The independent. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1902-1907, May 19, 1904, Page 15, Image 15

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    MAY 19, 1904.
bbwpbb 5
rrvHrif ))
u vn
If You Don't, "Get to Know" Them. It Will Pay You." They SelL. Goods on a Smallor
m- . m rt L Mil A 1 3 tir. T3-.-. 4- fP V. svv C! a!1 T 4-n FBI It stwv D A A 3 1
Margin Oi Jrronii xnan Anyuouy we iiuuw. duu xuuy ocu uuta ui x.xxcux. xvcuu. wux
Carefully, Then Come and See the Goods. ; . - -1
. , .;.v... ..... - -. .
1.85 For A Shirt Waistr
They are worth $2.25. Our line at
the price consists of the latest ere
ations in white silk, linon, mercer
ized brocaded poplin, fancy bro
caded poplin with lace effect and
Parisian lawn Special induce
nients on this stylish, distinct and
perfect fitting waist for one
" week. . v . . . . ... ..... i . ... $1.85
Dressing Sacques
Lawn and Percale Dressing Sacques, in gray, black and blue, trimmed .
with braid for..,.. ........ ,. ..49c
Fancy Lawn Kimono Style Dressing Sacque for.... ."..;75c
Fancy Swiss Dressing Sacques, trimmed with lace and ribbon, a dainty
garment for. . ... ......... . : ................. ; 98c
B mbroidery Snap at 8 l-2c.
120 pieces, or about 2000 yards of flee Nainsook Cambric and Swiss ..
Embroidery, edges and inser tings from 2 to 10 inches wide, worth
up to 18c per yard a great snap this week, for . . SHc
Wash Goods Remnants at Half Price
100 remnants in wash fabrics such ss lawn and dimities, and lace stripe
novelties, 2 to 12 yards in a piece, will be sold this week for just one-half their
value, , , ,.v7;,:;", . . ' ; ' ''V .-.
Sale of Brass Sash Rods -
24 to U inch Vestibule Rods, 10c value, 7c or 4 for -25c
30 to 54-inch Extension Curtain Rods,brass or silvered ends, 12 ic value
V for 10c or 3 for...,...',. .;..25c
30 to 54-inch Extension Curtain Rods, brass or Silvered ends, 25c value
18c or 2 for. ... ............. . . .... . . .... 35c
- Sheets and Pillow Cases
" 500 bleached Manhattan Sheets, size 72x90 regular 55c value.... ......45c
f 20Q special linen finished Pillow Slips, 42x36-- 'J- - . -
'? regular 14c value.,.. .... ..............12c
.200 special linen finished Pillow Slips, 54x30
- 10c value.;....; ..." 14c
Children's Dresses
GiDgham dresses trimmed with braid and embroidery age two three
and four, for.. ..j... ..,.."03
Polka dot Percale dresses trimmed with braid age six, eight, ten and .
fourteen for. .". . . .. .... , . i CC3
Gingham dresses with Sailor Collar a very nobby garment age six,
eight, t6n and fourteen, for .". . ,(1 C3
Clothes Brushes at Less Than Half Prico .
500 25c Clothes Brushes will be sold this week for IC3
Domestic Bargains
8c quality Apron Gingham, assorted colors and checks.. ............ C3
6 ic quality Prints, blue, cardinal and gray Co
8c quality Dress Ginghams, light colors. .......... ..................... . Co
121c Cbambray, 32-inch, plain colors, C3
15c Striped Oxford, 32-inch. )... Ho
10c Russian Crash, 18-inch C3
i2ic Dark Percales, 36 inch. .... ... . .................. .... ......103
10c Dark Percales, 32-inch . . fO
12ic Light Percales, 36 -inch J ......... . Co
A Few Specials in Lace Curtains
Our 75c quality, special price this week "CO
Our fl.25 Quality, special price this week.. . ... . CC3
Our $1.50 quality, special price this week. .(1 3
Our $2.00 quality, special price this week.. .....(1 73
There's a whole summer's comfort ahead for the man or woman rha
bnys Oxfords now. Furthermore, they're the stylish caper. lioreOxfordj
will be worn this season than ever before. No matter what the priceno mat
ter what the style we're ready for you with the largest, finest and swellest
stock of men's,' women's, misses,' and children's Oxfords and Slippers we have
ever been able to show. ; - . -,,.
Misses' and Children's Slippers $1.25, $1.10, $1.00, 90c, 75c and ......... . C3o
Ladies' Oxfords and' Strap Sandals $aOOf C2.50, $2.00, $1.50, $1.25 and....C2o
Men's Oxfords and "Southern Ties, $3.50, $3.00, $2.50, $2.00 and..... ... .(1 73
We carry a fine line of Gro
ceries. These who f buy
Orocerles of us once come
..again. .
Opposite Postoirict, 917-921
O Street,
A Socio-IndividualUI .
Editor Independent: I see by the
wrapper on my Independent that my
subscription is about to expire, and a3
I want to keep informed as to what
the people's party is doing 1 enclose
a money order for one dollar, to "re
new for another year.
I am with you as far as you go, and
feel sure "that you do .not go far
enough, as time will tell, though
probably not during my life,, as I am
almost seventy now, and as the mills
of the gods grind exceeding-slow . as
well as exceeding fine, 1 cannot hope
to see any more revolutions, having
seen and helped to bring about one
the abolition of personal slavery; and
it is too much to expect to see the
abolition of corporation slavery, which
began to be fastened upon the workers
as soon as the laborer was freed from
the personal kind.
And I believe tbo corporation kind
will be wo-se than personal slavery
ever was, for then the master had an
Interest in the life and health of his
slave; but when the coiporatlons have
'the laborer cornered, as they are faat
getting them, and it will be work for
Flunking tU nut ear rUtMrea of aria rttffl
rulilr. liluJM iht woul4 t l rUU4rn
that wouMdii It. 1 hrr U a. conrttluUontl fauta
lor UK Mm U. Huratwrrt, Mot . Haitt
1 . l&J.. rtllMD-l br hosia tfNitinKHwnf
mother. h hu inr. Wrtt ttrriuUy
tf yuur chiuirrn trtmMa you la M war. 1sji t
tlaoiaU. M4. 1b cbatuaa ara It ran t half It
nonoy In Poultry"
tut Vmm wmiu: Bii.i. 1... '
ai(a liiubauii iW i.i it ..
i iwm a4 Maihhi lf u 1.4,"
m. a
w J -
them or starve, then he will be worse
off than he was when he had to "run
when the horn blowed, f as a former
slave told me during the war that his
flrst knowledge of Slavery as a child
was when he saw the colored people
all run when the horn blowed. and
the whites did not.
Men are cheaper than material or so
many iivcis would not be fcacrillced by
our railroads and other corporations
to save a little expense, as is the case
now. " . ' '
As I said before, I am with you, but
you must soon do something. I be
lieve you are honestl striving to ac
complish what is needed to help the
wealth producer secure his share of
what he produces, but will your hon
est labor accomplish anything? I do
not believe socialism, as explained
now, will work; but 1 believe it would
work the destruction of private cor
porations, and that is what is needed,
and 'if the gold democrats nominate
the candidate for president I will vote
for Koosevelt, as the least of two
evils, and afterwards, what little work
I do I will do for the socialists.
I am afraid the people's party has
had its day, and was found wanting,
and it never can become a national
party again. I am willing it should
and hope it will, but I lear your laW
Is "loves kbor lost."
I do not claim to able to
father into the millstone than anyote
t nor farther thar. the one that
plrka It. but 1 thought I saw years
aeo that all b'it pib!.c corporation
must r?aa, ulnce men in control of
iHirporatttms art dttTt rmily from what
they do when Individually Inurwtnl.
and hnr all business must bo done
by tint IndUld.ul or by the nrpra
Hons, and tho latt would mau i
rlallsm. The country reuUi not eit.t isrt
lave and part tm and it cannot t,
ist part corporatibn and part iudivid- f
ual; and whoever younwill likely
live to i see the .abolition , of t private
corporations or socialism! anfl I am
going to work for socialism to accom
plish the former; and once socialism
has destroyed the private corporation
men are not dogs that they will turn
to their vomit again. , f ,
t h:;d. ALBRIGHT.
Watsontown. ra. j
Rods and Ex-Ray Machines
One of the leading firms- of this city
is that of W. C. Shinn, at 322 So. lllh
st. Ho Is manufacturer of Copper Ca
ble Lightning Rods and Static and X
Ray machines. This is the only fac
tory west of Dos ' Moines or in the
state of Nebraska that manufactures
X-Ray machines. , . Many physlclani
who are using this machine pronounce
It far superior to the eastern ma
chines. ;" , j
To Mr. Shinn is also due the credit
of redeeming the Lightning Rod busi
ness through the aid of the indorse,
roents of all the mutual insurance
companies. He has placed this light
nln rod business on an honorable
baxls and It handled on bustncM
principles so that bU boMt mommen
datlons como from the thousanda of
rusfnruTH who Imre bnl hi yt?n of
Copper Cable Llshtnlug Rod a placed
on their, buildings. '
Insurance rompanles havi never
mn fit to Indorse any Arm conducting
this buHlnws except the Brtn of W. C,
Shinn of Uncoln. He is here to stay
for many years, has built his own fae.
tory building and th who do btml
urai with htm will find he Is rMjin
tbli and any acrtiuvnl mad will ba
carrM out to the lttr.
Ills agents are aufhorlml to Imm
prlntvd guarantws on eit-ry building
rodded with this Copper Cable, that
in case of any damage by lightning
that the company wjll refund the price
paid for the rods. This shows that
they understand their business and
have full confidence in the goods they
are selling.
Mr. b'nmn nas proven that there, .a
no argument in the world against the
value of good copper cable lightning
rods properly put on a building by
men who understand their business.
They have proven themselves to be
such, as there has never been, a cent
of damage done to a building protect
ed with this system of rodding.
Their trade mark (WCS) is burned
In on every spool of cable and you
should be very careful to get the gen
uine. .....
Summer Vacstion in Colorado
Low excursion rates this summer
via the Rock Island System. Write
for rates and a beautifully Illustrated
book descriptive of Colorado scenes
and scenery. P. If. Barnes, C. P. A.,
1045 0 st., Lincoln. Neb.
Mr. V. J. Dick man of Maple River
Jet., la., was on the South Omaha
market May 12, with a mixed shipment
of tattle that netted him nearly $H0
more than he expected and he wants
the readers of The Independent to
know that Nye Buchanan Co. sold
thorn for him. Mr, Dlckman has In
about 200 ai res cf corn and ays this
wHk will m over half the punting
tlone In hl vicinity.
T. A. Street, Marshali county, Ala.:
"iopuHsm wtni to be under a cloud,
but lot us hop fnr the imi, us
have a national ticket." (We'll surely
have one. What Is btdtg don to el-t
Alabama's 52 delegate to SpriuiftelJt
Awociate IvJUur.l . -