The independent. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1902-1907, September 20, 1906, Page 3, Image 3

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    The Nebraska Independent
SEPTEMBER 20, 1906
The Failure of Crops is Disastrous in
Thickly Populated Districts
of the Island
A cablegram from Dublin, Ireland,
follows: "Americans having friends
And relatives In Ireland are naturally
deeply interested in the accounts of
the potato blight Probably the best
reports are those made by the corres
pondents of the Farmers' Gazette. And
it is significant to note that the latest
accounts published by that paper are
decidedly disheartening. In the poor,
overtaxed land in the congested dis
tricts especially the failure has been
disastrous. There is a new theory of
the disease, which indicates that even
spraying, though a valuable preven
tive, cannot be looked upon as a
Wholly effective remedy to the dis
ease. Hitherto it was believed that
"spores" were solely responsible;, but
, Mr. Massee of Kew, a very high au
thority on the subject, has discovered
that epidemics of the disease are due
to a "hibernating mycelium" in the
tuber, which, in certain damp, hot
muggy weather, infects not merely the
plant itself, but the whole crop. From
this discovery, it is plain that spray-
ng, which deals only with the spores,
or the danger of spores on. the stalks,
cannot affect the development of the
seed of the disease in the tuber. The
selection of clean, healthy seed is a
precaution as essential as the spray
ing. But even then, there is no as
surance that the disease may not, in
one form or another, remain latent
in the soil, especially in those exhaust
ed patches which year after year have
been given over to potato crop. Proper
sized farms, properly cultivated, "are
essential before the plague of blight
can be thoroughly exterminated from
stalk and tuber.
Asses VC0M'
Nye & Buchanan Co.
Best possible service in all departments
Write or wire us for markets or otber
Long distance telephone 2305.
Guarantee for 5 years
Direct from tha Factory to Consumer
House paint in gallon cans, gal...'. .... ..$1.15
Barn paint in gallon cans, gal 58
5 cents less in 5 gallon kits. -
Wagon & Implement paint, gal 1.15
Carriage paint, per qt..... 45
White lead, per 100 lbs " ....6.50
Ten pounds white lead and 3 qts.Lin
seed oil will make a gallon of the very
best house paint.
English Venetian red ground in oil per
gallon . .... .60
Oxide red ground in oil, per gallon. 60
One gallon colors ground in oil and
one gallon of Linseed oil will make the
best barn paint on earth.
Strictly pure boiled linseed oil, gaL .35
Strictly pure raw linseed oil, gal 34
Less than a barrel extra charge for cans.
5 gal. can 35c, 10 gal. can 50c.
Drv paints, brushes and varnishes at
wholesale prices. Do not buy your paint
second hand when you have the opportuni
ty to get the best paints and oils at factory
prices. Write us today for color cards and
price list sent free on application.
C. H. BAUER Mfg, Co.
Corner 3rd and O Sts.
Lincoln, Nebraska, Box 826.
Palma's proclamation announcing a
cessation of hostilities in Cuba only
serves to give the liberals greater lib
erty of movement, and . they travel
freely about the streets of Havana.
City of Cienfuegos is in a state of
siege and all communication is cut,
news of an' attack being expected at
any moment. Three thousand insur
gents are camped near Havana ready
to attack the city.
Announcement from the Cuban gov
ernment that "hostilities are entirely
suspended and peace is at hand" does
not interfere with the plans of the
United States government, and the
representatives of the president, back
ed by the navy, will carry out the pro
gram for mediation. '
Secretary of State Root will stop at
Cuba on his way from South America
and aid Secretary Taft and Secretary
Bacon in the work of mediation."
May Endorse Hearst
New York An exhaustive inquiry
indicates, that as things stand todav
W. R. Hearst's chances of securing
the endorsement of the democratic
convention at Buffalo have greatly im
proved. Even some of his strongest
opponents admit that the opposition
is disorganized and that the situation
from their point ftf view is desperate.
New York politicians sav that Hearst
will control the delegates from nearlv
twenty up state counties, and that it
he can get either New York or Kings
he will be master of the situation
Murphy, the Tammany leader, is open
ly for Hearst.
Thousands on Strike
Winnipeg, Man. Three thousand
men are out on a strike in the build
ing trades in thsi city. The master
plumbers refuse to arbitrate and other
trades out out in sympathy.
Consul is Murdered in China
Berlin The murder of the Austrian
consul to Tien Tsin, Emil Thiels, by
Chinese, is reported by the Tageblatt's
Tien Tsin correspondent. The con
sul's body was robbed of $2,000.
The Old Lady and the Ticket Agent
It was a little rural station in the
middle South. The ticket agent was
not an intellectual giant, but he held
the job and connected with the pay
car-regularly once a month. Enter a
little old woman, fidgetly, confused,
scared at even so much grandeur as
the rural station exhibited because it
was all new and strange to her. - She
looked about the room inquiringly,
then approached the ticket window
and said anxiously: '
"Say, mister, is this the place where
you come to know where you have to
go to?"
The ticket agent saw only the humor
of the situation and got gay at once
"Yes, ma'am; this is the place you
have to go to see where you come
The little old lady hesitated, then
steadied herself and fixed a thought
ful, kindly eye upqn him, .then, straight
ened up and spoke.
"Well, if you are so smart as all
We want to get acquainted with more people in the outlying'
country in the west. We want more people to get acquainted with
our big store. We want more firesides of this western country -to
profit by the great values this big store buys and sells every day
in the year. We are going to make a proposition so that you can
visit Omaha without spending a cent for railroad fare.
Listen Attentively!
THE AK-SAR-BEN FESTIVAL is the most glorious event that
was ever celebrated. This year it will be grander and on a much
larger scale than at any time in its history. It gives you and your
family an opportunity to com3 to Omaha and have the time of your
lives. During this great event the railroads will make special rates
for October 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5, on all trains coming into Omaha.
' "" '. ...
and wish to know all particulars about our free transportation offer
fill out the Coupon below and we will, by return mail, send you all
information. ' '
Nebraska Clothing Co., Omaha, -
Please send me particulars regarding your Free Transportation Offer.
County .
Nebraska Clothing Go.
that, just give me a ticket back to
the place I come from, please."
"Where did you come from?" mock
ingly inquired the agent;
"I come from a place where gentle
men are not pert enough to make fun
of old ladies traveling alone," was the
crushing reply.
A moment later, acting under a
modus vivendi, a ticket to Pudacah
was delivered and duly paid for, and
the Incident was closed. Judge.
Strange English Rentals
Strange rents were being dis
cussed how this church paid one lily
annually and that convent paid two
doves. A real estate man said :
"We have some remarkable rentals,
but England beats us here, for she is
the older country, and she delights
in maintaining the quaint customs of
the past.
"The splendid manor of Farnham
Royal is held by the service of put
ting the glove on the king's right hand
and by supporting the arm that holds
the scepter on coronation day. There
i3 no other payment.
The rental of the manor of Ayles
bury is three eels in winter and three
green geese in summer, besides a lit
ter of straw for the king's bedchamber
thrice a year if he comes that way
so often.
. The manor, of Addington's rental is,
a pair of gilt spurs, a pair of tongs,
a snowball, on Midsummer day and a
rose at Christmas.
The rental of the manor of Coper
land is the holding of the king's head,
if needful, as often as he crosses the
sea between Dover and Whitsand."
New OrleansTimee-Democrat.
CAPITAL. $ 100,000.1
.SURPLUS, 14,000.00j
DEPOSITS 150,000.00)T
John B.
A Newoort
Miss Gaysett Oh, mamma! What
a nice, sensible, decent looking young
fellow that is over there!
. Mother Hush, child! It must be a
waiter. Puck.
i J. H. Westcott, 1st Vice Pres.v.
Joe. Samuels 2d Vice Pres.
Cjp. L. Hall, Cashier1
CtW. B. Ryons, Asst. Cashier
PRIVATE HOME before and during confine
merit: infant adopted. Dr. Burroughs, 1701 Mis
souri Ave., Kansas City, Mo.
Our 3 bMlu tor Iarraiari BtlWd receipt of 6 oU. iUm I
B.S.&A.B.LACET.Washlngton.D.C. Estab.1869. 1
WIDOW age 23, owns pretty home, good bank ac
count, Bachrlorglrl 35, worth $12,000, working Jlrl
age 22, worth 1500 wanted to marry, write as. Home
Circle, Detroit, Mlcb.
Mothers! Mothers!! Mothers!!!
Mrs. Vinslow's Soothing Syrup
has been used for over SIXTY YEARS by MTIv
is the best remedy for DIARRHOEA. Sold by
Druggists in every part of the world. Be sure
and ask for "Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup,
and take no other kind. Twenty-five cts. a bottle