraging their children in their school work? Let's see. what was that first teach er's name? Waters? Yes, that's it. fJeoree Waters. . And it was In the little old frame schoolhouse, too. The drst whinDine in school? O. we re- TiPmhpr it. so well that it couldn't have been so many years ago,: after all, and that's proof that we are not errowme old. lie told us we mustn t stop to skate on the pond in the com mon near the school house, but hasten home. And it just so. happened that we forgot and did stop to skate, ur did we foreet? Maybe we didn't and just stopped anyhow, feeling ;; quite sure that teacher wouldn't find it out. At any -rate, we stopped to skate, and teacher did see-us., and next morning'. Well, we. feel quite young now, be-r cause it was oniy a aay or iwo a&u that it hannened. for we can feel it yet. They didn't have any discus sions - about "corporal punisnment In thV schools fin those days. They Just 1ft in arid whaled us" good, 'didn't they? And if father thought the teacher had not done a good job at It he kindly completed it for him put on the finishing touches, so to , Wpnder where George Waters is, anyhow? we . rememDer taning . a solemn - vow. the morning after , that skating experience that some day or other, when we were grown "up and physically able to do it, we were go ing ,to inveigle George Waters off into some dark alley and "do things to him, and do 'em plenty. We haven't grown up yet, so, of . course, George Waters is safe. .But just .as soon as w$ do grow up well, let George Waters take due warning. As you watched at. the window you recalled that it was considerably more than two or three blocks to that lit tle old frame school house. It was not heated by steam, . and no expert in ventilation had been consulted when it was erected. The old stove in the center of the little room was so tall it reached half way to the ceiling, and when the weather was cold those who sat next to it roasted while those over next to the wall shivered like the quaking asps. " Br-r-r-rrr!. How cold it used to get in those days. Remem ber the old trick mother used to play on Master Jack Frost? Just before you began to comb your hair prepara lory to starting off for the school house a mile or two away, she would drap a couple of eggs into a pan of boiling water, and by the time . you had the tangles out of your hair and our red woolen comforter tied around your throat and ears those eggs would le boiled hard. Then you'd shove your arm through the handle of your lunch bucket, grab a hot egg in each O, Jeeminy! There's another thing our children, with all their superior school advantages, will miss. The "last day 'o school" when we were children meant something more than the beginning, of a long summer vaca tion it meant "teacher's treat!" Yum, yum! Why is it they can't make candy these days . that is as good as the candy they made when we were children? Let's see, how many years ago was it that George Waters initiated us into the delights of the last day of school? It must have been O,- pshaw! It was just the: other : day, wasn't it? If it had been so awfully long we couldn't re member . it so well Of course ; not! There wasn't much studying dene' the forenoon of that last day. Everybody, including George - Waters, was choke full of expectancy, and nervous excite ment. At noon we bolted the contents of the lunch baskets, being extra care ful not" to smear the jam : and apple butter, on our clothes. . Of course, we had on our beat bib and tucker that day! The noon hour was unusually long, - and it seemed longer than it really was, for every parent 'in the district- was- to be there. It , was to bei the final recitation day, you re member. ." ' "i " . GREAT STOVE OFFER. WONDERFUL REDUCTION IN MICES. ' Stoves reduced to price heretofore unknown or unthought of. ?Q ftCIITO luy (ln wonderful O 9 value, new, hi cradd ivo inooci Airxitnt snm fipt Iron Heating Slot. Luruo new IV07 Model Wococo Pattern )nk Healing Stove fur eoul or rood; ha every tip to date fca lurc, perfect lira control. one of liio very handsomest. idron'tcHl iiitl bt oak heaters nisde. Our :mv lini o( oak healers of all ilixls, tlm wonderful price reduc tions mil our KreiU Ktove offer diown In our T-ltV.B STOVE CATA (..OGUK will surprise you. buys tills extra extra heavy, njwort- mo.nt of oth r airtight heater at rorrt-npondinglv low price. Won derful price reductiotui, n touching offer, nil Khown in our new Hpeelal Free Move Catalogue. Write foe our Free Stove Catalogue at once. buy lhl bit $1.89 mi la rite, exti IKK m i ...... i.l" (rKft heating return flue Pi ' X. mnn a k i . ... I ' Finally the bell. rang. It was a measely little old handbell, you re member not one of those big brazen things that a hired janitor rings with a rope. ' In we ' flocked, and after George Waters had made a beautiful little talk, and Mr. Willard, chairman of the board of directors had told us how much better our' school facilities were than they were in his day, the real joys began. "Dug" Freeman was the first up, and the way he recited "The Semi nole's Defiance" was something won derful. Remember it? "Blaze with your - serried columns, I will not bend the knee; The shackles ne'er again shall bind ' The arm which now is free!" Gee, but it was beautiful! We never stopped then to think that, of course, no Indian ever got off anything like that. We didn't know Indians then as well as we do now. Then "Jim" Holmes stepped forth and recited "Marco Bozzaris," and we thought it was about the finest ever As we recall it now he gave a sample of trembling fear that wouldn't be much of a credit to old Marco. Why, we remember it just as well! "At midnight in his guarded tent The Turk lay dreaming of the hour When Greece her knees in suppliance bent And trembled at his power." Who said we were growing old? . Why, it was only day. before yester- b a i e burner h a rd Co a 1 healer; most cluborato large swell silver n'.ckdcd ornamented dome, elaborate nickel bane, arm, nickel frame and oilier triinminKH, mica (iHingliUM) gwluK doom, every known up to date feature, Uie moat benutlful, th5 best banc burner made, with the improvement of ull other line base burner and the defect of none, the equal of boHO burner that retail up to SMJ.OO. beautifully Illustrated: aod uio oukii ly den cribed in our Free Special Stove Catalogue- in IK buy this big, full fl I O iit l-liolete3 -aiii(,conplatea illustrate I lliibii:,deei, pjroelaln lined -esjivoir. hli?!t shelf, warning loict, etc. Very much lower trices If you do not uoe.l the eservoir, nhelf or warmitm losot.. A marvelous tecl anie bargain more fullv hown In our FRUK STOVB CATALOGUE. $22.58bTu,hrfc Acme Triumph, the 1 1 lift-eft grede n4, bet lel range in ttufe world, the equal of any range you cau buy anyw here for tW.QQ. Jui t reduced from I'llroi ranKlng from I27.A5 to t.2.05. $22.58 la now tl.ea.stonlfhlng ly low reduced nriee tor our uncut Acme Triumph Steel Itange, all complete wlih porcelain lined reeervolr, hitch bark. - ' bHC sliHf ami loset, the very bett ol . rvervthina that noneycan buy. Write' for our Free Stove Catakgae and rn all about them wonderful eteve prlf rediMiione. M OUR OWN MAMMOTH FACTORY M.u.artr. nbin. h InrmK (lava foUOL'ry In tllC WOfld. n make-every variety of the highest nrnifo stovra made n tno worm ana we en iiiem uicw; w '"r- vbtBo-ball-tBe4wetL.priGM yt can buy clerwner. verr stove H covered by our linuiina; jiuaianiee, ai tn&nmteed to reich rou Hifcly, tree- from- break or ilamae of any kind and ww agree to. Tou any repair in we year w, come, ?Z jAarze. ye win win you jud .... ... wlll be on any otove to your town ana ine irtwu ehanjo is so small It will awprwe jou. vve nave an Immense stock on hand of every kind and mie or sfove and can ship your stove th day we get your order and it wtHreaoii you in just-a rew u:a. . OUR GREAT FREE OFFER. rfo0 or oo a putHI card or n a Wtev Winery " -Scrfl me yoor FRKB SroyE CATALOiiUE " and by ntiirn nail you will receive, postpaid, free, owr very latrst freelai itove catnlotu -wtUi all these an many other onder ful offers, all the marvekms price wliictloi s. tlemosj attractive stovn -propos'uon ever nratu oi, u- stove offer we or anyone nave oeen ute-w mm ks nember alto. If you Duy a ove irom un ymi In t ie profit. We (rive away free to our tustomerj hundreds or vaiuaoie aniries anu uun ri Shrln I'lan, the merchandise absolutely free to you, i all explained In the store book. Don't buy a store at home or elewhrre until you get this great store cat alosue and all our offer. Write u Ihlsminute. Addreea SEARS, ROEBUCK 6 CO., Chicago, III. OOLDS. FEIICE7inEvtl.25 Poitiirt Wtr Khnrti. nitl. I fa UBIIKV M Ilivw . w -- w 100 lbs.. 11.25: No. 11 Oaupe talvan. lied Wtre bnoru, iw iu., other ilses at proportionate Galvanlied Phone Wire, per 101 lbs., P 40) Annealed Wire, per 101 lbs., fl.90; Graduated Diamond Hash Galvanljea 'eneine;, . . . j v., Galranttod Poultry Ncttine, per .b.' V JSSSSlSSbl Steel Fence Posta.lho line of Wtre ana nmpm r, Vni mtnidlato the tltae to boy. Theje prices i0?'?1.? Ilocelvera' Halea, U... Sit Ceh lrw taC. Mothersl Mothers!! Mothers!! f mmmmKMimmmmmBmmmmimmmmmmimmmmMMmmmmmmmmmmm Wrs. WLislow's Soothing Syrup :ias been used for over SIXTY VEAR3 ty MIL MONS of MOTHERS for their CIMI.DRKN vhile TKKTIIINO, with PURFECT SUCCKSS. t SOOTHHS the CHILD, SOFTENS the CUMS, VLI.AYS oil PAIN ; CURKS WIND COUC, oud t the best remedy for DIARRHCHA. Sold by ntjrgists In every psrt of the world. Be sure ud ohlc for "Mr3. Wluslovr'u Soothititf Syrup," a ud take noother a-idd. Twenty-five eta. bottle.