The independent. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1902-1907, May 26, 1904, Page 10, Image 10

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    may 2s, im.
A Weekly Resume of the Really Vital News by the Editor
Aii-tiat General Bell, who, under
" 3 crtzt of the governor, has been
. zIztcIus anarchy out in Colorado, has
: He Bays that the militia
j Izzzx used solely for the benefit of
la corporations. But what the mat
:r with General Bell is that
' fcociling - democrats in Denver
' -yei tin a trick. Tit, men that Bell
zi driven out of the mining camps
3 taya were brought to Denver and
Ctrl by the hundreds for the demo
rctlc gang. So Bell hits dropped the
!crpot business as he is a republican
-i the democrats are getting all the
rc'ts. , Colorado is worse than a
Jozth American republic and is far on
,i.a road to the conditions of San Do-
I Things are' going on in the same
ray that they have In the Philippines
pjr the last 200 years. Fifty-three
people were massacred in the dead of
-isht last week by the insurgent Mo
f ros. Not a week passes but some such
zews is cabled to the United States.
I The Washington correspondent of
the St Louis Globe-Democrat says:
"Come of the democrats are beginning
be exercised over the suspicion
that the populists In 1904 will support
llloosevelt instead of the democratic
candidate. Th ey are pointing to the
circumstance that a familiar figure at
f the White house these days is Marion
JSutler of North Carolina, ft former
Iterator from that state, and for a
flssg time at the head of tho populist
-xtional committee, a position which
he still holds. It is said that Butler
fia an ardent admirer of Roosevelt. He
I has been talking so strongly in favor
of the president that some of his old
allies of the democratic party say he
will support "Roosevelt this year." Per
haps Butler will be at Springfield try
ing to run the.pcDulist national, con
vention for the republicans while
cantot reach the seat of the disease.
Cattrrh is a blood or constitutional
disease, and in order to cure it you
null take internal remedies. Hall's
Cattrrh Cure is taken Internally, and
ccts directly on the blood and muc-
j'ctia surfaces. Hall's Catarrh- Cure is
tot a quack medicine. It was pre
scribed by one of the best physicians
in this country for years, and 13 a
regular prescription. It is composed
cf tlie best tonics known, combined
with the best blood purifiers, acting
directly on the mucous surfaces. The
perfect combination of the two ingred
ients is what produces such wonderful
results in curing Catarrh. ( Send for
testimonials free. ' ... -
F. J. CHENEY & CO.; Props,:
Toledo, O.
Scld by druggists, price 75c
Hill's Family Pills are the best.
Tha total indebtedness of the firm Humphrey
Dardwaro Co. January 15th 1904, Keren thous
and gve hundred Hity-elRht dollars.
- Becy. &. Treas.
"LTcnoy in Poultry"
Our ww M-uitc. thoroughly t.
vnruwiu muniruieu DOOK (eiiar
bow to make it; also how to feed 1
liwil.rrow ami marlrM mnitM '
- - . - ,w.m r
for lieu reaulu; plaint for housed
rim nan ciimi. linur in k-ni .
KM. Illustrates and dearrlbrath
Urrwtt pnre-bred poultry farm Id the
ftlUnfcw. nliiilM l .
bred fowls and egja. If ailed for 4o lut,
Ramps. P. Fey, Bai n , Oet Mollis.!. JX
rpCTPAPrrs tm De te
I Uce (Powder) sprinkled
la the neat keep your
towla free from How. Sprinkle
hen nod the little chlcka will
bars oo Ik. Tiffany' Paragon
"Liquid" kills mite Instantly.
Sprinkle bed for bogs, roosts
for fowl. Box powder for lit
Ue turkey And ehlcks post
fatatV. We want wife,
Uacala. Kmh.
Ancient Britain, eh MU1.1U kgm
Angimtut Urar tn; II tat. o( Money An
MenttiUtM.trtllat. of Money, Mo1era
UWa, ilia lory ol Money, Ante.
n, II Htienre of money, II: Mnov
"rj erlmet, 7 .v.: Vrmu dl Mllo, N;
..irf of I'recloui Mtal. 11: Mm
' -t rloth ttlndtnia, handiUlrlie),
i . r 1 f tee IBm3eem Ihn
LiUiUw Vorti.
Orr-aU iMff NMrt MMr4MM UniU
v a WHtoltM ta Mrhaway tattiMl4Mt
) what Mi t Im lr4 tm . Aa
in-tf Vrl'kr)MH. Kht MVlf Vem
W. ji4k AalraJtawa," aMt ! U valae ef
-iiMiwf iMkMiUif iailrea. W'W'wlr
I tm jt wit purtrruW mt mrm,
S l.1--' ., Taa4rM, OarrMtvr, wail,
i " '4, ) a4 ti.e wrlKM a, Mau4
II Jf err HNt nawtrii.
.j it x. rj m rcn . (KAr4
some other fellows will try to run it
for the democrats. The "old man"
and several others will be there from
Nebraska to see to it that they are all
kicked out
A doctor who has been measuring
100,000 heads of children and those
who have lived long in the flats of the
high buildings In the cities, declares
that the investigation shows that the
heads of these people are much small
er than those who live in the open.
He attributes this result to the want
of fresh air, but more especially to the
absence of sunlight. We never- did
think that the cliff dwellers downy on
Manhattan - island ' had very much
,The imperialists have been demon
strating their Ideas about the rights of
the common people very effectually in
Panama. The ctttzeius no, they are
not now citizens of any country the
people of the canal zone , were a short
time a0 citizens of Colombia, then
of a fake republic, and now subjects
under the government of a commis
sion appointed by Roosevelt During
all these changes they Lave not had a
word to say concerning what kind of
government they should have or who
should govern them. The Declaration
of Independence and the doctrines
upon which this government, was
founded, have been burried very" deep
by the republican party. ..
The papers say tftat the little vil
lage of Bonesteel, in South Dakota,
has suddenly developed into a city of
3,000 people. It is the headquarters
of the land seekers when a portion
of the Sioux reservation Is opened.
Oh! .that land hunger, and the mil
lions of the landless, v ;
May 30 ends fifty years of life for
Kansas, divided between John Brown.
grasshoppers, the populist movement,
Senator Burton and rantankvrous re
publicanism, with border ruffians and
guantrell thrown in. And a the end
of the semi-centennial, Kansas don't
know where "she Is at"
The corner stone of the machine
shop of the Farmers ' Co-operaUve
Harvesting -Machine company was laid
May 21 at Springlield, O., in the pres
ence of 1,500 people. The principal
addresses were made oy S. H. Ellis
of the national grange, General J,
Warren Kelfer and O. A. Bradfutc,
president of -the Intel national Live
Stock association. William N. White
ly is at the bead of this new enter-?
prise which 13 backed by the grangers
of the country. The shops will make
everything in the way of agricultural
implements. In time the company ex
pects to give employment to 3,000 men.
The farmers seem to be "getting a
move on themselves" In several states
of this Union.
Walter Wellman has been down on
Wall street and from his writings It
would appa4r that the brokers have
been .working him for a tenderfoot
People down thera did-not talk to the
editor of The . Independent as tWell
man says they talked ; to him. The
unsophisticated Wellman says; "It Is
not thought probable Wall street win
subscribe much money for either po
litical party this year. In the first
place the financial district Is hard up
Business is light, speculation Is at low
ebb; tha public will not come into the
market and promotion is a lost art "
Wellman thinks that contributions to
carry presidential elections
stock speculators and brokers In the
nnanciai district" A pop school boy
would know more thin that nmr
fie, Rockefeller, Rogers and the men
wno put up mil ion for canm&icM or.
never seen down nhnnr tha
change. .
The Pennsylvania railroad
nonncea that about 23,000 mtn are to
o iaia on, being 10 per cent of the ta
tal number of employes, which will be
reduced to what It was two tmh
The cut applies to all department
irnnponauon, ine shppa, tad main
tenance of way.
' ' mmmmmmi
It Is belnr remarked ti ... v.
tale that the republican state eonven
www ncm m uncoin nominated a
queer lot of delegate at large. Who
err heard 4of Drmpeter. J. R, riper
c; PronI' w U M- r' J
what his beeorot of Coven, Curley,
Manderaon, Rrewater, Majors? Are
they all dead?
There was rt-iolutton tntrodared
Into tht republican state, eonveation
refill i iff
Wipote Us
If you would like to purchase sy
thing In diamond, watchea, elocks
jewelry or silverware, write u nd we
will gladly furntah estimates, or aend
ni your broken watch or jewelry and we
will submit cost of work and if not sat
isfactory we will return it at our ex
pense. -. " ' .
139 So ! 3th St, Lincoln, Neb
A tract of four to ten thousand acres
good farm land suitable for colonization
purposes. Send description and price.
Room 90, Burr Blk., Lincoln, Neb.
WuStlngtcn Lt:3s.
Whr not loin the procession and buy a. wheat
farm in Washington at from 58 to 12 per acre,
one-third cash, balance foor years time. Finest
wheat country on earth-r-biggest yieW. biggest
profit. Ko hail storms, cyclones. bUzzards or
insects. Come oat and be Independent. - Write
for fall information. Lawrence M. Welsh,
Kearney, Men.
to put Victor Rosewater off the state
committee, and on a pi elimlnary, mo
tion it carried. Among the crowd
there were; some wiser heads who got
the resolution ?ide-irackG. They
concluded tjiat thcy dia not want the
Bee to ngh; the, ticket. ;;;f 7 ;.
The other lay the State Journal
came out and testified to the truth of
what The Independent has been say
ing for a goqd many. years,. Head the
following from its sacred -republican
columns: "It has been no secret that
for years in Nebraska delegates to
conventions have been supplied with
passes. While these did not bind a
man to do as he was asked, it has not
been overlooked that the pass has a
soothing effect and inclines tho re
cipient to be good at least There are
a good many lawyers In Nebraska
who use annuals, and at the conven
tion the other day two of them in
dulged in a little debate at the hotel
that was Instructive to the bystand
ers. Both are men ' of some promi
nence',! and both had railroad passes
in their pockets. One however, was
voicing his opposition to the openness
with which the railroads were work
ins." ' V .
J. H. Ager, the political agent of the
Burlington road, has been known for
years . as the most astute politician In
the state, but the other fellows got
ahead of him in the iast tfcal.. An
agreement was entered into with all
the roads that they would shut off the
passes to the conventions. Ager kept
the agreement and the other roads dis
tributed more passes than ever before.
When the Burlington delegates who
paid their fare got rounded up at toe
Lindell they made such a howl that
Ager had to refund tho money.
In explanation of the downfall of
Ager, the State Journal published the
following: You have a good hunch
when you say that there it an eflort
made by some of those fellows to
bump him out and they are trying to
make it appear that the thumping the
Burlington got In the last convention
was due to Ager, but the fact Is that
It was because the Burlington was
chary about Isaulng pojds, while the
Union Pacific and Noilhwcatern had
plenty of them out. Trie roads made
an agmmeat months ago to stop giv
ing delegates pauses, Ager simply
stood by this agreement, while tho
other one didn't You hear a good
bit about Independence in conventions
when a marhlne gets hard hit. but the
real reason why the Burlington fell
dawn was that It didnt tap the p&a
supply liberally,' As that was pttb-
lllshed la the lUte organ of the ro-
Tiio Uorlil's .
Broad Casliot
with itg 760,000 square miles of ter
ritory . - -.-
TJostcrn Canada
affords homes for 200,000,000 people.
are going. Millions of acres of the
finest farming and grazing hinds open :
for aettlcment. Small taxes, cheap
fuel, good climate, enormous crops.
Lands . sail at$ Per Acre and up.
payable in ten annual installments,
Wfhy rent a farm when you can buy
one or less money than you pay as rent?
For full information, apply to
Gen'I Agt Pass'r. Dept., CANADIAN .
Sc-i l'iiic:rl Pacific Excursions
Springfield, 111., and Return,
on June 4th to 6th. ......... $15-53
Atlantic City, N. J.. July oth
and 1 oth . . .... . . ............. $35.0
Cincinnati, Ohio, and Return, -
, July iS to 17.......... ...93 75
The Missouri Pacific routes you via
St. . Louis, where stop-overs can be
obtained to see the World's Fair, and
the World'a'Falr Special leaves every
day at 4: 30 p. m. with through Pull
man Sleepers from - Lincoln. Three .
daily trains to St. 'Louis.
City ticket office, S. W. Cor. 12th
and O sts. Depot, Cor. 9th and S.
ft D. Cornell, P. & lYA.
pages of' valuable Information. ?tfb'l ff4
aa3 rul I Inetracttoa bow to gel, V116"-1
claim oa the
..Rosebud Reservation..
V: Forbes Locating Agency,
Bonesteel, ; r -. .. South Dakota
Do you wish. to sell your farm? It
so, send full description, lowest price ,
and best terms, or, if you wish to
buy a farm,, ranch or Lincoln home, .
write to or call, on Williams & Bvatc.
1105. O st, Lincoln. Neb.
t BJ2l!I3C3 GO.,
' - ;--t
Best - possible service in all de
par tments . Write or wire us for
markets or other information.
Long distance telephone 2305.
publican TJaTtTTbTreTiTr bo no de
nials. How does the republican farm
er who was hard at work planting
corn while these things were going on
look at the questioa of "railroad
domination!" .
Among the other religious perform
ances of Rockefeller it scerra that he
pirated $50,000,000 from a man named
Greenbough. Green bo ugh Invented the
process of refining oil so as to prevent
explosions and make It a safe lighting
fluid, ltockefeller and Itogers agreed
to pay Greenbough one-quarter of a
cent a gallon for the u. of the Inven
tion, This Rockefeller did for a while,
but when Greenbough was ltl at fca,
Ilotkcfeller never pal a the 'helm any
more and they have Just discovered
the contract and sud Rockefeller and
Rogers for 1GO.000.ono. Here's hop
lag that the heirs will get the money.
Chancellor MfLean, who resigned
from the NtbnuVa state vntvertdty
when the frislnnUta obtained a ma
jority of the r tr.r ii ts, Is In trouble
over In Iowa. There was a meeting
of the alumni held tn Davenport last