The independent. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1902-1907, September 01, 1904, Page PAGE 2, Image 2

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CSPTEMBEIl 1, 1904.
upon thely feet, free and independent
to work out. their own destiny.' Mr.
Parker, however, says that the respon
sibility which brought the. Philippines
into our possession through the acci
dent of war 'will be best subserved by
preparing the islanders as rapidly as
Possible tor selfgovernment'and- gfr
.ing them the assurances that it will
tome as soon as they are reasonably
"prepared for" it.' ; This"Is not the' de
mand of the democratic platform for
immediate freedom and Independence
of the Fillipinos, but it is the repub
lican doctrine of progression toward a
state of preparedness for independence.
-Thus again ' does l Mr; Parker emascu
late the St Louis, platform. "
"One looks in vain through Mr.
Parker's essay of acceptance for dec
ing for since the organization of the
party. It will be seen that the moye
ment which startled all the , east in
its first demonstration at Cooper
Union, Js not spasmodic, it is. not the
result of ' advertising or the . work of
a day or two of excitement, but is
deep-seated and permanent. It has
been the work of two or three years.
Mr. Mullin's letter to Hill in 1902, was
as follows: ..--
'New York. Sept -12. Hon. . D. -B.
Hill. Dear Sir: Appreciating the stren
uous efforts ; you have made to reorr
ganize the democracy of this state so
that victory would reward the party
this fall inspired me to send this com
munication defining the sentiment and
attitude of the rank and file of demo
cratic voters in no way allied with the
mimrmiiml mm.
inrtHni nf ftrthAfsnfift to the Dositive so-called state machine, but ' whose
ind direct statements of the demo- chief aim is loyalty to democratic
tratic platform respecting 'a reduction principles. -'
Jf MllBSTMlD MAffUUDnl -aA
larctitaandaamcat, ssast
eompict an by far ths
lowest priced general
msrehandls - eatalagwe
inr suWUhsd. NEVER
THAN SOCENTS. Worth saally SS.OO. Now FREE to any onefortho aak
ing. Cut thin ad. oat and mrod to na or on a postal card, say : SQd me yon
big No. 114 Catalogue free," and ltwlll fro to you by ratara wall fraa, swfjsHt
E::or.:.:ous size, zizzm fra eveii.vSS
over 100,000 quotsttons, oyer 10,000 Illustrations. Our new and mar-
yelongiy low price malting policy tally explained; m am mere nan oiae ao-
uy represented, mucn larger tnan ever perore; prices mncn
new ane lower prices on everrinmi? oarnan
partmtmta luuy represented, muc
lower tnaa erer Dorore.
lartmenta ful
and Wold la the largest at ere In Hie world. Makes ail other oalalagoea
u, or If you ever .do
Duy any win? irom us,
then soma thing lath la
section OF THE BI6 BOOK.
TOURS, net ours; The meat liberal after over heard of,
bis business belonfs
to you. and It la all
explained tn a i5-pare
ig pr.GEs-voun pages ss
devoted te
tf the expenditures for the army and ' Tn vnn as leader it "may not be J mono bvaendina tua tor seed-, how n can mate money
:aTy.' 'the maintenance of the Mon- aecessarf to say that ther platform ifc.?.
oe doctrine in its' full integrity, 'the a(jopted in the last national eonven- thaae. Anopperunityuti.)rmihigihMbio.iyea.
honest, just and impartial enforcement tion is tne creed of true democrats flUIGKEn SIHPrEHT SSrryw-kSSS.
of -civil service reform' and 'the ex- until another national convention be X,"!
germination of Polygamy wi hin the hed As there is a cloud pn your louTHr V,
Jurisdiction Of the United States, fbe loyalty t0 the platforms adopted at mUcMoHertn any other house. If you send you? order to
ffact is, the speech of Mr. Par.ker as Chicago in 1896 and reiterated at Kan-
fat ah It relates to the lSSlieS OI toe n n(t tn lOnn- In romrtvp thflt r.loud fram other housea. and on a treat many roods yoa order from
. , 0di0hw trim- ' "j'vu r W 4.i . i, ua yon will have leas then one-fiatf the f reiSht charfea you would m-
lalnpaign, IS an emasculating, inm- reconcile yourself With the rank havetopaylf yon ordered from any one else, for If yourordercontalMfiroodaweeanehjptTomoneofourfActorlesor
tning and vote bidding document from and fiie it will be absolutely necessary 1!-"
.beginning to end The entire effusion to reaffirm in the next state conven- QUR FREE DIG tlO." 114 CATALOGUE LTS!f-W
JS Characterized by tne Same Spirit 01 tion tjje Kansas City declaration. I i,.,, W8ltty mvCh hhjher. why we can rive every cnatomer a bg money makinff opportunity. .
cowardice which prompted the candi- have been laboring some time with the SEKD FOR OUR FREE HO. 114 CATALOGUE.
'date to Send his notable gold plank Trniehts Of Labor to induce them td book wUIgro to you by return mail postpaid, free; all our new offere. our new money making propealtion; an opportu-
j0, tu0 otlmnliiQ nf nnr- 8 . , ,t,c lo1?t my eTer before known, all will So to you free by return mall, postpaid. Moa't boy aaythla a;here tatil ymi get oar
telegram Under tne StimUlUS OI por- support Only Candidates WhOSe lOyality Ws,iuataIngn. Tll TOualfliborinotoboyaTUila(5atlioie orelewlicreoUI thi? wrltefor eor He. lUCatalogM.
trayais oi ueieat nem np xo n m uy t6 that platform has been estaDiisnea. COa'T BUY A CATALUGUt. B.oNrii4io
We sell end ship mere seeds than all ether mall
order bouses In the United States. eombmeeV
Other mall order boosee are mere aide show
compared with ours, if everyone only knew how
much greater values wo give on an kinds ef mer
chandise than any other liou3e,n other mail or
' dor house would ever igaio get evea aabgle ereer.
that owns or controls a vest number of facto
ries located north, south, east and west situ
ated bo that we can ship many- goods from oar
factory or warehouse nearest you, maklnff
gaick dolivery and very low freight charges.,
outhern factories and warehouses tor south
ern people. ' Northern factories and ware
houses for northern people, etc :
snvoral nf tho nanprs nf thlS CATV On I nt. ill tin.. T Tnva luun Gncrcfia. I riiin ia niuy vn vmi ... h otiifimn.iuullMMtjtlnimMnrlnrl. WRITE FOR IT TODAY. Da It now.
v . v . v. x ' r"t ' 1 in Liija liiatLCi 1 uwu rz.. . . . ; , " , . " J I
H, onppooriinp. tho mnrninff of h!q . , " j ,lrt ,T4r,n. o w I If yen send for tills. FREE Big No. 1 14 Catalogue.. band our old catalogue (If you have one) Td Some Fi
the day Succeeding tne morning OI ms juj as Up0n Wednesday evening a local I 'yo, letter or on the postal card give us the name of the party to whom you handed our eld catalogue.
nomination. The sending of -the gold assembly , unanimously passed resolu
telcgram was not the act of a cour- tiong that if the platform would not
ageous man- neither is his reiusai to ri-afnrmed in the convention the K.
stand in a manly way by the positive of jj wouid nominate their owji ticket,
declarations of his party's platform "Newspapers state that r you have
the act of a brave man. The evidence annnnnped that trusts ? would be the
SEARS, ROEBUCK & CO., Chicago, 111,
he must know, if his democratic fol
lowers had worked one-half as hard
accumulates, that, while Judge Parker paramount issue.' Well the pillaging Vhad they S
mav havi. lippn a Mr TivriA nn the j ,..-a- nt imcta aia Ior mm, or naa tney oeen d nun
tics. This la not strange, since his stata WOuM ? warrant that trasts be ...5 ,.f.rJ 2? ,
speech of acceptance only exempts the paramoUnt Issue; however It is n Sent
ine om aaage tnat tne stream can not iesa criminal to pillage and plunder T Y , ; '
; He has'made the mistake or his life
in casting his lot with men with whom
there can be no' affiliation. 5 His idea
of continuing his; vork for financial
reform within the democratic party
will amount to nothing. It is already
plain the policy of the' leaders of the
party is' to ignore his political exis
rise above its source.- Trained, as citizens out of their earnings than to
m a- i . l 1 I TTlll m 1
rob them . of earnings ana sover
"But reaffirm the national platform
and then go ahead; with your trust is-
cna "hler onrirtn will nAmpnt I tnPthpr
r: vf6:: the democracy and make possible vic-
Mr.. Parker has been in the Hill school
of shifty politics, it is utterly impos
sible for him to meet public issues
squarely and courageously. Attaching
to himself as he has as campaign man
gheehan and McCarren type, he can !
0t in his treatment of public ques
tions possibly rise to a high levl of
sUmanship .lf he. we elected ;presi conntion: trusts.- To name for
';. "Since -trusts will be the issue,, nat-j tence: t have looked over several big
urally the. candidate snouia . nave no
mediocre, weak and vacillating, - and.
governor a . candidate affiliated , with
trusts would insure defeat be berth e
le President, vice president, director , or
uvi ie,uca, iiuuiiu Ricanuga aiiu tuc UiB'
tribution 6f special privilege, benefits
as rewards for campaign contributions
ajfd political seryices.
'Democrats who, like myself, believe
in the positive and progressive declar
ations of the St. -Louis platform, wili
not cast their votes for . a nominee chine.
wno, in his first public utterance, as
a candidate, nullifies the leading
planks of the platform. Neither can
they bring themselves to vote for Mr.
Roosevelt, thereby endorsing republi
can doctrines and policies. Under these
circumstances, the democrats to whom
I refer, esteem it a privilege to sup
port Mr. Watson, the candidate of the
n a vaii A v Yirnl 1 an; n rt T A fait tVii
aArlr.'n nBl . , - , - ICLO YUU ttlC TT CU aTTfUC VI l"C JAVi tUOV
peoples party, since he fearlessly. Lv,
oim-ciciy uuu logicany aavocates tne
principles of progressive democracy.
These democrats will not only have
the satisfaction of, standing by their
principles, but the indications are. will
have the gratification of having cast
their ballots for a candidate who will
receive as many electoral votes east
of the Rockies and north of Mason
and Dixon's line as Mr. Parker.
democratic dailies in vain to see his
name mentioned.1" They: want none ot
him. ,. 1 '
Wm. J: Bryan' is the greatest man
in our country, today. Infinitely, toe
greajt to' be a henchman of the ghost
of a party. The word party implies
unanimity. An organization of fac
tions, or of men of opposing purposes,
is only a strategic hiovemeut " and
the result : a ; conspiracy for- extrane
ous ends. The paramount issue being
the concretion of the organization ali
other issues, however vital to the wel
fare of the country that conflict wit!
nice the irreconcilable so the views or interest of a faction, will
be suppressed as disturbing elements.
The accomplishment" of a reform,
the establishment Of a 'new principle,
or the changing of a system already in
operation, ' can only 8 be done by a
party constituted for the purpose.. And
by the same rule when the mission is
effected the party should disband.
Standing political parties are jnore
dangerous to free institutions than
standing armies: ? '
Mr. Bryan's great mistake Is not so
much in supporting the ticket nomi
nated, as in not bolting when it had
become plain to him that the com
mittee by "crooked indefensible meth
ods," had been set up against any and
trust judge, .. , - -
"The , inconsistency of adopting
trusts as chief issue and then naming
as candidate a, trust agent would be
garded by the rank and file who only
sef k good democratic government as
proof that trusts own the state ma
' The strongest, cleanest and most
loyal demccj&t in -the state and man
who can
that democratic victory will be possi
ble is William Sulzer,
"My dtar senator, these are the sen
timents oi the legions of democratic
voters upon whom success will depend
Beautifully, illustrated
Catalogue, showing all tne
newest designs, m ai 1 e L
free on request,, - - ; '"''
Yours etc.,
"242 &'outh-st, N. Y. City."
It may be needless to say that the
trust judge referred to in the letter
was the hero of Esopus
No doubt you are aware of the fact
that the trust democratic candidate for
president became the greatest news
paper hero that, ever- lived through
sending to the late national democratic I every principle of reform he had stood
convention after a platform had been for, and so ably' and successfully ad-
adopted and he had been nominated, a I vocated for so many years. Yes, ne
telegram. . . tr should have bolted. The gold men
' had set the example. The-history of
the lives and acts of such bolters as
Wm. J. Bryan's Partisanship. Martin Luther, Oliver Cromwell, Na-
Edltor Indenendent: The announce-1 Doleon Bonaparte and George Wash-
paged in it have been democrats of raent by the Hon. Wm. J. Bryan of his I ington would furnish the complement
Kaw York Populist Democrats.
The fight in New York against Dave
Hill, Belmont and Parker is a genu
ine fight based on principles and not
a personal one at aU. The men en
and truest history of the advance and
growth of civil and religious liberty.
What can he do more than he has
already done within the democratic
party? Or what can he expect to ac
complish different from what he did
tne Kansas City platform kind. They intention to vote for the nominees of
have received the same abuse that the late democratic convention for
populists of the west have had to cn- president and vice president, falls as
dure. Until now they have had no a painful if not an aggravating disap-
way to register their protests against pointment upon thousands. of his best
the slave drivers of Wall street and and sincercst friends. I allude to the
the devils own representative from up men of the populist party who but a I In 1896 when he carried everything in
me state. Now they come to the peo- few years before his nomination in the convention?
pies party with rejoicing. They did 189C, had cast over 1.200.000 votes for Mr. Bryan is too great a man not to
what they could and made what pro- Weaver and Field and which strengtth feel In his heart that there is no hopo
test they could by letter and other- had since that time largely Increased for relief from either of the old par
wise acting as democrats, as will be and was still growing. Yet at their ties. They ore each under the control
en by the following letter written to convention at St. Louts, believing him of the money power, to the extent,
Davo Hill In 1902 by one of the chief to be an apoutle of every etisentlal that If either should be forced to de
promoters of the recent people's party principle advocated by the popullHt I dare in favor of a policy that would
meeting at Cooper Uulon. Mr. Mullen party, as he had so expressed himself, I conflict wllh ,ls Interests, as Bryan
has now found, along with many thou- and believing him to be a leader of
wand others a way to stand up and be I men of such force and effect as to
rounted, an protectants against both almoflt suggest the Idea of inspiration,
the republican and democratic end of decided to follow him with an unset
Wall street. Populism Is klmnlv Jif. fih devotion: a devotion sonled by
did in 1S96 it can throw its weight In
opposition and defeat the party.
If a bolting (onventlnn of the true
democracy had been called to wet at
iwnonian democracy, and when Mr.
Munen ?eRks of "loyalty to 'demo
rratlc principles," he means tho nrln-
rlplcs that populists have teen fight-
We have the most complete as
sortment of Monuments to be .
found in. the west. Only the
best material is used and t
workmanship ig of the , highest
quality, ;,v-';u:,: .rri.'-H
in your cemetery, wherever It
may be, much cheaper than youi
local deaJer can furnish you an
inferior stone. , We mean it
By purchasing granite and store
in enormous quantity 'we save
a larger percentage of the ex
pense,, A part of the saving fs
yours if you will investigate. .
Hundreds of finished monu
ments can be seen on our floors
at any time. "-
Write For Free CtvteJogve
I46S O St.. Lincoln. Neb
Picas Mention The Independent
Write Us For
bargains in Watches, Diamocds, Jewelry,
Silverware, Cut Glaxs etc. , Many goods
at crwt to make room for fall goods.
je etli i jtH 5trtt,
' Lincoln, Neb,
Cincinnati. Ohio, 1 will venture to my
the tacrlfico of a party they loved for lit would havo been the largest roll
principles they hUl more dear, I tlcal gathering ever asstembled ti
More than a million voted for Wm. I America, ir. ran. a political party, nirtcriit tmiui uonon m i wore.!
J. Bryan at each canvass he made and like any other organic body on this ,u "-"""
nnia'-nr nom i rci'aoiv anu rripflniin
I Jfweiff. ti airnn ami jeweuy rmniftitxi iq aim