The independent. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1902-1907, April 19, 1906, Page PAGE 4, Image 4

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    PAGE 4
Uho Nobrasktx Independent
APRIL 19, 190
Summary of News
. Anthracite operators make a coun
ter proposal of arbitration, limiting
the subjects to be investigated, to the
miner's committee in New York, and
while the miners are not wholly satis
fied with the suggestion, it is expect
ed to form the basis of a peace agree
ment, . - . ' ' o " ''-' "
After a month of debate.' on the rail
way rate bill the senate finds the sit
uation unchanged. " The president is
holding out against any plan for a
compromise, being firm In his desire
that a strong law be passed.
Friends of Senator La Follette in
Washington are asking why Senator
Spooner gets all the federal patronage
In Wisconsin and appoints men hostile
to colleague.
President McCormick and Engineer
Randolph of the sanitary - district of
- Chicago are in Washington to protest
against the proposed restriction on
the amount of water to be allowed to
pass through the drainage canal.
State banking institutions of Chi
cago show a gain of more than $2,000,
000 in deposits since the report of ten
weeks ago, but loans are expanded
more than $3,000,000 and the surplus
reserve remains small.
August; Belmont of New. York buys
Rock Sand, winner of English Derby
and other stages, for $125,000.
George Sutton defeats Albert G.
Cutler by the score of 500 to 220 in
International billiard championship.
Chicago negroes will, present a pro
test to President Roosevelt on the
lynching of three men of their race in
Seven companies of militia and 300
deputy sheriffs : are patrolling the
streets. of Springfield, Mo.; to prevent
the outbreak of a race war, following
the lynching of three negroes late
Saturday night.
Governor Folk lakes prompt action
to punish the leaders in the lynch-
Head Ache
If so, it will interest you to
know that it can be stopped
with Dr. Miles' Anti-Pain Pills;
and without any bad after
effects, and this without dan-,
ger of forming a drug habit or
having your stomach disar
ranged. They positively con
tain no opium, morphine, co
caine, chloral, ether or chloro
form in any form. Dr. Miles'
Anti-Pain Pills relieve pain,
and leave only a sense of relief.
iThe reason for this is explained
by the fact that headache comes
from tired, irritable, turbulent,"
over-taxed brain nerves. Anti
Pain Pills soothe and strength
en these nerves, thus removing
the cause. They are harmless
when taken as directed.
"We use Dr. Miles Anti-Pain Pills
for the cure of headache, and we
think that there is nothing that will
equal . them. They will cure the
severest spell of nervous or sick
headache in a. very few minutes. I
am of a nervous temperament, and
occasionally have spells when my
nerves seem to be completely exhaust
ed, and I tremble so I can scarcely
contain myself. At these times I al
ways take the Anti-Pain Pills, and
they quiet me right away. It is re
markable what a soothing effect they
have upon the nerves."
MRS. F. E. KARL, Detroit, Mich.
Dr. Miles' Anti-Pain PHIs are sold by
your druggist, who will guarantee that
the first package will benefit. If It
fails, he will return your money.
25 doses, 25 cents. Never sold In bulk.
Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind
ings, offering a reward of $300 for
me arrest and conviction , of each
guilty person and detailing: an as
sistant attorney -general to aid in the
President Roosevelt's plan to put a
curb on wealth by imposing heavy
taxes on income and inheritances
causes a stir in congress and -is
thought likely to become an active
issue. ,
President Roosevelt, scenting defeat
or a change in public'' opinion, drops
his club and changes front completely,
says Perry Belmont, in a letter, and,
after citing the president's course in
reference to important bills as exam
ples, he says that the talk of the
"man with the muck rake" reminds?
him of "Mr. Facing-Both Ways."
boutn (jnicago and Ironwood work
men crowd into lodgings that reek
with filth and are a menace to the
public health.
Man with his head nearly severed
by a negro in a fierht runs nearly a
block before he falls dead.
Bemhardt's doss are snnhhpri nt th
Annex, and she seeks quarters at an
other hotel, where pets are not black
listed.' - . .... .
William E. Curtis writes of the triD
over snow and ice up' to the crater
of the volcano Orizaba in Mexico.
Plans to control the senate through
the state Jegislatures as well as the
house by participation in the elections
are made by the political action com
mittee of the American Federation
of Labor.- . . ;-. ' . :
Cause of the explosion u nthe haifle
ship Kearsarge probably will not be
Known until an Investigation is made
by Rear Admiral Evans.: .
Eleven thousand eieht hundred and
thirty-nine strong, the vanguard of an
anen army which, before the end of
the week will number 47.000. lands?
in New York, overtaxing the facili
ties of Ellis Island.
Senator Tillman gets out his pitch
fork after the national banks, which
made donations , to party campaign
funds, and aside from demanding a
rigid inquiry into gifts made in the
past, will ask stringent legislation for
the future. . .
Charges that votes of absent mem
bers of the house were recorded in
favor" of the recent aDDronriatinn : nf
nearly $200,000 as mail subsidies for
railroads, are to be investigated.
Government crop report of . last
week develops the more healthv sen
timent prevailing in the wheat trade.
JLake navigation now is onen and
grain movement is free toward the
east, but farm deliveries are small.
Wall street, taken aback bv the re
cent developments In the money mar
ket and the supplying of funds from
tne united States treasury, is in
clined to blame the banking system
rather than manipulation for . the
Divorce degrees granted in one state
do not bind the defendant if he or she
resides in another, according to a de
cision of the United States, sunreme
court, and as a result thousands of
men and women who, after separation
in states where laws are lax have mar
ried again, face the possibility of hav
ing themselves declared bigamists and
their children illegitimate.
v Miscreants seek to blow un the
gambling casino at French Lick
Springs, lnd., exploding a charge of
dynamite on the roof of the veranda
and badly damaging the building.
Big steel freighters Saxona and Eu
gene Zimmerman are sunk in a col
lision in the Soo passage.
Mexico is led from a state of chaos
to prosperity by President Diaz, who,
during his administration of a quarter
of a century, has accomplished revo
lutionary changes in the financial and
industrial conditions of the country,
says Willtam E. Curtis.
Warrants are issued for the arrest
of nearly 100 members of the mob
which lynched three negroes at Spring
field, Mo., Saturday night, and four
suspects are arrested. Governor Folk
declares those convicted should be
hanged. Race feeling increases and
trouble is feared.
Trial of Rev. A. S. Crapsey of Roch-
For Farmers, Miners, Lum
bermen, Mechanics end
Working Men
are expressly adapted to the needs of
working people of all classes.'
The leather for these shoes "is care
fully selected and the soles made of tough,
pliable sole leather that wears like iron.
Honest stock and high grade workman-
snip have placed Mayer working
shoes above all others in strength and
wearing quality. Insist on getting Mayer
Shoes, and look for the trademark on
the sole. Your dealer will supply you.
For a Sunday'or dress shoe wear the
iiuuurDiu - ior men.
F. Mayer Boot I Shoe Co.,
. . Milwaukee, Wis. -
1 '
ester, N Y., on a charge of heresy,
which will be begun today, threatens
to disrupt the Episcopal church.
- Officers of the Northwestern Mutual
Life Insurance comnanv have Tnans
of $350,000 : to policyholders, ; made
mrougn tne company, a few at 8'ner
Automobile owner and his chauffeur
are indicted at New York for man
slaughter in killing two women, who
were run down by their machine.
Private bankers at New York criti
cise Secretary Shaw's plan to allow
national banks to forestall gold im
ports by withdrawing cash from sub-
Fifteenth continental congress of the
Daughters of the American Revolu
tion opens at Washington.
Ex-Banker Frank G. Bigelow ar
rives in Milwaukee from Leavenworth
prison under guard to testify in the
Goll case.
Senate committee unearths exten
sive graft by banks and lumber barons
in the funds of the Wisconsin Indians.
Sir Chentung Liang Cheng, Chinese
minister to the United States, takes
issue with Representative Denby re
garding frauds in issuing certificates
and raises the question of whether his
recall should be demanded by the
American government.
Western weighing and- inspection
bureau makes demand on several
packing companies for money alleged
to be due because of false weights
and false billing. Similar demands
are said to have been made on other
big shippers.
American athletic team which will
compete in Olympic games at Athens
reaches Naples. . Mitchell and Hillman
are seriously-injured.
Doesn't Accumulate in Pipestems and
Causes Very Little Poisoning.
There are probably few subjects
about which more people are misin
formed than nicotine.
Nearly everyone speaks of the dark
brown substance which has about the
consistency and color of molasses and
accumulates in the stems of pipes as
nicotine. It is not nicotine, and it
has no nicotine in it.
"It is nothing but tar tobacco tar,
distilled from the smoke, just as coal
tar is distilled from coal and pine tar
from pine wood. One might swallow
all the tobacco tar thata rank clap
pipe contains without serious harm.
If he swallowed the same quantity of
nicotine he would probably be dead
inside of five minutes.
It . is the tar that stains the pipe,
and it is the same tar that stains the
cigarette smoker's fingers. It is also
found inside the nostrils of one who
inhales smoke, and it puts an indelli
ble stain on mustaches. , ,
It is true that tobacco contains more
nicotine than any other known plant,
but nicotine is not a plentiful article
in nature. The rankest Kentucky to
bacco contains less than 8' per cent
of nicotine, and the finer grades of
tobacco, such as Havana, have less
than 2 per cent. ' f i ' '
One often hears cigarettes con
demned because the smoker gets so
much more nicotine through inhaling
the smoke. The fact is that a cigar
ette smoker , gets almost no nicotine,
because the tobacco of which cigar
ettes are made contains next to no
nicotine. ., : Turkish and Egyptian to
baccos carry only , a trace of nicotine,
and some of them none at all.
No matter how much of this deadly
element a tobacco contains, the .
smoker does not get it. Nicotine is "
not extracted by burning the tobacco.
Burning destroys it entirely.
One often hears of nicotine poison
ing, but it is very doubtful if there
is any such thing. When one is
poisoned with nicotine he dies, and
he doesn't get poisoned by smoking.
There are plenty of good reasons why
smoking should not be carried to
excess, but nicotine poisoning Is not
one of them. New York Sun.
A Patent Fisherman
"A friend of mine," says ex-President
Cleveland, "was once traveling
on foot through a section of West
Virginia, well known for its excellent
fishing grounds, when he chanced up
on an angler of the old school a ven
erable old countryman who, as he
sat on the bank, looked as if time and
the world might pass away without
disturbing his content. 'Have you
fished long in this stream?' pleasant
ly asked .my friend. 'Twenty-three
years,' was the laconic response of
the fisherman, who scarcely- looked
up. 'Get "many bites? was the next
question. . Still gazing intently along
the rod he held" the old angler replied :
'Two years ago in this very spot I
had a fine bite.'" s
A Notre Dame Lady
I will send free with full instructions, some
of this simple preparation for the Cure of Leu
corrhoea. Ulceration, Displacements, - Falling
of the Womb, Scanty or Painful Periods, Tun -ors
or Growths, Hot Flashes, Desire to Cr.
Creeping feeling up the Spine. Pain in the ,
Back, and all Female Troubles, to aU sending
address. To mothers of suffering daughters!
will explain a Successful Home Treatment. If
you decide to continue it will only cost about
12 cents a week to guarantee a cure. Tell other
sufferers of it. that is all I ask. If you are in
terested write now and tell your suffering
friends of it. -Address Mrs. M. Summers, Box
169, Notre Dame. Ind.