Ufa Nebraska. Independent OCTOBER 26, 1905 PAGE 10 VENEERED TREE PROTECTORS Our readers will notice an adver tisement of the Hart Pioneer Nur series, of Ft. Scott, Kans., running in this paper, regarding an improved Veneered "Tree Protector." We have seen a sample of these protectors, and judging from the high class of testimonials that this firm furnishes, they evidently are a good thing, and will do all that they claim of them," such as protecting trees from mice, borers, rabbits, hot winds, sun scald, etc. We notice testimonials from some of the largest orchardists in the coun try, who are using them, also from leading horticulturists and secretaries of many horticultural societies, adco cating the protectors. If any of our readers have trees or shrubs to protect, they will do well to correspond with the above firm and get their circulars and samples. Missed Something Adam was showing Eve the beauti ful sights in the garden of Eden. "How do you like it, dear?" he asked. "It's too lovely for , anything," she said, "but I am so sorry about one thing!" ' "What is that?" s "I have no friends to send souvenir postal cards to!" she answered with a dry sob. Chicago Tribune. The Wrong Man Fair Visitor Here, my poor man, are some roses for you. . What can I do to make you comfortable? ' Prisoner Guess youTe makin' ,a mistake, lady. Fair Visitor Mistake, how? Prisoner I'm only here fer porch climbin'. Yer'll find the guy that killed hi wife in the next cell. Cleve land Leader. i : . Family Secrets . , "I hope you'll grow up to be a good and intelligent man, like your father," said the patronizing relative. v ; "That's easy," answered the pain fully precocious youngster. "Mother says '. I've got him beat . already." Washington Star. . farmers, a Little Harness Talk May Profit You if You are About to Buy N " s l m il ""'(S3)"""" ) i so Buckstaff Harness have Qual ity and You can depend upon it. We use the Old Fashion e d Oak. Tanned California Leather the very best obtainable such as give you long faithful service. The cu' ting, stitching, making are faultless. We make all Grades and Styles. There is a local dealer in every community who can show them to you. Remember, they are all stamped with the let ters "B. B." on the ends of the traces. We do not retail. If this harness interests you, show it to your dealer. We will be glad to hear from you. Buckstafff Bros. Mfg. Co. a"jSK':-; Lincoln, Neb. to fevers of the Independent Below is given a blank form which we would like to have you fill out, giving the names of men with their addresses, who would likely be come subscribers of The Independent and who would also be likely to want Mr. Berge's new book. We wish to send them sample copies of The Independent. ' , Cut this out, fill in the names with addresses, and place the same In envelopes and mail to us. This is solely for the purpose of sending them sample copies of the paper and you incur no liability whatever in doing ov . . . U . . I NAME. P. O. I 4 I t If' STATE. Bear Sir: Please aoli your 17IFE, DAUGHTER or SISTER to (toad T.1Y FREE Offer. WISE WORDS OF SUFFERERS From a Woman of Notre Dame, Ind. I will mail, free of any charge, this Home Treat ment with full instructions and history of my own case to any lady suffering with female troubla You can cure yourself at home without the aid of any physician. It will cost you nothing to give the treatment a trial, and if you decide to continue it will only cost you about 12 cents a week. It will not Interfere with your work or occupation. I have nothing to sell. Tell other sufferers of it Thin is all I ask. It cures all, young or old. tST'If you feel a bearing-down sensation, sense of impending evil, pain in the back or bowels, creeping feeling up the spine, a desire to cry fre quently, hot flashes, weariness, frequent desire to urinate, or if you have Leucorrhea (Whites), Dis placement or Falling of the Womb, Profuse, Scant or Painful Periods, Tumors or Growths, address Mrs. M. Summers for the Free Treatment and Full Information. Thousands besides my self havecured thfimsfilves with it. I send it in plain wrappers. TO ftOTHERS OP DAUGHTERS I will explain a simple Home Treatment which speedily and effectually cures Leucorrhea, Green Sickness and Painful or Irregular Menstruation in young Vaies. It will save you anxiety and expense and save your daughter the humiliation of explain Vjher troubles to others. Plumpness and health always result from its use. wherever you live I can refer vou to well known ladies of your own State or county who know ind will gladly tell any sufferer that this Home Treatment really curesall diseased conditions of our delicate female organism, thoroughly strengthens relaxed museies and ligaments which cause dsplacement. and makes women well. Write today, as this offer may not be made again. Notre Dame, Ind., U. S. A. MRS. M. SUMMERS, Box 169. MODERN METHODS OF MERCHANDISING .:1 rVt n o Knva illiietro firm J fhA milln HUllUttl V. VIIVj ..-. m. .v - tile Company, Kansas City, Mo., who are leaders in Modern Aietnoas oi iuercnan dising. ' . . They have enjoyed a wonderful growth and attribute their success to the mod em plan of doing business, to noerai au- irnrllolnir In rontitnhlo nnnfrs Which; eO into the home of the consumer, to the high standard or quality or tne gouus they distribute and their prompt and courteous manner of dealing with their patrons. ji This Modern Metnoa is tne pian oi ui rect sales from factory to user at factory prices for cash, and one price to every buyer, large or small. One institution where every want or tne consumer can oe satisfied at the minimum price. V.-V narrv mif thlfl Tln th KplTIDert i w ,aii v...w , - - - - - - ' Paxton Company located their mam warehouses ana ornces in lvansas ui?, where they can reach every section of the United States, Canada and Mexico. They buy, import ana manuiaciure aim collect in their Kansas City warehouses every kind of merchandise and from there distribute it to their customers, and their enormous capital is thus kept busy work ing to the advantage oi me mmieu uujei as well as the large buyer. Not only is a vast sum oi money in vested, but an army of men. all special ists in their particular mercantile une, 1. i.uair ultnni linw Irk nil the llotAllS of manufacturing, assembling, buying and distributing the products oi many iac torles. , , . The fact that this company nlmost doubles its volume of business eacli year indicates that this plan of consolidating iinn m niti(.ii Into one ItlkT insti tution, is appreciated by the million of shrewd buying people of the LnitM State. . , .. fij. rim off.ir.t the noonle of the A til I'M.,. ...-- - . - ii..- mull -i i i.l rural districts the name advantage the buyer enjoys in the lure cities wherv tnre nrt iiuuieiuus retail stores handling all kinds of good !... ...-. iii i ton t:iaip,uiv tro to the extreme to accommodate and satisfy Jhelr customer at a distance, as you v. hi .. .....I- ,wi,riiwinnti in other columns. .. .. ... ..tr m ..! ihlr tmiiU nut on 30 rtays trial. This given their customer th opportunty u t ineir imn juih valucH in tlu tr own hurnen. and th Kern ... . i'.in.nMiiv will mtv nit the frtlxht or psprvH cliargen If anything they mil no prove jMiintu-iory n Tld U i fUInly u veo' broad, liberal plan tnai will pfiult ciutaniiTs at a luice to ordT anythin tliey wunt and ie U UUPcd U thm with th wlUve assurance that if they are not pleased it does not cost them one penny. The Kem-per-Paxton Company do this and do it because they believe in honest people and honest goods. The large Catalog which this company publishes and distributes free to any adult who asks for it, is a wonderful book of nearly 800 pages with thousands of illus trations of merchandise of every descrip tion. '- - , - - It costs nearly $1.00 to print, and mail but it is a complete store in itself and is a salesman that is busy for at least one year and it is a very economical sales man, too. It is called for in such great quantities that a large modern printing plant is kept busy every working day in the year and as soon as one edition is completed another one is begun. They are constantly changing and keep up to date in styles, prices and new goods. 4 A force of artists, engravers and pho tographers are constantly at work making illustrations of the thousands of articles of merchandise listed in this catalog. Everything is done on a large yet eco nomical scale and the smallest orders re ceive exactly the same prompt, careful attention as the larger outs. The system necessary to conduct such an enormous business with so much de tail that requires great care must be a very exact one and requires hundreds of busy people. The thousands of letters addressed to the Kemper-Pax ton Company and given to the Rural Free Delivery Carrier or dropped into the postofiiees in every lo cality in the United States each day might be likened to grains of wheat in a ripened field, gathered together by the wonderful machinery of modern times nnd brought In one big load to the mill, and there passing through cleaners, shak era, sifters, elevators, spouts, grinders, packers nnd ankers, comes out in a dif ferent form, labeled and tagged for the patron. The equivalent of these thousands of letters received esich morning Is repre sented by enormous trucks loaded with Injses and barrels of Kemper-l'axton nierrhaudlMe, addressed to euwtomera re siding In the North. South, Kat and Vest. and great bag of mall, contain ing cataliiKiis nnd biter In response to Inquiries of customers, Kvery eftre U taken to In mi re prompt neM lit filling orders and every safeguard to prevent errors. No one hould be without thin big cat alogiie; It will h Sent fre upon reqtiesi!. The Kemper-I'axton Mercantile (?om puny U one of the In ten-stir)- fights cf KHiid.m City, nnd Ita (hmrx nre nlwayg open wide to the visitor In the city.