1 iSAs Uobraclicx Indopondont PAGE 15 vvi Vi--w 1 Armstrong Cloth! ng - . We wish . every man m Isl ebraska migm know Armstrong Clothes Might compare them with other clothes, m ight see how much more they offer for the money, how well they represent the very features a man wants in his clothes-stylish cut, good looks, fine needle-craft and tailoring, shape retaining construction. cost less than other clothes. The reason they cost less than other clothes is that it is the policy of the Armstrong store to sell better clothes for the money than any other store wants to. Armstrong's famous all-wool Suits at $5, $6.50, S7.50 and 8.75 Are the greatest Bargains offered ever Armstrong's famous hand tailored, all-wool suits at SI 0.00, 12.50,15.00, 18.00, and 20,00 J Have no equals in ready to wear garments, and show up favorably with $4o and 5o tailor-made productions 4-.ll'i,;. Ai'.''" ndriiani 1 (iiMWiyywl)"illllllifwl'llll 4 juTO?' r fa ' .....--l.laJ:MlT nl :ig..a.. fi : -iiWi r mi EsSES-- . - Vl "- ' AIMS TRONG GL OTHINi COMPANY 1221 to 1227 0 Street, Lincoln, Nebraska. I -1,1 I f ft TREE PROTf CTORS 75c per 100. . $5. per 1.000. As Tahiabl In wnvi er acainst MiD-HoalU. hut wind, rto. hs they are in winter nir(nt roUl and ralit'lt. Uefimmieudi-d Uf hll IftMlmv or--htnliU and Lor llcultttnl KOtflrtu b, ieml for nimile!i n4 teii uutniuU. I M noi wat until rt'Ut end mtoe ruia )uur tree. wWITH t T PAY Vhlt Jili Nurrry CnUUiiru fii rriMl): rntl for on, Airrnt watttrd every whirr, Hrt Plonttr Nuneriet Fort Scott, Kan., Uux 81, WIFE CHOSEN BY REFERENDUM Spanish Magazine Dlicovert Which Princes Should Have Alfonso AllowiiiR the people to Bottle who la to be your wife, by a "referendum vote, would hardly be possible nny- I where lse than In Spain. The Span ish people very generally admire stlulr young king and are, quite anxl ouh he itltall marry the moat eligible young woman In'Kurope. "An enter prlnlnK Illustrated niHRarlne In Mad rid." ni)B the Chicago INt, "recrnt ly lustUuted a vote to show the pref erence of Its readers for a wife for King Alfonso. la the voting Princess Edna of Dattenberg was a strong favorite, emerging from the test with 30,123 votes. Princes Patricia of Connaught was favored by 21,236 voters and Princess Iouiso of Orleans by 3, 002. What could bo mere prac tical than this mode of settling a question? The Diarlo Ulustrado In a spirit of patriotism presents a page of magnificent half tone portraits of the eligible princess uf Kurope. with a sufficient statement of thtdr merits, political and persona!. It calls uixin the public to express Its cholee. Tho public or that part of It that read.i the DIarlo and has time to vote sends In Its preference. Tho DIarlo I notifies the ministry: "Tho people have spoken, and by the glorious and . Infallible test of tho referendum tho 1 Princess Ena Is selected to bo Queen of Spain. Postscript: Please Inform the king at your early, convenience." frmirrAMY'O Bur DmmiHto LI II l'o(lr) prtnliHl in ihe keep your iowUfr?rroml.. HrlokUben snath VU p.rsgMi Liquid" hlUmitrlnuiitiy. P-lA W ll I not eoiru KittUrdi. 0rrrrr, Nt tt rrth, s.;l si ion M.ir, llfclf xur.4 Povkd.-r.t v null, UK. W msnl . !. OurgtxirKur 1HU HIT ANY CO., Uac4a. (Vt l.