The independent. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1902-1907, October 19, 1905, Page PAGE 13, Image 13

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    PAGE 13
OCTOBER 19, 1905
y$ha Nebraska, Independent
High Prices Have Reduced Wages by
Comparison With Profits of Capi
talCost of Living Must Be Re
duced by Revising Tariff
The enormous overcapitalization of
the trusts and combines renders it
necessary for them to continue to ex
act high prices for their products or
be unable to pay dividends on their
. fictitious capital. The protection the
tariff gives them makes the Mgh
prices possible, as it prevents compe
tition from abroad, so that the trusts
have a monopoly of the home market.
Sheltering the Trusts
To make the American people pay
these high prices the tariff must be
preserved intact, not to produce reve
nue for the government, but to shel
ter the trusts. Secretary Shaw is
rtAfendinfir this . Dolicy of trust protec
tion and high prices on the ground
that "cheaD products of labor mean
cheap labor," which is a new theory
V in economics that the protectionists
invented to bxJld workingmen . to
the support of the republican party in
....N E E D E D. ..
Annually, to fill the new positions created
bv Railroads and Telegraph Companies.
We want YOUNG MEN and LADiES
of good habits to
We furnish 75 per cent of the Operators
and Station Agents in America Our six
schools are the largest exclusive Telegraph
Schools in the OR.LD. Established 80
years and endorsed by all leading Railway
We execute a 1250 Bond to every student
to furnish tim orher a position paying from
f40 to $60 a month in States east of the
Rocky Mo untains. or from $75 to $100 a month
In States west of the Rockies, immedi
ately virort tfiBLdviSktlon.
Students can enter at any time. .No va
cations. For full particulars regarding any
of our Schools write direct to our execu
tive office at Cincinnati. O. Catalogue free
The Mors School of Telegraphy
Cincinnati. Ohio.
Atlanta. (J a. .
Texarkana. Tex.
Buffalo. N. Y.
LaCrosse, Wis.
San Francisco. Cal.
Look for this brand on har
ness, collars, saddles, horse
blankets, lap robes, etc. Made
Harpham Bros., Co.
Drep vji at cexrd and W will mall
You a Souvenir
On. Phono
Dili j. n
Kcsldence Phone
Physician and Gurgeon
Captain Cumin nd I nit lloapital
Corp Nebraiua.
929 O Strret, Uncoln, Neb.
ts league with the combines and cor
porations. - .
Mr. Shaw, being secretary of the
reasurv. is suDDOsed to speak for the
administration on such economic sub
jects as tariff and revenue; so, al
though his "cheap" doctrines are ab
surd and his statements fallacious,
yet as President Roosevelt allows him
to continue on the stump It must oe
supposed that sounding the praises of
tgh prices is endorsed by the aamin-
New Arguments Needed
It is not true that "cheap products
of labor mean cheap labor," says the
New York World, nor was that libei
upon American ingenuity wont to be
uttered in the earlier days oi tarin
armiments. It used to be said mat
competition, coupled with high wages
kept products cheap by compelling tne
mnrovement of the machine.' ui late
the trust makers have learned the
trick of improving the machine, rais
ing the price and pocketing the stu
pendous profit of progress.
Tho nortlon of labor In American
production has generally Increased
within the past few years wnen meas
ured in dollars and cents. It has not
Increased when measured by meat and
rent and clothing. It has actually de
clined by comparison with the profits
of capital.
G. O, P.'s Opportunity
The republican Darty has an unri
valed opportunity for public service
in reducing the cost of living by revi
sion of the tariff, and this service it
is, by its reiterated pledges, bouad
to render.
It is bound to reduce tariff taxa
tion which has proved unnecessary
and burdensome. It is Douna to sees
such reciprocal arrangements for
freer trade with other nations as Ger
many is just now anxious to make.
Nor can the question be dodged.
It is unescapable. It is pressed by
the woman with the market basnet.
It is urged by the growing deficit.
There are not so many ways in
which the governments expenditure
can be made to match its income.
This can be done by cutting down es
Denditure and the only place where
many millinos can be spared is in
our mounting bills for warlike prepa
ration. It can be done by tariff reduc
tion which shall stimulate foreign
trade and so1 swell the custom house
receipts. There is no other way.
It mav be a distressing choice for
the standpatters, but they cannot
evade it by abusing cheapness, which
is the universal demand of every citi
zen when he spends his wages.
Declares for Referendum and Wil
Question Candidates
The Ohio State Federation of Labor
at its late annual meeting at Cincin
nati adopted resolutions, declaring for
co-operation with all non-partisan or
ganizations to secure a constitutional
amendment for the Initiative and ref
erendum. Til federation also in
structed its v scutive committee to
question the c Mldates of all parties
"whether or not, If elected, they will
vote to submit a constitutional amend
ment and thereby give tho people of
the state a chance to express their
opinion." Hut the members of the
federation seemed to be practical
politicians and determined on results,
for they further resolved:
That whenever any legislative can
didate Ignores the communication of
tho committee or declares himsolf op
posed to m'rmlttln tho pronto tn
vote on such an amendment, It shall
be the duty of the committee to m
inform all labor organizations within
tho district of n.ild candidate, to the
end that the members of organized
labor may not be betraved. bv their
neglfcence, Into the support of their
That action Indicated that practical
lv all the member of tho labor union
will bo found toting. Irrespective of
party, only for these candidates who
have pledged themselves to install the
referendum system. If only one can
didate so pledges himself the labor
votes will be massed on such can
didates and in those legislative dis
tricts where the labor vote is num
erous, will decide The -result, and in
many other close districts are liable to
affect the result. When all the can
didates pledge themselves the voters
will follow their usual political affilia
tions. This non-partisan action has
two great advantages, it will cause
many legislative candidates to pledge
themselves for the referendum, wno
otherwise would be indifferent, or
even hostile, and it keeps the Federa
tion of Labor out of partisan politics
and vet allows it to he a strong
force politically for the legislation it
Two sailors were seated at a table
before a cafe.
One Bailor had a letter before him,
and was reading it aloud, while at
the same time the other sailor held
his hands over the reader's ears.
The friendly waiter, impelled by an
rreslstlble curiosity, paused before
the table.
'Whv." he asked, "do you hold your
hands over your friend's ears while
he reads that letter out loud to you?"
"Because." was the digninea an
swer, "the letter is from my sweet
heart. Jack Is reading it to me De
cause I can't read myself. That is
all rieht. but I don't want mm to
hear a word of what is written."
Experienced Travler
"Look here." demanded the irate
hotel proprietor, "what did you say
to that last guest?"
"Why." replied the waiter, "ne
didn't pass over a tip, so I said, 'I
thlp,- you have forgotten something,
"That's just It. After you saia
that he returned to the table and
took three oranges and six pears."
Fog Paimi
Take a Dr. Miles'
Anti-Pain Pill, and
the Pain will dis
appear Lille
Not by paralyzing 'the nervea and
glands, like opium, morphine, cocaine,
and other dangerous drugs, but by in
creasing the natural secretions.
This action Is obtained as a result of
modern discoveries in medicine, making
It possible to relieve pain without bad
You can safely depend upon Dr. Miles'
Antl-Paln Pills to relieve and cure such
pains as Neuralgia, Headache. Stomach
ache, Menstrual Tains, Rheumatism.
Uackache, Toothache, etc.
They will also, by their calming act
Ion on tho nerves, almost Instantly re
lieve ku h distressing feeling as JD1
elness, Car-Sickness, Indigestion, Irri
tability, Flecplessness, Nervousness, ete.
Not rnerily do they relieve, but they
ls absolutely cure, because by. persa
vering In their use, you do away with
the cause.
Dr. M1W Antl-ratn rills are guar
xnteed that ttrst package will benefit, oi
your money back. Never sold In bulk.
"I am thankful for the go! Dr.
Miles Anti-nun rilla have and are
lomg m. liver since the war 1 hav
hail p-iis of severe throbbing head
ache, caused by entarrh, until sit yeara
ao, I l-'Kin Inking Anti-Pain J'Uls,
the only remedy that ever gve
mm rrlttf. Httie then 1 have not hart
on bird Bltsfck, bviu" t t;tka a Pill
end It (ivercorne tho difficulty." IU.
FAI'Mi:U.4. Im'fW.ure. Int.
T7'TJT,'P Write to ue for TrlM
T IXlaJLt I'tickarm of Or. Milti' Antl
Pain t III, thw N'w Bf-ii'MMu Itemed y
fur Vnin. Am Uymptom IiUnk, Our
Fperln)it ltk d!i!it your ruse. Utl
ym ntutt it wft'vn, niut b'w to rtfht it,
1 -re. m MU.KH MKIt'Al. OX
LAUUlbUUlUi-J i.U.lUUiT, mix
When You Writt to Advtrtlstr.
Business College
Because no other schooling or Train
ing will develop you so quickly and
thoroughly for business life. Posi
tions waiting for our Graduates. Don't
you wish to be one of the first gradu
AddressG. W. BROWN Jr.
1519 O Street, Lincoln, Nebr.
Hog Cholera
WflQIIC Completely cleaned out and tho
lfUnMO cause removed bo hogs will not
again becorre wormy. Makes health and
thrift eo nogs grow and fatten 5J per cent bet
ter. Write for fiee book of advice about
hogs. We also send you hundreds of endorse
ments from the big feeders and breeders. Let
us show you.
The Woman Who Sews
Should bar the beat Sewing Ma
ohm made. To prove tfae "Mil
dorado" it the best and lightest
running, we ni i imp
on SO dart free trial. GDABAN
TKKD FOB 20 Y KAltS. Ball bear-
log throughout, Incased in Dean
tiruJly finished wuod work and
supplied with complete set of at-
ij.hminu Wa know 1ft Will
please in cry respect, bat If
FREE TRIAL the 80 days trial wllf cost you
v . .f hlnn yunfl fAPHMimill MVini BH .(Till II If I mm
logne ana let us tell yon mure about this big offer.
016 Liberty SU KANSAS CITY. MO
T tii vantf nwll vnnrfurm hnrsftH or busl
ness, or buy something, or you wanthelpof any
kind. put a "want-ad" in the Omaha World
Herald. .
This paper i Known as tne greaj waomu
taper of Nebraska, publishing almost as many
paid want ads as uny three other Nebraska
tapers combined.
The World-Herald gives splendid returns to
its "want-ads." and its rates are low.
For one ray oriy. tee cnarge is m ceuw a
word. For two or more conseotlve days, a went
a word per day. For one month $1.60 cents a
lioeofe words. All "want-ads" cash in ad
vance. Have your answers come to the World
Herald if you like; no extra charge.
The World-Herald's net circulation is 35.500.
.wflinililli, iir;!;,,'!.
IVondcrf ul Doinrjo
at tha
6toc!x Ycrdo
Tt. wnudroai krUrKj cad t)iO dtapttch
MtUlM Ui t.iott btorfc Yr, Chtcatfo,
ara a auaraa ut kt ail vlaitora bo
.r. MM Utat uft.a tt.MN aulmala ar anladl dtopaawl ( Uar Im oaa day. Karv fara
areaanot tUII Uia Ua aVuck caaur, Mit Ui.
Dlocdcd Gftculi
(h.l kucttlag Bl-M-k a4 faraa aapr- ai.
rnl tu ttrint lb. Itwrk V.rda U bla r.d.ta.
Hwuw Satan. ul hm latoraaUutial U.
AwoeiMiua UI cswitHiM . .ry rm
lra.ajlf aruala taa Hw't tfarrtu, atrla
aiiaif t th. .nilr. lW-iotr all f UU44
44m4. Ttel.artu-1. will b. tilaMtadM a4 !
mI villi ih. stork Tarda aa la rat talar
Ball iaal mutr hr( krWw. tail
aa.ta H txr lo aiWri)., a hi
ilt.t wall, aa? wiv taa affnni wo. Tfc
H of ma44 ! iU m
vat .14 M Hf r4a aa4 abarlhora.
looded ttoth, Boi f 14 Oiford, Pa.
i Q
I .... - ., I I II
HM l.(,hWWii"ul-WU",",M"' ''!,