The independent. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1902-1907, April 27, 1905, Page PAGE 22, Image 22

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    APRIL 27, 1905
&3 Nobrashoc Indopondont
! i
' ii
; The Chicago Tribune sent a member
Of its staff to Glasgow to investigate
municipal ownership there, and,
though somewhat unwillingly, he is
compelled to report that the street
railway system is honestly, efficiently
and from the financial as well as tho
general point of view, successfully
i operated. The correspondent gives
ithe following important and interest
ing particulars:
"Glasgow, having taken possession
' .of all civic utilities, is now seeking
from parliament power to own and
operate interurban electric lines. Al
ready the city government Is operat
ing . the suburban traction lines un-
, der a system of leases, and the ex
periment, like the operation of the
lines within the city limits has been
entirely successful.
' "It requires only a brief stay in
Glasgow, however, to convince a Chi
cago man that what Glasgow has suc
ceeded in doing in the way of suc-
' cessful operation of civic utilities can
not safely be taken as an indication
of what might be done in Chicago.
Fares By No Means Small.
- "In the . first place, Glasgow itself
is a city closely and compactly built.
It has, however, a tributary popula
tion from two to ten times as great as
the populations tributary to American
cities of similar size. Again,, the
mileage of street railway lines in
Glasgow is comparatively small. Only
sixty-four miles of streets all told are
supplied with municipal traction
lines. The wages paid to employes
of the municipal lines are less than
half those paid in Chicago.
-.. "Glasgow, of course, has no such
'extreme distances' as Chicago, but
on the long hauls the fares are by no
means small. No transfers are given.
It costs 6 cents to ride six miles. " On
the other hand, one may ride a flis
. tance inside of a mile for 1 cent.
"Of course, this is cheap riding for
, the man who lives downtown, but ob
viously the system of graduated fares
. never would do in a sprawling city
like Chicago.
"Neither Chicago nor any other
large American city has anything to
i learn of Glasgow so far as the actual
operation of street railways is cori
' cerned. Glasgow did not adopt elec-
tricity $ until - long after it . had been
(exploited' in nearly every , city, large
and small, in the United States, and
Glasgow still clings to the overhead
Stock Merchandise
For Land
Large general stock of merchandise
now running in a good Minnesota
town and doing good busineis which
I will exchange for good - improved
land and some cash. . ' .
426 Boton BIk..
Minneapolis, ...Minnesota.
trolley system, even .In the busy, down
town streets a system far behind the
clean, safe underground trolleys of
Washington and New York. The op
erating system,- in fact, is neither
novel nor up to date.
Financially a Success.
"In other respects the municipal
traction lines of Glasgow are com
pletely successful. Financially they
are : operated at ;a profit. The cars
are clean and fast. Traffic is hand
led well. The conductors and motor
men appear in neat uniforms and evi
dently understand their business well.
At least, they- are. the equals of street
car employes in Chicago and Mil
waukee. "Every passenger who rides Is pro
vided with a seat. That is certain.
The cars are "double deckers," aver
aging twenty-four seats below and
forty-two above. '
"The cars are so clean, the service
so prompt, and the financial showing
made by the traction lines so satis
factory it is evident there can not
be much 'graft' anywhere in the sys
tem. The lines are honestly adminis
tered, not only in the general man
ager's office, but by the coductors.
Whole Corporation Honest.
"In fact, the administration of the
business of the whole corporation of
Glasgow seems honest to a degree
not conceivable in the United States.
robably this is the real secret of the
success of municipal ownership in
cities of Scotland and England, for
the traction lines are relieved of the
predatory instincts of stock jobbing
private owners and unscrupulous po-
itical office brokers.
"Politics does not influence munici
pal elections in British cities, espe
cially in Scotland. The lord provost
of Glasgow, Sir John Ure Primrose,
is a figurehead, and, although he is
the hardest worked man in the city,
he has no salary, no patronage, no
real power. When he accepted the j
office he had to give up his prosper-!
ous business as a baker and miller.
He has fairly earned the baronetcy
King Edward conferred upon him for
his honest administration of the Glas
gow traction lines.
Why System Has Succeeded.
"Yet, after all, this condition is not
so much due to the personal integrity
of the lord provost, for, although he
is a good man and properly honored
by the king, probably he is not much
better than many another lord mayor,
The real reason why the traction lines
have been honestly administered
seems to be because the people here
have not yet discovered the possibili
ties in the dishonest exploitation of
municipal opportunities.
"Transport the honesty of the Glas
gow municipal system to Chicago and
municipal ownership of the traction
lines would be the only thing; but
when some of the obvious differences
in local government are considered,
every reader of the Tribune might
find it worth Chicago's while to make
haste slowly in the direction of the
municipal ownership of anything.
Ho agent's
f rofiU to pay.
Cl A K.t 0T BO-EfV Hot Water,
VT Sclf-ragulatiog Incubator.
Guaranteed to hatch avarr hatchabl mt.
J 13 tot 60-chick brooder. Only $7.50)
or complete outfit. 30 days'
trial Send lor FREE catalogue.
Buckeye Incubator Co.
Box 10 Springfield, Ohio,
$ I O80 For
I 200 Egg
Perfect in construction and
action. Hatchei every fertile
egg. Write for catalog to-day.
GEO. H. STAHL, Qutncy, 111.
Losses paid in 1904 $14,082.90 " Since Organization f 214,99190
Why Don't You Insure Your Crops with The
United Mutual Hail Insurance Association,
(Incorporated Jan. 4,1899.)
For the small amount it costs, you cannot afford to take your own chances on your
growing crops. A few dollars 'spent on insurance may save you hundreds. The com
pany insures you at the rate of six dollars per acre. It pays no princely salaries at the
expense of policy holders. Now is the time to write Hall Insurance with this company
as there is a limit of fl.SOO to each' section. This is the oldest, best and most successful
company doing business in the state. It paid its losses lor 1904 sixty days before they
were due. Do not wait until it is too late to write your insurance in this company. No
one knows where the hail will strike. The company had a cash surplus of 6172.42 on
January 1st '05 after alllosi for 1904 had been paid in lull.
This-company was reorganized under the laws passed by the legislature ol 1903 and
Its officers are now under $53,000 bonds to the state of Nebraska lor the faithful account
ing of every dollar paid in by its members. It now writes insurance for a fixed rate of
premium. (No assessments are made) Thus everyone knows just what be has to pay.
Write the Uome Office lor lull particulars. Good agents wanted in every township
Home Office 116 So. ioth.
P. O. Drawer 1442
1 - .- - i
Guaranteed for five years.
This naint will cover more surface, las
longer and look better than any other
paint on the market. Written guarantee
to every customer. We can save you
mnriBv. Investigate. Beautiful color
cards and price list sent free on reques
Nebraska Paint and Lead Co
- 305-309 O Street, Lincoln,' Nebf.
Lincoln, Neb.
Fast train service to Chicago,
over the double-track railway
from the Missouri River to
Chicago, connecting at that
point with all lines for all
points East
The Bert of Everything,
Modern train equipment and
every appliance to insure the
safety and comfort of patrons.
Tlokets and tall information on
application to :VY
R. W. McGinnis, Gen'l Aqt.
1024 0 St. Lincoln, Neb,
Chicago & North-Western Railway.
NW458 '
Only One Way Out of It
"(Chicago Tribune.)
"But can we afford to accept that
gift?" objected the over-conscientious
trustee of the great public charity.
"Why not?" said the practical trustee.-"
; 7'. ; '' . 1
1 "Consider the tainted source from
which it; comes.".
"It .isn't tainted, though. I have
stipulated that it shall be paid in
clean, new .$1,000 bills, warranted ab
solutely free from microbes."
Francis E. Leupp, commissioner of
Indian affairs, will soon visit the Ne
braska agencies and will inquire into
scandalous conditions there.-
Cut this ad. out .
and mall to us, and -we
will send you
FREE, by return
man. postpaid, -our
Big. New
Paint ColorSam
ple Book. This .
free book con- ,
tains samples
snowing; the ex
act color of every
shade of ready mix- .
ed House, Barn,
Floor, Roof, Min
eral, Enamel and
Buggy Paint, also
everything In paint
and painters' supplies, including ells, leads, varnishes.
dry color, stains, brushes, sundries, etc. . .
FREE BOOK MOW TO PAINT. With the color sample
book we will also send you our free book How to Paint,
showing by means of pictures and simple directions just
how anyone without any previous experience can do a
fine Job, also Just how much paint Is required to cover a
given space, bow to order, how to select colore, kind of
paint to buy, all valuable Information, makes everything
SO plain that anyone cam order sad do the work soceshill7. .
K fin Per gallon for Mgnest trade seroco wwner
WW u proof Mineral. Barn, Roof and Fence Paint.
nr. per (allon for highest grade ready mixed house
www paint, Our Seroeo. our own special ready mixed
paint for houses, for wood, brick, stone or iron surfaces,
for finest inside finish or coarsest outside work, is sold
under our binding guarantee as the best paint made,
will cover double the surface, last twice as long, at one
half the cost of otherpaint, never cracks, peels or blis
ters, guaranteed for five years, and-will look better at
the end of five years than other paintwlll after one year:
Testimonials - from painters everywhere and color sam
ples 01 seroeo in our rree coior sample dook. ii jou
want to paint your house, barn or ether buildings, don't
fall to get these 26 FREE PAINT BOOKS and SAVE
ONE-rlALr ON THE FAINT Tou HKCVt. Aaaress,
n m" '
Three Cancers Cured
Gus Youngven of Essex, la., was cured
of lip-cancer" by DrD. T. O'Connor. Ha
was so well pleased , that he told two
of his neighbors who al30'had cancer;
C. J. Sandal, Red Oak, Ia.f and T.'B;
Draper now of South Omaha. Both
have since been cure4, by Dr. O'Connor.
All will ' answer . in'c iries from other
sufferers. W: -ce them and at the same
time send a lull description of your
cancer to Dr. T. O'Connor, Lincoln,
WIRE-01.40 Per 100 Lbs.
bmootn gaivamsea wire, put up iuw
lbs. to a bale, lengths running up to
850ft. No. 14 guage, per 100 lbs. 11.40.
Write for prices on other gauges.
Fence staples, per 100 lbs., 12 00. Wire
nails,mixedln a keg, per 100 lbs., 11.60. '
Barbed wire, per 100 lbs., 12.35. Poultry
netting, steelfence ,etc., atlow prices.
Ask for Catalogue N. K,
on merchandise; of all kinds from
Sheriffs' and Receivers' sales. 1
CHICAGO H0CSS WRSCalSU GO,, West Kta IroSta.,Ckleagt