PAGE 6 Nobraoka Indopondoni APRIL 5 190 PLAN MURDER OF JEWS Jews in Russia Warned of Massacre to Take Place Easter -Efforts to Avert the Slaughter. . St. Petersburg The league of Rus sian writers has Issued an appeal to " the Russian people to 'unite in. the name of their consciences and self respect to prevent the Jewish mas sacres which, they claim, are beyond doubt being prepared in southwestern Russian for Eastertide. The appeal says that it is not fancy, but fact, that iwlice and gendarmes are arranging to let loose the black hundreds upon the poor, helpless race. ' It recalls that the Kishineff, Gomel ' and Odessa anti-Jewish outrages were committed at the instigation of Min ister of the Interior Plehve, Chief of . Police Neidhardt and Count Pod- ' gorichante, chief of the gendarmes of Gomel. Just as in the past times, St Bartholomew was arranged by agents of the government, the appeal declares, the recent proclamations emanating from the printing offices of the police master at St. Petersburg and that of the military staff at Odessa, leave no doubt that the au thorities are privy to the present pro paganda. , The appeal further declares that M. Kalsusk's book warning Jews to leave Russia immediately or be treated as the Jews were treated by the Span lards in the middle ages was printed and distributed from the offices of the police of St. Petersburg and Ekateri noslav. The league of writes claims to hold proof that massacres have been planned to take place at Alex androvsk Minsk, Bhest-Litovsk, Ros-tovo-on-Don Krementchug. SUMMARY OF NEWS Brodie L. Duke, of tobacco fame. is granted a divorce at New York from his wife. Bill raising the saloon license fee GENTLEMEN: I Today started the National Spreader. It tforks fine. Noiseless and Very smooth and delivers almost seemingly im possible stuff-H. J. GVNN, Letington, Neb., March 9. 1IH PS NATIONAL SPREADER DRAFT: One horse lighter than other machines with same capacity l555!! Extra wide tires, four inch front, five inch rear. Twenty four inch beatei. ma Winn a ctrainhf nnnp nt Intn ik load. Smaller beaters cut forward into load (moving backward) adding draft. Roller bearings on beater and main gear shafts. Main gear shaft extended across under side of box with driving gear on each end. Both wheels drivers. Ask the leading implement deaters for further particu lars or write , NEBRASKA MOLINE PLOW CO., OMAHA. 1 fiS& tY- 1$J for. j m Cushman Marine & Stationary Motors Are Different Motors No Valves No Cams No Gears FREE CATALOG Cushman Motor Co., V 2022 N Street, Lincoln, Nebraska. o G KOBEER GUARANTEED UURSERY STOCK AT WHOLESALE PRICES. 00$ u r u 9 All stock guaranteed disease free and true to name. Hart Pioneer Stock is pure bred and produces heavy crops. Value received for every dollar sent us. Ko Agent's Commission. WRITE FOR COnPLETE PRICE LIST. WE WILL SAVE YOU flONEY. HART PIONEER NURSERIES, EsnLsMa Fort Scott, Kan. from $350 to $1,000 is passed fcy the Ohio legislature. Ten thousand union machinists of Chicago propose to demand increase of wages and shop changes. " Mayor Rose and Candidate Becker exchange bitter personalities in cam paign speeches in Milwaukee. Methodist Episcopal church leaders prepare for a world-wide prayer league which shall daily invoke divine aid. . - . ; v Boy hold-up at New York is sen tenced to three years in the reform school for stealing a cent from a little girl. ; 1 Former Mayor Van Wyck of yew York weds former wife of Comissioner John C. Hertle before sailing for Eu rope. . ; ' -j.v, J. Ogden Armour makes accusations of unfairness and misrepresentation against critics of the private refrig erator car system. Railroads take the. trreater part of the coal output for their own use, thus practically cutting off the commercial supply for Chicago. " ; 5 ; Proceedings to oust the .Standard Oil company may be taken up by at least twenty-five states if Missouri Is successful in its suit. ? Crimnal prosecution bv the depart ment-of justice. 'at - Washington of shippers who obtained what amounted to rebates by misdescribing goods is on. William E. Curtis writes of Vera Cruz, the old Mexican port, which, through modern works, is fast over coming a reputation for unhealthful- ness. Six Bulgarians are mysteriously and brutally murdered in a house in Min neapolis, and the police are unable to get any clew to the identity of the slayers. Sugar industry is being developed in Mexico, says William E. Curtis, great areas of rich land which are adapted for the growing of cane being utilized. John Alexander Dowie has been read "out of Zion City near Chicago, and the property, public and private, is placed in . the hands of Deacon Granger. Bold frauds are shown by the rec ords of the failed Cooper Exchange bank of New York, which is to pay all creditors in full without an as sessment. Hadley closes the oil hearing in New York with a last fling at John D. Rockefeller, placing the millionaire on the records as an artful dodger of subpoena servers. Governor Deneen opens the Chica go tuberculosis exhibition and gave advice that may result in an nnnrn- priation by the next legislature for a state sanitarium for consumnHves t.reat sections of fertile land in Texas are made available by the railroads and irrigation systems built by B. F. Yoakum, who is regarded in the , southwest as an emnirfi Vmiuipr W hether an egg belongs to the man who owns the barn in which it was deposited or to the proprietor of the hen which laid it is .a question which a Danville, 111., court is asked to de cide. Fear of the political effect of a judi cial decision induces Senator Elkins to "compromise" a suit at Wheeling and grant the Fulmer Coal and Coke company the right to ship fuel over his road. House adopts a motion vitiating one of its most cherished rules, to save the legislative, executive and judicial appropriation bill from being torn to pieces by Representative prince.' Cleveland capitalists merge Illinois and Wisconsin traction lines into a $20,000,000 concern and plan ultimate ly to run through electric sleepers from Madison, Wis., to Cincinnati, through Chicago. Ambrose F. McCabe, attorney for the Metropolitan Street Railway corn- All Unusual Offer C7 BOYS COMPLETE ' OUTFIT FOR TW Complete Outfit for only $4,35 f4.00 2.W) .50 .15 7-oo An all wool suit. Extra well made, price a pair oi Kooa Btrong snoes, price -A spring style cap, price A shirt waist, price A pair of heavy ribbed stockings, price Total yalue HOW TO ORDER All For $4.35 Suits come in all sizes for boys from 6 to 16 years. Order light, dark or medium mix ture. Shoes are at Idox calf or vici kid any size for boys from 6 to 16 years old. Order percale . or madras waist light or dark color, any size. Order any size stockings. Order plain or fan cy cap. We'll Send this Outfit on Approval If you don't con sider it worth more than the price we ask, the express agent will i return it to us and we will stand all expense. If j-ou want the Outfit, pay the agent $4.35 and express charges. Send your or ders to Dept. C. WRITE FOR MEN'S OUTFIT OFFER MAYER BROS. LINCOLN. NEB. Nebraska's Greet MaJl Order Clothiers Established 1880 PALES FISTULAS YEARS Wsstnd FREE and nostnald i 232.nairft ESTABL!SHEOTO',P8a,is9 on PILES FISTULA and DISEASES traftd frea'l.o on fllSEASES 3F WOMEN. Of ifc. iZJ , , m mm .none paid ia cm mmSZSS Til I OlinCil DBS. THORNTON & MINOR, 1002 Oak Street, Kusas City. Mo. 8 iL-l UUfitEJ NO H0HEY pany of New York, accused of jury bribing m order to obtain verdicts in fZL l Jhe company, is discnarged ror lack of evidence. Because American workmen are compelled to "pay taxes" to labor unions, and, in his opinion, freedom in this country is a farce, a natural ized Norwegian of Des Moines, la, asks President Roosevelt to annul his citizenship papers. , District Attorney Jerome asks George W. Perkins to appear in court in the matter of campaign contribu tions, no warrant being issued. The object of the' move is "frifmriiv judication" of the case and to ore- Legislation for the Panama cannl ia congress is considered impossible this session, and this will leave the president and the commission free to go ahead with the lock type of water way. . The rate bill blocks action in the, senate, and the house committee insists on investigation. : - Ollie Roberts, "Queen of "the Bad' Lands" of St. Louis, confessed thief and convicted murderess, has many friends among- prominent men of the city, who make an effort to gain clem- -ency for her when she appears to tes tify against policemen she accuses of aiding her in robberies. . The strike of miners in both the anthracite and bituminous fields of the country is virtually complete. Op erators of the western Pennsylvania district, with a few exceptions, eranf. ed the miners' demands. Employers in other bituminous fields refuse to yield. , Anthracite conference has op ened in New York. Tariff revision again comes front in the house, the democrats charging the republicans with forget ting the leadership of Blaine and Mn. Kinley, while Mr. Payne defends the standpatters. Send $1.00 for a year's subscrintirtrt to The Independent and receive Mr. Herge s Dook, "The Free Pass Bribery System," free as a premium. This offer applies to full paid adva nee s i .in HiVIMIHHKmiiiiiiiiiiHliHiH.HKHiiiiiKMMMMBMHiMiiiiiimHMMMn 1 i " scriptions only.