MAY 26, 1904. THE NEDHASKA INDEPENDENT riwr rvnpiiiTiwn A sociologist who has been making some local studies in Lincoln says that there are, besides i the college settlement, five other clubs or asso ciations,"1 numbering about a dozen people each, -who meet at stated times in this -city to study and discuss po litical economy and sociologoy. They are all composed largeiy of working salaried men, there being only four or ' five' professional, and business men In the whole Jot. He-says that then is not a republican a regular attend ant among them. Once in a while a 're., iblican is induced to attend. He asked one of these republicans why he did not continue to attend. Tne an cn-'oi in eiihetnnro was1 . "T can't im defstand what they arc talking1 about half the time: It ivould take lour years of study to acquire the" know edge necessary to comprehend the terms they use. Take me socialists what do they mean " by 'surplus val ue,' 'fixed economic law,' 'exploitation,-' 'a labor fund,' ana all that sort of thing? What do tnose other lei lows mean when they talK about 'mar efnai rnst ' "bank" reserves.' .'expan 8ion of credit 'tne unaccounieu iui millions in the axDorts and imporw Life is too short for mc to get only nil thrwtft sort of things." ' 'But,' said the. sociologist, 'tnty also talk about trusts, public own prshin taxation. special privileges the purchasing power of money, its roiaHnn' to waees. real wages, aul many other things in which I should think that you wouw De mieresieu. . "There you are again," , replied the rermhUran. " Ileal wages What do you mean by real wage Are not aU wages real 7 ' "I will try to explain," said the so ciologist. "Suppose that an English workingman and an American worn nman both eer S5 z week wages ti Pncilshman navs one dollai a week for rent and the American pays two dollars, and in the same propoi- tion for all his living expenses, at u e end of" the week has not the Kngusn man reallv received more for his la bor than the American? 'Real wages' may be said to be the ratio that tie laborer receives above the cose oi sup .'That is the worst ret I ever did tiaar" iha mnuhUran tenlied. "Well," said the sociologist, ' they talk about intemperance,, saloons, the police -control of the social evil, tax; tion, the factory girls, the conditions surrounding the women m omces, .i , the denartment stores, the condition ht the lails. your system of private detectives sanctioned by tate law, the noor how they are cared for, tne re formatory work in the penitentiary and places for detention for criminals, the character of the men on the police force, the beautifying of your paries, what is best to be done about the reservation" on the bottoms, the con dition of your schools" "Oh! for heaven's sake stop. "You will drive me crazy." said the repub lican. "I never had anything to do nnir rt . tVinQO t til TICS . T flnll't Willi klXJ VI. i.aavkjv w w know anything about them. I don t want to-bother wkh them. lt is as much as I can do to make a living." After relating this, the sociologist asked us howwe would classify, a niau like that and now ma&y such there were in the stale of Nebraska. We lold him that in The Independent they were classified as "mullet, heads" and according to the election returns there were a litdle ove 06,000 of them in the state. Massachusetts sends one-third of all the millionaires in the state thirteen as delegates to the republican na tional convention and many of these are multi-millionaires,, The starving thousands who are now out of work in that state, made desolate and poor by the government policies these million aires advocate, will rally at the polls next November and give tbe control of the government Into the hands of the very menjvho have ac cumulated their millions by exploit ing the common people. Why can a party committed to the Interests of the very rich get the votes of thope millions who have little or no piop rrty at all? Can any one tell? The In dependent gives It up. Tho small prop erty owners outnumber the million aires many hundred times. They could at auy time take charge of the govern ment and adinluhder It In their own luiVrt'Hts a was done in NewZaland. .Why don't, tho do it J Tho world seem inner to ha;e learned to ttft acquainted with Renins. Tho man of Kulu has always beta forced to live a life of Isolation, It is not (111 ho has been dead fifty or u hundred year, or A thousand yea's, that the world begins to know him. The pott IVo cited years aso m ixmrty and dUtr-. During (ho ,it few yearn hundreds of edition vi hU Works have Mwrt i tiMihvl In thin and other laud and the world la just beginning to get acquainted with him. Why cannot suca economic and social conditions be, attained that the world will know a genius when he is alive and not have to wait fifty or- a hundred-years belore it ' ever hears of him? Such conditions will never bo attained while wealth is the only di vinity that is worshipped. As long as the "captain ol industry" Is the gret man, the genius will not be known to his fellow, men. ' . - After all the calculations have been made and all the juggling with the figures possible f,one through with Ue bald fact .stares every man in the face that enormous appropriations by con gress are going to create a deficit In the revenues next year of about $100, 000,000. That will come Just as the hard times begin to press upon tie people. In that day and under those conditions,., the banks will be called upon to give back the government de posits that they have so long had without interest and when demands will be made upon them from many different sources. It is all very well for. the bankers to go onjplungiug and say, "After lis the deluge," but they will find that that deluge will consist of ' fire and brimstone. The shrewdness of' the political managers of the railroads is amazing. While they alloT some of their or gans to assail them on the tax ques tion they have already made rates to recoup themselves in a large degree for any,,, raise-in the assessment. Architects and builders in the .middle and, western part of the state say that the freight on building material is often two and trree times the or iginal cost of ihe material. Nothing is ever said about this in the repub lican papers that have been calling for an increase in the assessment. It was freight ratps that populists first attacked, well knowing that that was the vital point If you lower freight rates, 7 that hits them on the solar plexus, - ' Does the Stanton1 (Neb.) Register think that the hundreds of women for Hearst who so suddenly appeared Lin so many diffcieut states started out to spend their time and money simply because of the admiration they had ton Hearst, as so many thousands did for Bryan In 18J6 and 1900? Does he believe that the weekly papers; espe cially the labor and socialist papers, that devoted whole editions to get tine ud his boom did it because they had. such a hign admiration for ivir. Hearst's, character and ability as a Statesman? Does it -brieve that Mr. Ihmsen sent those thousands of news telegrams about Hearst for weeks to daily and weekly naper. recording Mr. Hearst's i triumphs because of inm- sen's admiration for this man of char acter and statesmanship, and paid for them out of his own pocuetY u u does, then its criticism of The lnde Dendent is justified. It is a fact that he republican stories of the millions that Hearst has expended are ridic ulous. Less Uan a million would nave done the wole business. But then no candidpte for r presidential nomination ever before' spent a mil lion .in getting delegates. Bryau had no millions to sper-d. A gentleman, in writing to The In- dependent, says: "Do wrte In your peculiar style at least one paragraph doing justice to thejsoclali3ts, among whom are many of pure character and the very highest ideals and who arc doing the best they can to bring then t wn lives and tt.atof tlu communities J,i f.iiich they lire up to those Ideals." Tutsi is one thing that, Tne Indepen dent has often said about the sodal u9. The worM owes them a debt of jrratitudo for t calling attention to Uic social evils from which human ty M.Jcrs. There arc no writers in the rtcld of literature who have done more valuable service, or who cn prpixnt those evi. in such .burning words. All that Tne I nut pendent ihs to B antagonlcuc to socialism la that it uoes not believe that their pro posed icmedles will bring relief. John T). ItocKefeller, Jj., escaped ar rest In Texas for violating tho stale antl-irust acta by the asttanc of t.e railroad aOlctala who sot hold ot a private telegram and young John 1. to a s(Hcial car and rushed him through tuo state. The ono car attached to a locomotive did not attrart tho attention of tho sher iffs who had warrants, aid In that way tho Kreut Sunday ithool tiacLer fscuj't'd the oILU't'rs of lao law. A recent opinion hauled down by tho supreme court make Mr. Hone water pay fJ'J.t'J a wort! for libelling th "poHTfUlo' candidate, as he calied him. in lato .cleUlori, Tho fuU amount of thi judt:mfnt M i'j.SCMi. Another ra-o in whhh It lofni that llooe water won In tho lower coutt 01.00 ThlGSDY ADOGLUTGLV U.: VOUR CHOICE OF ANY OF THS STANOAJtO REMEOIU IN OUR DRUO DEPARTMENT FC3 C7 CXI THIS CIQ COOK ALSO FRZZ. Mil 14Ui.vltlWl Wf IkiiS not encloM Mjr rooo-). t then Immediately mail you our new big MO-pave Special Dro C. ' - greatext book on dmos ever publlnhed). With thie big Dn C will sond yen certificate feed It 9 ,00. which will be ... t lull payment far any ana al many el ear standard and aaert wa,e r- , that retail at 9 1 .00 ar less. The following are only a few of the y aid remedied shown in oar new Stf-page Irug Catalogue and yoa run ht one of these etandard preparatlona free of any cost to you, by at oe the certificate whk-h we will send with the Drnsr Catalocrae : Lr. Female Pllla. Dr. Roaa'a Obesity Fowdera. Dr. Edhela' Wender I i Sira Cure far Tebacee HaMt, Mexican Headaehe Cure. Dr. Ham nfel Catarrh Care, Dr. WalUr'a CaUrrh Snuff, Ueyda' Cnfiiah 1 Dr. Wllden'e Cure tar IndldaaUen and Dyapeaala. rfammend'a ar' Rowland' Syatem Builder. Brawn's Vegetable Care, Dr. Reee'a Cemplexlen Wafera, Curtis' Cansumatlen Cure. Baal Iran e i , i Hammond'sTar Exaectarant Dr. McBaln's Bwod Ftlla, Celery r- C Blackberry Balsam. Oerman Herb Laxative Tea. CastreHne, I - hL Laxative Fig Syrup. White LUy race Wash. Twenty-Mine Ced vra, Cathartic Tablets. Serec Cough Cure, Dr. Rasa' RheumaM are, F t. Kidney and Liver Cure. Orange Wlna Stomach Bitters, ferine ef Ceo. I " Brain Tablets. Cure far Oalum and Morahlne Habits, Barker's I -M , Emulsion ef Cod Llvar OIL Anger OH. Dr. Walter a Eye Water, s - V o I u Restorer, Parisian Depilatory. Skin Ointment Asthma Cure, I a Corn. Bunion and Wart Cure, Malaria. Ague and Chill Cur. IV' Salve, Earache Drops, Cathartic Pllla. Wonderful Little Llvar many thr remedies. Any remedy free In exchange far tae eat 1,,,rCP?Tlr,"i answering this ad. and getting eur n.Llltdl An Jf Rl.00 Certificate and big Drug and then getting a 9 1 .00 standard remedy free, dees net ceet you one cent r put you under the llghtesttwbllgation. This la an unconditional bona-flda offer. You have nothing to pay now or hereafter. Nothing Is ftnt O. O. Dv You need not tray anythliur. THE tiHt 5v you omr prek is not a sample, but a tmrmm full ilniarkiM that aalla at ratail far S I .OO all I aniialari tnr ajiv other iwmedv on the t ou cutout ana return tnisaaTeniaemeni. i future wnen yon are in uvea vi maj aim v free to you If you cut out and return this advertisement. KOV 17E t AFFCr.3 TO C3 THIS- We are the Isrgeat dealers In drugs, remedies and drug gists' supplies In the world selling direct to the cenaunv r. We employ the moat skilled physicians, chemists and pharmacists) we have one of the finest laboratories In the country, and we not only sell almost every known remedy aold by dragKtstsor advertised by others, and at about one-half the lowest price others ask for the exact same medicine, bat In our ewn laboratory wa make vast number ef remedies, which for efficiency In the euro of the many diseases to which humanity is subject; are not approached by any other remedies or treatments en the market, and all these various special remedies of ours we sell at a mere fraction of what medicines are usually sold at. We also seU at astonishingly low prices all kinds of drugs, supplies, sundrles.tollet goods, rubber goods, toilet articles, trusses, braces, bandatres, surgical Instruments and physician' supplies. .We have just completed (now Just off the press) the largest, finest, most complete, moit valuable and lowest priced drug catalogue, Illustrating, describing and pricing these various lines, ever published. It Is a book of 840 paaes, tas restart drat keek ever IsmmI. to mTnc:SS- this timivim we make this free offer. If you cut eut and return this advertisement. s!g your namend address plainly yew will receive by return mall this big t40-pas Drug Cata logue. Ton will also receive the fl.00 certificate and you can then order any one of our great preparations or mmarilaa aand na the certificate which we will accent In full payment, the remedy will be sent to you, a standard full else complete package and yon will sot fcayt i on may net even require any rjr cennv exDenxe. meaicine tnan w sens you. une run se . be enough and yon will not be asked to dot end us any money, out you wui nave our l i loirue and to get this big Drug CaUloTe La y- ls our only object in making this aston WIp- t." will find that the medicine we will t 1 1 drum or drncirtata' sunollea. such KOOdS a a-a drug stores, you will naturally turn to ta Cr 1 alogue you got from as and when yon oa or I article you want la about one-half toe p J i have to pay some one elae. you will surwf f order and in time your friends and nelghbos t -ing their orders to us. This Is why we can v, I you the t40-page beak free and al t t which will be accepted by us IN FUtL I for any en ef eur wonderful remagie k; Or.LY c::i caulc::: ztrr address. As soon as yon get the Dm C v , can look It over carefully, select the rsa rf.i ' writ a letter, stating which one yon e the certificate and the remedy asked for " i I to you ABSOLUTELY FREE with our ee DUiJ'T CIUT A CAT U U t This extraordinary anneuncement may nat r If you have any use for anything In the drug i- 4 are suffering from any disease or disorder of v ' whatever, If you would like to get a full aise any one of the best standard preparation in v without en cent ef cost to you and at the the most valuable and money saving book of o published, cut out and return this advertise: I m mediately and von will receive, by return t paid, free of charge, the catalogue and t4 which will be accepted as payment for the r' select. ' Don't fall to take advantage ef thla ' Such an offer was never made before. WrlMtawvi.i.. 1. ocAno, nocDuci; & co., Chicago, ill.::: Marching to the f root may be applied not alone to the forcoa of the czar of Russia, and to the sturdy littlo Japs; it applies with equal force in tho world of life insurance and finance, to tho Bankers Reserve Life Company i. of Omaha, Nebraska. Its liberal, attractive policies with inveot ment features combined are not excelled in the world.: f ":.rr-x; -:xx' .l.i ,: - " - -y. : Beliable men, wanted to sell the New, Increasing Dividend Gold Bond Policy, in choice territory. Call on or address, ::xx V-x B. II. ROBISOM, President. was reversfid aud a new trial ordered. In this case Hosewater had charged that the candidate had not paid th doctor's bill lor atte.ullng his first wife or for tho wedding suit in which he had married hia second wife. It turned out that the doctor was being sued for mat pi act ice and the case, waa still In the courts and that the wedding suit did not arrive until half an hour previous to tho wtddlng and did not fit. Over 100,000 men who work on tho hiked and depend on their summer waso to tldt them over the winter are now and have bevrt tot eurue weeks in idleiteM en account (( n turike. I.a!io navlRatlou U but an lnfllnltcl mal pint of w.ut it uauuily la at.thi.4 time of year, Tho ralliouda are trans jHHting the Krain, the o al and the uicrchnr. JiSsj U,a iisuaTy rx- by lake, and after all tual. their earnings ar f&lUnK oif. At thli date luit year, liuRalti had rHeived by lake ai.i.'.n.e 'O butit4 of grain. This )rar at iho name data ouly tjl,(KH tuihcls were rvcvivctU - COLUMBIA NATIONAL BANK 4 CF LINCOLN, NEBRASKA. Capital, $100,000.03 Surplus, 14,000.00 Dcpo5lts, 1,350,000.00 OFFICCH3 Jens II. Wkiuut, J. II. VmxTT, Jo. BaMCRLA, V. U UaLt, W IUITO.U, . PretldtBt 11 Vies 1'res, 24 Yic Tfe CtihUr Ant Ca&blsr i ( I I j: i i1 :i o o o i! I'dU-ynUe our adfcrUucry,