Nebraska. Independent . DECEMBER 1, 1901 R.esilts of R.ef erertdum Vote What PopviHsts Should Do The refer endiinu taken by The Independent, at 12 o'clock noon, on Wednesday stood: f For Peoples Party organization 3,872 For co-ODcration with Democrats 251 7 The Referendum What to Do Editor Independent: Fuse or not to fuse seems to be- a qeustion with some, but I can not ' see any room for any ' difference on that subject. The follow ing taken from the editorial columns of the St. Louia Republic of March 1896, ought to help us all to satisfac torily settle that matter forever: "The silver leaders in the democratic party propose to wipe thepeople's party off vthe map:thi3 fall, whether right or wrong in these surmises they intend to carry out the campaign on these lines. I am firmly Convinced Jiat Mr. Bryan was in on the ground floor, with the silver leaders, to betray and destroy the people's party, and most emphati cally vote no more-fusion forever. By the action of those silver leaders the great giant of reform was shorn of his strength for many weary years, and the beneficiaries of special privi lege were given a new life to plunder the weak and helpless. The two old parties, are carrion parties and each lives on the corruption of the other, kill one and you kill both. Missouri did not go republican because there was any virtue, or merit, in the republican party, but because the stench from the putrid carcass of the democratic party had become unbearable, and Roosevelt did not get his majority in the nation because his party had any merit, but because the stench from the last Cleve land administration killed the sensitive voter off when he came into contact with Parker and his environments car rying as it must the malodorous smell of the last democratic administration I can not believe that any man that went into that conspiracy, 1896 to wipe the people's party off the map that fall was an honest man and I be lieve that Mr. Bryan was in on the ground floor of that conspiracy to de stroy . the only party that was " then menacing the citadel of, plutocracy. The conspiracy was formed, the plan .carried out and the crime of the age was committed by those silver leaders. Lei us raise our banner liigh and let it be known by deeds that we will not under any circumstances or conditions, in any place or places, condone the wrongs of either of the old parties by fusing or co-operating with them, but will welcome all to our ranks who will help us In our fight. For any northern section to fuse, with the democrats is demoralizing to all southern sections where we have to submit to; the crimes of the democratic party, and for the people's party to fuse with the repub licans in any southern section, is de structive to our party in northern sec tions, besides fusing with either gives the lie to our contention, that both are wrong. Let us stand true to ourselves and; we can stand true to all. Let us organize under the precinct plan and give all power into the keeping of the people. Clip the wings of committees to make deals-and sell out the move ment and our course will be onward and upward. ; Springfield, Mo. S. A. WRIGHT. b a indication that, the ctonuch and other digestive crnsits are weak, tared or debilitated. Itv causes no end of aches and pains and u most common where pcoph bolt their nlecls and tuny end worry as they Cx hi this country. KocdsSarsaparilla C3rc3 dyscjebit has "a nc touch " hi this dhecse. . For te&noniab of remarkable cures tzzi for Dook on Dyspepsia, No. 5. C. h Hood Co. Lowell, Mess, and See Editor Independent: Answering your people's party referendum ballot: "It the Bryan democracy is again in control to make the nominations of 1908, there will be no need of a peo ple's party." In the meantime, I be lieve the people's party should hold its organization together, for should the conservatives be In possession there is no likelihood of Bryan and his fol lowing again finding warrant for be ing regular; they would bolt and join the populists, which I think they should have done this year . The. leaders of the . people's party ought now to know to their complete satisfaction that the mass of independ ents of this country Will not cast their votes for a third party. It was- a Question with the many whether a genuine or imitation repub lican was to be elected, and they would take no chances of Parker's election. I voted for Watson and Tibbies, but had I believed that Roosevelt needed my vote in this state I should have voted for him. DANIEJ. KIEFER. Cincinnati, Ohio. Let Them Stsy .There Editor Independent: I see by your paper that you are submitting to your readers a referendum for or aeainst (fusion. Permit me to say a few words as to what I consider a real referendum. There may be a number of ways of dealing with a subject under discus sion and the ordinary referendum per mits us to say yes or not on a given qeustion, but suppose a voter does not agree with either side of the question, bu believes he has a decidedly better idea as to how the matter should be dealt with. He has an undoubted right to express his opinion, but the present referendum will . not permit him. In order that a majority of the voters may ieet as near to what jthey want, through a free choice, as pos sible, suppose that a referendum is made up as follows: ' For " absolute refusal of fusion with all parties. , For refusal to fuse except with free coinage democrats and silver, republicans. For avoiding fusion except with free Coinage democrats, silver re publicans and republicans .of the LaFollette stamp. . , For avoiding fusion except with free coinage democrats, silver and LaFollette republicans and prohi bitionists. For fusion with silver democrats, silver republicans. La Follette re publicans, Folk democrats, single taxers and prohibitionists, but ab solutely opposed to fusion with strict partisans of the two old par ties. ' Let the voter mark (1) at the left of the proposition which best suits him, (2) aj; the proposition which is next nearest his choice. (3) next, etcr when those ballots are collected by you K:nifnr . iTiflononlorif I coa (n V, Independent of November in vnn aRi emmate first. the proposition receiV' for a referendum vote of the subscrih- inS least, first choice votes, next the ers in regard to fusion with the Bryi Proposition next lowest, until only two ah democrats ' We have nn -wav nf remain. I need not explain the method judging of the future but by the past, furtlier, as Mr. De France last spring ' 1 1-1. .-111 V-l4- J A iv! Ilka. ' 1 A 1 the people's party fused with the Bryan s"miar experiment witn democrats and we all know the result. ouwfs auH expiamea m iun me metn They are not to be trusted. If a party od oftransfers, when, by a straw vote fools us once they are to blame, but y t uu UttU"s -l lu lue Seaa ne naa if they fool us twice we can blame our- a dozen andidates besides scattering selves. If Mr. Bryan and his followers ana ma?ly 10 eliminate, but did it satr must stay in the democratic party, let Isiacioy wnue in tne present case them stay there. If thev can not mm from four to seven propositions is the to us and adopt our platform and name we can not go . to them. Bryan, as a leader in the party, has proved a fail ure. So I think we had better let him alone as Ion as he remains where he 3, he can not do us any harm. It will take us some years yet to get back to where we were before fusion; I al ways will be opposed to fusion with any party. If the people's party can not get along without fusion, I go to the socialists. JACOB RICKEY. Beechgrove, W. Va. most the populists would want pre sented to them. y The proposition in itself may be of little Importance as so many express themselves through The Independent that you will be at no loss to know what they want, but the educational value of such an experiment will ' ? in estimable. The fact that a lot o. jeo ple do not see it at once, matters not.- Suppose a question of electing sena tors were up to be voted on. Place the question on the ballot thus: For the election of United States senators by the legislatures. N For the election of United States senators by the people. ' ' For the abolition of the United States senate. On the lifiuor question to be put thus: For hih license. ' For low license. , For free saloons. For state ownership. For prohibition. Beecher, 111. JAMES CRAIG. A Sure Foundation Editor Independent: . I enclose my vote in regard to the people's party, I am opposed to any further fusion, as Ihink the people's party, and its principles are on a sure foundation, and there will be thousands with us if we do not mix with other parties. Let them come to us, is my motto. : ' .M. W. - , Lincoln, Neb. . Yankee Degenerates We have heard a great deal about the purchase of votes in Delaware, but nothing at all has been told in the dail ies, about the Yankee degeneracy in Connecticut. The New Milford Gazette of that state .says: The extensive buying of votes in Litchfield county at the recent na tional election was, judging from reports from different parts of the country, only a sample of what was general on that day., Many "float ers" are said to, have received as high as $25 apiece for thejr votes. What is-4he end? Every third or fourth legal voter . in the rural towns of Connecticut, at "least, now sells his vote provided suffi- cient inducements are offered. How long will it 'be before one-half or more of the voters can be corrupt ed if only purchase money con tinues to be lavishly spent? Shall this republic proceed in its proud I Offer the Utmost - ' A Dollar's Worth Free Afraid of Populists You deposit nothing. You risk nothing. You promise nothing. ThrA ia nothing to pay either now or later. I want everyone, everywhere, who has not usea my remeay 10 mane mis test. For mine is no ordinary remedy. It represents thirty years of experiment thir ty years at bedsides in laboratories at hospitali. Thirty Tears of tha tinhnvt - : i t' i a . " Just at nresent the f KS""" r"1 ouoops neiioranve o uutii.iD aim i hi Ta n imi i v r rnin ai n man imnBi boosUngthae sociaUsts. & EveyHem of -VMy ffer is f ST M humaoi tself-' forsickneM knows no distinction in tv.a ,l its ravages. Anct the restless patient on a downy couch is no more we come than LSI 11 acflerate that the wasting sufferer who frets through the lawring hours in a dismalhoTeT ZZlZll g T Slnence While I want no reference no security. The poor have the same opportunity as the everything connected with the neonle's nVh. Tn nn rA nil T sav M.rlv writ tmA .ck Qmi. L.. ulr iui wai&ou is I ngyer ineu iny reiueuy tor i must limit my oner 10 strangers those who hav suppressed. They know that they havo used Dr. Shoop'a Restorative need no additional evidence of its worth. I will send """uiut ic uuiu me socialists. No you an oraer on your aruggisi. ue win give you tree, tne lull dollar package miuimauuu 01 n.u is atiainaoie oy this omce concerning the total vote of the people's party. A great manv letter ike the following have .been received but these United States cover a vast Inside Nerves Sickness loses half its terrors when wo strip part Of the elobe. and ikTm,,. medicine ot its MYSTERY. For most all forms ran W fnrmoH nf ti,a mi . v of sickness start In the same way. The nerves can De formed of the total vote from are weak. NotHhe nerves that gOTern your eners mat nave Deen received ai. movements no yur thoughts. At 11.. . . " I inuugn mey are very numerous. Mnsr ' But the nerves that, oneuided and unknown of the writers ernr. rhir lnfnrmun night and day. keep your heart in motion con me same manner that MrvNichols did: iiVeironrkidnyr iunui iuuepeiiueni: 1 enclose , the vote. of Suffolk county, N. Y., or as much as I can get, as no pa mper would give it. .These were ob 'tained through a friend in the County clerk's office. Prohibition vote 200 less than, last vote: Watson '. g2 Roosevelt . .. ..,..V.v !! '; ml ' People's party state ticket " Parker ........ ,v.t,'.... .6788 iBoulton .. Spaulding ,Drew ...... Manz : Rose Gaffeny Levy .. Republican gain over 1,000. FRANK E. NICHOLS. Brentwood, L. . T.. N. Y. -. V. .62 61 64 64 64 64 65 These are the nerves that wear out and break down. . It docs no good to treat the alline organ the irreaular heart the disordered liver the rebel lious stomach the deranged kidneys. They are not to blame. Bat go back to the nerves that control them. There you will find the scat oi the trouble. ' t There is nothing new about this nothinr any physician would dispute. But it remained tor Dr. Shoop to apply this knowledge to put it to practical use. Dr. Snoop's Restorative is the result oi a quarter century of endeavor along this very line. It does not dose the organ or deaden the pain but it does go at once to the nerve the inside nerve the power nerve and builds it up, and strengthens It and makes It well. Simply Write Me I do not ssk you to take a single statement ot mine I do not ask you to believe a word I sr until you have tried my medicine in your own home at my expense absolutely. . , , The offer is pen to everyone everywhere who has not tried my remedy. But von must write ME ior the free dollar bot tle order. All druggists do not grant the test. I will then direct you to one that does. He will pass it down to yon irom his stock as freclv as though your dollar lalcUbefore him. I am fist ing my business my life work my reputation. I am depending on your own honest opinion after your own test in your own home. I cannot prvui uuiebB my meaieine succeeds. Could I afford this it I were not sure? Write for the or der today. The offer may not remain open, I will send you the book you ask for beside. It la tree. It will help you to understand your case. What more can I do to convince you of my in-terestr-of my sincerity? ' For a free order lor Book 1 on Dysp- psia. a full dollar bottle you Book 2 on the Heart, must , address Dr. Book S on the Kiducg. Shoop, Box 7940 fi- Book 4 lor Women. " cine, Wis. ' State Book 5 for Men. Which bdok jou want. Book 6 on Rheumatfsm. Mild coses are often enred with one or two bottles. For sale at forty thousand drug stores. Dr Shoop restorat ive