The independent. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1902-1907, March 08, 1906, Image 1

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OTiiiff iMiMifi will
wlU' ISMP i IP till wiu
Vol. 18. No. 926.
Lincoln, Nebraska, Mareh'ft, VJ06
Subscription $100
Har True Jefterionlan Principle! Ex
pounded by the Leaders and Learn
That Party In Fine Form for
Next Campaign.
Four' hundred ami fifty Nebraska
di'inocralK intended tho dollar dinner
hi I .ttuHilu on March (t and heard true
ii'inicrinv expounded by homo apeak
m iiml tirtitors from abroad. A
Hih It of optimum prevailed arid It
wum I lu cuiilldeiii prediction of the
l: t-t y leaders I hiU llio democrats of
tho mute would enter tho next cam
IkiIkh lii holier form than over bo-
St jtc Committee Conference
I'rlov Ui Hie dinner tho state com
mil lee plot In discuss plaiiM for the
ciiiiiloilHii, The most Important nub
Joel before the mooting whh tho (Into
nf the next hi ttl t convention, but this
referred iii tho oxoeutlvo com
mittee. Ihiiilniiiiiierx worn Htabllnhotl at
tin' l.liieolu hoiel, ami hero tho bnn
qwt't was held In tho evening. Through
out tho afternoon democrats from nil
IwrtH of the stut met In tho lobby
of tho hotel ami discussed laauea and
)' und menus of attaining victory,
An interest hiS figure wns Juntos C.
iwiiiimm, who has mi unobstructed
"mI n his canvass to secure the doiu-
"'"V 'minimitiim fr nmyor of
Dr. Hall, Toaetmaater
The rtmer were seated In tho large
' room of the Lincoln shortly
r So clock tlm 8iwchmak,ng
,, " ",m conneoioii rooms. At
bin ttlm '"' ,V ' '' Jncom.
no'1, f'1-!"!" of tho state com-
lh : ; , , "''lobluKo to order,
w ,, , !" ' 'lis"iy or the nation
tkv j ' tu' 'wKT element of
; v,i i"'UM victory Id na
1 ' 411 ''"''ed Ktt ovation.
tl' ' v. i L 1. ...
i. rfc WMIIlp,
t. U Victory Worth
' H. II. lUnk.
tnuHrit;- A. (,
hk.iui Ston;'
1 ;','uHil. "Ktiualily
M lUtihcwh.
: & kt IViu.Hrt J,-
Pormer Governor C. S. Thomas ofl saa
Colorado, "The Consumer;" Oencraf
Jamca It. Weaver of Iowa, "Jefferson
of Machlavelll."
After the Btafo committee meeting
the democratic edltora prenent held a
conference. The newspaper men se
lected W. H. Smith of Seward fo he
vice president, of the state democratic
editorial association in place of W.
H. Rlslcy, removed from th state.
W. H. (Jrecn, editor of the "CreiKhton
Liberal" of Crelghfon. Neb., was
chosen a member of the executive
committee to succeed R. O. Adams of
(Irnud Island, who In no longer In the
newspaper business. The editors'
executive board will meet. In Lincoln
on March 19 to prepare a program for
the slate meeting to ne held In Lin
coln In May.
Mr. Horde's address appears else
where In this Issue.
Efforte Being Made to Control the
Otage Indian Field.
The absolute control of ther Osaf?e
Indian reservation oil! angas prodii;
tlon for th next twenty flvr years,
eemlnRly by thff Standard" Off com
pany, l contemplated In the bill In
troduced by Delegate K S. Mef.nlre
for the allotment of Osage tribal lands,
nnd tho abolition of tribal government.
After stipulating that oil, gas, coal or
other mineral resources are reserved
to the Osage tribe for a period of
twenty-five years, from and after
April 8, 1906. the bill reads:
"Tho oil and gas leases given fey
tho Osage tribe of Indians to James
S. Olenn and George L. Craig, at one
eighth royalty for oil, and $10(V per
annum for each gas well for a period
of ten years, commencing April 9.
on thnt portion of the Osage Indian
reservation not embraced In the re
newal act of March 3, 19or, as to the
6S,()()0 acres of the Edwin it. Foster
lease, are hereby confirmed, and satdt
leases, together with the Knwarit ft.
Foster lease as renewed by the act of
March 3, 190R, are hereby extended for
a period of fifteen years fmm and after
April 9. 19tt5."
On Its face this provision may seem
to be without guile, but Its enactment
Into law protmMy would forever shot
out hope of Independent oil production
In the Osage oil and gas field, one of
the richest In the entire Southwest.
: Thralie t&ioti r &Vf,4 6t
: ftefiwing to in-iVfe' m friW tvfM
cation f hi week fx aw awmiMwi
alleged1 wife1 rearing eawev tov
pea red1 in- fhe" tjMK rlw .WAWil aw
week preview,. U, tm, ChV 4
(tor wan aswrtiVlVedi iw AiW AieKviWf
office ty A. i. tittrtrvm, (MM'iVit,'
on the Nwrn'eftt'a" miwty.- iwrt
week the1 (Viirtrttl liiwii, a -sVvy
abonf :he rtl s-0irti' Mm- ttew--son
wfto",. w i fdi,. lm
her hnnbad1 a MK ow A mw., t
leg some- frpertdW ftew Aw dUH'tniVV',.
according Co1 ffte1 fhw,, flVw fam
band haif fteafeni Aev'.- th .ilviW'AWli
fnrthei suggested1 (AM tftttimw .rtwvM
be ridvreiv tm' t,f foww m . f;wil
After' the- pa'pef na ftee
ftronuofti rlrtdirtg Av aiMV' PiV if
column.- proceed fA r'A' .),MW,ii i
flee and1 fs artegedi fv im tW'-.vfew W.
fymanv afrlWuW v fi-r j
nessedi th affray.- 1f'A etiiWAV
euf eye1 and1 hafiy AyvP! Hir
a result of e enconwi'ef.- fe-UiaV
e?T AWeVfeif aPnstl fw) J
assault wif t1 ;ifii, t e
who honivdl ffte- rfefeiMtWd Vii' ( f
diwfrrct cotwi! fiv fft tw V f.wv..
fitNiWify Sirtwe (Reported to Have
Cw.'iW !th (Onl Way to
PftWM jRcMVlitjm Solidarity ie to
A$St iOM (Ryjw Amendment.
Fails to Make Headway Againtl Stand
ard Oil Company.
Kansas will drop it Mister proceed
In km against the Stamford Of) cenv
pany which have been pending tft (he
aiiprcme court f;r a year. The H
will t (tlmnlsst-d wifh the kivwlclje
an conavnt of thw officer M rr
ler of the Kn.i (tl rrbic-r'
asmclatlon, the which cftdiiet-
el the antl Htaftilttrtf eri(V difie
ihn atntiioR of th lit I iit.hfe
year bko, accord nm to th tferfMj
Monopof PtfrnHUiS to Wew Ywk
Attorney ffeneyaP iWa!ye' (4 fr
York annnnncedl flva'f Aw Af dlWM
the applicatfAW 'BiiifWrtv fe- liUirit
demanding fAd lW mfwv wDi
begin pvoceedfrtg (a aiVf fA CTwititer
of fhe fnferiwa-wvgfr.e'MWiiiita JM-
Ing eomjkwny nttdW APc fa"
of the- Ne tovftf fwt'iv' ewiwWM
I infendied! (y he- e1teiiiW"'ll.- tm
forney ge-eraJ a' fa fAw jwll
merge veilf eonWrriW woiwy Mf
fh preseAS ef-eva'Cedl sitfiW1 Afl4 vb--
way sysfenv w jB'f i tm
Itronx.' rt- wiWjiiMy w
street franspvf.'W,fi,'A' jWWftWiW
under th fe cf fR stta"1?..
W.v.iMMtAW, W. C, ((Special)
it-'Mi- mvy yt!W jpitrty inuuuniy
I'm WW iMinoavt tbuu
("hV jUWii anuwg ttJU feyub
to Uiltii-a iio 4viiim,l.e politic
frw Vii?ti,)Kt.yM,, .wild t h iot t all
W'iWii.Wjf t (Uew W rumored, that
ii&t,' (djiwtMWuid t(yiwaeo iiave at
llMWSH jpir1ia4d Hfettide(it Jioosevelt
M WiWjrf wwpiWW.Uw .which will
UWMito CAw! iipv-WU'tm talor to
tw! iAMtir m nifceudmeut to the
iiyW jwyJdAug ft i4UM re-
VjU-r jfitn. .ta ftd ftiliugg of t.h
iMMvwitait itnu.iituw' icyuuujMaicki. Tbia
ut (tjb first dbiit iie rumor
imt Wd (-rudtaw.e Wtuibiotoo,
(Uwt fa-fore im M- borne such
Pi evident ek yV Cut
lit il jftw i-,wu;t'dfcd by everyone that
$twiAi- AidJ-K1 Fwakw, )Ceao, and
PMitw ud ;bj-ed woye when
(jby HMUM)W:Uid (Ub jflepburv bill to
jStViiAur ieaditiblp. At once
iW lUstuw .pprtt ttbat. the deuio;rat,g
W.44 iwpbj.e (tJueir rtueatly re
ii((Aiii,d itbat raiJway regulation
uxiitic policy. Tbls Ihey pro
jp? fa 4v &y prtisentjug solid front
m wyior .of title wepuurw onj ana
Collision l'v Wii'fi1?
?J'ofTf M-'aM'fe', ftefc.---A ef
freigh'' M foes jWsettgef f'?iM
eofffdH c fA mA lii itowt
mile a A 4 Al'f est riU- tWiiiii,
fttA engr-w dW?M m-4 ww--
iderf.i; rfa-mgedi, (to rf m tfo
paseger frf fA" w fwr aw
the frefgAf weye- '?lU-j. fjyiitow
teywd!4si iVf ft'eWi Wlt Mm
eyi c tM' e'. wj
Engineer fwri ,'5i'e'.-ii
andi FSfri er ff jtWvd.-
Jj M
ft ftft "W C'f Ji f?
Mntf Hti?J nw4 ih
thitr wit" M ftnft-
of AUoraey Oonnl f'olrm T twTf MM f r rwy
..H hA,i uw.n the fe tK fl.l t,tur ( '"' T'f
!aOiUrd ttl romp? of New ify.f f v
4 ku Hcewi tt tMte h K I
gViiuj(t weudnient. The plight
PiM ibi'ii ttlie ilatew ji urns m the pjlit
Uwi "JUit"i Aiav pl;ed (be republican
WgjwixMtf'W ibas ii ux:k iconslernatioii
U) ' tib Jfwt iof PresidfUt Jtoosevelt
.d liis t,suMU't supportrs. Afu-r
Jiljl itiu-Jr ir'iiuous efforts iu behalf
(4 r.virj'sy iegislnuou, tney imi meir
loiy WippiJig from bf"J through the
cVW jtrio of the railway senators.
io pww-rye itbelr prestige Is now
(tiU ufstion uupwuiost Ju their minds,
iJMl a1. i at tlieij- lUw pleading
ifor pMfly iisj).iwy and offering as
tint prime rMlslte to this end the
mm ryit'w (compromise.
JttnrpUrt QHtr Compromise
.fed-MjaUm- AMi-icb and bis ilk are '
lMgy,Jig (parn-fstly for some agreement '
iht )H w;Hdify republican sen-
aVrs for rat-e legislation. Their
pf4jjotiiiiu js this: Jf ibe pr'sident
mt4 this suppoiU-rs will accept the
iout review feature the republicans
s'and (Loyether and (bus foil the
4-uum i vi 'tr jiit.'iiipt to uiukw ct.jtlial
ow i4 jv Mtr Tillman's leadeisblp,
tut titM prestjye of (b president will
tin) tut pieservt'd- Tbe bait Is so
oujjitiJK 'bat b pretiideiit Is said to
bv ka)load it wiib li'ilu dplay
if riitsc.
Vfi'J'-w loioseyelf Is an Intense
party Mian aud baa always been w I II
mtt to lske big saeiiHres t-o prevent
fatal i't'i iJiM-ofd in tepublicaa