X5h3 Nobraoko. Indopondcnt MAY 25, 1908 PAGE 12 week New Every ! jr. I 1 4 ! i r Specials oh Table Linens 63 inch union bleached Damask; assorted patterns; 25c value ......18c " 5S-inch red and blue Damask; 45c value..... 35c 60-inch all-linen half bleached Damask; 60c value 48c 68-inch all linen bleached Damask; assorted patterns; 75c value, at.. ..................59c Children's Dresses Special discount on the entire line of Chil , Tdren's Dresses, in washable materials, as 'White Lawn, Chambray, Gingham and Percales. They are this spring's styles. Stunning Prices on Wash Fabrics A lot of colored Lawns worth 7? ... Zg Lawns and Dimities worth 10c. ............ .5c Batiste and Organdies worth 15c... .....9J4c Lot of Lisle Tissues and Swiss Novelties t .worth up to 40c yard. ................... ..18c .'SOc Shirt Waist Suitings at price..... ....25c White Wool Dress Goods Let us show you our large line at popular - ..prices:';. y-i ",, v:" .. 3C-inch Danish Cloth 25c yard 36-inch Voile ........ .... ...... ....... 25c yard v Cream white Henriettas at 30c, 40c, 50c and 60c Cream Mohairs ....... ... . . . . . .50c, 60c and 75c Cream Voiles 50c and 90c 44-inch Cream Serge at. ............. .......S5c '''' ' ' '' ':-' ; . i . SILK COATS AT SPECIAL PRICES. We have a beautiful collection of. Silk Coats, the newest style creations Our $5.50 line; special at. . .............. . . .$4.95 Our $9.50 and $10 lines; special at......... $8.50 Our $12.50 line; special at.'. .$9.95 Our $14.50 line; special at. . . . . .... . . ; . . .$12.95 MEN'S PANTS. SKIRT SALE On account of a certain manufacturer send ing us by mistake a second shipment of Men's Spring Pants, giving us an entirely too large a stock, and by the manufacturer sacrificing his profits with us on the second shipment, we are able to offer samo at very low prices in order to cut the stock down quickly. They are in four lots: Lot 1 Pants that are worth lip to $1.25, for.. 75c Lot 2 Pants that are worth up to $1.75 for. .$1.20 Lot 3 Pants that are worth up to $2.25 for. .$1,60 Lot 4 Pants that are worth up to $3.00 for. . $2.00 Other Pants at a Special Discount. NEW ARRIVALS PANAMA CLOTH Silk Mohair and Sicilian Cloth Skirts in Clever Styles 42?knife-pleat Skirts, .made of good grade ., Sicilian, cloth, In blue,. brown, and black the snappy, graceful and cool garments for summer season these , would be low at $5.50 sale price $4.75 19-gore Panama cloth Skirts, : in black and brown; they have large sweep and are ex ceedingly dressy styled, and a good value" at $7.50 sale price .$6.75 Silk Mohair Skirts small checked, 9 gored,, with pleated bottom and fancy mannish ; cloth skirts in handsome designs; these are good values at $7.50 and $9.00; sale price $6.75 8 i2C Bleached Muslin, Soft Finish 6 '1-4-cents. m j. a v-w jr- i r i ra. i m m 1 1 j i i 9I.7zl9210,x l1;mC(5MNebiO WEST., 50 Pieces Fancy Oil cloths, good patterns I5 cents v be so receipted for by agents, of the railroad, and so considered by own ers and shippers. Signing a release . contract by a shipper shall not re lease, the railroad company for loss or damages caused by carelessness or negligence of its employes. - Sec. 4. All railroads or parts there of which have been built in this state since the first day of January, . 1889, or may be buili before the 31st day of December, 1899, shall be exempt from the provisions of this act until the 31st day of December, 1899. Sec. 5. Whenever any railroad com pany or companies, in this state shall, in a proper action show by competent testimony that the schedule of rates prescribed by this act are unjust and unreasonable, such railroad or rail roads shall' be exempt therefrom as hereinafter provided. All such ac tions shall be brought before the su creme court, in the name of the rail road company or companies bringing the same, and , against the state of Nebraska, and upon the hearing there of, if the court shall become satisfied, that the rates herein prescribed are unjust in so far as they relate to the railroad bringing the action, may is sue their order directing the board of transportation to permit such rail road to raise- its rates to any sum in the discretion of the board; rovided, that in no case shall the rates so raised be fixed at a higher sum than that charged by such railroad on the first day of January, 1893. Whenever any railroad company in this state shall claim the benefit of the provi sions of this section, it shall be the duty of such railroad company, to show to the court all matters per BETTER THAN SPANKIXG Spanking does not cure children of bed wet ting. If it did there would be few children that would do it. There is a constitutionalcause for this. Mrs. M. Summers, Box 169. Notre Dame Ind., will send her home treatment to any mother. She asks no money. Write her today if your children trouble you in this way. Don't blame the child. The chances are it can tneipic . f v(7 NEW TYPE 2 CYCLE QA50LINE ENGINE. Simplest in Construction and Most Powerful Engine for its size made. 3 H. P., 21 inches long, 150 lb. U to 6 H. P. Stationary. 2 to 14 BL P., Marine and Auto. Good ActflC7 Propetitloa, Free Catalogue If 70a mention thia paper. CUSHMAN MOTOR Co. . Llncola, Neb, ANTI-TRUST AMERICAN CIXED HEIJP BINDER TWINE Grasshopper and weather proof. Stronger, longer, smoother than Sisal or Standard. Costs less. Fully guaranteed. Send for free sample and book ot Nebraska farmers' testimonials. ' LIMBGEn & UETCALF CO., Omaha, Ilcb.