The independent. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1902-1907, February 15, 1906, Page PAGE 12, Image 12

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    FEBRUARY 15, 190S
&c Nebraska Independent
Toilet Preparations
Violet toilet water Is compounded
with these proportions: To fourteen
ounces of alcohol add half an ounce
each of essence of rose and essence
of cassia with one. .
To make toilet vinegar take (1) di
luted violet.
To "make toilet vinegar take (1) di
lute acetic acid, three hundred parts;
rectified spirits of wine, one thousand
parts; tinctures of tolu, and benzoin,
of each twenty parts; oil of lavender,
six parts; mix and strain. (2) Rose
mary leaves, six parts; garden sage,
six parts; pepermrat, six parts;
bruised cloves, six parts; vinegar,
three parts. Mix, after breaking up
the solid ingredients. Keep for three
days in a closed jar, and strain.
An old beauty recipe calls for half
a teacupful of fine oatmeal to be grad
ually , stirred Into a pint of boiling
water, using a double saucepan for
the purpose to prevent any possibil
ity of burning. Let boil till clear
looking; then strain through a cloth,
boil again, and once more strain. To
this add enough rosewater to make
It pour easily, and about an ounce of
glycerine. This may be perfumed in
any way you like, and Is recommended
to rub into the skin to prevent rough
ness. Bottle and shake well before
The best toilet preparation in the
world is plain hot water. Drink a
glass of it every night If you want a
good digestion, a good sleep, and a
clear complexion. Put a bag of it to
j'our feet when you have a cold, to
your back when you have a back
ache, or at the nape or the neck when
you have a headache or feel sleepless.
Bathe the eyes with it when they are
inflamed. Soak the feet in it when
they are tired. Soak. the hands in it
before manicuring.
What to Wear
For Women Guests as well as host
ess should wear at a large luncheon
simply the best afternoon gown they
possess. The hostess should wear no
hat; the guest a dressy one, with
white or light gloves. In summer, a
thin dress or light silk, or organdie,
Thore's noth
ing that can be
said In favor of
the tobacco hab
it. It's expens
iTe; filthy; inju
rious to health
dangerous. Nic
otine is a deadly
poison witness
the thounands
of deaths from
tobacco heart,
tobaceo cancer,
from diseases of
stomach, liver,
kidneys, that
had their start
in tobacco poison.
TobHcco-Spoc He Is a positive, absolute enre for
the tobacco and cigarette habits. It is a veftetabte
remedy, and tan be given secretly In food or drink.
It is harmless; no reaction or bad effects, and
people taking the treatment 8 I AY CURtSD.
For people who say "show me." we have a free
sample treatment, which is sent on request. It has
cured hundreds Just this little free sample.
"After usinsr tobacco forty-five years your
free sample package of Tobacco-Specilic
cured me entirely. I feel very thankful to you
lor the remedy." M. E. Smith,
Rockingham, Vt
Cut this out, fill in your name and address
and mall it to I ogers Img A Chemical Co., 712
Fifth and UaceSts., Cincinnati, Ohio, and they
will send you, by return mail, in plain packtsga,
a free trial package of Rogers' 'fobacco-Specitio.
The free trial package has cured hundreds and
may cure you.
a flower-trimmed hat, white gloves,
thin dress shoes, and a bright parasol
are suitable.
For Women At an evening per
formance, full dress, Jewels, and white
gloves. For an afternoon performance
dress appropriate "for luncheons, re
ceptions, etc. For men If the per
formance is in the evenmg, full dress
must be worn. If in the afternoon,
frock coat, gray trousers, and so on,
as before described.
For Women White duck or linen
skirts, thin white waists, large shade
hats, flower-trimmed; shoes not too
light for damp ground; a dressy para
sol; wash gloves. A light wrap, or
jacket should always be carried.
Wear nothing that may not be readily
laundered, as there is always risk of
grass stains, mud stains, and so on.
For Men White ducks, flannels, or a
light business suit; straw hat, negli
gee shirt, four-in-hand tie, heavy
gloves. For an informal affair, it is
best to dress as simply as possible,
as guests will have most of the work
to do themselves.
Good Liquid Dentrifice
A good liquid dentrflce te made by
dissolving one ounce of powdered cas
tile soap in one pint of water, and
then adding three drams of powdered
borax, five drops of oil of nutmeg,
and two ounces of honey water. If
gums are spongy, an excellent tooth
powder is made by combining one
ounce each of cinnamon and bicar
bonate of soda and two drops of oil
of cinnamon. This !s also a good
tooth powder for general use.
How to Whiterj the Teeth
At times, in spite of all one's efforts
there is an increase of tartar on the
teeth, making them look yellowish
instead of polished and pearly; and
the best of tooth powders seems then
to lose its efficacy. To remedy this,
dip an orange-wood stick into fine
wood ashes, and rub the teeth both
on the inner and outer surfaces, when
the tartar will disappear as though
by magic. The operation should not
be repeated too frequently, as it is
apt to be hard on the gums.
To Prevent Loose Teeth
Tannic acid, two drams, tincture of
iodine, one and a quarter drams;
iodide of potassium, fifteen grains;
tincture of myrrh, one and a quarter
drams; rose water, to make one pint.
Mix one teaspoonful with two table
spoonfuls of warm water, and use as
a mouth-wash night and morning.
Why They Lost Their Homes
The daughters thought it beneath
them to work for a living, but were
bound to dress well.
They drew their money out of the
savings bank to put into some "wild
cat" scheme, and lost it
They did not do business in a busi
ness way because they were dealing
with relatives or friends. .
They did not know that giving full
power of attorney to an agent or law
yer put their property at his mercy.
They put off payments on everything
possible because it would be so much
easier to pay tomorrow than today.
They signed important papers with
out reading them or Knowing their
contents, just because they were asked
to do so.
The extravagance of children who
had not been trained to economize or
to take care of their pennies swamped
the home.
"Through lack of honest ambition
and a disposition to interpret too lit
erally the text, "Take no thought for
the morrow."
The mania to make an appearance
beyond their means caused them to
mortgage their property and ended in
They feared that the people with
whom they had dealings would think
them suspicious if they asked them
for a receipt' for money.
When the shoe began to pinch, they
"really did not see where they could
retrench." Habit had made luxuries
seem necessaries.
They ran accounts at the stores in
stead of paying cash, did not realize
how rapidly bills were running up
and never knew how they stood.
Lemon Toast
' Beat yolks of six eggs well, add three
cups of sweet milk; into .this dip
slices of bread and fry brown in hot
butter; then pour over them this
sauce: Beat the whites of the six
eggs to a froth, adding a large cupful
of sugar, and the juice of two lemons;
beat well, and add two cups of boil
ing water.
Fruit Butters
When tired of the various evaporat
ed fruits, which so many use in the
winter, when they are srmpiy stewed,
try putting them through a fine wire
seive and making butter or - marma
lade, adding any spices or flavoring
liked. Prepared thus the children like
it on their sandwiches for the school
lunch. Peach and apricot butter are
nice without the addition of any flav
oring, but either spices or lemon juice
and rind improve dried apple butter.
Cracker Jack and Popcorn Balls
Melt a cup each of granulated sugar
and molasses with a half cup water
and boil until it threads or hardens
in cold water. Pour it hot over a pan
of nicely popped corn, quickly flatten
it out on the bread board, pass the
rolling pin over it firmly, and cut
into the desired shapes with a knife.
To make popcorn balls, after pouring
the hot syrpu over, press with the
hands into balls. A little butter on
the hands will help to prevent stick
Carpets and rugs can be thoroughly
cleaned by being hung over a clothes
line and having the garden hose turned
upon them. This will do no harm to
any carpet. Dry in a shady place.
Dollar Package
One housewife just home from Paris
has found an excellent way of boiling
eggs. She places a napkin ring in a
saucepan partly full of hot water and
sets the egg small end up in the ring,
She then punches a hole in the top of
the egg and lets the water boil around
it. The gas in the egg escapes while
the egg is cooking, which makes it
much better in flavor.
One sometimes wonders why the gas
burns unevenly very low at one side
and with a long boot at the other. Ex
amine the burner and you will find
particles of dust in it. Run a bit
of cardboard through the tip and it
will burn much more evenly. -
A French housewife does not add
flour fo her gravy wn'ch she prepares
from ihe savory drippings of roast
meat. The jellylike paticles that float
in the beef drippings should not be
strained off with the rest of the sedi
ment, as they are both appetizing and
Mix equal parts of hydrochlorate
of cocaine, powdered opium, and men
thol, with just sufficient glycerine and
gum arabic to form a stiff paste. A
piece the size of a pin's head to be
placed in the tooth-hollow, and kept
in position with cotton-wool is very
good for toothache.
Send $1.00 for a year's subscription
to The Independent and receive Mr.
Berge's book, "The Free Pass Bribery
System," free as a premium. This
offer will remain but a short time. j
To soften skin that is harsh and
You can now obtain a large dollar size
free package of Man Medicine free on re
quest. '
Man Medicine cures man-weakness.
Man Medicine gives you once more the
gusto, She joyful satisfaction, the pulse
and throb of physical pleasure, the keen
sense of man-sensation, the luxury of life,
body-power and body-comfort free. Man
Medicine does it.
Man Medicine cures man-weakness,
nervous debility, early decay, discouraged
manhood, functional failure, vital weak
ness, brain fag, backache, prostatitis, kid
ney trouble and nervousness.
You can cure yourself at home by Man
Medicine, and the full size dollar package
will be delivered to you free, plain wrap
per, sealed, with full directions how to
use it. The full size dollar package free,
no payments of any kind; no receipts, no
promises, no papers to sign. It Is free.
All we want to know is that you are not
sending for it out of idle curiosity, but
that you want to be well, and become
your strong natural self once more. Man
Medicine will do what you want it to do;
make you a real man, man-like, man
powerful. Your name and address will bring it;
all you have to do is to send and get it.
We send it free to every discouraged one
of the man sex. Interstate Remedy Co.,
811 Luck Bldg., Detroit. Mich. - -
The best known remedy for Rheumatism,
Neuralgia, Headache, LaGrippe, Fever or Pain
of any kind. Try one box. If you are satisfied
send us 25 cents. If not send nothing, send no
money only your name, write now.
The Db. Bienkmans Co., South Bend Ind.
Souvenir Post Cards. (Comic, Art &
View). No 2 alike. Postpaid. Address
Sunbeam Studio, K 44 Fulton St.. K.
Cheap lands south and southwest, for
homes or investment; list free. JO.
A. PARKER, Louisville, Ky.
To every male person filling out
the coupon below, we will by return
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We spend thousands of dollars yearly
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Fill out this coupon, mail it to the
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Nebraska. We in return will mail
you printed circular telling you how
to receive a pair of men's fine pants
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Nebraska Clothing Co.,
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Please mail me printed matter tel
ling me all about your free offer of
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