The independent. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1902-1907, August 04, 1904, Page PAGE 12, Image 12

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Vl NEBRASKA HIDEPENDEff ' r ... augustlimi.
. Straight Talk Down East.
It is a grave mistake to suppose
there are no populists down in the
"provinces." It is a mistake to sup
pose that all New York newspapers
J suppress everything not in harmony
with their respective business offices.
"The letter below was clipped from
me uuca (n. x.) uauy rress, a some
what independent republican paper,
enjoying a large circulation in central
New York. The writer, Frank Stuhl
man, was .'the people's party candi
date for' assemblyman in lbl)5. He
voted the populist ticke tas long a3
the party oreanization was keDt ud.
And since then he has. nuite natur
ally, affiliated with the Debs wing of
socialism. His letter follows;
To the Editor of the Utica Daily
Press: 1 write this for those who hold
principle higher than party, right
more than spoils of office. " Parker
spells plutocracy. Bryan has an
nounced that he will vote for Parker.
That i3 his personal privilege. We
have followed Bryan loyally for eight
years. We have advocated him in
season and out cf season. . We had
Bryanitis and had It bad. There was
no campaign so hopeless, no hoDe
so forlorn. but we would have been
proud to go down to defeat under his
banner. But we will not follow Wil
liam J. Bryan into the plutocrat's
Democracy minus Bryanism equals
. political hypocrisy - and inefficiency.
For a decade Bryan and 1'om Johnson
have been trying to infuse some life
ana virtue into the moribund old
derelict. It was time wasted. "The
leopard can not change Its spots."
The party has again fallen to its
level, it is the other tail to the nlu
tocratic kite. If Bryan wishes to
swaiiow a straddle-bug platform that
is satisfactory to the worst elements
of his party; If he wants to suDoort
a candidate the choice of the money
power and nominated by a contemptl
ble trick-of , the unDrinciDled wire
puller, D. B. Hill, let him. But we
renounce Bryan as a leader.
"We shall march prospering not
mrougn nis presence;
. - ...
Deeds will be done, while he boasts
his quiescence.
Still bidding crouch whom the rest
bade aspire."
As for results In tha
the difference between the election nf
Razzle-dazzle . Roosevelt - and Puppet
ranter is, tne difference betwixt twee-dle-dum
and tweedle-dee.-1" The renuh-
lkan jpartyf is out' in the open; It
stands tor: class legislation, for 1m
periali3ni, for militarism and the. autn
jracy of the dollar, It ,is a stand-
ana-aenvert nighwayman. ; rne uemo-
crauc party is a confidence man. It
puts its arms around the working
people with a "How is it with you,
brother?" and then drives the knife
unaer the fifth rik The democratic
party Is anti-trust! , Sne-nr Truer
Myers and Money Trust Belmont are
sieenng their campaign: When the
merger case was before the supreme
eourt every democratic member voted
ior tne corporations!
t The democrats are great friends of
lauor, md Judge Parker wrote the
decision declaring the eight-hour law
unconstitutional! - In the southern
states where this before-election cham
pion of labor is supreme the condi
tion ox the laborer is the worst in
the nation; Little children from six
to ten years -of aeo ton in tv,
healthy dustrfilled cotton mills twelve
or. mirteen . hours a day for a wage
of Horn 25 to 40 cents per day. And
U is IniDfiSsihlft to cet decent fnNnrv
laws passed bv lesrislatiirpa whni.u
trolled, by. these devoted friends of
me working people. The brave and
urumiess luenmond Hobson (we know
that' he is bravo because in- miiir.i
the Spanish lire' at Santiago and the
kisses of foolish women in America
with equal fortitude) boasted at the
ou Louis convention that the only
president with the courage to crush
a labor union leader a demo
crat.1 And the convention applauded.
That Is the kind of a friend labor has
in the democratic party!
When the bill to pension the judges
oi me nigher courts of New York
the best paid and longest termsmen
witti independent private Incomes
every democratic senator voted for if
This id tii way they lift the burden
of taxation from the farm and the
There la no issuo between the urcat
partis. Both candidates are-'Wu"
from the Wall Ktrict standuoint. I'ar
ker U evidently nuwlilered tho safer.
Of rnursu, nil ifclmont and Clcvlaiid
fire hu nmimn,
I tiotiio that t-oui of the Mln-nri
lUa' aro turning to Itoosrvilt, I
Idoro Iho tendency of utus, fur una
vii to i'itai nnotru-r. for you juse
it you win iti that tn Why should
the, "trust buster" who doesn't "bust"
anything; the civil service reformer
who has clasped hands with Gasman
Addicks, and the rest of that ilk? Why
should labor vote for Roosevelt? To
day in Colorado the republican party
in alliance with the "Standard Oil
Crowd," have destroyed a republican
iorm or government. In its place they
have erected a lawless desnotism as
foul as that of Russia," with all ty
ranny and cruelty that has made the
MUSCOVite thfi Khamo of tha mnrlH
And the president with his "his stick"
in hand and his eagle eye fastened
upon the South American republics
warns them to keen order or else
something will happen. -But he can
not see the anarchy of despotism In
Colorado. He dares not offend tha
Standard Oil interests.
. There Is no reason why any be
liever in true democracy should-vote
for either of the wings of plutocracy,
headed by Parker . and Roosevelt, re
spectively. Two candidates are in the
field who represent the principles Jef
ferson lived for and Lincoln died for.
They stand for eternal right, for eaual
opportunity and equal privilege. The
popunst nominee is gallant, tried and
true, Tom Watson, the greatest his
torian of his time. His "Story of
France" is the most brilliant histori
cal work since Carlyle. Those who
have not read it. have missed one of
the most fascinating and porfound
histories ever penned. He has kept
the light of eaual rights burninsr in
the land of darkest Bourbon democ
racy. The other is Eugene Debs, the
peerless labor leader, who bears the
standard of the social democracy. He
represents the highest and noblest
lueai ever put in the political held.
In every state there will be tickets
for one or both of these true demo
crats. Neither will "be 'elected, but
a mighty protest can be given in their
names that will lav the foundations
of victory for the people, and at least
we have not "bowed our knee lo
Baal." If the American people must
lose their liberties we need bring it
about by our votes. If the workers
must bear chains and wear collars
like the thralls of Cedric the S'axon.
do not forge them -with your own
hands. In the words of a great think
er: "Workingmen of the world (and
that means the "farmers and everyone
not belonging to the predatory classes;
ei-nrvonft not a narasite or a Dlunder-
er . unite. You have the world to
gain and nothing to lose but .your
Chains.". a . . oV"'. .;,
', Vernon, N. Y., July 20, 1904.
Chase County. -
: Out in Chase county, PC C. Claypurg
is secretary of the people s independ-
ent party county , central committee;
he is editor of the Chase County Trib
uneand the Tribune Is supporting
Parker and Davis. He has joined In
a call fo a joint convention with the
democrats and they ; have set Friday,
August5, as-the date r for such conven-tion.
The IndeDendeht said last 'week this
date was fixed so as to shut out the
country delegates, just as the party
machinery in Lancaster county se
lected the same date for a like pur
nose. But the rank and ' file out in
Chase are not looking for a chance to
fuse with Parker democrats. Listen
to this letter from J. Davidson of La
mar: ""I am busy and don t see how
I coum go as a delegate, i wouia line
to do all I can for the people's party.
No fusion for me after this. "A. E.
Kmilh "loins with me-in sending 50
ponla in slamns to heln carry on the
work. He agrees with me in regard to
no fusion." '
For over sixty years Mrs. Wlnslnw's
Soothing Syrun haa been used hv
mothers for their children while teeth
ing. Are you disturbed at night and
broken of your rest by a sick child
suffering and crying with pain of cut
ting teeth? If so, send at once and
get a bottle of Mrs. Winslow's Sooth
ing syrup ior unnuren Teething. u$
value is incalculable. It will
the noor little sufferer !mmdinti
Depend upon it, mothers, there i3 no
Btlsiako auout it. it cures diarrhoea,
regulates the stomach and how!.'
cures wind colic, softens lh irnm. J
duces Inflammation, ani gives tone
and rnergy to '.tie wiiois system. Mrs.
Window's Soothing Syrup for cblN
ditn teething U Pleasant to th inci
and la the prescription of one- of the
oldest and bi-st female physicians and
nurfM In 0 UuUed Statca, anj n f0r
ealo by all druggists tfciouguout the
world, rricc. s'i cents a battle, no
sure and ask for "Mrst. Wlnslow't
oothln.-j Hvrup."
thene ut all other pfrtna. complete,
titrlndlus lh( of PJOI. Price, pout
paid. AddrcH.i Th Independent,
Lincoln, Nt'U
Delegates and Visitors
To the coming State Conventions visitors to the Ep
worth Assembly, within the next 10 days will find
Special Railroad rates to Lincoln and Return.
During these Events, the early Novelties in
tne rxew hall Dross Goods will be on exhibition and
sale at our Dress Goods Department. The Newest
xnoveiaes are always snapped up by our city trade and
tne earjy arrival pves the out of town customer a chance
to seiect an extremely btyJish Suiting or Skirting Fabric,
way in aavance ot tne Keguiar Showing.
Coma in and See the Advance Iloyaliies
bundles and Tackages checked Free of .Charge. Use
these privileges. v
1023 Q Street
Dr. SbotmaWs Private fiospital
For the treatment of surgical diseases. Rheumatism,
Neuralgia and Nervous Troubles treated with Electro
Radiator, the only one in the state.
mi E Street. Phone 7685. JRuto Pfone 3685.
Good Music?
We are in "Business for the purpose of fiirnishine- Ne
braska Homes with the best in Musical Instruments of
all kinds. Our Prices and terms are right, too. :
1120 0 St.
Lincoln, Neb.
Simplest in Construction and Most
Powerful Engine for iU size made.
3 U. r 21 inchealoi, 150 lb.
It to G II. P. StaUoaary.
2 to 14 II. P., Marina and Auto.
Good Afncjr'PrapoiUloa.
Free ('tloirue If jroa mention tbli ptpt-r.
Lincoln, Neb,
t lJ MJ. Hill St., IINCOUN, rWRRAAKA. t
the iknm rattc, ricmovraU ntt fur