MARCH R, 1'6 : " i ui,of insensible nor in- r:oirtl,fl.a, outcome of the hi- that Is now on. mey bat t re " , .. ihat tn J.'rf linor-""- an opinion we do not "hare. , ..,,, i f(,w yearn sine.', ranroau io ....mmllllltv Of ln- wre working ' This wan soon discovered to feudluiton. N community of owerhlp wan the P. . u Ami attempt, to inaugurate iu. plan, a mighty struggle for HUDremacy at once manifested iiseu pent railroad magnates uemaeiTO. Tho first battle resulted In a dog-fall between the mighty combatants, and vnrthern Securities company was lb result. The order , of President Roosevelt to Lis attorney general to i n I i muAvv the Noitoern occuriuo company wan the U-xington of the war ihut will end with the subjugation oi the railroad, or, the overthrow' of .the ronublic there being no middle ground The hat i le will be long and fierce, as It is a battle of dollars against men, JknediM Arnolds will find their -uortuniileti ami the'' people will be toned to their utmost in the fight Hut a century and a quarter of free institutions and free schools have not been In vain. After a few campaigns the ultimate triumph of the people will become evident to the master minds, on both Bides. The prophecy : which is, that now the railroad magnates will themselves unite and lead a movement for gov ernment .ownership, in order to'un load onto the government their rail road securities at their inflated value art the only means left to them of saving the $7,00(1,000,000 of water in Jeered into these securities, whjch amount does not represent -a single dollar's worth of railroad property, but, upon which, the people pay an nually about $:i00,000,000 in excessive Mid unjust, freight and passenger rates. T5 Nebraska. Independent PAGE their struggles and sacri flees who re fuse its responsibilities, and by such action offers insult, to their memories. The right of citizenship, our inherit ance, purchased with , the lives of heroes and the blood of martyrs, Is noble estate. It puts our destinies Into our own hands. What more can we ask? The citizenship that birth In a free republic Imposes is also a trusteeship carrying with it mighty responsibili ties. We are the connecting link be tween the past aud the future.. We Owe a debt to the past for the pur chase price, in Wood and sacrifice, paid for the liberties and citizenship rights that were banded down to-us. That debt cannot ,be paid to the. Indi viduals that madtjVthe.. sacrifices,, be cause they lire iu the great beyond. But, It Is the decree , of .high-heaven hat we pay jt to the future, by, de livering to those who come after us, nim paired, the. free institutions and exulted citizenship that were onr.own free inheritance. . RESPONSIBILITY OF CITIZENSHIP Men are frequently heard to say that they take no interest in politics, This, the most pitiable confession that fan fall from human lips, is some time made in a spirit of boastfulness indicating the maker's purpose to im press the idea of his own superiority, On the contrary, the maker of such remark calls attention to his own de tective mentality, proves himself "to be less than the normal man. so much o.that in attempting to boast of what e is, unconscious of his defects, he proclaims what he is not. to take no interest in politics is deny responsibility for all things ""nil or conventional, and to forfeit 'ne right to applaud the irood or renrl n,un'1 nil ang men, and exhibits wlf. a human misfit The sirugKleof mankind throughout -S'n has been for the enthrone Ot mail. tl.;it ,,,, .... . ""Kill. UI.IIJ ,h" in.livl.lal. th.. ,xe,else of his God riKht of ciMz. n.hip, and of 1 lr'S a factor m I,,,.,,.,,, u .... t oil n, I1U WI1U 7" '"'"'""ll.ilily with his fellows . work of m.w.mment, proelal ""'-If tiiM-nMiM,. ,,f .., ,, . inuiuere """sit unt.,1,1 ins enl id ill nmrtyr Me cum as Mipreme object Id Subscribe for The Independent. He who defends railroad govern ment is an enemy of popular govern ment. Evils of every kind in a free govern ment must disappear before an en lightened public opinion. The issue narrowed down is, a peo ples' government, or an oligarchy, of wealth. Which do you prefer? "The Free Pass Bribery System," by George W. Barge is having a large sale in all parts of the country. made of good material, and will sur prise you with the accuracy of its time keeping and its durability. bad rests with the people them selves, and the character of the gov- inmciit is an unerring Index of nili- He Intelligence. If the people are possessed of suffi cient Intelligence to maintain a dem ocratic government our republic will stand. If not, It will be superceded by an oligarchy of railway and trust magnates. It - would be as sensible- for the weather, bureau to attempt, to turn back ai approaching storm by hoist ing fair weather signals, as for poli ticians to seek to evade an issue when the same is due. J. When .money lenders can be 1 rusted to make and enforce usury laws for the good of society, then . republican railroad politicians can be trusted to protect the, people from railroad .ex tortion., lint not before. ; When thieves can be trusted to make and enforce laws against steal ing, It will be safe to entrust repub lican railroad- oliticians with the re demption of our state from railroad domination. Hut, not 111 then. Loyalty to the sources of their in comes is to be expected of men. Ex perience teaches this. To expect re- lief from railroad extortion through the railroad republican politicians, is to fly in the face of all human exper ience. The antl railroad professions of re- itiblicnn railroad politicians that are now being so loudly proclaimed throughout the state reminds us of he old couplet, as follows: "When he Devil was sick the Devil a saint would bn. But when the Devil got well the. devil it saint was he."' " ' The conflict for supremacy in the government between the people and the railroads and confederated monop olies is an Irrepreasable one. "He that not for me is against me." '"Ye cannot serve both God and Mammon." You must chooe between railroad and the confederated monopolies on' one side, and the people on the other. tissues are born of conditions, and have the right-of-way id politics under a law as mmutable as that governing the course bf cyclones. Railroad cappers or weaklings are not wanted in public office. The in terests of the people deserve and de mand the services of their best and truest men. When a candidate is right, and is In dead earnest, the people generally know it. This Ib the secret of the big vote cast for George W. Berge for governor in 1904. It would be as sensible to entrust the protection of your lambs to the wolves, as to expect relief from rail road extortion through the railroad republican machine. A horse thief wili be safe on trial before the jury of livery men, wren h'o r.eople of Nebraska get anti-rail road candidates out of a convention of railroad free pass holders. Railroad republican politicians ask the people to again elect them to office to redeem the state from railroad con Irol. They are In control now. Why don't they do some redeeming? of Our premium watch is the best cheap watch that Is made. It has a genuine watch movement, made with as much accuracy as the movement In hlieher nrlccd watches. Of course, It U not sot In flue Jewels but it Is The issue of Issues that will test the fitness of our people for popular government is now upon us. The con test Is between the railway and trust magnates on the one side, and the people on the other, for supremacy in the government. if The Independent is an uncompromis ing foe of railroad government, and will expose the methods of the rail roads and their political agents. you are with us in this fight, give us your support by subscribing for The Independent and getting your neigh bors to subscribe also. When society can safely surrender into the hands of the criminal classes full power to enact and execute law for the suppression of crime and the protection of persons and property, then, and not till then, can they trust republican railroad politicians 'o re tkem the state from railroad cor.t.ol President Roosevelt's popularity came through his moving toward the people and away from his party. Poll ticians now beseech him to (urn back in order to save the future of the party. We suggest to the president that before heeding the advice of these politicians he read his Bible and not the fate of Ixit's wife. Greed for gain and lust for powe have their roots deep In the huma heart. Therefore it is that in propor tlon as power is Irresponsible to the general wellfare, selfishness, im ehecked. breeds corruption. Good gov eminent results from the resiralnin influences we exercise over each o(h rather than from llt self Imposed ie M nil lit n of Individuals. The repone blltty for government whether too George W. Beige, In his campaign for the governorship of Nebraska in 1904, struck the vulnerable point in the armor of railroad government when be attacked the free pass as a bribe, and insisted that the first steps toward .reclaiming the state from rail road control must be the abolition of the free pass bribe and to outlaw the; professional lobby. A correpondent of the Omaha Bee writes from Grand Island "that the people in several counties in that sec tion of the state are demanding that the state government be divorced from undue corporation influence; that they demand the summary abolition of freo passes to legislators, public officials and all favored classes." He says "that they demand the rescue of the state from railroad control." This is right. But when we see the self same politicians that have led the people Into the railroad camp in the past, and have lived and prospered all their days on railroad favoritism, stepping to the front and proclaiming them selves leaders In the anti-railway cru sade, It suggests that they are acting under instructions from railroad head quarters. Will they succeed In fool ing the people? The people will never succeed in rescuing this state from railroad control by electing to office the men who have spent their lives in the service of these corporations. The republican leaders recognize the neces sity of making loud professions of op position to railroad domination In or der to hold the rank and file of the party voters in line. But If the people are simple enough to credit them with sincerity in their pre-election anti railroad professions they will be badly fooled. "The leopard cannot change his spots." The publishers of The Independent want agents everywhere to canvass for subscription and sell Mr. Beige' new book, "THE FREE PASS BRI BERY SYSTEM." See advertisement of book elsewhere in this paper. We receive hundreds of orders through the mails. It Is the only book writ ten upon a subject tn which the peo ple are Just now vitally Interested. The people everywhere will want the book. Kx-Govcrnor l.arabee of Iowa ordered ten books before parne were off the press. We receive orders from all part of the country. This book I a seller. All you have to do Is to tell about It. You ran make 1 100 per month. Write at onr for term. THE INDEPENDENT, Lincoln, Neb.