MAY 19, 1904. THE NEC3ASXA INDEFENDZNT Stop the Extravagairce APPROPRIATIONS. By Republican Legislature in 1903 By Populist Legislature in 1897 - $3,740,280.70 $2,335,843.40. EXTRAVAGANCE Rep. Increaise - $1,404,437.30 Have you ever tried to discover why taxes have doubled in the last few years? Is there-any reason why the state government should expend so much money? When you pay your taxes next time you will find that they have been almost doubled and that you will have to pay nearly twice as much as ever before. Should you not make some effort to stop the extrava gance? Will not the small amount of time required pay you great returns? If your taxes heretofore have been $20, hereafter they will be nearly $40. You have been a reader of The In dependent and know that it has con tinually protested against the. sense less extravagance of republican legis latures and state officials, but it has been of no avail becavise the voters generally have not known the "facts" that have been familiar to you. Now that the day has arrived wnen they must put their hands in their pockets and bring forth the money to pay for this extravagance, they will begin to 'realize the truth. They are thinking more than they have ever thought be fore. They are willing to investigate the cause of the enormous increase of real estate and personal taxation. You can present the facts to them now and they will be willing to listen The last republican jegisiamie ap propriated $3,740,280.70 for the sup port of the state government for two years, which is nearly a million and a half dollars more than there was any just reason for expending. The last populist legislature 18J7) appropriat ed only $2,335,843.40 for two years. This shows an increase In appropria tions of $1,404,437.30 made by the re publican legislature, over what it cost to run the state government under the populist administration. Note the enormous difference. It costs the peo ple nearly a million and a half more to run the government for two years under republican rule than it did to run it for the same time under pop ulist direction. This is waste extrav agance amounting to an average of $15,604.85 for each county (according to size.) Are you ready to aid in stop ping this extravagance? Will you join with The Independent in spreading the truth among the voters of the state and do what you can to remove the unnecessary burden of taxation x that will press so heavily upon all of ua who have to earn the money by toil of brain and hand? ! A change of only two voters in each precinct will put the "redeemers' out and insure an economical and business-like administration of the state's Will you help? Will you try to se cure five new trial subscriptions to The Independent in your vicinity so that your neighbors may be informed of the facts? A special rate will be made of five months for 25 cents for the purpose of getting the facts, .taken from the books at the state house, concerning the extravagant, appro priations made by the last republican legislature, before the voters. The men who read The Independent will know the facts and can be depended upon to vote right. A reduction of nearly one-half in your taxc will be an abundant reward for the time that you may expend in helping to "put the grafters out." The independent will continue pub lishlng each week, full and exact in formation, tatten from the official records, in regard to the Increase of taxes upon your farms and other property. Begin the work at once and preserve all the aitlcles that will be published. ever was, but he did not know any thing about the organizing, but was willing to stand up and be counted and willing to contribute his share. J. C. ANDRE. Logan, Neb. Only a Word Needed Editor Independent: By a word spoken in the presence ot a ranger, he was prompted to second my ex pression an1 I asked him if he would take the Nebraska Independent for five months for 25 cents. He said, Yes, and gave me the juarter. Name and stamps are enclosed. - J. S. MAXSON. Erie. Kas. Gives New Life Editor" Independent: I send you list of new subscribers. Will snd you more names In a tew days with the money lor all. We are not dead here, but asleep. Your valuable paper puts new life in all the boys that I have given it to. JOHN G. PURIFOY. Zama, Ark. Knaosraajlat Word Editor Independent: Knclustd please find trial subscription; , will try and Bend you some more Boon. Your paper is dolns a great work In the reform movement. It should bo read by everylMKly, We have been trying to preach the word In our weak way for a long time; yet are hot alto gether dhicourftKvd Vt were an old tlrao crien backer of tho Brick Pom eroy school. Yours In tho auM A. IT, I.KKI'Klt. Auburn. Neb. WllllOf tat f uaaU.t t-Mttor Independent: Please- find trial rani with 23 rent. ThU man wu tmre county rhalrman of tho p ple'M party, 1 nw htm a tew us agu and aked him why ho did not join O.a Vanruard or O.d Uual. I la said he u J nut an a pop ua he Llit of 15 From Texas Editor Independent: Enclosed find 15 five months' trial subscribers and money order for $3.75. I ywould do anj'thing in my power for oui prin ciples, but I am 76 and can't get around. D. C. McOAlN. ' Grand View, Tex. . In One Hoar Editor Independent: You will please find enclosed subscription lists that you sent me and P. O. money or der to pay for same. I got those four names in about an hour's time and could get some more if I had the time. Will try again when I get through with, my busy work. Popuiista don't say much here, but they think a good deal. I have voted straight since Peter Cooper's time in '76 and expect to as long as I live. WM. LEE. . Roll, Ind. Here aretbe names of those who have sent in long lists and to whe n The Independent and people's party are Indebted for loyal support and co operation: ' It. Donovan, Haveloclc, Neb. A. C. Lee per, Auburn, Neb. . W. II. Shoemaker, Cheney, Neb, : J. W. Strickler, Bertraud, Neb. J. G. Ranger, Salem, Neb. M. L. McDonald, commerce, Ua. J. S. Hill, Long Pine, Neb. F. M. Anderson, Auburn, Neb. Stratton, Neb. H. Bradford, Nashville, Ark. W. H. Brown, Brownlee, Neb. Win. Lee, Roll, Ind. C. K. Christenson, Mlnden, Neb. Dr. I. D. Burdick, Ft. Gibson,.!. T. Mr. Ira Campbell. Hillside, Ala. b'amuel Goff, Cereal, Okla. H. I. Hunter, Dawson Springs, Ky. Geo. U. E. Simpson, Sycamore, Va. John Thompson, 1803 Central ave., Minneapolis, Minn. Joseph Siebein, Salmon, Idaho. H. M. Purdy, St. Paul, Neb. Fred W. Tegeler, Meadow Grcve, Neb. It. R. No. 2. Geo. M. Austin, Home, Neb. J. C. Andre, Logan, Neb. Thos Marshall, Se'.ma, ind. E. W. Callaway. Ashland, Ala, J. S. Maxson, Erie, Kas. J. C. Norton, DoWItt, Nth. It. J. Miller, IJIoomlngt-n, Ind. W. M. Clark. South Auburn, Neb. M. II. Mitchell, Staplehurst, Neb. Wm. Anderson, South Auburn, Neb. D. C. McCain. Grand View, Tex. A. R. Randall, Proctor, Tex. J. S. Bain. Meltonvtlle, Ala. I). M. MrConncll. Walnut Hill, la. O. C. Mulllkcn. Seward, Neb. A. 1 llodwell, Lebanon, Neb. Alex MeKlnney, Cnllaway. Neb. C. It Robbing Klrwin, Kas. J. W. Bowman, Towner, N. 1). A. PuKt Rock port, Mian. W. (I, llutler, Node, Ky. J. W. Whipple. Stiles. WM. It 8. Stout, Hol)uk. Cola T. l. Hen lerson, Parts, Tc. Fred Hutulker, Burnt, Trt. John KaUman, Omaha, Neb. A. Tipton, Nebriuka City, Neb. Henry Rim I . hgah, M, W. 1- IlauJ, Kearney, Neh. J. It Kolthlty. !rtnini. Mr J. W, Bowman, Tower, N. I. C It HobMna, Klrwin, Kan. Ahx MrKtnney, Callaway, Neb, John L l.utt. Helton. Km, A. Pat, Itotk Pont, Ml, DEL MAR'S WORKS. Ancient Britain, f2-. Middle Apes! Augustas Cscsar,S3; Ilist.ofMoney Aa- cientStates,S3;Utst. of Money, Modern states, si:: uistory oi Money, Amer ica, S1.50; Science of money, fl; Mone tary crimes, 7&c.; Venus di Mlio, 50c; History of Precious Metals, $3: Fine paper, best cloth bindings, bandstltcneu, CAMBRIDQB PRESS, Box ioe JMadiaoa Square P.O., New Yerk. - s 1 ir; i WHAT to READ on SOCIALISM A book of thirty-six large pages, describing the stan dard works on socialism in such a way that the ntndent ean readily judge what hi to be learned from each. An Introductory essay by Charles H. Kerr on "The Cen tral Thing in HociuUmn," adds to the value of the book for new convert or inquirers. Handsomely printed on fine book paper with portraits ot Marx, Kngels, Liebkneeht, Tanderrelde, Carpenter, Whit man, Blatchford, 8lmons and other writers. Hailed for only ONK CENT a copy 11.00 a hundred. K4RLKS H. KKIU A CO.. Pub.., t rift Are., CHICAGO. TIFFANY'S Sure Death U Lice (Powder) sprinkled in the nest keeps your fowle tree from lice. Sprinkle hen and the little chicks will have no lice. Tiffany's Paragon "LiQUld" kills mites lnabintl v. 8prfnkle bed for hogs, rooataN w lunru, UUAUUWUCriUriit- tie turkeys and chicks post paid 10c. We want agents. , TILE TIFFAN Y CO., - . ,. Lincoln. Neb. WE WANT LAND A tract of four to ten thousand acres good farm land suitable for colonization purposes. Kend description and price. FARM HOME CO., Room 00, Burr Bllr., Lincoln, Neb, Washington Wheat Lands. Whr not Join the procession and buy a wheat farm in Washington at irom 8 to f 12 per acre, one-third cash, balance four years time. Finest wheat country on earth bluest yield, biggest pront. No hail storms, cyclones, blizzards or Insects. Come out and be independent. Write for full information. Lawrence M. Welsh, Kearney, Neb. Tho World's Broad BasEtot with , its 760,000 square miles of ter ritory Morn Canada affords home for 200,000,000 people. THOUSANDS OF U. S. SETTLERS are coin;. Millions of acres of the finest farming; and grazing lands open for aettlement. Small taxes, cheap fuel, ' good climate, enormous crops. Lands sell at$3. 50 Pr Acre and up. payable in Un annual installments, Wf hy rent a farm when you can buy one or less money than you pay as rent? For full information, apply to A. C. SHAW, Gen'l Agt. Pass'r. Depti, jCANADIAN EACIFICRY., CHICAGO. I. J. Teagarden, Hamilton, Mo. Wm. M. Fairbairn, Pawnee City, Neb A. M. Hood, Point Isabel, Ind. T. B. Frazier, . Frankfort, Ind. Geo. W. H. Kennedy, S'helton, Wash. John Foreman, New Bellsville, Ind. John J. Boon, Jackson, Tenn. R. D. Jones, Bonners Ferry, Idaho. L. Darling, Sedgwick Cdo. J.' E. Pepple, Westoria, Mich. H. C. Childrey, Oakwood, Ala. J. H. Burman, Dpthan, Tex. N. T. Duncan, Rulo, Neb. A. R. Massa, Cookeville, Tenh. J. T. Redford, Aulauf, Ore. 1 G. B. Stewart, Direct, Tex. Jonathan H'ggins Cambridge, Neb. Wm. Lillard, Raymond, Mont. G. W. Fifer, FIndlay, O. J. II. Wood, Detroit, Mich. K. t Uruce, Brwc, Geo. Schofeldt, Nelson. Neb. i . J. P. Jarrell, Godley, Tex. S. Ii Provolt, Rocky Ford, Colo. Cipt G. W. Loyd. New.Roebeile, N.Y. II. II. Grover, 121 Doradj, Kak. F. Watson, Susanna, Mo. T. M. Kd wards. Madsc0kla. A. Held, SturKis. d. I. 1 L. R IiOckwood. Coldwater, Mich. W. It. Wolf, Oaktown. I i d. J. H. Turner. Bodega. Bay, Cal. Ik K. Ilugglna, Omaha, Neb. II. (?. Hunter, BawMm Springs, Ky. 0, J. Jackson, Beltou, rex. Gh. Bolt, St. Iuls, Mo. l S. Gilbert, (lllberv's l laee. Neb. J. II. IMtnUt.n. Motrin, Neb. A. II. Kdwards. Bentonvllle. Ark. J. H. Maton. Krle, Kast, S. llungerrortl, Point inuff, WU. J. S. Jones. Juka, III. Harrison Bradford, Nashville, Ark, IDpulUt CUb, KlurgU, 8. I. H. W. William. Vlncenueu, Ind. Hans Sterup. GreAjiani, Neb. MaiMMt Oldham, Graham, Trx, II. J. Mullens, Uiiddervllle. Tenu, W. T. MclU.le, Gallman, MUs, C. II, Illyatone, MradvuK Pa, t. A. GAtiJer, Burirrton, Mo. S, 8, Glaspiw, IMen, III, J. II. lUtia, GiarMMfin. Tex. V, M. 8?y, Ttrrrll. Tex. Caliva Fcrits Fcr S::3 Grown in Nebraska for 10 years and thoroughly acclimated. The only kind that will fully ripen here. Big yield ers; easily grown. One quart, post paid, 15c Chester Brown, Bartictt, Nebraska. Tho Hotel Ualtoii 1516 O STREET. The best and most convenient low priced bouse in the city. Kates $1 per day and up. J. la the District Cenrs of Lancaster County, Nebraska Nellie Ransier, Plaintiff, vs. Frank ' Bansier, de fendant. To Frank Itansier non resident defendant: You arc hereby notified that on the 17th day ' of May, 1904, Nellie Ransier filed a petition against you in the district court of Lancaster . county. Nebraska, the object and prayer of which is to obtain a divorce from you on the grounds that you have wilfully deserted and abandoned the plaintiff without Just cause, tor the term ot more than two years last past, and that while you are able to and capable ot provid ing suitable maintenance for plaintiff, you have lor more than three years last past, grossly, wantonly and cruelly refused and nelected so to rtn Plutnmr olu v,n ,k.,..k.., - niau i ij (S vim V nuo uihi w a V stored to her maiden name of Nellie Morgan. You are required to answer said petition oa or before Monday, June 13, l'j(M. f NELLIE RANSIFU, I'lalntlff. By J. C. McNerney, her Attorney, Somi Missouri Pacific Eictrtbs 9 "$0 'f. Carthage, Mo. and Return, on flay 18 to 24.. . ,..$9.75 Cleveland, Ohio, and Return, on May 13 to 17 . .$24.9o Springfield, 111., and Return, on June 4th to 6th... $1559 Atlantic City, N. J., July 9th and 1 oth $ 35.4O Cincinnati, Ohio, and Return, July i5 to I7 ,...$a 7j The Missouri Pacific routes you via St. Louis, where stop-overs can be obtained to see the World's Fair, and the World's Fair Special leaves every day at 4:30. p. m. with through Pull man Sleepers from Lincoln. Three daily trains to St. Louis. ' City ticket office, S,, W. Cor. 12th and O sts. Depot, Cor. 9th and S. , F. D. Cornell, P. & t . A. Medicinal Liquor at RIGGS' PRICES. At Riggs' Store will be found only such liquors as are fitted for hlgh-cltss medicinal and family use. California Tort Wine, quai t bottle 49c Imported Port Wine, quart bottle v $1.00" California Sherry Wine.. "...40c Imported Sherry $1.00 Irondequoit Prt or Sherry. Si.00 California Brandy, qt. bot.'.jl.OO Imported Cosnac Brandy, quart bottle $1.75 Holland Gin, quart bottle.. $1.00 Imported Gin, qt. bottle.... $1.50 Du Roy's Champagne Wine. quart bottle $1.00 Old Style Bourbon Whidky.$i.00 Morgan Rye Whisky, quart bottle $1,00 Rye Whisky, quart ..$1,00 Old Crow Bourbon, quart bottle , $123 Old ITectto Bourbon, spoelal brand ,.$110 Canadian Club Whisky, quart bottb , ...$1.00 Canadian It), qt. b)ttIo..$t.23 llermltattf Rye. genuine.. $1.25 MeBreyar, quart bottle.... $1.25 Dcwar Heotrh Whisky $1.50 Bonnie rVouh Whisky ,,.. 1. .... .$!. We ali flt tl dru& at rut pi lees, RIGGS, Tho Drug Cuttcp Mil O St., Lincoln, Neb,