5ffffl (ft 1 iffSM. l( llll II i II i. lr . in m 11 l a II i II l A WEEKLY JOURNAL DEVOTED TO POLITICS, agriculture and home life -Vol.19. No. 953. Lincoln, Nebraska, September 13, 1906 Subscription $1.00 SAYS BRYAN IS WRONG John Sharp Williams, Minority Leader of House of Representatives, Op pose to Government Owner ship of Railroads Richmond, Va. The Times-Dispatch telegraphed John Sharp Williams, mi nority leader in congress, at Yazoo City, Miss., for an expression of his views on Bryans plans for govern ment ownership of railroads, receiv ing from Williams the following reply: "I am opposed to government own ership of railroads, irrevocably, now and forever, in theory and in prac- Bryan and I agree to disagree. But I see no good to be attained by my rushing into print on the subject. We will simply vote it down if offered as a plank of the democratic platform. Meanwhile let us not magnify demo cratic differences. There are so many things we are agreed upon let us magnify them. Rush them to the front if we can. Bryan is not in fallible and does not pretend to be. He is right about so many things, elo quently and greatly right, but ' abso lutely and altogether wrong about this one thing especially from the stand point of racial peace and quiet in the south. Let us strongly regulate rail road rates, but not operate the railroads." the Ohio senators and the president he desired the convention to go on record with a stronger commendation of the latter than of the former. Only two votes .were cast against the platform. Bryan to Campaign Washington Chairman Gripps of the democratic congressional cam paign committee, anounced today that Bryan had consented to make a num ber of speeches this fall under the committee's auspices. It is unde cided where the speeches are to be delivered, and it is likely that' Bryan will make his own itinerary. ernor Magoon to the Philippines may be dropped; that instead, in the gen eral shakeup of the cabinet that , will follow, he will be called direct from the canal zone to Washington, in about eighteen months and made sec retary of -war. when Taft retires to devote himself to his presidentia campaign. , HOPE TO CONVERT BRYAN Texas Senator Hopes to Induce the Nebraskan to Recant Washington Senator Bailey of Tex as has apparently abandoned, at least for the present, his intention of .firing a broadside at Bryan's advocacy of government ownership of railroads Bailey announced a week ago that he would give out a statement, but now he has changed his mind. His hesi tancy is believed to be due to the fact that he, as well as other south em leaders of the party, is laboring privately with Bryan to get him to side-track his views. Must Go to Penitentiary Minneapolis, Minn. Dr. Jacob F. Force, former president of the North western National Life Insurance com pany, must serve three and a half years in the penitentiary unless the supreme court grants him a new trial. Make Answer to Sullivan Jacksonville, 111. Judge Owen P, Thompson and Millard Fillmore Dun lap have issued signed statements de nying the charges made against them in National Committeeman Sullivan's rejoinder to William J. Bryan's re cent speech at Chicago. In addition Thompson and JJunlap accuse Sullivan of various political crimes. Woman to Be Hanged ' St. Petersburg The court martia which tried Zeniad Konoplianikovo the girl member of the "flying group' Ohio Reps Want Senators Elected by the People Cleveland, O. The friends of Con gressman Theodore Burton were in supreme control of the Cuyahoga county republican convention which was held here on the 8th. The plat form demands among other things the retirement of United States Sen ator Charles Dick as the head of the party organization in Ohio; calls for the election of United States sena tors by popular vote and indorses President Rcosevelt and Secretary Taft, Congressman Burton said that for both Senators Dick and Foraker, he had only kindly feelings person ally, but that in the issue between ! SUBSCRIBE NOW THE INDEPENDENT contains all the news of the State, the Nation and the World in condensed form. The Agricultural Department is unsurpassed, containing alt the latest up-to-date matter from highest authorities. Thor oughly reliable. Indispensable to farmers and stock raisers. POLITICAL The Independent is an exponent of democratic principles as taupht by JEFFERSON and applied by BRYAN. They contain the solution of all ques tions that can arise in our politics. Interference with the SOVEREIGN WILL OF THE PEOPLE by corporations is treason, and cannoi be tolerated. A department devoted to the HOME. Best MARKET REPORTS. Seven Subscriptions from now until after election for only One Dollar.' Single Campaign Subscription 25 cents. Published Weekly. Sample Copies Free. Send for Samples. Subscribe Now, Address, THE INDEPENDENT, Lincoln, Nebraska. Judge F. C. Brooks today denied a motion for a new trial in the district court. Dr. Force was charged with having expended for his personal use large sums belonging to the insurance company. Find Cure for Leprosy New Bedford, Mass. Cured of lep rosy, Mrs. Mary Barou has been dis charged from the state leper colony on Island Penikes, where she has teen confined for two years. ' The state authorities will consider her final release. Physicians- hope for similar success in the cases of four other residents of the Penikes colony. Magoon to Be Promoted Washington, D. C Incident to a re port that Attorney General Moody is to be made a justice of the supreme court, cabinet and diplomatic pro grams are being reorganized in Wash ington gossip. It is said among other things that the plan of sending Gov- of the terrorists of Penza province, who assassinated General Min - Aug ust 26, today sentenced her to be hanged. She smiled on hearing the sentence. Collier Nero Damaged WashingtonThe collier Nero, which was so badly damaged on Block island some time ago, is being examined at the navy yard at New York to ascertain if its injuries are such as can be repaired. The whole bottom of the ship is, in very bad shape, as with 4,000 tons of coal aboard it pounded on the bottom for several days. Program of Fleet Washington When the North At lantic fleet completes it target prac tice and maneuvers it will be sent south for a winter cruise, prior to which, however, the shins will ren dezvous at Hampton Roads for repairs. MASSACREjOLISH JEWS Stores, Shops and Houses Are Looted and Burned While the Slaugh ter Goes On Warsaw Artillery was used in Siedlce this morning. Buildings on Pienkna, Warsaw and Aleina streets have been , destroyed. According to reports received here, two hundred Jews were killed and 3,000 were wounded during the Pogrom. A telegram received here from Siedlce this morning says the riot ing and shooting there continues. The revolutionists are firing at the soldiery from windows, and the troops reply with volleys. The Libau infantry regiment took the principal part in the massacre. Some passengers on a through train were hit by stray shots on Sunday, The loot offered for sale by the sol diers consists principally of jewelry and clothing. Siedlce, Poland A Jewish massacre surpassing in serlousnes all nrevious once in this vicinity, took place here Saturday and Sunday. It was care fully planned beforehand, the soldiers warning all of the Christian popula tion in advance to hans out their ikons so that they might remain un disturbed. INSANE MAN'S AWFUL WORK Chicago In a fit of insanity Wed nesday, Emil Berner, a mechanic of Batavia, 111., murdered his brother-in- law, Ernest Franzeen, by cutting his throat with a razor; slashed Mrs. Berner so severely that she will die. and then cut his own throat, dying within a few minutes. After beine: In jured Berner's wife summoned neigh bors. Her daughter, Sigma, and a boarder in the house jumped from the windows and escaped. , The . tragedy was enacted at the Berner home. Berner had been ill for three weeks, and at times had been delirious. Stealing ud to his brother-in-law, who had been watch ing at the sick man's bedside, but who had dronned into a doze from ex haustion, Berner slashed Franzeen's throat, cutting the juglar vein. Ber ner then met his wife in the door way. Seizing her in his arms hp slashed her face, body and throat. Believing her dead. Berner dashed up the stairs to the rooms occupied by his daughter and the boarder. Warned by the screams of the mother and frightened by the wild annear- ance of Berner, both the daughter and the boarder jumped through win dows to the ground, ten feet below. Berner then slashed his own throat. Ie was dead when found. Declare for Government Ownership Liverpool. The trade union rnn- gre3 today unanimously instructed the labor members of parliament to ntroduce a bill ealline for tho na tionalizing of all railways, canals and mines in the United Kingdom.