G&? HobrasZxcx Independent OCTOBER 26, 1905 PAGE 15 ..V Should Have One or More of Our (Every Reader of This Paper) vara Catalog Publications in His Home 11 i IU YUU I riAFN 11 DUtlfc 1U Our Catalogs Point the way to the most satisfactory and economical clothes buying, hence it is important to you that you should have this information, especially when it costs you nothing to possess it. Our Catalog Publications are as Follows: VInC C ' 2i,air A book showing by illustration correct L1VG11& vaiaiUg styles in Men's clothes, and containing many samples of cloth from which the clothes are made, naming prices which are by far the lowest for good goods ever named by any clothing store in America. Men's Overcoat Catalog tJntZSA Men's Overcoats. ' Men's Odd Pants Catalog iSvVuh Men's Odd Pants; Many samples of cloth are shown. ilen's Furnishing Goods Catalog 2S alog shows samples of dress and work shirts, underwear and the like. Rmc' CanXiMr A book devoted to the clothing needs of uuy & va tciIUg boys and little fen0Ws. Over fifty cloth samples of Boys' Suits, Overcoats, etc. Any or all of these books will be mailed free to readers off this Daoer. W M I TE T OB AY STROM CLOTHINfi COMPANY AMI i22i to 1227 0 Street, Lincoln, Nebraska. 1 TREE PROTECTORS 75c per 100. $3. per 1,000. Min-cuk1. hot winds, no. rihpy are in winter uifulnfct cUl tund rabMta, ItecnuunenuVdby till lfallDt ircharui.n una hor tlcuHuraltucleUra, ml (or kutuplv anl ei 1 monial. IK nut wat until rulfNis and mi 00 nan jour I rt?t W HITE US TODAY Wholesale Nursery CaiaUtfu now rftulT! neiwl for oi. Agent w nut eel eerj where, Hart Pioneer Nurseries Put t Scott, Ksas., Box Si. ; SAYS CAMPUS SMELLS OF OIL Senator DolMver Describes Chicago University Atmosphere Sedan, Kas., Oct. 23. Senator J. P. Do'liver of Iowa, la a public speech here Saturday night,. mado tho state ment that the Influence of John D. Ilockefcller la so potent in the teach ings of tho professors of the Univer sity of Chicago that the campus smells like a Kana oil town. He did not mention tho nana of; Rockefeller, but left the Implication' so strong that all knew very well who attention to a book on political econ omy written by Prof. Myers, in 1902, when a teacher in the University of Wisconsin, in which good, whole Bome doctrines of political economy and sociology were set forth along the same lines held by Prof. K!y of tho same Institution. j A few years later Prof, Myers went to the Chicago university to teach, and In 1905 write a new book, the exact opposite of the ono he wrote three years before. In this last book! be alleges that those who hold the tlewa he expressed three years be fore lacked good sense. Senator Dol- at. Senator IoU!v?r en!!! J.'rer referred to the oily vSi it PUaie Mention THE INDEPENDENT When You Write to Advertisers. the university au- made a strong and eloquent plea that American univer sities be put upon a higher plane than one which permits the Influence of money to shape the teachings of the professors along the lines of sociology and political economy. Ho regards this as liable to become a dangerous situation and as one which sets up a false standard of business and moral ethics, Afttnts Wanted Erimferi !r;re!;Mr; Nw H.H.W. "TlK fIKK PASA lUlun UV fi VS tKM." This tKMilt w m U a wBr. Kttty txtdr will want It, You can tuk iJui irr moftJi. r nrttitUri (ii.iiw