Ujff NobraskoL Independent OCTOBER 1'!, 1905 PAGE 9 NATIONAL CONTROL SENATOR DRYDEN SOUNDING PUBLIC ON THE QUESTION Intends to Introduce a Bill and is Anxious to Secure Favorable An swers -to His Circular Letter Con taining List of Questions New York, Oct. 15. For the pur pose of securing a comprehensive ex pression of public opinion on the question of national control of life Insurance companies, ' United States Senator John F. Dryden of New Jer sey has sent out many copies of the following circular letter, with the ap pended list of questions to be an swered: ; ! President Wants It In his last annual message, Presi dent Roosevelt called the attention of congress to the-necessity for- fed' eral legislation providing . for the regulation and control of insurance companies transacting interstate and hmational business. In compliance with an increasing demand from in surance policyholders and others in terested in the public welfare I in troduced into the last congress a bill to this, effect, providing that there should be established within the bureau of corporations a division of insurance, and that policies of insur ance were deemed to be articles of commerce and instrumentalities thereof. This was introduced too late to secure final consideration, but the demand for such a . measure has be come even more apparent in the meantime and I expect. to reintroduce the same, possibly with slight modi fications, into the congress which is to meet in December. The bill will be Introduced on be half of the policyholders of all Ameri can insurance companies in the firm belief that their present and future interests demand the additional pro tection of a federal statute regulat ing insurance transactions between the states, in addition, of course, to such supervision and regulation as constitutionally belongs to the states of which the companies derive their charters. Furthermorer-that" by-elim-nating a considerable amount of need less state supervision, the following important benefits are expected to re sult: Benefits Expected First An increase in the security ojJ the policyholders. Second A decrease in the expense rate and tho cost of insurance. Third A decrease in the burden of needless taxation. Fourth A decrease in the amount of clerical labor now indispensable to meet the requirements of some fifty slate?! and territories. SixthAdequate national protection for American companies transacting business in foreign countries. Since thus far interstate insurance transactions have not been brought within the scope of congressional ac tion, I desire to secure an expression of views from the interests affwfed by such u measure and I, therefore, take the liberty of troubling you with a few questions of which I would like to have you reply eitlx-r yes or no, m the ea.se may In . toother whh anv additional comment h of your own which you inav wish to nmke on the natter. If entirely convenient Undly till in and return to im the attached blank in the inclosed Mumped en velope and accept In advance my tn cere ihankit for your courtesy and fo-oteratkn hi niv effort to Kecur" n eoirehenlve ixiu cn-don of quailed i public opinion up'n a matter vitally affecting the welfare of the American people: Question 1 Do you indorse the sug gestion of President Roosevelt that insuranco companies engaged in in terstate insurance business should be regulated by and brought under the control of the federal government? Question 2 Do you hold the insur ance business to be a national rather than a local interest and properly en titled to the solicitude and care of the national government? Question 3 As a matter of. personal opinion, do you hold the business of insurance to be commerce, or an in tegral and indispensable element of commerce, in the sense in which this term is used in every day language? Question 4 Are you in any way ap prehensive that it -would be inex pedient or inadvisable to increase the power of the federal government to tho extent implied in the regulation of. insurance by congress? LEGAL NOTICE In the district court of Lancaster county, Neb., Arthur J. Roberts, plaintiff, vs. Nelson C. Brock and Rachel Brock, his wife, Jacob Lowy and Lowy, his wife, first real name unknown, School District number 109 of Lancaster County, Nebraska, John Doe and Mary Doe, his wife, lots number 2, block 24, West Lincoln, Lancaster County, Nebraska, ana" the unknown owner of said lot, and lot number 3, block 24, West Lincoln, Lancaster County, Nebraska, and the unknown owner of said lot, defend ants. To Jacob Lowy and Lowy, his wife, first real name unknown, School District number 109 of Lancaster County, Nebraska: Defendants will take notice that on the 24th day of September, 1905, Ar thur J. Roberts, the plaintiff above named, filed his petition in the Dis trict Court of Lancaster County, Ne braska, against the said defendants, the object and prayer of which are to foreclose tax certificate upon the following described premises, lots two (2) and three (3) in block twenty four (24) In West Lincoln, Lancaster County, Nebraska. Plaintiff claims a first lien upon said premises for taxes paid and In cluded in certain tax certificate for the years. 1S9S, 1899, 1900, 1901, 1902, 1903 and 1901 for which taxes so paid by him, together with Interest and penalties thereon the plaintiff prays for a decree that defendants be required to pay the same and that plaiutiff have a first lien upon said premises and that If defendants fall to pay tho same that said premises bo mh hi accordance with law to satisfy the amount due. You are required to nnswer said petition on or before the 13th day of November, 19m. AKTiini j. iiohkuts. Plaintiff. ity lsi'um:, .mousing & i.i:mvmr. Attorneys for Plaintiff. For over sixty years Mrs. -Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been used by mothers for their children while teeth ing. Are you disturbed at night and broken of your rest by a sick, child suffering and crying with pain of cut ting; teeth? If so, send at once. and get a bottle of Mrs. Winslow's Sooth ing Syrup for Children Teething. Its value is incalculable. ' It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately. Depend , upon it, mothers, there is no mistake about it. It cures diarrhoea, regulates the stomach and . bowels, cures wind colic, softens the gums, re duces Inflammation, and gives tone and energy to the whole system. Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup for chil dren teething is pleasant to the taste and is the prescription of one of the oldest and best female physicians and nurses in the United States, and is for sale by all druggists throughout the world. PriCp 25 cents a bottle. Be sure and ask for "Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup." Our Special Clothing Catalogue is Free. Send fork. HAWS The Reliable Store OUR SPECIAL FURNISHING GOODS CATA LOGUE WILL . SOON BE READY. IT'S FREE. ...You Knon Good Clothes III We know you do, that's the reason we want you to critically examine our : ready made clothes. Our goods are .considered our very best advertisements. Therefore we send them out under our binding guar antee of prefect satisfaction or your money back. ' v - - ; "- OUR CLOTHING CATALOGUE contains samples and descriptions of many money saving values in mens' and boys' clothing. f , , IT'S FREESEND FOR IT. Men's Suits Men's Overcoats $5,00-535,00 $5.00-835.00 i i OUR MAIL ORDER DEPARTMENT is overseen by a competent manager of long experience assisted by a corps of mail order clerks whose business It is to shop for you just as particularly as if buying for themselves. Every order has the personal attention of one of these experienced clerks, thus assuring satisfaction and promptness. 16th and O.J t. Omahc Dodge. L JLdy UVll lJIW. Nebr. Omaha SA BLOOD PURIFYING TABLETS RICH RED BLOOD, HEALTH AND STRENGTH A BLESSING TO BRAIN WORKERS AND NERVOUS PEOPLE. A Positive Cure for ECZEMA SCURVY RHEUMATISM NERVOUS DISEASES WEAK LUNGS CONSTIPATION NERVOUS DYSPEPSIA ERYSIPELAS GOUT TUBERCULOSIS BLOOD POISON KIDNEY TROUBLE IRREGULAR MENSES LIVER TROUBLES. SA-MU-LAH tablets are compounded from the essence of rare East Indian Plants, and are the perfected result of over 23 years of medical research. -SA-MU-LAH acta promptly on the Lungs, Liver and Kidneys. These organs are directly responsible for the condition of the blood. SA-MU-LAH is a blood purifying mediclno put up in tablet form, and contains nothing of an injurious nature. They" are invaluable in cases of specific febrile disorders where the blood has a largo excess or febrine or uric acid. Every disease or disorder that flesh is heir to can be traced to Impure Blood. SA-MU-LAH has helped thousands of sufferers. It can help you. "P'P'P.'R A Sample package of HA-MU-LAH taMeti wilt bo sent free to any x AkXJJJ person writing and enclosing 5 to cover cost of pottage. ON SAW AT PRIM IPAL. DRttKHSTS PRICU lER BOX CONTAINING j5 TABLETS, 50 CliMS. If jour dealer cannot supply you, send price and order to POWELL DRUG & CHEMICAL CO., 140 NASSAU ST.. NEW YORK. G 15?e KEELEY CURE Tor DrunkenDtM and Drug using. Corner t5lh and Cats. Take !!srn Slit t.i to the door from fitter depot. All emnrrtunieulion confidential. Addre Kl&LUY INSTITUTE, 2507 Cass St., OMAHA, NUB. Pleate Mention THE INDEPENDENT When You Writ to Advcrtliem,