Gfo Nebraska, Indcpondont NOVEMBER 23, 1905 5000 TELEGRAPHERS ....N E E D E D.... Annually, to fill the new positions created by Railroads and TeWraph Companies. We want YOUNG MEN and LADIES of good habits to LEARN TELEGRAPHY AND RAIL ROAD ACCOUNTING We furnish 75 per cent of the Operators and Station Agents in America Our six schools are the largest exclusive Telegraph Schools in the WORLD. Established 20 years and endorsed by all leading Railway Officials. We execute a fKOBond to every student to furnish him or her a position paying from 140 to too a month in States east of the Rocky Mountains, or from $75 to $100 a month in States west of the Rockies. Immedi ately upon Srevdvitvtlon. - Students can enter at any time. Nova cations. For full particulars regarding any of our Schools write direct to our execu tive office at Cincinnati. O. Catalogue free The Morse School of Telegraphy Buffalo. N. Y. LaCrosse, Wis. San Francisco. Cal. Cincinnati. Ohio. Atlanta, Ua. Texarkana, Tex. 8- Columbia national Bank tjf OF LINCOLN, NEBRASKA. )cAPITALf $ 100,000.O0i CT.SU RPLUS, 14,0OO.O0iS DEPOSITS i;350,000.00j c'l-Jobn B OFFICERS Wright, JJ. H. Westcott, )Joe. Samuels CJ-p. L. Hall, W. B. Rvons. Presldent4 1st Vice Pres.v 2d Vice Pres.J( Cashlerv Asst. Cashier GREEN GADLES The Dr. Benj, F. Bailey Sana torium, Lincoln, Neb. Largest, best equipped unl most beauti fully furnished. In the suburbs of Lincoln, this institution for the medical and surgical treat ment of all non-contagious dis eases, presents the ideal, in its nursing corps, Its massage, its electrical equipments, its bath department, physical culture, dietetics, and, in fact, every thing which goes to make up scientific yet homelike lnstitu tion. A delightful place whlrh tn trot to .11 nr. H lqrn . to keep well. 7 y t-4 I IMPORTANT NEWS OF THE WEEK 1 The great strike in Russia was called off at the solicitation of Count Witte. It was called for the pur pose of supporting the Polish rebel lion and of obtaining quickly the lib erties promised by the government to the Russian people. The strikers agreed that the strike would again be called if the government failed to keep its promises and that a series of strikes would follow until the peo ple received full liberty. It is said that the government promised that if the strike was immediately brought to an end the soldiers and sailors who mutinied at Cronstadt would be forgiven. The answer of United States Sen ator Thomas M. Patterson in the con tempt proceedings pending against him in the supreme court was filed in Denver. The narative in the answer brings out without reserve the alleged political activity of certain members of the supreme court in connection with what is intimated was a con spiracy to deprive Covernor Adams of the governorship and the alleged con trol of political affairs in Denver and throughout the state held by the corporations. brought news that on Friday, about 5 p, m., a large steamer, supposed to be the Turbin, struck Black Rock ledge, off the south coast of the prov ince, backed off in a few minutes and then disappeared in the raging sea. William R. Hearst, candidate for mayor of New York, on the municipal ownership ticket, certified to the sec retary of state that his total campaign expenses, were $65,843. This breaks the record for such expenses, which was formerly held by Governor Hig gins, who spent during the last state campaign $22,000. Mr. Hearst says that he contributed all but $17,488 of the $80,206 which was spent by the Anna of the municipal ownership league for the benefit of all the candidates on the ticket. Names of Farmers Wanted The Valley Farmer wants names and addresses of farmers anywhere in the U. S. They want to get them In terested in their big farm magazine which now has a circulation of over 100,000 copies and is acknowledged to be the best farm paper in the west. The subscription price is 50c per year, but if any of our readers will send them five farmers' names and ad- -dresses and 10 cents in stamps or sil ver they will enter you as a subscrib er fully paid for a wnole year. Ad dress Valley Farmer, 530 Jackson St., Topeka, Kan. Agents -Wanted EierywlwB i7fSR New Hook "THE FliKK PASS BRIBERY SYSTEM." This book will be a seller. Every body will want it. You can make $100.00 per month. For particulars, address Tbe Independent. Between 100 and 120 lives were lost by the wrecking of the St. Hilda, a cross channel steamer, near Jardin lighthouse, off the , north coast of France, in a snow storm. The St. Hilda, which was owned by the Lon don and Southwestern Railroad com pany, sailed from Southampton for St. Malo Friday night with more than 120 on board,, including passengers and crew. The ship mistook an illu minated buoy for a lighthouse and ran on a rock. Thirty-nine men lost their lives, and thirty-two others were burned severe ly in a fire in Glasgow. The building was occupied by 330 men, most of them laborers, all belonging to the poorest classes. It is the custom of these lodgers to sleep nude, and when the firemen arrived, almost immediate ly an extraordinary scene was creat ed by a procession of naked men rushing out of the entrance. Against their frantic efforts to escape the fire fighters actually had to fight for admission. For over sixty years Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been used by mothers for their children while teeth lng. Are you disturbed at night and broken of your rest by a sick child suffering and crying with pain of cut ting teeth? If bo, send at once and get a bottle of Mrs. AVinslow's Sooth ing Syrun for Children Teething. Its value is Incalculable. It will relievo the poor little sufferer Immediately, Depend upon It, mothers, there Is no mistake about It. It cures diarrhoea, regulates the atomach and bowels, cures wind colic, noftenn tho gums, re tfiicca Inflammation, and p.lves tone and energy to tho whole nynteiu. Mr. Window' Soothing Syrup for chil dren teethlnsr I pleasant to the taste and It tho prescription of one of tie oldest find I et fenutU physicians and nure In the I'ulied flutes, nnd Is for na! by nil dniKuMs throughout the world. Trie. W ci ntn ft bottle. 11 luirw nnd nK lor y.jothinn Svruu. For the second time within two years United States Senator J. Ralph Burton of Kansas was called upon to defend himself in the United States circuit court against an indictment charging that he was offered and ac cepted compensation from the RIalto Grain and Securities companies of St. Louis, now defunct, for using his in fluence, while a member of the -United States senate, in behalf of that concern in certain matters pending before the postoQlce department at Washington. Hayden's THE KEUABLE STORE i ii 8 wmmmmr a&m w worn John Krup, indicted for illegal vot lng In the recent New York munici pal election, failed to appear for plead ing, and hln attorneys expressed Igor nnee as to his whereabouts. Krup'a release had been necured under In creased tall, a $3,000 cash bond be ing filed, nnd this waa declared for- felted. 16th and T T 1 - T Omaht Dodge. JnLciyUCIl mU, Nebr. Your Overcoat is Here Just the style, ust the price, you have decided upon. We know it, because we carry in our immense stock of clothing this fall all the popular styles, colors and fabrics. Our envia , able reputation for good clothes selling is fully sustained in our showing for this season. Do You Want tho Best? Let us show it to you. If your judgment says no, well and good; but see our offerings be fore buying. Cur Special ' Clothing catalogue " Contains descriptions and prices of many money saving values. It's Free. Send for it today. Our special furnishing goods catalogue will interest you; let us have your name, a postal will bring it. Will save you money. Omaha The Norwegian steamer Turbin. with her captain and new of idxteen men. U thuusht to h,e foundered In a terrlt'c n il which swept over Nova Seotlii l, t Kii.l tv. The muting Mr. Wlnslow'i! enu-r ,','n which arrived at Clark' Harbor from Mud hlaul. L ' mzr stoves and ramies LOWEST FACTORY PRICES Thliletbe boat range thai money eanbay we KNOW It, to will YOU after you bare examined and uadlltn your own bom. We do not auk you toienU us one cent. Wo wait you to tet ue khlp you tblt range on 00730 Days Free Trial Bet It no tn yonr own borne and put It to KVRHT P09S1HI.B Tit ST foritodeye. Teal lUor oeonowy tn retaining beat, lor enundneaa and f rtitieMHiy; for outre, reliable eooklrg. roeaong and baking) irtlt In to on your i urt iiaae aud give rou brv tergut.iU than yoo can obtain anywhere ete. W hare oar own big factory ANY WAV YOUCUtMWKtoeontmMtouMelfthatnitJaitarfpreeted an J l bat weean aare f a lo-tu u to rnrui.iiTlfie onr erertnereadng trade. Krery atoe and ran which nianuf aeiare U not only aeut on 3d day f n trial any where la America but it MrrMJuMHl' GUAHArilt-lslJ run rlVt YtAHb rettherimf )bber, dealer and agent by burlnf DIHWT IIIOM M AM AfTt ur.USI Wiiifrourlaieaiuiiue atui eiooeuietnroruiauou rrgarutog our no oar iree trial osr. Walt until y4 bare b4Mr hbvial tUn be(orw b;Ug a tiore at range of any a:nd, 010 Liberty St., KANSAS CITY, MO. PkAit Mention THE INDEPENDENT Whtn Writing to Advrtliert.