POLITICS RUINS BANK FAILED BECAUSE STATEHOOD BILL WAS DEFEATED Allegheny Institution Loaned Money on Worthless Securities to Republi can Adventurers, Who Are Now .Trying to Hush the Scandal expected to tell what they know have been influenced to keep silence. A representative of the machine is here now trying hard to get from John G, Cunningham, the examiner, a list of such notes and paper before the examiner can make his report. Cunningham - thus far lias refused to speak of the bank's affairs. Attorney is Silent Thomas P. Trimble, the dead cash ier's attorney, who might be expect ed ' to be eager to go as far as pos sible in clearing his client's name, pm.hW pa nn 21. Failure of win not say a wora. ai a meeting . 4 ' . a . o 1 of the directors of the closed bank, the late Senator M. S. Quay and. Sen- heM ,ast night at hiJ offlce Mn ator Boies Penrose to secure passage Trimble was authorized to employ ad of a bill In congress making New ditional counsel to look after the Mexico n. new state is now Riven as bank's interest. Whether1' the politi- . , - , Mn,u.'a clans whose names nave been con- the basis for the cause of the failure . . f . of the Bank of Allegheny and failure institution are to be criminally pros of the local promoters to unload their ' ecuted, Mr. Trimble will not say. "I fan,! an tw nrnnortips Hail am in a delicate position " is his re sponse to all inquiries. Frederick G winner, who has called himself "The Dummy President" of the Enterprise Bank, after his first outburst, said: "This will break up the republican party in the state of , Pennsylvania. . This run has been brought upon us by the politicians. He has been carefully guarded from the newspaper inquirers. He is an old man (74 next January), and the The explicit charge that Penrose tragedy of Clark's death , has shaken this statehood bill gone through it is probable that Lee Clark would be a millionaire and that all of the poli ticians associated with him and who are alleged to have borrowed all the bank's resources from him would have realized a handsome profit. Boss Penrose in the Deal has "paper" in the bank has not been proven. Penrose denies the charge so did Andrews before his notes were found. "Every pressure, local and political, that can be brought to bear to hush up the scandalous relations of repub lican state politicians with the wrecked Enterprise Bank of Allegheny is being used. To defer the disclos ures until after election day; is the aim of those involved. The looting of the bank and the tragedy of Cash ier Clark's death have become the striking issues of the present cam paign. Even the men who might be 4 V (If 0 Shoes for Men, These elegant, stylish and up-to-date l shoes are made ot the hnest leather. Thev are built over "foot form" lasts that insure a perfect fit and are guaranteed to wear belief than most shoes sold at higher prices Every piece of material used is honest. The workmanship is perfect; style correct, They ere built on honor. Let your next pair of shoei be "flooorbilf." Your shoe dealer will supply you. If he refuei write to ui. See that the name "HoDOrtiU" and Mayer trade-mark appear on the sole. It is guarantee ol quality. We make the "Weatern Lady" and the"Mattha Wathineton Comfort Shoes." f. MAYER BOOT 4 SHOE CO., MILWAUKEE, WIS . FMWHffcA DISCO Real Estate and Farm Land I DIRECTORY ftftftftftftftftft Cheap Lands In the South & Southwest For homes or Investment. Timber, coal, f arm in ir and erraziiiGr lards, large or small tracts. eusv terms. List of land bargains free. Ad dress, Jo. A. PARKER Louisville. Ky. FIUMOKE COUNTY FARM FOR SAIL. Choice 80-Bcrs, well improved; roomy sub stantial Imildinn; well and Bloraice wiittr; two miles from station; fxcelient oppor tunity lor family successful w 1th cattle, hogs and poultry. Trice, terms, etc., on application. Cbas. B. Moll, Strang, Nebr CENTRAL MISSOURI farms that will certainly prove SATISFACTORY, both as HOMES and as investments. Corn, wheat, clover, stock, markets, climate, health- f illness ecjual to Illinois farms at 1-3 to 1-2 the cost, and far uxceedln them in certainty of great enhancement. Equal to Central Kentucky in hluesrass and so cial and educational advantages. For full explanation, together with description and Mlc of 100 farms, address us. Nobody leaving this county, and nothing to ir.u. UKOUC.H V. HAMILTON. & JAU ton, Mo, Z.IJ. B AIR D.UVE STOCK AUCTION ER Bett of references. Hartlngton, Neb. his nerves. At tys home visitors are told: "Mr. Gwlnner cannot talk about the bank's affairs. He Is very much upset, and may say things that he should not. The boys (his sons) do not want him to tell things just now." - , . .... Homer Castle's Speech Homer Castle, who Is credited with precipitating the present disclosures, said in the course of a speech: "You need only be told that J in sthe case of another bank of Allegheny holding a loan of $65,000 on the strength of a $100,000 deposit of state funds, where the collateral , was 'air line to nowhere stock, that when the offi-; cials of that bank, knowing that the securities were insufficient, asked to have the note lifted, after a bank examiner had turned it down for the! reason that Jt had no ascertainable value, that' Robert McAfee, now secre tary of the J Commonwealth, practi cally forced the bank t - keep this oan on the pain of instant withdrawal of the entire deposit. "You need! not know that the Treasury Trust company of Pitts burg, between January 15 and Feb ruary 1 of this year received a de posit from the state m the sum of $25,000, which was followed in two days by two notes of $2,500 each, made by W. H. Andrews and endorsed by Francis J. Torrance, Lee Clark, the cashier, and F. R. Nichols, who is the private secretary for W. It. (Bull) Andrews, ine proceeds 01 these notes were carried away by Nicholas and James E. Glass, presi dent of the Treasury Trust company, said to an officer: 'We can get more money if we make more loans Every man owes it himself and his family to master a trade or pro fesslon. Read the display advertise ment of the six Morse Schools of Telecrat-hy. in this mw and !eatn how easily a young man or lady may learn telegraphy and be assured a position. NOSE CANCER CURED Mr. A, Canfleld of Tecumseh, Neb, tuffm-d with severe cancer I the none. He ha beca entirely cured by Dr. T O Connor and will iniwer any In nulrif from other lutfcren. Write him and it tti same (lira send a lull description of th cnrr to Dr. I. O'Connor. Lincoln. Neb. He cart cure yoR. His rhftr-R r trasonabU and ttrtns of payment easy. STdVES- :.AtJD-?RACJBES LOWEST FACTORY PRICES This 1b the best range that money can buy we KNOW It, bo will YOU after "you have examined aud used 1 t in your own home. - We do not ask you to send us one cent, w e wan you w ie u amp yv ruj vu. 30 Days Free; Trial Set it up In your own borne and put 14 to EVERY POSSIBLB TJtST for 30 days, Test it tor economy in retaining beat, for soundness aud ,.v,iit. fnrnnirk. rAllabla oookiDff. ioasting and baking; tentit in ANY WAY YOU C1IOOSB toeonrince yourself that it is just as represented and tba.t we oan save you irom m " - ter soods than you car obtain anywhere else. We hae our own big factory x". i.in0nnTnrinnrnaiitnetrade. Bverr etoye and ranro which we K manufacture is not only sent on 30 days free trial anywhere in America but is - - . m mmm mm m fn Pltfl" VI" ABC H Oj Tlijirmom.S.r QUAKAI4 I UlSU TVH T 1 V ai I UHRO Ef?tmflt.f lobber dealer and agent by buying DIRECT FROM MANUFACTURERS. Wait until you hare naa our liueraipiauBcivic 9Io Liberty at.,. KANSAS CITY, MO. L 1 Jffe. I ;s GSSi , I r.. V i ry is r M Tt- LEGAL NOTICE To J. C. Root: You and each of you will t a lev notice on the ISth day o October. W05, J. II, HJmlsten filed his tKtltlon npalnst you and others In the District Court of Laneaater County, Nebr., the object and prayer of which It to foreclose the Hen o a tux iak ind two cfrtiflcattm of d.tt November 4. ISH'I, luado by the trvurtr of sstld county to onu llurr U wU covcrtuK I.ol 3 and 4 In DlocW 4 ;.sd Lots St', 11, 12. 12, cad 11 ta ItliH'k 9 In the vlihtKt of Normal la Limciuter County, NMiranUa, for th itillnquiut statw and rounty for the )ms 1512 to 1900 lncluiv2 that WILLIAM J. BRYAN IN FOREIGN LANDS IF YOU WANT. TO READ MR. BRYAN'S LETTERS OF FOREIGN TRAVEL NOW IS THE TIME TO SUBSCRIBE FOR THE'COMMONER;! William J. Bryan, editor of The Commoner; sailed from San Fran cisco September 27, for a year's visit abroad. In the course of his travels, Mr. Bryan will visit the following named countries: BRITISH ISLES, PHILIPPINE ISLANDS PALESTINE, . ; GREECE, ' ITALY, ; GERMANY, :J - SWEDEN, HOLLAND. HAWAII, CHINA, AUSTRALIA, NEW ZEALAND, SPAIN, FRANCE, DENMARK, JAPAN, INDIA, EGYPT, TURKEY, SWITZERLAND, NORWAY, RUSSIA, From each of the countries named, Mr. Bryan will write letters describing his observations and dealing particularly with the political life of the countries visited. These letters will bo published in The Commoner, and those who desire to read every one of these letters should lose no time In sub scribing for Mr. Bryan's paper. The Commoner Is Issued weekly and the subscription price is $1.00 a year. By special arrangements with the publisher, we are enabled to offer for a fchort time only, The Commoner and The Inde pendent one year, both for $1.23. Address all orders to The Independent, Lincoln, Ntb. mk Burr Low la. purchaser, and J, H. lMioUltu. assignee, paid the taxes for the rar 1001 to lODI under nld certificate; that on the 7th day of Auut 1!m3 wild tax certificate was aaalsnt'd to plaintiff for vnliw and he la uuit tl? owner and holder thr f; that then U now due on yuid rtrtlfl- en It And for taxta paid thereunder, $i,C aa 1 Interest from October 10, xm. rialntlffj pray th:it said property bo iold to satisfy said lien : ul the costa of this action including attorneys fV4 iA provided by law and for general relief, You are required to answer this p. titl'n en or bef.r th lih day cf lit, cembtr, ll'OJ. J. II. KDMISTR.V. By TALBOT & ALL1N, their attor ney i.