Gfo Nebraska, independent PAGE 10 SEPTEMBER 7, 1905 conditions from the far east we simply waste labor in transportation; and even if we fill our needs at less money outlay we by the same act restrict the market for our products, force down the price of what our own peo ple make and thus cheapen labor in our country, with the result that noth ing is pained, something lost. ' For these reasons there exists between the United States and the countries and islands to the south all the elements for a mutually advantageous trade The Dominion of Canada needs coal . from the United States and we need Canadian lumber. I cite these needs as illustrations there are many other mutual needs, as many as . between the United States and the countries to the south and, therefore, Canada and Newfoundland should come Into the American Zollverin. Revival of Shipping From such an economic union there would come at once a very great re vival of American shipping, because trade between nations in the union .would bev held by ships sailing under the flags of the several countries, for, of course, the present navigation laws of the United States would be made the navigation laws of the great eco nomic union and as the shipping of all is small the field would be open to all none having any material ad vantage. Of course British and Ger man shipping interests would suffer. Annual exports from the United States would probably increase under an American Commercial Union more than $500,000,000, therefore, we should encourage this trade to the utmost. I repeat that such a commercial union as I propose does not contem plate a political union. In fact, I consider that political union would be both unwise and impossible. It It Not Utopian Men who give only little attention to the study of public questions; men who r are only opportunists, , will, of course, declare that such a union is Utopian, and as such hardly worth serious consideration. But British and German trade aggregations in South America make it a live question; and America cannot without permanent loss set aside the opportunity to declare a general commercial policy that would be as permanent and as far reaching as the political policy known as the Monroe doctrine. Unless this great step is taken at this time, the United States must soon meet British and German aggression with naval and military, force, or give up the great position heretofore held in Amer ican affairs. , "... ; A declaration in favor of an Ameri can commercial union by the Chicago Reciprocity conference of 1905, will command immediate attention of con gress and probably lead to prompt ac tion by congress. : I have the honor to be, very respectfully, WHARTON BARKER. HILL BITS THIEVES PRESIDENT OF GREAT NORTHERN E 1CORES LAND GRAFTERS Declares That the Present Laws Help Speculators and Monopolists to Ex haust the Public Domain and He Urges Reform ' , ' For over sixty years Mrs. Winslow's Soothing - J?- rup .has . been used by mothera for their children while teeth ing. Are-you disturbed at night and broken cf your rest" by a sick child suffering and crying with pain of cut ting teeth?; If so, send at once and get a bottle of Mrs. Winslow's Sooth ing Syruy for. Children Teething. Its value is incalculable. , ir will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately. Depend upon It, mothera, there is no mistake about it It cures diarrhoea, regulates the stomach and bowels, cures wind colic, softens the gums, re duces inflammation, and gives tone and energy to the wholo system. Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup for chil lren teething is 'pleasant to-the .taste ;msd is the prescription of one of the oUest and r -:t female physicians and A.urses in the United Statea, and is for lale by all druggists throughout the world. Price, 25 cents a bottle. Be Bute and ask , for. "Mrs. ..Winslow's Soothing-Syrup." James J. Hill, president of the Great Northern railroad, denounced the "dishonest , men," "the lumber kings and the cattle barons," who are absorbing the public lands of the country and depriving settlers . of land on which to build homes,' in a let ter of address to the National Irriga tion congress at Portland, Ore. Mr. Hill said in part: "The rapid settlement of the coun try, aggravated by the insane policy of our land laws, which helps the land monopolist and speculator to ex- hause the public domain, creates the present pressing need of more land space for the home builders. 'Except in a few secluded spots where the influence of the railroad company as colonizers nas been ex ercised to secure actual settlement on their lands, the influx of actual cul tivators is so small as scarcely to be reckoned with. Those who go upon government land in our day for the purpose of making homes are a hand ful, -v. v."-'. "In contrast the following table, giving the increase in area of public lands passing into private ownership each year, shows how rapidly our patrimony is vanishing: Year. Acres. 1898 8.453.896 1899 9,182,413 1900 . . . . ....... . . . . . . . . . . .13,453,887 1901 . . 15,562,796 1902 ........19,488,535 1903 ...................... .22,650,928 "Doubtless congress will repeal the land laws now employed solely to In crease the holdings of dishonest men and to give rise to such scandals as have lately thrown shame upon the American name. But if the future is to be judged by the past this access of wisdom and of honesty will comej only when there is no longer any land left that is coveted by the lumber king or the cattle baron. "It is therefore of the utmost mo ment that the lands capable of recla mation shall be as a patrimony for the days when the land hunger that is as old and as indestructible as man shall find no food for its reasonable satisfaction." Mr. Hill added that the irrigation enterprises now regarded as feasible will reclaim about 60,000,000 acres capable of supporting a settled popu lation. A--MU-.LAH BLOOD PURIFYING TABLETS MAKES RICH RED BLOOD, HEALTH AND STRENGTH A BLESSING TO BRAIN WORKERS 1 AND NERVOUS PEOPLE. A Pdoitivo Ciiro for ECZEMA SCURVY RHEUMATISM NERVOUS DISEASES WEAK LUNGS CONSTIPATION NERVOUS DYSPEPSIA ERYSIPELAS GOUT TUBERCULOSIS BLOOD POISON KIDNEY TROUBLE IRREGULAR MENSES LIVER TROUBLES. SA-MU-LAH tablets are compounded from the essence of rare East Indian Plants, and are the perfected result of over 20 years of medical -research. SA-MU-LAH acts promptly on -the Lungs, Liver, and Kidneys. These organs are directly responsible for the condition of the blood. SA-MU-LAH is a blood purifying medicine put up in tablet form, and contains nothing of an injurious nature. They are invaluable in cases of specific febrile disorders where the blood has a large excess or febrine or uric acid. Every disease or disorder that flesh is heir to can be traced to Impure Blood. SA-MU-LAH has helped thousands of sufferers. It can help you. FREE A Sample. packap of SA-MU-LAH tablets will be sent free to any person writing and enclosing 5c to cover cost of postage. ON 5ALE AT PRINCIPAL DRUGGISTS PRICE PER BOX CONrAININO a 5 TABLETS, 50 CENTS. If your dealer cannot supply you, send price and order to POWELL DRUG & CHEMICAL CO.. 140 NASSAU ST., NEW YORK. MOODY SPRINGS A BIG SURPRISE Has Beef Trust Men Cited to Ad- . pear at Once Chicago, .. 111,, Sept. 2. Instead of waiting until October, the govern ment will begin prosecution. of the in dicted packers next Tuesday. . The eighteen men under indict ment have been summoned to appear in court Tuesday and plead to the true bills found against them. This action is a disagreeable sur prise to .the packers and their at torneys. They have believed that there would be no move made until October. - . ., -. ...... : The attorneys for the beef men will exhaust every legal technicality in an attaclr on the . indictments before al lowing their clients to plead. There are several ways - in which the 'prosecution could make motions to quash; they could eriter demurrers; they could file pleas m abatement. ; Attorney General' Moody spent the day in the office of District Attorney Morrison at the federal building, He said he would remain in Chicago until after Tuesday in orer to direct the proceedings. "This is one step forward," said At torney : General Moody. "It is the earnest policy of the administration to expedite the trial of these cases just as much as possible. I came to try to press the cases along and we decided not to have an hour's unnec essary delay on the government side "The government is ready for trial and we wish to dispose of all prelim inaries just as soon as possible. I cannot say what the proceedings will be on Tuesday. " . "The defendants are simply notified to appear and plead: ; to the indict ments. This will show wriat the de fendants propose to do, and allow us to proceed to meet their moves." 1 Every man owes it himself and his family to master a trade or pro fession. Read the display ' advertise ment of the six Morse Schools of Telegraphy, in this issue and learn how easily a young man or lady may learn telegraphy and be assured a position. THE UDELL HOTEL A. L. Hoover & Son, Props. LINCOLN, NEBRASKA.. AW f; Centrally located," Cor. 13th and M Sts. The largest hotel An the city, up-to-date and 1st class in every respect. Prices moderate. American and Euro pean plans. Phones in all rooms 52 rooms with, bath. Sympathetic- "Why did you set your cup of coffee on the sofa, Mr. Newcomer?" asked the boarding house landlady. ; It is so weak," was the reply, "that I thought it would be a good idea to let it rest a while." , . .. Hope for. Him "But," said the lawyer, "your case seems hopeless. I don't, see what I can do for you. You admit that you beat your wife. , "Yes," replied the defendant, "but my wife's testimony will discount that. She'd never admit that she was beat en." Philadelphia Press. BETTER THAU SPANKIKG Spank ngr does not cure children ol bed wet tin?. . If it did there would be few children that would do it. There is a constitutionalcause for this. Mrs. M. Summers. Box 169. Notre Dame Ind.. will send her home treatment to any mother. She asks no money. Write her today if your children trouble you in this wy Don't blame the child. The chances &r W. can't help it . Early Maturing Market Hogs-Yorkshires The vigorous constitution, solid bony frame and the large litters produced are bringing Yorkshire Hogs to the favorable attention of farmers every where. -Yorkshires fatten rapidly and mature early a p to 900 pounds making them very profit able market hogs. Blooded Stock-that enterpris ing, hustling farm stock paper will devote its September Issue to Yorkshires. Every number of BLOODED STOCK Is intensely Interesting to the live fanner and stock raiser. September issue will be especially so. J. A. McDonald, of Prince Edward Island, a very able English writer, will contribute a valuable paper on Yorkshire hogs, while others of equal ability will furnish facts on feeding and breeding which will be helpful to every, reader. The October Issue will be devoted to the Chicago Stock Yards. Every farmer should read the October number. ' Don't miss a single copy. S!5c a year makes it easy to take. Blooded Stock, Boa ai4, Oxford, Pa. I Please Mention THE INDEPENDENT When You Write to Advertiser!.