MAY 19, 1904.": THE YlECASXA iriDEFEnoErif of HAY DEN'S ft a IK Mill The Reliable Store The Reliable Store. CLOTHING DEPT. SPECIALS We have just received 650 -men's- Fine Suits from a largo eastern manufacturer which we place on sale at . A Bargain $12.50 In quality, style and work manship superior to any thing ever offered at the price. You would have to almost double our price to equal them in quality. Send your order at once. Buying doesn't mean keeping, un less you are satisfied. Re member the price, jiow $12.50 Are the Ruje, Not the Exception, In Our Mammoth Furniture Department The largest variety, most exquisite de signs and lowest prices of any house in the west. We are offering . , Five-piece Parlor Suits, mahogany finish, upholstered in best grade velour, at..... . ,....17 50 - 5 piece Parlor Suits, in solid oak, best grade velour upholstering, at ... 21 50 3 piece Parlor Suit, mahogany fiinish, upholstered in damask, at ...... H 85 2-piece oak Parlor Suit upholstered in tapestry 12 $0 Odd divans, oak or mahogany tin ish, upholstered in tapestry or damask, at 14.50,15.50 and 0 50 $15.00 Combination Book case and desk, solid oak, sale price.. 10 50 Couches at Factory Prices The Greatest Values Ever Offered " Leather Couches at 119.85, 121.50, 128.75, which would ordinarily sell for from $25.00 to ... . ; -. $35.00 . A beautiful Couch, upholstered in car finish, made to nell for $19.50, sale price. ,..$1150 An excellent Couch, upholstered in best grade velour, $15.00 value, at. .$10.50 Couch worth $12.50, at $7,50 Couch worth $5.50 at $3.50 Flannel Bopt. Specials 2 cases extra heavy Shaker Flannel at yard . . . ... . .... ....... 4c 1 case 12c Drapery Cretonsatyard. .8c 15c Cashmere Tvvilled Baby Flannel, plain colors, pink blue, red, green and cream at-yard. . . . . , ........ .9c 15c Wood Lawn Cheviot Shirting at . 10c $1.50 Bed Spreads, Mar seilles patterns, with or without fringe, large size, handsome serviceable spreads that are great values at $1.50, choice , Satur day ,98c 18,000 Yards Ftae Silks The Most Important Mercantile Transaction for Many Days. LIBERTY SILK CO., 476 4K?Sr STREET Closed out at a fearful sacrifice the broken assortments of this season productions, consist. ing of S00 pieces High Grade Silks. ; ' The Luckiest Silk Purchase We Ever Made Because of the high class of silk quality and extreme low prices at which we purchased same. Entire lot on sale and to continue until each and every yard is sold. Neat, fancy silks for shirt waist .suits. Handsome printed silks. Plain colored taffetas. Black peau de soie. Grenadines. Crepe de Chines. Silks worth $1.00, $1.25, and $1.50. on sale at 39c. ; ' A magnificent assortment of elegant silks, styles representing" this season's newest productions, in Foulards, Qflfl printed taffetas, perisians, fancy silks of all descriptions, placed on sale in one great lot at. .................... J U U BLACK DOUBLE WIDTH ORENADINES ....... The sheer silks now so stylish, handsome patterns, all ii-'m wide, the - regular price is $1.00, SL25, $1-50 and $2.00 per yard, at .. ....... 50cJ SILKS FOR SUITS AT 59c The popular styles so much in favor thia season, in choicest and most . fashionable shades, regular $1.00 silks, for. ................ &9o FANCY SILKS WORTH UPTO $2.00 GO AT ONLY 75c. Beautiful light silks for waists and gowns, exquisite white silks, 27- in. and yard-wide, colored taffetas, yard-wide plaid silks, pongee silks, plain silks for suits, ueat fancy silks for suits, in one FINE BLACK SILKS FROM THE LIBERTY SILK CO. 27-in. wide Black Taffeta at. . . . 59c I W-50 yard-wide Taffeta at." . ; -85c I W-in. wido Black Peau de Soie at 75o I 2-0 yard-wide Black Peau de Soie 1 15 THE LEADING DRESS GOODS HOUSE OF THE WEST Commencing, we will reduce all our spring voiles, in colors only, on all goods over $1 per yard.. Every lady in Omaha knows that when we make a price on dress sroods it is genuine. ;. COLORED DRESS GUODS Any $1.25, $1.50, $1.98, $2.50, or $2.98 voiles, in colors, you can buy at exactly half price. . , Rainproof, 58-in. wide in six leading shades, sold in this town at $2.00 and $2.25, will go at .v.... ..,..,$139 We will sell 13.50 black hair line mohair cravenette. $1.50 We will sell 75c neatligured mohair at , 49o We will sell 51 in. fine heavy mohairs, in blue, black, and brown, the 85o goods, at ...' ........ 49o BLACK DItESS GOODS-$1.50 voiles in Triestly or Lupin 8o $1.50 black mohair 98c $1.00 black crepe de chine 75o $1.50 nilk warp henrietta V....: (iSo CiTALLYS The finest imported French ehaliya, made to seil at 75c . and $1.00 a yard, will go at ... 48o 50 pieces in all Ihe new shade - of voile etamine strictly all woo! in black navy and all tne other tew bhades, worth 75c a yard, will go at 39j Wash Dress Goods Dept. 5ALE OF FINEST SWISS DRESS FABRICS We have on special sale one of the choicest weaves of popular summer fab- rics embroidered dot and silk embroidered fancy Swiss. The purchase repre sents over 15.000 yards of new; clean first quality, first choice summer, dress ; fabrics (which the manufacturer, unable to deliver in time an per contract, to a well known eastern wholesaler), accepted our offer for the lot at such aprice . reduction that we are enabled to offer : ' V " , 75c SILK EMBROIDERED SWISS-45 inches wide, in all colors, beau tiful styles, over 4. 5C0 yards kr select from, at, yard. .... .-25o 25c FANCY DOTTED FLORAL SWISS-Organdie effects, beautiful black and white fancies, printed warp styles, etc., 4,000 yards from which to choose, at, yard....:. 120 New Shirt Waist Suitings White and Cream Just received 23 pircel Frrach Flaked and Speck VOILK (Freoch fK.,' ; rics), 10 inches wide, delayed over JK) days.RooJ bought to nell at 11.00 per yard. ; Tho inijmrU'r ha made us a concession on theso to the tent that we place the entire lot on mo at, yard. . 1 C9o GROCERIES THE PUREST, PRICES THE LOWEST, STOCK THE LARGEST Pure Cane OrauulaUd Sugar. rr ICO lb. wick ....... f Fancy hand picked Navy iUan. r lb., 340 (Jood Japan ilice.rer lb.. 34o Fancy lVarl Tapuwa, rr lb.. vUHo Fancy Fearl Buro, Farina or Hurley, Pr lb.... 3'4q IViUm U, BwtU'a ViiiK Diamwnd C WhiU KuifcUan.or Armour' U bars in U $3 1)0 10 lb. boxe Imprted Maccaronl 75o The Ikst Corn Starch, per pkg.,.40 I (Jal. Cans Fancy Tallo Hrup or HrKhum 35o 3 Hi, Camt Choice Tomatoes, t can , ....7Mo 3 IU Cant flaked Han llomioy, Hucntanh,or Sauf r Kraut.. . 'i lb, Cn4 r iwy Wat or Siruig an,i..t...-,.RB..4a..,aa7o 3 IU Can Kr!y Juu m Teal 7Ho lib. Cans Uhubarb 7l,o 1 lb. Jra Fur Fruit Freaerve., Larjje llottle Fure Tomata Cataup ,,..8Ho 1t llottla Fancy Ftckle, a-worted kind ........... fi uO Ire IJotttea Honwradih, MuUard, cr V,v4tr Huc. , 8'0 Htar c llorwdu Tulacct jr lb 40o LEADKRS IN DH1KD FRUIT Fancy California Prune, per lb.3740 Fancy California IVachttf, per lb.. 70 Fancy Uartlctt Fear per lb ,.12H0 Fancy Moir Fark Apncot-, per Hi t V'lMMM t MMIMMM lHfl Virginia UpWrriM, fH?r lb.,..'.J3 VirKinia UUfkborrie dm lb.,,,JiiQ We buy fr spot ai ia cash discounts on all purcha yuur mouoy. California UrajMss, jer lb ..7,0 F.nliU Cleaned CurraoU, lb...yS3 New Yoik Kintf At-i.ln, jr lb.,,,()a largo quantities and stll fur canh, thus we have no had account to make up for and secure c.i, IJy im means wo can afford to undersell other houe and guarantee to do so or refund lothst. HMDEW BROTH