APRIL 27, 1905. Nobrasko. Independent PAGE 23 LOWEST PRICES AND THE TRUTH Home of the Rog ers, Peet & Co's. Hand -Tailored S units Home of Nettle ton Shoes and Knox Hats 1 8 s 9 8 a a S 8 Whatever Your Price Limit May Be , . i - You will find our Spring Suits at $10, $12, $18, up to $30 the most artistically-tailored and best fitting clothing ever sold for the price. . V . 7 V Never before did we have such a large and superb collect ion of Suits for Men and Young Men, nor did you ever see such clothing values as we offer this season. Discriminating men, looking for the best clothing that their money can buy, will be especially interested in our wonderful offer of Spring Sack Suits At $15 They are the qualities that many stores sell for $20 the fab rics are excellent imported and domestic cheviots, tweeds and worsteds. We have them in every new style and the most fash ionable patterns of the season we assure you a fit that is per fect. : -. . 77'. Spring Clothing For Boys Our boy's department is overflowing with new and handsome Togs for Boyo and Juveniles at economy prices. : . The showing will interest all thrifty parents who wish to dress their little men in good taste at little cost. Hats and Furnishings for Spring and Summer All the new style ideas are seen at their best at this store. From our complete assortments you can easily find just what you want and remember, quality duly considered our prices are always the lowest.;,;";,;.., : . ' . .7. 7 - ---V- ; 7 7- We call special attention to our unmatchable hat values at $2 50. LET US FILL YOUR MAIL ORDERS LARGE OR SMALL. WE'LL GLADLY SEND SAMPLES OR ANY INFORMATION ABOUT OUR GOODS. WHEN YOU SEND AN ORDER YOU WILL BE SURE OF GETTING THE GOODS PROMPTLY, AND SURE OF GETTING WHAT YOU WANT, TOO.