The independent. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1902-1907, June 07, 1906, Page 5, Image 5

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JUNE 7, 1906
The Nebraska independent
Summary of News
(Continued) f
should the compromise in the federal
rate bill fail to prevail.
Deaths from the assassin's bomb at
Madrid now number twenty-four. The
ball at the palace was called off be
cause of the general fear and sorrow.
Disaffection of Kronstadt sailors
alarms the czar, who is guarded from
possible attack at Peterhoff palace by
searchlights and a ship.
New French chamber, the majority
in which is composed of radicals and
radical socialists, is organized and
considers its policy, and a dangerous
financial crisis is near.
.. '.T. P. O'Connor describes the man
ner in which Keir Hardiea remark
able figure in British public life, taught
workmen to leave the old parties and
form one of their own, standing alone
in politics.
London is thronged wi'th American
tourists, who crowd the hotels, and
many of whom attend the Derby.
Members of the younger and more
progressive element of the liberal
party in Canada demand representa
tion in the cabinet, and it is said
the government, fearing the conserva
tives may come in'co power, will yield
to the demand.
Senator Tillman presents the con
ference committee's report on the rail
way rate regulation bill to the senate
with the announcement that only two
changes have been made.
Resolu'tions that supplies for the
Panama canal be purchased in the
United' States jmless the president
deems the prices unreasonable or ex
tortionate are passed by the senate.
A. J. Cassatt, president of the Penn
sylvania railroad, once an Imperious
captain of finance, trembles before in
terviewers in New York on his way
home to face charges of graft on the
part of officials of the road, and later
DENVER MUD Instantaneous cure for
all inflammation; instant relief in pneu
monia, bronchitis, pleurisy, inflamed
breasts, tumors, enrome uicers, tonsilitis,
piles (external), boils, erysipelas, poisoned
wounds, rheumatism, felons, sprains,
burns, frost bites; 50c boxes: 35c.
NER-VO-INE Those suffering from
weaknesses that will sap pleasures of, life
should take Ner-vo-me. One box will
work wonders. Has more rejuvenating
and vitalizing power than any medicine
In the world. Sent by mail, large box
SI, 3 for $2.50.
IF YOU CAN'T SLEEP take Trilby
Sleeping powders, absolutely harmless,
easy to take; no bad results. Four sleeps
for 25c.
TRILBY had no corns or bunions. She
removed them with a Trilby Leaflet; ab
solute cure; 10c by mail.
"R. P. C." ECZEMA CURE, 50c; guar
anteed to do the work; will tell you many
it has cured.
the remedy that cured Mr. Hemroid; 60c'
salve or suppository. 'Stops itching" no
teur's obesity treatment. Costs $l Der
month. Reduces you three to five pounds
per week.
LADIES Dr. La Rue's Balloon Sprat
Syringe is the world's best. Cut to $ 7
One box of vaginal antiseptic tablets free.
LADIES Are you aware that in Franc
women use a monthly regulator more than
the women of all other nations combined?
Dr. La Rue's French regulator Is used
everywhere; thoroughly reliable; abso
lutely safe; better than Pennyroyal or
Tansy. Price $1; "extra strong' for ob
stinate cases, $2.00 box.
The finest cream In the world. A skin, a
bust developer, a wrinkle eradicator, a
beautifier. and 50c a jar.
Absolutely driven away. A new face for
you. Makes you beautiful. Riggs' Face
Bleach and Complexion Tablets. Worth
15. Price $1.50.
A remedy for constipation, obesity, rick
ets, jaundice, diabetes, diarrhoea, rheuma
tism, dyspepsia, and all liver ills. X I
Pound cans. 50c.
RIGGS' G. & G. CAPSULES Guaran- !
tee cure for Gonorrhea, Gleet and all
forms of bladder and urinal diseases.
Price $1.00 the box.
RIGGS The Drug Cutter
13210 St. Lincoln, Neb.
gives out a statement promising a
thorough inquiry.
Lincoln J. Beachy fell several hun
dred feet with his airship in ' Cleve
land while thousands look on.
William E. Curtis, writing from
Washington, tells of the plans of the
people of Colorado Springs to erect
a monument to Captain Pike, who 100
years ago discovered the peak which
bears his name.
Stringent meat inspection regula
tions which will restore public confi
dence at home and abroad are .urged
at Washington by an attorney tor as
sociations of cattle raisers, who see
ruin to the Industry unless the present
agitation is ended.
Chairman Tawney of the house com
mittee on appropriations adds a little
"joker" to the sundry civil appropria
tion bill providing for -carrying all
government funds by mail, and inci
dentally taking from Senator Piatt's
United States Express company some
hundreds of thousands of dollars of
"easy money" each year.
Judge Francis" Adams agrees with
former Justic Brown of the United
States supreme court that there is
need for reform in criminal jurispru
dence, but dissents from the opinion
that the criminal laws favor the
Wheat crop prospects continue un
usually bright, the harvest in Texas
having passed without untoward in
cident. Health-imperilling conditions at the
stock yards, sanitary and moral abuses
and a farcical inspection system are
charged in the Neill-Reynolds report,
which, is sent to congress by the
president, with demands for an ade-
t Hate new law In the form of the
Beveridge amendment
Opposition to the legislation asked
by the president weakens under the
disclosures made in the government
investigation, and it is believed that
the executive's program will be car
ried out practically as he desires.
Health Commissioner Whalen of
Chicago says he will investigate the
stockyards and that the city's police
power might be used to close the
Packing companies issue a state
ment denying the charges in the gov
ernments report, and using in . their
own defense an account of a visit at
the yards by two state university sci
entists. Michael Donnelly says the meat re
port is true to the facts as he has
long known them.
Foster Dwight Cobuxn, head of Kan
sas agricultural department, is ap
pointed United States senator, to fill
the vacancy caused by the resigna
tion of Joseph R. Burton.
Grant made by President Roosevelt
to the Moffatt railroad of a right of
way through the great natural reser
voir known as Gore Canyon of the
Grand River in Colorado is of im
mense value to the recipient, but is
considered as a blow at the irrigation
project to reclaim 2,000,000 acres of
land by the use of thi3 basin, writes
William E. Curtis.
Revolution of the working classes
will come unless industrial conditions
are changed and the tyranny of em
ployers is checked, Mrs. Rheta Childe
Door of New York tell the Federation
of Women's clubs in St. Paul.
Richard A. Canfield, testifying in the
Delahaunty suit at New York, says
he has quit gambling forever since
Jerome took office.
Equitable directors at New York se
cure a modification of the injunction
order preventing action on the mu-
tulizatlon plan and it will be voted on
by the stockholders June 18.
Dr. Woods Hutchinson, a delegate
to the American Medical association
convention in Boston, declares that
old men should be sent to the scrap
heap. ,
Bishop Grafton of Fond du Las re
plies to critic and denies that he is
guilty of heresy, disloyalty to articles,
polytheism or anachronism.
John C. New, Indiana editor and re-
The material used in HEATH ERBLOOM SKIRTS is Heather
bloom Taffeta, a perfect substitute for silk. It looks like silk, but
is far superior to silk for general use, and costs very much less. It
possesses all the strength, sheen, "swish," and close fitting qualities
of silk, retains Its beautiful lustre, will not split, cut nor ravel; will
not catch or retain dust and Is of featherweight lightness.
HEATHERBLOOIvf UNDERSKIRTS are made with a patent ad
justable waistband which insures a perfect fit to any figure,
The HEATHERBLOOM UNDERSKIRT has no equal for style,
finish or comfort; it fits perfectly over the4iips; it has no string to
knot or break; it does not sag in the front or gap in the back; it
is strictly tailor made.
Every garment guaranteed by us and by the manufacturer.
Price $3.50, delivered to you.
We will refund the purchase price to anyone who for any rea
son is not perfectly satisfied. Send us your name and address and
we will mail you information about colors and styles and directions
for ordering.
215 Mercantile Building, Denver, Colo.
The Last of Earth
- Ji m
In the great Snake River valley, Idaho.
Splendid Climate, Fertile Valley, Perpetual
Water Rights under the Reservoir System
at nominal price. Get a productive home.
Write for particulars.
Woods Investment Co.,
Land Department
Lincoln, Nebr
Choice Farm, Sugar Beet, Fruit and Garden Lands, at ,
At Lower Prices than Dealers Must Pay
the Trust. FARMERS Wanted as Agents.
Moulton, Iowa
MARVELOUS results. Painless and permanent. WRITE
TODAY for our instruetiFe booklet explaining our NO CURE,
NO PAY plan, FREE.
GRENZFELDER, M. D.f Rupture Specialist From Berlin, Germany
3625 Granite Bldir., Cor. Fourth and Market Sts., St. Louis, Mo.
nubliean leader' and -.former consul
general at London, succumbs to attack
of dropsy at Indianapolis.
Senator Arthur Pue Gorman of
land dies at Washington from heart
trouble, with which he had been suf
fering for months.
House nasses the Burton bill for
the protection of Niagara Falls and
the waters of the great lakes, and
which also settles the dispute over
the amount of water for the Chicago
drainage canal.-
New menace to the railway rate bill
appears in the discovery that the con
ferees have exceeded their powers
by amending indisputed sorptions.
An Immediate Response
"My son," said the strict mother, at
the end of a moral lecture, "I want
you to be exceedingly careful about
your conduct; Never, under the cir
cumstances, do anything which you
would be ashamed to have the whole
world see you doing."
The small boy turned a hand-spring,
with a whoop of delight.
"What in the world is the matter
with you? Are you crazy?" demanded
the mother.
"No'm," was the answer. "I'm jes'
so glad that you don't 'spec' me to
take no baths never any more!"