The independent. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1902-1907, July 28, 1904, Page PAGE 2, Image 2

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    PAGE 2.
JULY 28, 1904.
Ing trades council submitted a new
scale of wages to the packers, which
with numerous- other changes of a
minor nature, provided a uniform
scale of 20 cents per hour" for com'
mon labor.
The packers came hack with a
counter proposition reducing this class
of 'labor to -17 cents per hour and
this brought on a strike which prom
ises to be one of the greatest strug
gles in the history of the country.
The man who is at all familiar with
the conditions in the packing centers
will concede at once tnat 20 cents
per hour steady time is as low wages
as any man can work for and live in
comfort; but when we realize that a
wage scale of 20 cents per hour does
"not mean $12.00 per week, but on
broken time very frequently means
only. half, of that amount; and that
the wages earned by this class amount
to $350.00 to $400.00 per year, we can
realize something of the Justice , of
their demands, and the inhuman greed
Ol me great corporauuns wuwu- w
endeavoring to reduce the price of
labor to the bare living point, while
at the same, time-holding up th con
sumer by raising the price of all their
In this struggle the loss will fall on
the laboring men who are thrown put
of employment and the consumers all
over the country who are compelled
to purchase the products of the pack
ing houses, while, the packers will
suffer a small loss owing to the in
convenience or operating uieir piania
on a reduced scale, and the expense of
maintaining a lot of penitentiary birds
In their plants.
They have millions of pounds of
' meat, lard and other products stored
in their plants which will be sold at
an increased price and thereby they
: will be able to make more than they
lose. What the outcome will be is
problematical. It is the general opin
ion that the packers are not so much
concerned aooui tne raise on cent
per hour as they are about the princi
pal of unionism, and that in line with
the policy of the business men's alli
ance they have started in with the
purpose of breaking the unions, and
it seems to me that in this struggle
" every man who is not blinded by the
' worship of mammon should sympa
thize 'with and assist in every way
possible the laboring men who are
: fighting against great odds for a living.
Turning from this subject I would
like to say a few words in reference
to politics. I can not agree alto
gether with the position taken by Mr.
Tibbies in reference to the situation
; in this state. Certainly believing in
;the principles which I do, I could
not support a man whose political
sponsors are Dave. Hill, Aug. Belmont
and Bourke Cochran, unless it were
as a choice between him and Roose
velt, and as there is 'no necessity of
such a choice in this campaign I shall
vote for the populist electors. -5
But there are other things to be
; taken into consideration. I believe
the country Is raddly aDDroachine a
"crisis where it will require a veritable
- Moses to lead the people from the
" false doctrines of the past into the
"promised land of human liberty and
Justice. I believe that the .coming
four years will see the culmination of
"that crisis and that me man of the
hour is here in Nebraska.
For that reason it seems to me that
' til 9 U fi.. .1 f .
an me leiuim .elements oi mis
state particularly should combine
forces to advance - the interests nt
: America's greatest citizen, W. J. Bry
' an, remembering that the struggle be
" tween plutocracy and the common peo
ple is not for a year but for life and
ki 14 ...111 . . .
mm ii. wm require a leader wno lias
the confidence not only of that grand
army of men who voted the populist
ticket, but f)f thfi mlllinn nf itjmrt.
. era ts and republicans who are having
; their eyes opened more and more every
day to the forces whicn control abso
. lutely the machinery of the republl-
".V; ,,; a- '-: -T':""v' :- bruBrofcTrop;'-17ADouglM,"Oinli,' Neb. ' ' -
FALL TERM, Opens September l. - This Is the best time of year to begin.
SnvSn r S ? V'tlW Bu"VieMi orhan- Typewriting, Telegraphy, CM Service, Penmanship, and Pen Art. ,
t ,.ADVAljTAGLS,-fenperlor Equipment and Faculty, Opportunity to work for board, Poslttons for Graduates. Literary Society, Lecture ourse.
Public entertainments, Jioard oUrade, College Orchestra, College liand, Gymnasium. Foot Ball, and Basket Ball. """"J" "un outbb,
edocaUoSenffiu rigbtaway. UniqUC lnterestlnS- WiU fnd " to ont tor ten names of young people wanting a commercial
m ADVEBTISINQ iTEKATURE.-A Catalorne and Circulars of Various kinds; also specimen of Penmanship, free to any address Write at
once- Address, ROHKBOUGH BROS., Omaha, Neb.
Nickel IMat Excursion
to Boston, Mass., and return, account
fl. A. It. national encampment, at
$17.73 for the round-trip from Chicago.
Ticket good on any train August 2lh,
13th and Hth, ami cm epccial train
from Chicago at 8 a. m.. Auitust 13th.
Final return limit Hcptf tuber 3oth.
Alftu rate of 120.70 for round-trip via
New York city and boat, with liberal
stopover returning at that point. If
desired, stopover can be obtained at
Niagara Fall and Chautauqua Lake
within final limit. Thrro train daily,
with toodtrn steeping tar. Particu
lars at city ticket office, lit Adams
St., Chicago, cr address John Y, Cala
ban. General asent, 11.1 Adams St.
room Chkaxu, fur renovation of
berth In through standard or tourtit
1ih ping tars.
can party, and for, the time being the
democratic party as weif.
I , believe with a proper combina
tion of the reform forces on the state
ticket, the immaculate-Mickey can be
thrown over the transom with all of
the corporation gang and with Mr.
Bryan as- a candidate for the senate
to succeed the notorious If not noted
DIetrih, we can elect a legislative
ticket to back him up.
Therefore I hope that, the conven
tions which meet Jn Lincoln August
10th will lay aside political prejudice
and combine to dereat the gang of
hypocritical corporation servants now
in control of our state.,
I would not .question the great abil
ity of Thos. Watson and the platform
adopted by the Springfield convention
is all that the reform element can de
sire; but Bryan is tne idol of the
common people and the man to whom
they, are looking to free them from the
domination of the money power.
South Omaha.
' Populist National Coramiftee
Chairman, Jas. H. Ferriss, Joliet, 111.
Vice Chairman, W. S; Morgan, Hardy,
Ark. -
Secretary, Chas. Q. De France, Lin
coln, Neb.
Treasurer, Geo. F. Washburn, Boston,
Mass., 630 Washington ave.
(The executive committee has power
to appoint members for the states not
represented in the list following:)
Jo A. Parker, Louisville, Ky.
J. H. Edmisten, Lincoln, Neb.
J. H. Calderhead, Helena, Mont.
J. Gilbert Johnson, Orrvijle.
J. A. Hurst, Walnut Grove. ;
J. P. Pearson, Columbiana.
A. W. Files, Little Rock.
J. E. Scanlan, Bee Branch. :
. CALIFORNIA., fc: . J 1
D. P. Rice, Occidental,-,. .
Robert Shetterley, S,pencevllle. ?.
Geo. W. Mont,eith, ; Emma- Spreekels
Bldg., San Francisco. -" '.
E. E. T. Hazeu, Holyoke. f '
R. H. Northcott, Akron.
A. B. Gray, Denver. w
T. L. Thomas, Forestville. 'i
Arthur P. Dodge, Bellevue. ;
FLORIDA. :it ! fy . '
W. R. Shields, Blountstown. ;s:
W. F. Woodford, Farmdale. :V
D. L. McKinnon, Mananna, , '''
B. F. Lee, Thomaston.
Frank McDaniels, Conyers.
A. J. Burnett, Carrolton. !
idaho. :
E. C. White, Yellow; jTacket.1 f ;
R. D. Jones, Bonner's Ferry, v !.
Frank Forbes Payette. '-
Jos. Hopp, 1003 Stock Exchange BIdg.,
Chicago. . : iT J y
A. C.'Van Tine, Flora. . r,
J. S Fclter, Bpringheld. ir.
Samuel W. Williams, Vinccnncs; "
A. G. Burkhart, Tipton. . .
N. II. Motsinger, Kirksville, Mo.
temporary address). . i ' .
' IOW4 t" - i
h. II. Wtllcr, Narhha." ! " f
J. It. Norman, Albla.
g. M. Harvey, Dcs Moines, 108 E. lblh.
Dr. F. B. Lawrence, Eldorado.
O. 11. Truman. Allllne.
J. A. Wright. Smith Center.
A. II. Cardln. View.
Jo IX Bradturn. care Bradley k Gil
bert, Louisville.
T. J. fiulce, UmfcHtrrct.
N. J. Helton, Kimmsboro.
Wm. Mt Henry, rawn,
I W. Smith, Vlnalhavrn.
Albion (Jattn, Carroll.
E. W. Uolbln. Sarsfort.
F. A. Nalll. I'onoa it, PaUlmorf.
Thoa, O. Clark, 502 Pa. ave., Baltimore.
H. A. Chapman, fllymont
K. Geiry Itrown. llrocktcn.
Dr. 1. V. Field. Ikston, 90 W. Frttns
Lincoln Business College.
Young Men and Womea can solve the problem of How to (Jet
into Business and how to successfully manage one of their
vnu u ioaiug tuurso iu xjuamess or onormana ana Typewriting
- or Telegraphy at our school. Write for particulars. Beautiful
Catalogue Free.
Address, Lincoln Business College, ; :
field st ' ...
Mrs. Marion Todd, Springport.
Jas. E. McBride, Grand Rapids.
E. J. Payne, Clayton. .
A. M. Morrison, Mankato.
Thos. J. Meighen, Forestville.
Nels T. Moen, Ada.
R. Brewer, Aubrey.
Abe Steinberger. Okoloaa. v
S..H. Simpson, Thompson.
Dr. J. T. Poison. Laclede.
A. M. Ballew, Hale.
A. E. Nelson, St. Louis,. 110 No, 4th.
William Clancy, Butte.
Abram Hall, Miles City. '
James T; Brady, Albion.
Elmer E. Thomas, Omaha.
Harry P. Beck, Virginia City.
Newton Richards, Renb. .'
J. B. r McCullough, Reno.1 '
Geo. Howie,, 262 Bridge st.f Manchester.
H. B." Raleigh, Antrim.', n .
Phillipe Garon, Ball HilV'Road, Man
chester. . V ..t- '
Dorrance B.' Currier, Hanover. , ? , " "
I ' , " NEW JERSEY, ' I,:'.
J. Air Edgerton, - 40 Eaton Place, , E.
..Orange. - .Sli ; , .
Geo. L. Spence 19, Mt. Vernon ave.,
Atlantic City.. , l ( .
John S. DeHart, 9& Mercer St., Jersey
City. . .,-v-r
Frank. S. Johnston, Schenctady. .
R. E,Bray, Way land. w :
Darwin Forrest, Greene Island.
R. E. Pittman, R. F. D. 4, Tarboro."
S. A. Lowrance, Mooresvllle.
J. P. Sossaman,' Charlotte. "; ;
W. H. Standish, Grand Forks. '
L. C. S'pring, Grand Forks.
J. A. Beathune, Hamilton.
, :OIIIO. "
Hugo Preyef, Cleveland, 74 Muirson.
Dr. R. H. Reemelin, Cincinnati, 36 Gar
field Place. I :
Chas. Jenkins, "Alliance. '
Jas. K. Sears, McCoy; '
P. E. Phelps, Vale. v ' '
G. F. Scbmidtlein Woodville. ' ,'
Theo. P. Ryndcr, Erie, 215 Sassafras.
J. P. Correll, Easton.
Henry K. Filler, Altoona, 1218 12th 'a v.
All! Reed, Sturgis. ' ,
John M. Pease, Mt.1 Vernon. " "
A. J. McCain, Rapid City. ,
UTArr. 4
P. SSraith, 3lS7 Adaras ave., Ogden.
a G. Deihl, Hooper.
J. M. Lamb, Vernal.
A. L, Mlms, Antioch.
8. S. Bond, Jackson.
H. J. Mullens, Ituddorsvllle.
Mlltfn Park, Pallas.
Henry I Bentley, AMMne.
M. J. Dcnruan, Carrlzo Springs.
Andrew J. Boebe, Swanton.
A. I Spauldlni;. Northllvld. '
W. II. Tlnsly, Hakm.
V. A. Wttfhr, UirevUIe.
G. T. LoenMer, Puoat.
Kdard Clajiuu, sr., Seattle, 1323 1st
('. C Glbon, Daventwrt,
II, fackard, BnobomUh.
S. II. Pflrtol, I'arlfrittiurK.
A. C. Houston. rickay.
Dr. U. a David, Klrby.
CFVFH I Chillicothe Normal school
OtlLn I Chillicothe Commercial Colleea
Chillicothe Shorthand College
Chillicothe Telegraphy College
Chillicothe Pen-Art College
Chillicothe Typewriting College
Chilllicothe Musical Conservatory
Last year's enrollment, 729. 130paysfor48 weeks
board, tuition, room rent Carlare paid as pet see
dule. For FREE Illustrated Catalogue, address.
ALLEN MOORE, Pres., Box.M, Chillicothe, flo!
Gem City
fords Its students every advaataee
and adopts the modem, piactical
idea in giving
Attendance last rear 1.400 students. - 18 teacher aim
000 school building. Thorough coorses in hsrlliiui
ana TirpwrHlna, BaobHiaeplnfl, AotusJ asttaMH
Good Cptolngs Await Its Cradaafes.
Write tot new 64-page Illustrated catalogue, free.
D. L. M VSSELM AN. Prest,
Gem City Bosinesa College, Qumcy.Uliaoia.
1 With Gas
Gas Ranges arid Gas Water Heat
ers at cost. Connections, Free.
See them in operation at the
Exhibit Rooms 1323 0.
Sold on Installments $2.00
. - pef month
I ' Open Evenings Until 9:30.
I Lincoln Gas SJIecfric Light Co.
''''''' i
5; . Phone 75.
J? - '
Robert ' Schilling, Milwaukee.
Wm. Munro, Superior, 1615 John ave.
Herman S. Freihube, Milwaukee, 333
13th ave.
D. A. plltss. Parkman. '
Geo. W. Woy. Globe. .
"Mark Foster," Wanhlngton.
Geo. H. Shlbloy, 53 Ullss Mdf?., Wash
ington. M. A. Ilodenhamer, Washington.
John M. Horner.
Dr. I. D. Hurdlck. Ft. Mb&on.
John W. Ulard. Hiiro.
A. U. Wfakby, Cumantte.
I. E. Ferguson, Artonla.
T. W, Watkluii, Ruswell.
Sprncr r E. Sanders, Kingfibr, -John
H. Allan, , Norman.
Mrs. W. H. Frnfh, Cbandlrr.
lUprritcnts nhtre mpmlx-m have)
Wtn ad.Unl to national txnuthe cm
mil tee, leaving vacancy to to fiilki
Push the education) am orrt&nia
tioa ork-KifVcn ramrakn suLrrii
Uuns (or a dollar. Send In your iuu.