THE NEBRASKA INDEPENDENT MAY 19, 1904. Moines, nor, was I concerned in it, To draw the inference from this letter that I exerted my influence for the convict's parole is entirely unwar ranted, and I ask that you print this eommunlcaticga in correction, yours .very truly, VICTOR ROSEWATER, - Managing Editor. The - Independent willingly pub lishes the" above correspondence, but the Des Moines Capital has the fol lowing. How about that? . ' "I use the term 'fortune' advisedly. Tom Dennisen is" worth $500,000 if .he's worth a cent He pay? taxes on realty assessed at $250,000, and he- has thou sands of fine diamonds. He kept a woman who died out in Denver a year ago who wore more jewelry than any society woman . in .. Omaha and per haps more than most of the '400' in New .York. I have seen ber with $5, 000 worth of stones on one hand. On her neck were broaches and necklaces, sunbursts, etc., ' until you couldn't rest. I happen to know that the edi tor of one of the biggest dailies in Ne braska undoubtedly the best known daily owes him $50,X)0 borrowed money. He has been able to buy what he couldn't command - through his ability to manipulate the Third ward of Omaha. His support was equiva lent to. the election of any candidate, Mayor Moores, Chiefs White and Don ahue, the board of police and fire com missionersin fact, most of the city officials there and those of the county are little better than his puppets. He can make and unmake them. ' It is little wonder that it took a year and required the "action of the supreme court of Nebraska to compel the state, county and city officials to perform their sworn duty and close up Denni-1 son's 'Diamond Pool Room'." mm 4- j s" States His Position Mr. Stern's Summary. d 01. Au t l Comers. - - ;. (Note: Mr. Stern orers 5 to the single taxer who sets forth the fallacy, if any, in his position; which, in brief is that "Just human government must secure unto all citizens access upon a , basis of equality to ' LAND, MONEY and TRANSPORTATION." An equal amount is offered to the socialist who ' will perform the same task. Communications must be kept with- in two columns of The Independent. . "Writers should keep in mind Mr. Stern's "trinity of fundamental econ omic factors" and attempt to show that be has included too much or too little in the category of things which government should, and individuals can not, regulate jn such manner as to insure to all ""access upon a basis of Communications may be sent in any time within four weeks from the date of this Issue. Award and publication will be made as soon as possible there after. Associate Editor.) . , Editor Independent: With beautiful terseness Christ, the teacher of dl T?i tths summed uo the question of impartial , government: "That ye tnovhA thi rhlldren of i our Father which is in heaven; for He maketh V.1- tn rli-a rr tho Pvil and Oil IllO DUU VU lOu vu ' " 7 the &od; 'and sendeth .rain on the, AA VK ..irt titet j ..- . , JUBfc (1UU uujiw. . .1 , , f - f . -Mankind areV variously .constituted, in aiKiikftiihood no two Uumans are olllra TVia lawa nf nature .unto one and all act impartially; they are founded upon . eternal justice. Weak Hearts Treated Free. A Celebrated Specialist Will Send a Complete Special Individual Treatment Free to You on Request. I I make this offer to benefit the mil lions all over the country who cannot spent the time or railroad fare to come and see me about their hearts. Heart disease is one of the com monest of human diseases; yet, pos sibly, the least understood by ordinary physicians. The chief symptoms are short breath, palpitation. Irregular pulse, hard beating, pain in chest and left arm, weak faint, sinking or smothering spells, swollen ankles and dropsy. I am a graduated, practicing physl clan, and have, for nearly a quarter of a century, made a special study of diseases of the heart I am a special ist. I have perfected a system or method of medicinally jreatlng, the heart, which I can so adapt, to fit the special symptoms of each indi vlduaf case, as to make, a cure al most positively certain. To prove to you. what I already know, the value of this highly per fcrtcd and scientific method of treat ment, I will send you absolutely fret, a complete Individual Treatment, of the value of fJ.75, specially adapted to your case, upon request. If you de sire I will ftlno send you a tare miu, lr of my remarkable testimonial. RhiJ in your nam and compute address, stating ge. . height, weight, the principal symptoms of your ra, and mentioning thin pir. In return will send you the Fife Individual Treatment, and a cop of my new Hook oil the Common UiaiMMf of the Hi art. Addre-m: Krnklin I. Mlla. M. l, I I D. 23 to Ml Slate Street, thl. tano, III. 1'lme mention The Independent tu jrouf reply. t 5 ! Dovetailed, Ferguson, Lang stroth and Alternating hires sections, foundation, smok ers' veils. Send for free cat alog. Bees wax wanted. M m , . . TR ESTER SUPPLY CO. .103 SO. nth St.. LINCOLN, NEBRASKA. yppDSes Wall Paper and Paint All the newest and most select patterns in the market. Twenty years at the business in Lincoln. AH work and material guaranteed first-class. The finest of house decorating, painting, papering and frescoing at lowest prices. Orders from out of town receive the same careful attention as in the city. You will save money if you get my prices before placing your order, D. W. BOWER, Aut. Phone 3571, H4 P St., LINCOLN, NEB. Whatsoever the laws of nature will do for men or for men, conditions be ing complied with, tney will do Jor any and for all mankind. This natural-divine principleof justice ultimates in securing, unto all humans access to electrical energy. If by employ ing certain means any numan being secures access to a certain quantity of electrical energy, nature will grant all other humans, who may comply with the same conditions, access to a simi lar amount of electrical energy. Carefullj- distinguish between access upon a basis of equality and equality of division. You will then not only have grasped the equitable operation of the natural-divine principle of jus tice; but you can likewise apply it rationally "to the practical domain of human government. No legislative or other ; human flat can equalize, the amount of wealth possessed by human beings, or the degrees of wisdom in? parted to them through birth and sub sequent culture and" influences. The term "equal'' employed m our declar ation of independence, can not be con strued as- referring to; equal division. There can be equality without equal division. Just human government must secure unto all citizens access upon a basis of egualityt to land, money and transportation; as on account of their nature and the7 pro visions of our, con stitution, individuals can not create and regulate this trinity of fundamen tal economic factors. .-; In reality "all hitherto warrinc econ omic, reformers are brothers, seeking . the application of justice to human af fairs. The real - ultimate sought by single tax reformers is that all hu mans are entitled to access to moth er earth upon a basis of equality, thus abolishing speculation in land. Trans portation reformers demand that all should be enabled to secure access to means of transportation upon a basis of equality,-', no ' preferential rates or favored treatment. Money, reformers In reality desire that the producers and owners of staple commodities should secure access to money upon basis of equality with those holding valid, in struments calling for a flxed number of dollars;' thus securing stability in the general price level and opening the door for the unlimited production of staple commodities, them other forms of created wealth of every character. Socialists foolishly clamor that our government must control commodity production,, with all its complicated factors.5 They set forth no practical method for compensating present holders of property or for conducting industrial and agricultural Industries under government control. They con. tend that the formation of plundering trusts is a purely natural process, Ig noring the unquestioned fact that these Inlquituous combines have in variably had their Inception In and maintain their reign of plunder by means of unjust . human legislation. We have never enjoyed the advantages of Impartial land, monetary or trans portation systems, economic factors which are universally admitted to be properly snbjert to equitable govern ment control. Through Just regulation of there economic fa tors, all mankind would speedily be rna id to secure ai conn to all means of production upon a banl of eqnlltv, which would fa dlMMw the enultatde tllvUtou of wealth prod sit smnngst tne mental and physical worker whoe exertion hu tailed t into eonomte being. Aceg upon a ltl of equality to rnerts of prodik tlon la the true end hitherto nought hv "mlnHsta In an uttirly linurai lb able manner. If the devetopmrnta htrein brleflv notllnrd are ImosrtNlly considered, the Itttfrestluff fait I dUtlosted that unite Pettcsgci1 Servlo Exclusively pieauVw?thmrtat,meratecostnj Ol trU IvrllK . ror mose scciting ncaiin in ue oauny For the Business Man to build no bis 1 it . asuereu nerves. Three safllneri each week between ChlcaKOlPrankfort,Nortbport,Cbatievoiz Keioaaey, naroor dprinsra ana t - nlA IvJr 1 1 11 1 aVl a - to tsrm ALWAYS ON TIME Mackinac Island, coonectinar for Detroit, Buffalo, etc. Booklet Free. JOS. BEROLZHEIM, 0. P. A. Chicago N It Will Pay Yoi To Trade With Me Jfy prices are always the lowest, my goods the best. Call and examine the beautiful Dinner Sets. Given FREE to My Customers AVith Gash Sales A;Beaut if u 1 Di h hr Set I Use These Dishes as a free Q if t to Increase : Cash Trade ' ; V Save your Crockery Coupons; with each 25c . cash trade you get a Coupon. 'Return them to me and I will give you the crockery for themi You pay no more for your goods here usually less out 1 give the Crockery to yoU FUEE as a.profit sharing scheme. My object is to make this store the most popular trading place in this city. I ask your assistance in'makingit so. Examine parcels for Coupons . , ; ' , f MAIL ORDERS SOLICITED U li D nn M 11 Dealer in GROCERIES 143 NORTH loth STREET. . ' LINCOLN, NEBRASKA- heretofore the various camps of war ring reformers have not been ac quainted" with the real animation Bought by their own movements. I contend that the few words "access upon a basis of equality," sum up the end sought by all economic reformers, and dlsclone the true economic func tion of human government. When this grand truth Is received there will come generous rivalry as to who can devise the most moderate and consti tutional legislation, which will rap lillj accomplish the desired end by means of evolutionary provisions. Hlvetlng attention upon the consider ation of spc lnV proposed laws. It will speedily be ascertained which plani secure general commendation. Veiling for candldatin dodged to enact snr I (V legislation will prat tit slly Inaugu rate direct legislation, without necett sttatlng constitutional amendment. "It will afford tn pleasure to com pensate a Ul!ts and likewise single taxrrs who will enkay the task of overthrowing the fundamentals here in act forth." The preceding quota tion U from my orUtnal tonimunha tlon. Th fallacy of my position imiNt be set forth. and the award la entirelj' in the hanas of Charles Q. De France," who baa kindly volun teered to 6erve. It would be the quintessence of ob jectionable conceit ror me to claim that my specific plans for applying tho natural ultimation of Justice to human affairs should alone receive considera tion.. I will briefly outline a few plana and whilst soliciting relevant critlcsm from any source, I absolve contest onta for the prizes offered from con sldering specific plans submitted, thereby enabling them to utilize two columns to effectually overthrow my fundamental position, unless that bo founded upon invincible truth. The first step to take In Inaugural Ing direct government of, by and for the people should be the drafting up of a law that the supreme court tnmt eae passing npon the consiltutionaN Ity of ntts of foncrcn. nnici they 1 questioned by the voters of a sovrr elgn state of our Vnlun. Within Its appellate JuriaJU tlon tne function it the rurt would thus become the elu cldtlon f laws paiRid by rfng,-eji and signed by our president, or passed over hi veto, f?TouM Irghlntlon h enacted at anj' time whicli would ten4 !