J.U u X5ht Nebraska. Independent PAGE 11 , 1 . 1 . 1 v C . t mn, a little Harness Talk May Profit You if You arc About to Buy ; kstaff e Qui- and too I use tlic Did t.nd California Hihcr-tlic very host obtainable sucn as give you ionj ill ful service The ai unjf, inanug ic auiu5, nuke all tirade and Myies. There is a local dealer ui every community who can show it ...i.,.- iUw n all fiitimrtnil until ilia Int. "1! H." 011 the ends ot the traces. We do not retail. If this harness interests you, show it yminlcak'i', We will be glad to near irotn you. Lkstaff Bros. Mf Co. TnTOiE" Lincoln, INcb. Un10 CFfJTS PAYS FOR ALL I s M I W K,)U.pllU,(i Knuiaved or Week I I 'I 3 JLovplvfiilk H.-rnrnt. Pc- Too Ptn, f ine Lea hoi Br Om beau. l.ifll) 1HK , . . .1 .... 117 .,,1,1 1,,,, liln.r a Mi-1 . L. tJnn: W L' fJ '"' '' 's'l''' I'll,'"" III"' II HI "I' "' axil " $TfM ir- lot. with our iii iiarKnfn llrt and 25-cent eusti coupon, uiuilod postpaid, ilill in ri'iili. Alldl'iwi, KXvlU 10 611 K CO., tl$t Or.out, New Jenny. A Word IV'fi Yow About Subscription Cards InirliiK the 111011II1 of Muy we nrranned for n dubblim rale whereby five new mil wrll'crs eonlij rot The Independent for 0110 year for $'U0. Thin Is only fin rents for eueh new suliHcrlher. shortly after nrriiiiKinn HiIh clubbiim rule many subscriber wrolo iih and KUKKOHied Unit live cards lie Bent lo each subscriber, as both lime and expense would lio raved In that woy, and everyone would (lien liave an opixut unit y lo help In the Kood work of ex tending 1 bo eircnlalloii and Inllueneo of The Independent. Ac cordingly live cards were unit, lo every subscriber. At. tliKl Annual I was fixed as tins limit, when we would receive tbese cnrdH for yearly hu1;h rliiionH. Then by roipieHl of many of our readers I he I in 0 waH ox'endod to Keptomher 1. Now wo aro recelvliiK ninny lctlerw nsldna; wlu-ihor them) cards will Hlill be re ceived. AIho we are aaked whether two or throe carda or U-hm than five will le received at the raU; of tin tenia for each. The loiters are too numerouH lo rIvo Imlivldual reHponao lo find further wo niuat treat all our HiibHcrllierH alllte. We could not kIvo one u better rate than nnolher. Wo h-ive, however, coucliub'd Hint any or all of the carda now ut wo will accepl al tlm rate of CO cents each. We will do Ihla whether we roee'vo them In cluhs of five or whether we receive ll.em tdiiKly. Thia, however, applies only to !ic carda aent out under our apodal offer heretofore and will not apply to carda went out hereafter. TIioho aent out here after will be tin cents on condition that they aro returned in clulm of five. It. coals uu al out 00 cents for each auliHcrlher lo puhllah the paper. Hut. we are not after large profits, We want 11 lurn circulation. We hope, therefore, to receive all the cards thai aro out. with the names of new sMhacrliiers on thoni. Send them alonn as faHt ss you pet them. The winter months are coining: on and all your neighbors will want, to read The Independent. We will aond you aaniplo copies upon request. Send us the balance of the cards with new fliibacrilierH. THE INDEPENDENT Jt . .4 v . . v . . . ' V "The Free Pass Bribery System" Is the Title of a New Book BY GEORGE W. BERGE M itx tit le, i udh-rt tcii tli is book UlUthf. whole dramatic story nf the briberi infl iwni't1 of f ive free railroad puss. le story Mhttxttmuttiiiri furls Mint dispeople should ktww. It reads lib' mi e.vcitiiKi ii'trd. In, vivid Ian gaaje it portrayn how the riiiliwids, llmiii'ik the free puss bribery system, have procured tlir giiiuriuiisiil arriiij from the people ;kit pcuHS-ltoldiug of liiinhhure filtered into a eompinwy with the railroads to ie fat tlu- jimile's will; how the puss-holders have been in, fact a minnA sqiiait fur the, rail roods to protect the railroads in their Mtortitinnte. freigh t and passenger rates cliarged the peo i'f ;( Uu fitisx-lwtders ore controlled by professional lobby ist who herd thtm os a sheep herder watches over a lock of dini;hmr thexe lobbyists, through the passes in the pockets of thtffiirhih, rriii iii ze 11 tid control the legislature, state officials IH'I'x, and nil dtij and county officials; how the pass bribery s'jitriu makes vou spirit tors, prejnrers and grafters of all who wire muter the. sintem. Ihe ftillou iiiij are titles to some of the chapters: THE FREE PASS SYSTEM IS A CONSPIRACY. TREASON OF OLD TIME PASS HOLDERS. THE SEDUCTIVE INFLUENCE OF THE FREE PASS. PASSES AND PERJURY. PASS BRIBERY LEADS TO GRAFT. STATE INSTITUTIONS IN GRIP OF PASS BRIBERY SY8TEM. THE FREE PASS HOLDERS A POLICING SQUAD FOR THE RAILROADS. HOW FREE PASS AGENTS ORGANIZE AND CONTROL THE LEGISLATURE. Tit e book in popular la ngwage gives the reader alt the fit ltd amen tal objections to th is virions system. Mr. Bergn has given the tptestio'n exhaustive study and mi one is better able to write upon the snbject than he, is. ' "Death to the free pass bribery system," watthe keynote of h is campaign, in l&4 when he was candidate for governor ofWehraska, Tltesred that he then scut tered has not only ink it root bat is already bearing fruit. The people begin to see that this bribery system, must, be destroyed before they can again assert their influence, in government. The book should he in every library. Krery reader of 1 h In dependent should have it. Every student of politic should litve it. It is the only book ever written upon the subject and everyboily will wan t to read it. It contains mure tlutn 300 pages bolt ltd in heavy cloth. The Price of the Book is $1.00, By Mail, postage Repaid. ToTnEWCW 0 LD S U BSC R I B E HS TO THE INDEPENDENT Inen $1.00J BOTH $1.50 Tho Book is Now Ready for Delivery. Send in Your Orders at Once Address, THE INDEPENDENT, Lincoln, Nebraska, UfiT ACCOMny OR(f R4. J J ,4 .4 .4 .4 .4 .4 ,4 ,4 4 J .4 J .4 4 c4 . .4 .4 ,4 .4 , ,4 A .4 . ,4 .4 In