The independent. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1902-1907, September 07, 1905, Page PAGE 12, Image 12

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    PAGE 12
Real Estate and
Farm Land
t K-yyTnnnnnnoof?
rrkA Tn)nni1nt riin.rant,ftft the reliability
of the advertisers nsinjr this department. The
Real Estate and Farm Land Directory has just
been established, and it Is desired to continue
It a a retrular feature of this paper. The ad
vertisers who are making use of this section
tiird tn tinnm that Tniinfrn1fTit readers
are taking an interest in it. When you write
to them on any stiDtect piease mention me
Cheap Lands In the South dv Southwest
For homes or investment Timber, coal, f arm
lnfr and grazhtg lands, large or small tracts,
easy terms. List of land bargains free. Ad
dress, jo. A. faiuvkk. jjouisviihs. tvy.
1,000 Acres i
. .
Republican Valley bottom farm
forsale. cheap: Ked willow county: well J
improved; close to town, write for il- J
t lustraien uescuywe tvuu, A
prices and terms. This is a bargain. J
: McUillip a Gvvallovv, :
X Humphrey, Nebraska.
OCEANA it the most productive
county in Michigan. Fruit, Grain, Clo
ver, AlfaJfa, Potatoes, Stock, Poultry,
Fine Climate. Ail sizes, all prices.
Easy payments, good markets, and the
best people. Send for list to J. D. 8.
Hanson, Hart, Mich.
Mr. A. Canfleld of Tecumaeh, Neb.,
suffered with severe cancer or ine nose.
He has been entirely cured by Dr. T.
O'Connor and will answer any in
quiries from other sufferers. Write
him and at the same time sena a iuu
rimr rintion of the cancer to Dr. . r.
n'Hnnnnr. Lincoln.' Neb. He can cure
you. His charges are reasonable and
terms of payment easy.
A bomb '"exploded with terrific
force at Barcelona in the Marine pa
rade which was thronged witn noii
day makers. A panic ensued and the
air was rent ; with the shrieks and
groans of the victims who numbered
from thirty to sixty, including one
woman killed and five , persons mor
tally wounded. The bomb was coni
cal ... in shape , and was covered with
cement. The perpetrator of the out
rage is unknown. One witness states
that early in the morning a child was
seen to deposit a bomb at the foot
of a tree, while another version Is
that the bomb was placed at the foot
of a tree in the afternoon, and that
the man who was seen to place it
there was Injured by its premature
explosion.. After the explosion Pana
ma nats, parasols and wearing ap
parel were found strewn about and
here and there were pools of blood.
The detonation was heard through
out the city, and the force of the ex
plosion threw a coachman from tne
seat of his carriage fifty yards away.
The bomb was filled with nails anp:
scraD iron. A workman, covered
with blood, while running away from
the scene was pursued by a mob which
believed him to be responsible for
the outrage and, being caught, was
nearly lynched. The man was taken
to a. .hospital, where he denied he had
exploded the bomb.
drunken spectacle of himself in his
assault on municipal ownership at
the Toledo meeting. The resolutions
express that "regret be tendered the
League of American Municipalities on
account of the spectacle which the
mayor made of himself," and that the
mayor's "attitude toward the city of
Chicago and the boorish manner in
which he treated Mayor Dunne are
heartily deplored and condemned,"
and further that "the conduct of the
mayor upon the before mentioned oc
casion is not typical of Atlanta, but
Is strongly and severely condemned
and regretted by tne" city council."
It Is probable the carousing mayor
of Atlanta will be ousted unless he
Residence Phone
Ofil. Phone
DR. J. f.L
Physician and Surgeon
Captain Commanding Hospital
Corp Nebraska.
929 O Street, Lincoln, Neb.
Bend us your Lumber Bill for oar
estimate. We will SAVE you from 80
to 604. We bought the great ST. LOUIS
WORLD'S FAIR. Sucbr an opportunity
may never occur again. -Write us today
for oar low prices and Free Catalog No.
5 on all kinds of Material. Address
Chicago Housa KrieKex Ct.. World's Fair Grds.. St. Leois
C. F. Pflster. the Milwaukee million
aire banker, indicted for erabezle-
ment, has caused to be issued a state
ment which explains what became of
the mysterious $14,000 which was
turned over to him by the Wisconsin
Renderine comDanv. It aDDears from
this statement that the money was
paid to various persons for the pur
chase of a contract which Crilley &
O'Donnell had with the city of Mil
waukee for a - rendering or garbage
plant. It is stated that the firm, after
securing the contract, found itself un
able to perform the' work and sold to
the rendering company. Pfister acted
as go-between. No part of the money
went direct from Pflster to anybody
for. any illegal purpose. The whole
transaction is mysterious in that per
sons connected in the deal gave
testimony wmcn lea tne grana jury
to investigate and indict, and it was
not until long after the indictment
which exonerates the accused man.
The Milwaukee grand jury is still en
gaged in probing affairs at Milwaukee.
Dr. D. E. Salmon, chief of the bureau
of animal industry, was exonerated
by the report of Solicitor McCabe of
the department of agriculture, which
also declares there has been no dis
crimination in favor of the beef trust
and against the small packers in the
assignment of meat Inspectors to the
various plants. "Inquiry discloses the
fact that Dr. Salmon had an unfor
tunate connection with the firm of
George E. Howard & Co.." said Sec
retary Wilson. "While this connec
tion was not an ideal relation for a
government officer to have with a firm
doing business with the department.
I am convinced that Dr. Salmon never
intended to profit by work done by
Mr. Howard for the department of
The Dr. Benj. F. Bailey Sana
torium, Lincoln, Neb. " Largest, 1
best equipped "an4 most beauti
fully furnished. In the suburbs
of Lincoln, this institution for1
1 the medical and surgical treat
ment of all non-contagious dis
eases, presents the ideal, In its
1 nursing corps, its massage, its
electrical equipments, Its bath (
department, physical culture,
dietetics, and. in fact, every
thing which goes to make up, a,
scientific yet homelike institu
tion. A delightful place in
which to get well and learn how ,
, to keep well.
Would You Better Your Cenditian?
We have an article that sells itself.
Agents make $5 per day. Others are.
why not you? write today Tor lull
particulars. Send two two-cent stamps
- 30 Burr Blk., Lincoln. Neb.
mm"M m MVfH Bfli tn LIOM
(Powder) sprinkled in the nest keeps roar
inwiAfi-M from line. Snrtnklehentndtho
little chicks will have nollce.Tiany
JSJjf Psracwi "liquid" kills mites instantly.
brrtnxie oea lor nogs, ruwa wr io.
nfm ir ihirl. Onr Snraver.
i TT 111 rwvm " r--t -
$1.50. Half pound Powder, by mall, 10c
We want agents. . Our goods are guar
THB TIPPANY CO.. Unclo, Ncfc.
Virginia Farms
W unri lint nf firms for 81 0
lii the mont desirable sections of
vi..u.t. with fnllnwiitir adi-an.
T .rvn er. rinlltrhtful Sum-
IHcrs. Hiori , miiu Tt micro, utjo
4iM-h unnn inn unriai iutui
taws, hlsrhest marntii. close In. low freight rates,
aEVxsity of crop, mtlJJ
KnTttar infornistlow.eTcurslon rs pamphlets.
mm mi
S. W. ijr., !! 33 rtrt.
Fast. Convenient and Comfortable
are the trains of the Michigan Central.
t ht'Mn Ohinaeo. De-
nu FniisL Huffalo. New YorK,
Boston and the Ea?t. and to points In
Michigan. For inrormauon ana aeBunp
tive literature address t
C. C. MERRILL. T. P. A.,
' Kansas City. Mo.
V J 'Cincinnati, Oblrv, K. H.Reemelln, Editor
A D.nn,iitn a aa no. Magazine. 50cts
a jear;M cti f or moa. It 1 not a ONE IDEA prop.
TgandUt, but clean-out PPrt-neP!nVr,nnt:
It tauds for 82 ewr tefonw ealorfcrtly put
Raads Uke a letter from an old friend. You wlU
not regret sending 25 cU for a trial subscripUon.
The matter of Senator Chauncey M
PeDew's indebtedness to the Equitable
Life Assurance society has been ad
justed to the satisfaction of all con
cerned. . Officers of the Equitable an
nounced that the indebtedness to the
society of the Depew Improvement
company was paid, the principal and
interest amounting to $29d,d5U.8Z.
The correspondence incident to the
transaction was at the suggestion of
President Paul Morton made public.
In a letter Senator Depew disclaims
all resnonsibility for the loan made to
the Depew Improvement company,
declares that the loss was due to de
pression in. the value of real estate at
Buffalo, and that it was never his
intention to permit the Equitable to
be a loser.
For $130 you can get the NA
a clean and wholesome family news
paper, for one year, and THE NE
is onen onlv for a limited time. Fur
ther particulars furnished on request.
1328 O St. Lincoln, men.
A courier from Fez announces that
the French-Algerian merchant, Bou-
zian, has been set at liberty, and tnat
he is ill as the result of the bad treat
ment accorded to bim while in prison.
The sultan's action in yielding to the
demands of France at the last mo
ment averted the occupation of a
Moroccan port by the French, as St.
Rene Taillandier, French minister at
Fez, had made his final demand for
the release of the prisoner, and said
that unless the demand was granted
he would withdraw from tne country.
It is known French cruisers were In
readiness to sail in that event to
carry out the announced intention of
seizing a Moroccan port. Bouzain is
a French citizen, and the chief of an
Algerian settlement, and was arrested
owlne to local troubles. The sultan,
until France protested emphatically,
refused to release him, on the ground
that he was a Moroccan and not a
French citizen.
Resolutions prepared for the At
lanta citv council will set the splendid
southern city right 'before the league
of municipalities and the world.
These resolutions severely condemn
Mayor Woodward who made a
The final meeting o" the congress of
reformed rehsions at Geneva accepted
the invitation of Professor Doane of
Boston to hold the next congress in
the United States and voted hearty
thanks to Secretary General Wendete
of Boston. The congress also resolved
to formulate a declaration of the prin
ciples of liberal Christianity lor ac
ceptance at the next meeting.
Lldziaoudzi. Manchuria. Sept. 4., 3
p. m. The Japanese are continuing
nrenarations for a battle. This has
caused astonishment, coming at the
moment when the peace treaty is on
the eve of being signed at Portsmouth
The Russian advance posts report that
the Japanese troops are very much
dissatisfied with the peace agreement
L . r
President Shauerhnessy of the Ca
nadian Pacific railroad, when shown
a press dispatch relating to the re
duction in grain rates on the Great
Northern railway, and Mr. Hill's state
ment to the effect that the reduction
was made to increase the profit to
the nroducer. remarked that this was
merely following the policy adopted
by the Canadian Pacific long ago.
The peace treaty between Japan and
Russia has been signed at Ports
rwwvTTT? MTTD Instantaneous cure for
all inflammation; instant relief in pneu
in hrrmhiti nleuriav. inflamed
breasts, tumors, chronic ulcers, tonsilitis.
piles (external), Dons, erysipelas, poistmeu
wounds, rneumausm, ieums, siumo,
burns, frost bites; 50c boxes; 35c. .
NER-VO-INE Those suffering from
weaknesses that will sap pleasures of life
should take Mer-vo-ine. une oox wiu
work wonders. Has more rejuvenating
and vitalizing power than any medicine
in the world. Sent by mail, large box
$1. 3 tor $2.60. :
IF YOU CAN T. Bijuf iaKe lrnoy
cioDninr nnwdftrs. ahsolutelv harmless.
easy to take; no bad results. Four sleeps
for 25c. ,
TRILBY had no corns or bunions. She
removed them with a Trilby Leaflet; ab
solute cure; 10c by mail.
"R. P. C." ECZEMA CURE, 50c; guar-,
anteed to do the work; will tell you many
it has cured.
V a ram nlv that Piirod Mr. ITfimroid: KOc.
V1C V" v-- 9 "
salve or suppository. 'Stops itching" -no
teur's obesity treatment. Costs $1 per
month. Reduces you three to five pounds
per wee. v
L,AJL1HS UT. ia Hue a oauuou spray
ia (ha nrnrlri'a host. O.lit tft 1 1
One box of vaginal antiseptic tablets free.
LADIES Are you aware mai in j?Tanc
women use a monthly regulator more than
the women or au otner nations comoinear
everywhere; thoroughly reliable; abso
lutely safe; oetter man fennyroyai or
Tansy, Price Jl; "extra strong" for ob
stinate cases. $2.00 box.
The finest cream In the world. A skin, a
beautifier. and 50c a jar.
Absolutely driven away. A new face for
you. Makes you beautiful. Riggs' Face
Bleach and Complexion Tablets. Worth
$5. Price $1.50.
A remedy for constipation, obesity, rick
ets, jaundice, diabetes, diarrhoea, rheuma
tism, dyspepsia, and all liver , ills. X
Pound cans, 50c.
tee cure for Gonorrhea, Gleet and all
forms rf bladder and urinal diseases
Price $1.00 the box.
. RIGGS The Drug Cutter
1321 0 St. Lincoln, Neb.1
Please Mention THE INDEPENDENT When You Write to Advertisers.