OCTOBER G, 1904- f HE NEBRASKA INDEPENDENT PAG J U. F&rmer'a Elevators The farmers' elevator move-nieut in the etate o Nebraska is becoming very prominent among both farmers and business men. The result of " the work dono by the farmers' elevators is so satisfactory that demands are being- made fcr the independent or farmers' elevators in many portions of the state and efforts are being made to establish them in many localities where no organization at the present 'time exists. There is in the -state at this time something like 11G farmers' elevator organizations, most of these have ele vaiors " in operation and are paying from 5c to' l-0c more a bushel for wheat and from 2 to 5 cents more for oats than at stations where there'' are no farmers' elevator organizations. There are 15,000 farmers in the state that belong to these organizations and it is safe to say there are many times this number, that are anxious- tu be come connected with them: The farm ers generally are in sympathy with this movement. It is a matter of'great iule-rest to all farmers in the state to know some thing of the savings made to the larm ers where they are handling their-own grain, as the following will show, to wit: Mindpn, Neb., in Kearney coun ty, where they have an "organization of about S00 members; they cla m they saved by shipping their own grain, during the last year, about $30,0u0 over and above 20' per cent made on their investment.- Johnson Bros, of Newark, Neb., saved $180 on one car of oats, or 10 cents a bushel over and above what they were offered by the regular ele vator. ,. 5 ,WiujgvJif of Newark saved $172.50 on one car "of mtsby bmppias, his own grain. ' r " The farmers' , organization of New ark saved $800 on the first len cars of grain shipped by them. . Andy Olson of Minden, Neb., saved $100 on two cars of wheat. Herman Watt of Minden saved $76 ph one car pf wheat. I. J. Thompson of Minden saved $56 on one car of wheat. .MO. Mara saved $50 on one car. -Mr. Schmidt of Hav clock, Neb,, saved $200 on two cars, which were saipped by him. , . Mr., O'Neille of Buffalo county, saved $7i7 nn.fitin rap Inflrt nf naf! ' " The above savings, made by these farmers, are but a sample of what is being done , by the farmers whciever organized. , . It is very satisfactory to the mer chants and business men in alt local ities where the farmers are organized and shipping their own grain, as they find the farmers have more money to do business with -and it places busi ness on a cash basis. Rube Schnyder of Fremont, Ntb.7 is the president of the regular grain dealers' association and owns elevators in various sections of this state dud Iowa, and is one of those who is using his best efforts in trying to present the farmers from organizing and shipping their own grain. Mr. Schnyder ap- t . : .- . . . c. ,. 1 . . : . . x the farmers' briiTff-jfcUiyi ) bill (senate file No. 102) at fnewt session of the legislature. It Is but lair that the farmers of ' Nebraska, know that Mr. Schnyder is the national oommiUefman for Nebraska and a member of Ihe executive conirniltoc of the republican party, and that h is in strumental in getting a number of candidates nominated fur the le;ila ture, who are in bitter opposition' to the farmers' movement, and It is also true tint ho has close relations with th railroads. There are about l.OoO levators In the state. per cent of them nre in the elevator (oiubiii". tfSl'r J-t " " " I I I -" 1 WE PUBLISH A i Clothes . i How few merchants stop to think of the great army of men who use work clothes, and how important that these clothes should be com fortable and serviceable. WE SELL WORK CLOTHES And every time we get a new customer wo are proud of it. J n re The Man Who Toils.... Let him be farmer or mechanic he has a right to have the BE3T CLOTHES for his particular business. ii It's the first and onl bodk t)i ; kind on earth, It shows samples ou 111 the WORK GOLTHES g0d i0T STffi?? Corduroy Suits and Odd PantU Duck Coats, Sheep Lined Coats, IHattier ) CATALOGUE Coats, &c. We will mail this book FREE to any one ask for it. . lib will I ': For over sixty years Mrs. Wlnsiow's Soothlnn Syrup ha.s been used by mot hern for their children uhlb? teeth ing. Are you disturbed at night and brokeu of yur rest by a Kirk child suCtring and trying with pain of cut ting teeth? If bo. Hnil at once and Kt a bottle -if Mrs. WInslow'H Sooth ing Syrup for Children TVctlilnc;. Its valuo H Inialculabl.?. It will nlb-vf thr poor llttb' 8iinrT Immedlatrjy. )ponI upon it, tnotlH-m. thero !.i no mUtake nbout It, It rnrcn dlurrhoo.i, repulatrs tbo ntntiifirh and bowrl. rurcs wind rll, Koftmn iho emm, ro itiiecH Inflammation, and Klvrs f,,n, and crnruy t Iho whole .Hyhtfju. Mr. Wlii.Hiuw'd Hoothlns fiyrr.p for c f i II -dren t-Uitn; I pb'aiitnt to tho tatr and H IU irHtrij.tlon f on of t h idd' t ''"t ftiLlb' ph.VSlf l;uis niol nurfi In tho l'nlt'd Statn nn l f4ir aU by a!! '!ntr!.!'',! t i; rut;;;horit n,-, worbl. rrb', IT M s a botibv n, nurt' nrd n. ,or "Mm. Wins!aw"a Koothltu: ?rup." We Also Publish Four Other Men's. ciothingApata- . , tt logue of Suits antlbver- Catalogues, as follows:.......... coats. Boys, df Boys' Suits, Overcoats, Hats,' Caps and Furnishing (foods; Men's Odd Pants Catalogue of Men's Odd Pants; Men's FuiMsh ing Goods Catalogue of Men's Shirts, Underwear and thefeke. rAuYJ?r all, of these books will be mailed FREE to all who wjkte ') ) for them. r " ' 1ARI -J mm CLOTHING lCOMPANYj 1221 to 1227 0 Street. LINCOLN, NEBRASKA. thai li hi'ilvliu; to control titc train inurKtt, In onlr that tin? fartutai tu' th siat may lmvo a law facd in lloir mit-i'-d it It will for tlu'in to jiLoiiati thvlf t!i'inb'IH of flu lofiUlattilo to MUtUH'rt the nradv biU tr ft measure ihsti wltl v.ivo 'iiialiy a favorable (on .Idvatlon to tin fariiHTsi, und my tan- Ii4au vhi , rutitiiiiit lor I tie J.-unta. lur" Ah't rtftm-Hi t do tM Ii lot ttii lollv to th tarno t' riiovi'm t.l. Tlo farta do not nk for flaw Jot i .Ulh'U - liny do a ! fiT sltuide j'titu v b tw-n man aud man and botwwn in dividual ami cori'oralbsu. 1w lauu in an- cutlilfd to felt i p tVir own r.raln If Un-y m dt-Min. Tht tarnifru for th i.am rkbtji only ni aic ivru to corporal Ion tu tin bh atlou of pJ.- nf r Kitf-t, and sldtra,:k prtvl-Iok.-j on th rnUroad. 'Jh f,iitu ii ate cntltlc-l to tho mm oi a r i nr' i:wn to tho ci iin. ra ti". for th fhlptnont of thcl" cr;.in. Tb' M.pu;i it and ib-tn.x ra'te main platforms both il lar lu favor ol tloi faimere elevator ttranUatlua; ani the candidates nanu'd by them for Btati and b'llslatlvi' oIHcch Htand pIcdM! te xupirt the farmers' organization. J. K. CAN A DAY. SWi;l:TCLOVUR HONEY Vowt or mr 11 lb. run $1 .() oh. On or mora tt b, cant II.SU each. At cur ftUtiorj, Hmall nmjd m nt for HcU by tn!I nMri" I4. A. sWi j,, MinrJfc-Mtlle, III.