The independent. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1902-1907, September 15, 1904, Page PAGE 13, Image 13

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    SEPTEMBER 15, 1904
FAGS 12.
Rapid Growth and Great
ous Support of Fraternal Publications.
une oi tne most ravoraDie omens ior
the future growth of the people's party
is the realization that is coming over
populists of the importance and need
for supporting populist papers. No
movement can prosper without some
means ior speeay ana renaote rnier
. communication among . its members.
Fraternal societies recognized this fact
long ago and nearly all of them have
made the support of the official paper
of the society compulsory on the part
of all members. The "Modern Wood
men of America publish "The Modern
Woodman" which is sent to all mem
bers of the society; the A. 0. U. W.
send "The Workman," the W. O. W.
send "Sovereign Visitor"; and so
through almost the entire list of fra
ternal societies that have proven suc
cessful. ",.
" Those labor organizations that have
been most successful owe much of their
success to the same practice. For ex
ample, the International Typographical
union, the strongest, best organized
and most successful of all labor or
ganization, owes its growth and
strength largely to a rule that requires
every member to pay 5 cents per month
for 4 the support the "Typographical
Journal." The same is true of other
labor organizations.
It is equally important that the pop
ulists of the United States should sup
port the populist press of the country.
Every populist should subscribe for
The Independent and in addition get
as many of his neighbors to subscribe
as possible. Thousands of populists
already realize the, importance of the
work and are daily doing , what they
can to extend the circulation and in-
- fiuence of The Independent. There
are, however, . many thousands more
who should be at work in the same
line. They lack initiative. They wait
and delay to see what others will do.
They, want to be followers instead of
leaders, and the cause of reform suffers
on account of their indifference. Wake
up and be at work. Follow the ex
ample of the thousands whose testi
monials of loyalty have been published
in The Independent. . Here is one ex
amplespace will not permit more
it's worthy your emulation:
Mr. John Surles, Sr., pf Atwell, Tex
, has sent in many long lists of new
subscribers from his locality and today
writes as follows: .
"Dear Independent: Please find en
closed order for $2.00 two dollars to
help extend the circulation of populism
through your paper. I must also help
the Mercury (our state paper) that is
"doing a splendid ""work. And would
love to aid all our -papers to educate
the masses in regard to such legisla
tion as will guarantee equal rights to
all men." . - .. k
To make the "work of securing new
readers easy The Independent has
made a special rate for campaign sub
. scription only 15 cents each SEVEN
FOR" A DOLLAR. You can easily get
" up a club in your neighborhood. Try
it today. Get out . of the do-nothing
class and into the ranks of Drosxess.
arm in arm with those who are doing
something for humanity. .,
For want of space 508 names omitted.
Lars Talberg, Dulce, Minn. -
John Surles, Sr., Atwell, Tex.
Wm. Hess, Milton. 111.
A. W. Files, Little Rock, Ark.
E. W. Smith, Lovett, Ga.
E. Henry Sutton, Clarkesville, Ga.
A. C. Houston, Union, W. Va.
W. A. Barrow, Farmville, Va.
Wm. A. Hartsell, Adrain, Mo.
G. T. Terry. Cleveland, O.
W Y Nix, Maplesville, Ala.
W. R. PinUston, View. Ga.
H. Barkis, Kansas City, Mo.
R. C, Cox, Oconpe, Ga.
C. W. Sirmonsj Damascus, Ga.
J. E, SVruggs, Tarlton, Tenn.
W. 11. Pinkston. View, Ga.
T. J. Wallace. Clem. Ga.
Wm. C. Lee, Washington. D. C.
Weston Bloomer, Oregon, Mo.
E. D. Miller, Granger, Tex.
Wm. K. Nelson, Augusta, Ga.
R, T. Powell, Colusa. Cat.
Z. E. Gordon. Alexander, Tex.
Jas, W. Cabbage, Silver Star, Mont.
David Bash ford, Carlow, Mo.
T. L. Lasher, HowrlU Crcn.j Road.
C, J.- Hk:;ini. I.t:an. Ala.
W. J. Lone. Chelan. Was h.
I. II. Kuler, Nellxh. Neb.
W. V. Walker, Druketown. Ga.
J. W. Wharton. Centre, Ala,
pan'l Kimball. Mum '!!, H. D.
Prank Forte,, Pnvetti, Idaho.
Fred llnnztker, Bennett, Tt.
II. M. McDonald, New York City.
Strength Due to Gener
O. Seafield, Wallace, Neb.
Thos. J. Burks, Vinemont, Ala.
Jos. Cline, Cloverdale, Ind.
Capt. Geo. -W. Loyd, New Rochell
n. y. -- ..
W. H. Wilkins, Blair, Neb.
F. E. Burrows, Beatrice, Neb.
Jos. W. Wright, Banksville, Ga.
W. H. H. Cocke, Galveston, Ga. '
Lydia Butler, Greenfield, Tenn.
A. M. Ballew, Hale, Mo.
John J. Boon, Jackson, Tenn.
A. J. Mathews, Salmon, Idaho.
T. P. Ryder, Erie, Pa.
John W. Curtis, Wills Point, Tex.
Dr. J. C. Burger, Leeds, Ala.
R. T. Powell, Colusa, Cal. -
J. T. Black, Monitor, W. Va.
Dr. R. H. Reemelin, Cincinnati, O.
T.-M. Edwards, Madge, Okla;
C. A. Ormsby, Malone, N. Y.
C. E. Jackson, LiLthonia, Ga.
J. E. Hicks, Centreville,' Alar
G. W. Crapps, Fort Gaines, Ga.
J. P. Fleming, Richland, Springs, Tex.
J. Gilbert Johnson, Orville, Ala.
J. P. Orr, Campbellsburg, Ky.
W. A. Bowden, Doniphan, Neb.'
E. Muzzy, North, Branch, Pa.
J. W. Story, Griffin, Pa.
W. L. Gross, Snyder, Tex.
C. C. Coleman, Cuthbert, Ga.
J. A. Weatherall, Miles Station, Tex,
A. C. Shuford, Newton, N. C.
Jasper Parker, Parker, Ala.
Frank E. Doud, Bloomington, Neb.
H. N. Crane, Dixie, Ga.
O. P. Moore, Hawley, Minn.
J. Hi Hardaway, Lavett, Ga.
J. E. Carrlker, Harris, Ga.
S. W. Provolt, Stroud, Okla.
Lewis Sale, Stephensville, Tex. '
John A. Nicholas, Comanche, Tex.
S. J. Crow. Webster. Fla. "
J. M. Becker, Germantown, O.
Capt. George W. Loyd, New Rochelle,
N. Y.
J. E. Gilbreath, Hillsboro, Tex.
L.. Manz, Rochester, N. Y.
SY R. Jensen, dreat Falls, Mont.
W. A, Leighton, St. Law, N. Y,
J. Clinton Long, Versailes, O.
C. J. Stenstadrold, Helgen, S. D.
S. W. Provolt, Stroud, Okla.
M . , Goodrich, -Fremont, Neb.
W F. Butler, Woden, Tex.
H. Mullens, 'Franklin, Tenn.
T. H. Connerly, La'. Junta, Colo.
Benj. Hydorn, Garnett, Kan.
C . - Shotwell, Cambridge, Neb.
M. D. L. Peacock, Kite, Ga.
J E. Sorrow, Comanche, Ga.
H. E. Astrander, Salmon,- Idaho.
Wm. Smith, Gladico, Tenn. , .
S. W. Stilgebouen, Danbury, Neb. :
Jacole Pritting, Colchester, Neb.
J. L. Taylor, Leigh,- Neb. '
L. E, Lockwood, Coldwater, Mich.
C. S. Knapp, N. Stockholm, N. Y.
H. W. Crane, Dixie, Ga.
G. W. Churchill, Thurber, Texas.
J. P. Jarrell, Godley, Texas. r -
T. A. McWilliams. Graves Station. Ga:
J. D. Cady, sr., Eds, Neb.
John W. Curtis, sr., Eds, Neb.
T. J. Hardage, Kencsaw, era.
S. W. Provolt, Stroud, Okla.
Charles N. DePew, Sanborn. N. Y.
T. M. Pattersonr Asniana, Ga.
A. W. Weeks Duncan Fla
W. D. Irwin, Bethesda. Tenn.
T. M. Edwards, Mada, Okla.
L. Ray, Brookhover, Tex;'
Dorrance B. Currier, Hanover, N. H.
F. T. Brownell, Fayetteville, Ark."
B. F. Branderburg, Duncanville, Tex.
Elmert Carpenter, Tryon, UKia.
ill B. Wolfe, Carlisle, Ind. -
A. C. McCoy, Williamsville ill.
A. C. Houston, Virginia City, Mont.
George T. Warfel, Huntington, Pa.
C. J. Jackson. Belton. Tex.
John Curies, sr., Putnam, Tex.
II. J. Mullens, Franklin. Tenn.
James Craig, Peotone, 111. ,
Loo mis, Neb.
0. P. Moore, Hawley, Minn.
W. Snook, sr., Hover, Idaho.
M. Greer, Petersburg. Tenn.
N, J. llol brook, Carnesvilla, Ga.
J. K.Reid, Lity, Fla. ?
T. J. Hardage, Kencsaw, Ga.
II W. Giles. Oxford, Neb.
I S. Trimble, CarrolUcn. Ga.
E, Muzjy, East Branch. Pa.
Wm. Hess, Milton, III.
G. R. Carney, Crystal Springs, Ml$3.
J. A. Snyder, Hebron. Neb.
A. M. Cileapte, Walnut Hill. Ga.
M. II. Deatheiaaa, Lupui, Mo,
C. W. Kettle, Central!. Mo.
A. 1J. Weakley. Comanche. I. T.
G. K. Halle. Fntrland. Tex.
1. I. B rant her, Lincoln, III,
:. Eubanks. CambrtdKe, Neb,
, 11. Meyer. Deer Park, Waish.
Mr. O. N. Uodgdnn, Seattlt, Wash.
i Uowrii, Mull no, Tenn.
I. V. R.bluon. MclJrtr, Ala,
b'amutl CoIUm, i huriby, Ala,
S n pi n
Stops pain at onco in any part of the 4
body.Btops lnnammatioa Cures Bowel
Trouble yet does not constipate. Perfectly
harmless used externally and Internally by
young and old. Pain Paralyzer feeds the
nerves, produces rest, sound sleep ; nothing
like it for Rheumatism. Is a specilic for
Colic in man or horse. In use 30 years.
Sold on a positive guarantee. Your money
back if not satisfied. If your druggist does
Hot handle Haller'sPain Paralyzer ask him
to order it from his jobber. Made and
guaranteed only by This Haller Proprie
tory Co.. Blair. Nebraska.
$650 $750 , $950
The rig for pleasure and business.
Doctors, Bankers, Lawyers, and in
fact every one that drives or rides wil
find them much cheaper and more sat
isfactory lhan the horse.
If interested, address
J. M. VanAuken,
Distributing Agent
222 South 11th St. Lincoln, Neb
r1'1 jTT" -I'lqq
Real Estate
Here are some of our bargains:
160 acres, 20 miles N. W. of Lincoln,
good new house and barn, all painted,
other good, outbuildings, good spring
on place, 90 acres under plow, balance
can be plowed, now In pasture. Good
fruit trees andshade, a fine home,
Price 47.50, for sale or trade.
B4. 5 room house in N. E. Lincoln,
good barn, 16x20, buildings all painted
and everything neat. Brick sidewalk,
corner lot, good well, nice lawn, cellar
all bricked up and in good shape. Price
BG. 8-room house in best portion of
city, good closets and bath with hot
and cold water, also good garret, two
stories, basement laundry with hot and
cold water, strictly modern through
out. Price $4,500. Good terms.
B20. 213 acres In Howard Co., Neb'.,
brick house 26x30, 1 story, 11 -room,
10O acres under plow, 23 acres hay, bal.
pasture. Two miles from good town.
Good barn, two good wells and wind
mills, small fruit, and. plenty of tim
ber. , Price $25 per acre. Good terms.
Real Estate
1328 O fet.. Lincoln, Neb.
Low Rates to Eastern Points
will always apply via the Nickel Plate
Koad and lta eastern connections, to
all point in New York, New England
and eastern state. Threfl dally trains
to Ft. Wayne, Kln.llny. Cleveland. Erie,
Buffalo, New York and Boston.
Standard enilpraetit on all trains.
Meals fcrved In dining far on Amer
ican Club Plan, ranging In price from
33c to fl.OO per meal; alao ervlr a
la tarte and Mid-day Luncheon. fJOe,
Th eastern terminal of (Lq Nickel
Plate Koful aro only from tlum ta tm
minutea fr;m all CkM Eteaamhlp
L)ock, and the service afforded U Crt
class. No excess fare charged on any
train. For particulars, call on or ad
dress John Y. Calahan, General Agent,
113 Adams St., Foom298, Chicago, HI.
Chicago depot, La Salle and Van Burea
"Not Like Other
Magazines" .......
.The Pilgrim is the best and most
popular monthly magazine for the
home published In the , West. It la
elaborately illustrated, perfectly
printed and contains the best litera
ture obtainable. The Pilgrim is of
equal interest to men and women.
Send Your Name and Addreis to
The Pilgrim Magazine Co.,
ONE DOLLAR a year lOe a Copy
Mention tbla Magazlue
301 Richard. Block, Lincoln. Nbr
To John M. Harber and Mrs. John M. barber,
his wire, non-resident defendants and to nil
persons having or claiming any Interest In, or
Hen on lots number IS and 14, Block 12, Helmont
Addition to Lincoln, in Lancaster County, Ne
braska. ,
You and ench of you are hereby notified that
on September 9th, l'.Ol, Henry J, Bannister com
menced an nctlou in equity against you and
against the land above described, to foreclose
tax sale certificates No. 13593 and No. 13594 cov
ering said lots respectively, and Issued by the
County Treasurer of Lancaster County, Nebras
ka, to said plaintiff, on March 7th. 1902 for the
then due and delinquent State, County and
City Taxes lor the years 189t, 1895, 1890, 1897, 1S9S
1899; and 1900 on each lot and amounting to
$24.52 on eHch certificate. .
I'laintlft thereafter duly paid on each of said
certilicates respectively, taxes then become due
on each of said lots as follows: On July 29, 1902
county and state; 1901 92c; September 12. 1903,
county and state, 1902 70c; May 10. 1902. 1901
city 21c; September 12,1903, 1902 city 2ic, on
each of said lots. There is now due to plaintiff
$26.56 on each of said two certificates with inter
est on each of said payments, from the date
thereof, to March, 7, 1904, at 20 per cent per an
num and thereafter at the rate of 10 per Pent per
annum together with attorney's fees and cost:
The plain tin prays that each of said lots may
be sold for the payment of the amount due on lta
respective tax sale certificate, with interest, at
torney's fees and cost, and that you; the above
named defendant and all persons bavins, or
claiminar any interest In. or lien on said land
maybe tarred and foreclosed of all equity of
redemption tnerem ana lor equitanie reuei.
You are required to answer plaintifi's petition
on or before the 24th day of October, 1904.
11 EN 11 Y J. BANNlSTKIt,
By Owsi.ev Witsosr,
His Attorney.
LADIES Are you aware that In
! France women use a monthly regu
lator more than the women of all
other" nations combined? Dr.' L
Rue's French regulator is used every
where; thoroughly reliable; absolute
ly . safe; better than Pennyroyal or
Tansy. Price
Riggs' Pharmacy Co., American,
Agents, Lincoln, Neb.
IF YOU CAN'T SLEEP, take Trilby
Sleeping Powders; absolutely harm
less, easy to take, no bad results;
'four sleeps for 25c. Riggs, the Drug
PERS-PIRO POWDER Guaranteed to
destroy odors of perspiration; dust
the powder where the odor arises;
on arm pits, etc. ; by mail 25c. Riggs,
the Drug Cutter.
We have cured hundreds. We can
cure you. Guaranteed
Money back if it fails.
Drug Cutter.
cure $1.50.
Riggs, the
NER-VO-INE Those suffering from
weaknesses that will sap pleasures of
life should take Ner-vo-ine. One box
will work wonders. Has more re
juvenating and vitalizing power than
any medicine In the world, b'ent by
mail, large box $1; 3 for $2.50. Riggs'
Pharmacy, American Agents, Lin
coln, Neb.
TRILBY had no corns. She removed
th era with a Trilby Leaflet; absolute
cure; 10c by mail. Riggs, the Drug
the remedy that cured Mr. Herarold;"
5fc; salve oi suppository. Riggs, the
Pius Cutter. '
WILL t!u lat lady who pas.wd our
Hare jeltrday buy Dr. Pasteur Obe
sity treatment? One month $1.
Ik atmenl reduces 3 to 5 pound
per uvi. Rij:, the Drug Cutter,
tKJCS' ECZEMA CURE. tOc; guaran-
ttod to da the work; will toll you
nmy it has cured. Riggs, th Drug
iHAl) FOOT l-OWDKR-Curw tuh-
Jtiir, lurUai:, ttwraty feet; remove
oReituive CHjt,.r; ctioU Uu tkin; ZZn
ly Kail. Rigs the Drug Cutter,