! I AUGUST 25. ISM. For over sixty years Mrs. Wlnsiow'a Soothing: Svruo hag been used hv mothers for their children while teeth ing. Are you disturbed at night and broken of your rest by a sick child suffering and crying with pain of cut ting teeth? If so. send at once and get a bottle of Mrs. Winslow's Sooth ing Syrup for Children TeetUing. its value is Incalculable. , It will relieve , the poor . little sufferer immediately. Depend upon it, mothers, there i3 no mistake about it It cures diarrhoea, regulates the stomach and bowels! cures wind colic, softens the gms, re duces inflammation, and gives tone and energy to the whob system. Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup fur chil dren teething s pleasant, to the ta.de and is the prescription of ons'of the oldest and best female physiciana and nurses in the United States, and Is for sale by all druggists thiougnout the world. Price. 25 cents a bottle. De Bure and ask for "Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup." ' 7 THE NEBRASKA INDEPENDENT OOOOOOOOOOOOoOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO People's Party Convsntions ILLINOIS. ' The people's oarty of llinois. is here by called to meet in state convention at Springfield, Wednesday, August 31, i 1904, at 10 &. m., at the state house, for tho Tllimnca rf tiflmimitinff nrcci. dential electors and candidates for the various state offices to be elected at the November election. The basis of representation will be two delegates irom each county and one additional delegate for every one hundred votes or major fraction thereof - cast for John F. Randolph for state treasurer in 1894. ' 1 The populists of the various coun ties are urged to meet at the county seat of their respective counties not less tnan five days prior to. August 31, to select their auota of delee-afps -and to send a list of same to the slate Chairman, so that the1 temporary , roll of said state convention may be made up by the state committee. JOSEPH HOPP. Chairman- State Central Com., - 1105 Stock Exchange Bldgs., Chicago, III. August 7... 1904. , ... . . . .'' ; o o o o o o o o o o o o o If You Want B iiliHii We have it for you. It's Georgia; -c f.-r . .Reduced rates for delegates I to the state convention of the people's-ipartv; Atlanta, Ga.; Sept. 1, " 1904, will be BHUnCU. ... -. .,.., . ;;.. Notice is hereby giren that special rates are allowed on all ' rods .from an points m . Georgia account of the above occasion.' .'. - '- , Delegates will take certificate from selling agent for full fare; have: same approved .by state chairman at 'con vention ana visea py josepn Richard son, 729 Equitable Building, Atlanta, Ua. .. , ' .. ., ' . When this is done the holder is en. titled to . purchase return passage at me rate or 1 cent per mile, plus 25 cents, provided certificate exhibits a paia going passage of not less than Vi cents. j. j. HOLLO WAY, .. State Chairman Populist Party. TENNESSEE. On September 8 the populists of -lennessee will hold their state con vention at the canitol in this ciiv and an organization to work for the na tional ticket will be perfected. Candidates for the state offices will not be nominated. Thomas E. Watson, the Domilist ran didate for president, will.be present at me convention. The call issued by W. W. Mullens, cnairman 01 the executive committee, 'follows: "To the Populists of Tennessee: You are aware that our national mnven tion, which met at Springfield, 111., July 4, 1904, nominated the Hon. Thos E. Watson, of Georgia, and the Hon." Thos. II. Tibbies of Nebraska for nrps ident and vice president in tho pend ing campaign. "The present attitude of the demo cratic and republican parties, , their close alliance with plutocracy aud complete subserviency to Us demands, renuer imperative the continued ex Istence of the people's party, in, order mat uemocrauc principles aud the liberties of the common people, if possible, may be preserved to tho preaent and coming generations of the American people. "A the etato chairman of the old executive committee, I hereby cal a tuM convention of tho populists of Tcunessew to -meet In tho capitol at Nashville, Sept. s, l'jul, at l:3u p, m., for tho purport of reorganization, tit appointment of a tatt electoral tick et and twin other biulnc 04 may be nweHHary. "I Invito all persons, regimllesa of previous party ftfiUItlonf whu may feel that they can not. In tho present campaign. support tho candidate of Wail ftreet. and who lh to lee the Government returned to th people thru;,h tho medium of a party that stand truly for tho Integrity of pop. lr right and popular rule, to irtl. o o o o o o s o o o o o o o o o o V j- o nr i ni i o a suit 01 men s uiornes unat is strictly and purely wool in O n tr rtt 4" r r vTy colt rk s-1 sn r-P nTinrr nvk1 O Suits like it can not be bought 0 short of 1 $8.00 AMD $10.00 $ If you have one of our o New Fall Catalogues of Men's r mi j 1 j 1 0 uiomes ai nana you may see suit bargain on page 2. If o you haven t a catalogue we S will be erlad to mail it to you free of charge. A penny postal card request will bring the Oat a- 3 HanSchaffncr V f (i Marx J X Hand Tailored j . C , O $ logue. o o o o o o o o o o o o We also publish four other Catalogues viz Boy's Catalogue, Men Goods Catalogue, Men's Odd Pants Cata logue and Men's Work Clothes Catalogue Any or all of these valuable books are mailed free on request. o o o o o o o o o o i stron CI Cofflpi i22i to 1227 O Street, Lincoln o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o Nebraska; 8 o tiato in thl mat convention, and as- Mat tho populists of Tennessee to firm ly establish Hutu a pany m me iiaie and nation. "lion. Thomas K. Watson will be present rjl HiMres tho convention. "V. W. MUIJ.KNS, Chalrtunn." INDIANA. Tho In-ltana utrtto convention It rftlleil t inert Auut and 31 hi ImlUnaptilh. Full MtemUara at ftU populldts detilre1. IJvery Wutson man cotno. ntni) J. IlOItl.VSOM, Chairman. Th High Jumper At thStto Fair Tho tiian.iK tuent of tho tate fair to In he hi In Lincoln. August 2'J to S-p-teitiher 2, have neeureJ n very uovel nntl Ititervatlru; attraftlon. v fox-terrier illtatii up a perpeadteti Jar ImMer ti n height of foity teet wteru he tits ou a platform at the top of the ladder, and at a word of com uiand. Jumps oft Into a net spruad at the bottom. "Jeffrie," tho name of tho dog seems to urtvatljr enjuy the trick, bQ hU owner nays that It Is muewha hard on tho Uor, especially the f fTort' required to tlHub up the ladder run,; by rung. You can pave mucy by patronUtn Independent a Ivertlnent, ! 1 J