The independent. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1902-1907, February 09, 1905, Page PAGE 14, Image 14

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    FEBRUAHV 9, 1903
. i'AOa 14
X5hs Nebraska. Independent
inwb inn vvnniv $
A Weekly Resume of the Really Vital News by the Editor &
TOe wordlessness of the daily pa
; per3 as sources of accurate information
was demonstrated again, during the
week. . The dispatches concerning Rus
! Eia and Japan have been of all sorts
and kinds.; It has been cabled from St.
Petersburg that he novelist Gorky was
released, that ha was sentenced to be
hanged, that he vas confined in the
underground dungeons of the St. Pet
er's and St, .Paul's fortress, that he
was given the bebt rooms in the upper
stories in that piece and that he was
to be ent to Siberia for life. It was
cabled in the - most positive manner
that the czar had signed a great Magna
' Charta, that he iad dona nothing of
the kind, that the liberals were at last
in control and ti at the bureaucrats
had a firmer hold 67rthe government
than ever before. AH that kind 'of
stuff has been served up to the people
every day in tho. week &nd it keep3
coming in large Oaj thing con
nected with that sort of action is very
evident. Something must be done to
' attract the attention of the people away
".from the work of the corporations in
; congress, and thai; serves the purpose
! very well. . ' ,
like all the rest f f the rot printed In
the daily papers ro one kaow3 whether
there is any truth In the report or not.
The only thing that appears to be
'true about the wlole business is that
the Russian 'government has complete
ly suppressed the disorders everywhere
except in Poland, where things seem to
be growing -worse all the time. In eyery
city of Poland the re '-are strikes, riots
and bloodshed, " end while thje news
from Finland i3 scarce there can be
no doubt that there is great disorder
there. There arj no evidences of a
general revolutionary movement . in
Russia. ' . .
The - Japanese medical , staff have
printed their official repoits and that
part which applies to the army of Gen
eral Cku has reached this country. This
report is the astonishment, of the med
ical fraternity everywhere. It fully
confirms the report of sne American
surgeon, Dr. Seaman" who was detailed
to attend the Japanese army, and
which was printed sometime ago.
The figures show that uc to Decem
ber 1. there wei treated 24,642 cases
of diseases. Of these forty resulted fa
tally, 183,578 patients recovered, 5,609
were 'sent to Japan, and Lie. remainder
were undergoing treatment when the
figures were compiled, it is believed
that these figure3 are uneualed in the
history of warfao. The:-e were only
193 cases of typlioid and 342 of dys
entery, while of beriberi. there were 5,
070. The other cases of disease were
not serious. The casualties in General
Oku's army from May 6 to December
Vj were as follows; Killed,' officers 210,
men 4,917; wounded, officers 743, men
20,307; missing, officers 4, men 402. The
percentages of the other Japanese ar
mies are believed 'o be abjut the same.
There hag been considerable fighting
' In Manchuria Without disti net advan
tage ta either sid, although the Jap
anese seem to have repulsed every ad:
vance movement made by ; the Russians.-
A report ir sent that -Kurot
patkin has tendoied his , resignation
and wants to give up his job. It is
said that there Is a quarr ?1 on between
him and General Grippenberg, who led
the last advance against the Japs But
Secretary Mortr.-j says that it will
cost only $77,000,000 a year to main
tain the navy after it Is finished. But
the naval experts Lay the lite of a war
ship is only twelve years and so the
navy will have to be built over again
every "twelve years. That will cost as
much as we have hed to tay yearly in
building it, and it will take fully
twelve years to rebuild it.
Jsk It
Druggists Who SelL
. Dr. Miles' Nervine
Agree, If It Fails,
To Refund Cost.
Of course W reimburse the druggist
You htiov l;Im, and trust him. '
Dr. Miles' Nervine is medicine for your
nerves. ;'. ' k:
It cures diseases of the internal or
, ans, by giving tono to the nerve3 which
make these organs work. - ..
It is a novel theory not of anatomy,
but of treatment;' first discovered ' by
Dr. Miles, and since made use of by
mawy wido-awako physicians, who ap--''
predate its value in treating' pie sick. ;
If you aro t;ick, v.'e ofler you a way to
be made WeUwMV M:ics - itorvine. -
This medicine is a scientific; cure for
norvc disorder:;,- tsuch as Neuralgia,
Headache, Lbrss ' of Memory, Elceplcss
ness,' Spasms, Dackaehe, Zt. Vitus'
Dance, Epilepsy or Fits, Nervous Pros
tration, etc. "
By toning Jup tho nerves, Dr. Miles'
: Restorative Nervine will also cure those
diseases of the . internal organs due to
',a disordered nervous system.
Some of these are: Indigestion, Bil
ious Headache, Kidney Trouble, Chronic
Constipation, Dropsy, Catarrh, Rheuma
tism, etc. ; '
"My brother had nervous prostration,
and was not exacted to live. I pre
vailed upon him to try Dr. Miles'
Restorative Nervine, and now he has
fully recovered. You rcmeubcr I wrote
you how It saved my life a few years
ago, when I had nervous trouble. I
freach its merits to everyone." REV,
i . D. MYERS, Correctionville, Iowa.
"nT?!? Write us and we will mail
J UIjIm you a Free Trial Package of
Dr. Miles' Anti-Pain Pills, the New,
Scientific Remedy for Pain. Also Symp
tom Blank for our Specialist to diagnose
your case and tell you what is wrong
and how to right It. Absolutely Free.
fAHnHiTOmm ELl&iAitT, W
Dear Sirs Ploooo ao!i your WIFE, DAUGHTER
orSlSTEQ to fiocd T.1Y FREE Offer.
f. ?
t- - I z At
From a Woman of Notre Dame, lad.
I will mall, free of any charge, this Home Treat
ment with full Instructions and history of my own
case to any lady suffering with female trouble.
You can cure yourself at home without the aid of
any physician. It will cost you nothing to give
the treatment a trial, and if you decide to continue
it will only eost you about 12 cents a week. It will
not Interfere- with your work; or occupation.. I.
have nothing to sell. Tell other sufferers of it
This ts all I ask; It cures all. young or old.
S3?If you feel h beavingxlown sensation, sense
of impendtng evil, pain in the back or bowels. -creeping
feeling up the spine, a desire to cry fre-
, quently, hot flashes, weariness, frequent desire to
urinate, or ir you have Leucorrnea Whites;, Dls-'
placementor Fallingof the Womb, Profuse, Scant,
or. Painful Periods, Tumors or Growths, address
Mrs. M. Summers for the Free Treatment and Pull
Information. Thousands besides myself have cured ;
themselves with it. I send it in rlain wrappers.
TO flOTHERS OP DAUGHTERS I will explain a simple Home Treatment which, speedily and
fffectually cures Leucorrhea, Green Sickness and Painful or Irregular Menstruation in young
ftoies. It will save you anxiety and expense and save your daughter the humiliation of explain
fcther troubles to others. Plunlpness and health always result from its use.
Wherever you live I can refer you to well known ladies of your own-State or county who know
4nd will gladly tell any sufferer that this Home Treatment really cures all diseased conditions of
our delicate female organism, thoroughly strengthens relaxed musles and ligaments which cause'
emplacement, anc make-' women well. Write today, as this offer may not be made again.
Box 169
Notre Dame, Ind., U. S. A.
, A lot of farmers over in Iowa burned
Congressman Hepburn in effigy andde,
nounced him as a tool of the Burling-f
ten railroad. If these ; fvmers don't
like Hepburn an Burlington rule why
haVe they kept him in congress- for
twenty years? vVeiy likely this , same
gang of farmers vill line up and vote
'er straight for Hepburn , two years
from now just a they I'ave for the
last two decade?.
The enormity o. the standard Oil
robberies have never. been fully appre
ciated. One Lockhardt, a minor stock
holder in the trust, died the other
day in Pittsburg u id left a fortune of
$150,000,000. His ii come ror some time
has been . $18,000 C0C a yetoY. He .'was
unknown and nevev.did anything for
the benefit of -ilio country but was
drawing a salary taxed ou; of the pec-
pie,, by the trust, 360 times as large as
is paid to the president jf the, United
States. Any man who believes that a
system that, creates such. . a state of
affairs as that can long endure. Is not
capable of much sound thinking.
Dennis Donohoo, the reat financial
writer of New York started with, the
promise that he was going to make
great revelations that would be a com
plete ' offset to Lf.wson'3, attacks on
Wall street villainy. Donoboe has now
had three whacks at it'ani kll he has
done is to tell of some moti Wall street
villainy in which Lawi.m was the
chief figure. Doiohoes articles are
an editorial evidence of the workings
of the system. They are simply; a
backing, up. ,'of ail that Lawson, has
said. Those transactions down there
are , worse than' highway robbery or
piracy "on the high sea. Lawson has
been in them, as deep as any one. - If
he had not been JJack-baJied by Rogers
when he built a racing yacht and tried
to join the yacht .club, we would prob
ably never have heard of -Lawson.
Nevertheless Lawson's articles are go
ing a long way toward eaucatlng the
Meet the special requirements of the Farmer.
Miner, Lumberman and other working men
who need strong, well made shoes.
Made from the best upper leather obtainable for the purpose and
heavy tough sojes. Will not grow hard or crack with ordinary care.
Ask for Mayer shoes and look for the trade-mark on the sole.
For a Sunday or dress shoe wear the "Honorbilt" for men.
American people.
The "Colorado papers say that there
is enough coal in Route county "of that
itate to supply the whole world for a
hundred years. Here in ebraska wre
have no coal- and the railroads put such
a tax on the Coloiado coal that it has
to be used, with the great st economy
by the farmers of this state while in
the cities ' many "suffer from cold be
cause they can no: buy enough to "keep
their houses -warm. It is the fear of
the farmer that he be unjust to the
railroads that makes that situation
possible, or because he is such a slave
to "regularity" and party bosses that
he dare not vote fcr his own interests.
The whole of vhc United States east
of the Rocky Mountains and north of
S5 degrees north latitude, is covered
with snow,"a condition' winch the "old
est inhabitant" fcsya never occurred
before. ; ' : ,;
lC . seems 1 that the nobi'lty "of St.
Petersburg well '-understand the dan
ger' that threaten;; autocracy; They
assembled to the '.number cT178 in St.
Petersburg and tnade an address tb the
emperor -'containing", the 'following
word3: "Order new that elected repre
sentatives of th3 country may raise
their voice to the throne and partici
pate, in accordance with your sover
eign' direction, in legislation and di
rection of governmental' ineasures. The
nobles of St." Petersburg frfncerely be
lieve that; provided' union oi the throne
and nation Is supported i' confidence
on thd part of 'the emperor, internal
trpubles will vanish and all Russia will
rise and serve tho severeign faithfully
for the salvation and glOry'of the coun
try and the confusion of its enemies."
New York city already has proof
within its own experience of the ef
Experienced teachers. Fine equip
ments. Assistance in securing positions.
Work to earn board. . Individual instruc
tion. Enter any time. Wessons by mail.
" Advantages of a capital city. Write for
Catalogue No 73
Lincoln Business College
. v AMI Z I NO
P A (N T
Guaranteed for five years.
This paint will cover more surface, last
longer and look better -than any "other
paiut on the market. Written guarantee
to every customer,' Wo can save you
money." Investigate. Beautiful color
cards and prico list sent free on request.
N ebraska Paint and Lead Co,
' 305-309 O Street, Lincoln, Nebr.
' That's all it will
cost to get one of
Ottr liiO.cgtT in"
cubaturs complete,'
laid down st your
railroad station, all
freight charges pre
paid eai t vt Rocky
JJountaiDf. ; Ail
veady to operate.
re the world's standard incubators. .Three walls Califor
nia redwood. Aiba tos lined throughout. Copper hot water
beating system. 138 square Inches heating surface to water
heater. Only thirty cents worth of oil required for a hatch.
All machines sold on 60 Days' Trial, giving you every
opportunity to be sure you are rifrht. Every machine
carries a & years' guarantee. Von take no risk with the
Sure Ilatvh 00,000 Sure Hatchea in use, giving satis
faction. Send for free booklet. If you live east of Minis
sip pi Rive- address Indianapolis; If west. Clay Center.
B410 Clay Center, Neb. 1M10 Indianapolis, Ind.
-, tut JB&S5t3r2"