The independent. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1902-1907, May 19, 1904, Page 10, Image 10

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    MAY 19, 1904. AM
l i
! -
Corruption was just as great or even
greater .in England when the public
franchises were in private hands as it
Lj row in the United States. Since the
public -ownership of municipal utili
ties has become general in that coun
try, a public officer would no more
tMnk of stealing from the public funds
t-an he would of any business house
tad if he did. the same condign pun
ishment would be visited upon him.
Just as long as there are pubric utili
ties in private hands that require the
exercise of governmental functions
for their operation, trie grafting in
this country will never grow less.
Prof ParsOTWsaysln The Arena
that the capture of the government of
New Zealand was the work of the
union at the polls of the small farm
ers, merchants, manufacturers and
workingmenr and the men in small
business of all sorts. That sort of a
combination must be affected in this
country before any reform can be at
tained, and to accomplish it the peo
ple's party was organized.
The ' republican papers are talking
gain about the financial blight and
industrial depression that followed the
election of the last democratic presi
dent. They tell the people that just
audi distress will occur again if the
republicans are ever beaten. There
was a blight and much distress, but
it was caused by the democratic presi
dent continuing the republican poli
cies. : Grover's financial policy was
support d by all the republican lead
ers and Gorman's tariff bill increased
protectiovi. What else could have fol
lowed than financial blight and dis
tress? swvys '
About the most disgusting writing
in the republican papers these days
are the horror, they assume when
speaking of the amount of money that
Hearst Is expending in controlling
conventions. The men who write these
things are the ones who debauched the
whole nation, not only buying con
ventions, but hundreds of thousands
of votes, the press and the pulpit and
everything else that was lor sale.
(Where Hearst has spent a thousand,
they have spent a million for, the
same purposes. .
Tiie French are so delighted to get
rid of the Panama canal by shoving
it onto the hands of the people of the
United' States that it has made Bu-neau-Varilla
a member of the Legion
of Honor. 6uneau was the sprightly
Frenchman that got up a rebellion,
appointed a government, came to
,Washington as . its minister, got his
government recognized by Roosevelt,
sold a strip of Panama to the United
States, for $10,000,000, got $40,000,000
for a worthless ditch ana then skipped
out. For these - performances the
French place hira among the lmmor
; tals.
Iiosewater says: "The Philippine
regulations have Droved to be entire-
, ly satisfactory and most beneficial in
results." Who has been benefited?
Those regjlatiouc have cost the tax-j
payers of the United States something j
over $400,000,000 and what have we
ever got; in return? I he oLher day
two officers and seventeen men were
killed in an ambush by the Moros and
such things are constantly happening,
althoughno display heads are put over
the cablegranuT&nnouncing the facts.
If such a thing had .happened in Man
churia it! would have been announced
in all the papers in big, black-faced
type. Instead of being a benefit the
Philippine business is a constant loss.
The Omaha Credit Bureau is pub
lishing the names of 1,000 delinquents
who hav0 failed to pay their bills. If
the dinner paLls down that way are
full," then the contents have never
been paidfor. The same sort or thing
seems lo be true lt the higher circles,
for Dim and Ilraihtreet do not fail to
remark each week that "collections
are bad," ,
It la said that four of the five Ja
panese admiral a are members of the
Christian church. Thrw of theu an
Presbyterian elders and are firm be
Mover iu 'lho perse vf renew of the
mint:" and dmounce ih Mcthodbt
Idea of "falling from Brace." If they
amdv that Idea to thru naval opera
tion it U no winder that they have
bwn making trouble for the Mutilans.
Colorado in in imh a stat of an
rrh that dor refuse to live thn
1 brat-it tfcudder of Beatrice, Nb.,
wont to Colorado mui ltm URo, UU
lag hi bird dou. Puke, w,lh htm. As
txm m Puke got onto the r-pniduan vaitaM Uhmc a tvtiit&ry uii
Ur In Tellurite and tho dmnvratSc
vay of stuffing ballot iue in ln
IV.T W W WWW W W W W W w w W w
yi jL jC JC jC JC jC Jil
TUie Red Feather Hat I
The greatest Soft Hat
novelty of the season.
Every man and young
man should have one.
X A $2.00 HAT FOR $1.20.
The wearer of the "Red Feather" Hat inay
have a new style soft hat every day for 20
j days at a cost of 6 cents per day.
C Our "Red Feather" Hat circular will be
mailed tree to all wno request it. xne cir
j cular shows how to make twenty styles, each
Q and every one distinct, out of this one style. jf
rm,A ; ei on &
M WHAT THE RED rcA l nbiK HAT lb.
It's a fine soft hat made from high grade fur p
K ,1 K ' I .n.I I n. Ill tI 111 UC111K i n. m. r. 1UUU VA.lkJ U
WWW. . -
)j styles. Aside from this peculiar feature the
hat itself has many other things to recommend K
it.- First, it's a style most becoming to men of
s$ all ages. Second, it cbmes in any and all J
1 shades, such as black, gray, side and belly
Third, hats of eaual aualitv are frequently
( . , -
ftnlH at S2:00 and 82.50. The Hat is a won-
vj VXVA rrv.ww " .- "
Q Ider and should be seen. Write today for
0 'Red Feather" Hat circular. It's mailed free,
s M fflSli
. . . ... ... . ...
; . ' ' . I :
Ctl j Tl O 7
..0 tottaiigCa,
1221 to 1227 0 ST.. LINCOLN, NEB.
v. 11
vor, he ttruek out for tl.o land or lib
erty in Ne.ii wnro he had bca
raUfd. l.ant week h came Into the
ladiN'k hottd iu itric handy able
to walk. HI condition fchowed that
he. being nnablo to mi a had
walked the whole wny
Th Denver New, wnlch wm "dal
uw" that If lh Cuban treaty as
m, -od tul thu 'tn'ft Ji!Hr Industry
would rutnV n w u' ttut
"there ha tn an Inerrwe tn the
number of txtl iugar faeiorlca ttt the
United Htatc from 24 at this clone of
1102 to 63 at tbe benlnnlni; ot ls0l,"
livery dollar o( the ditt of the Mtato
of Nebraska w: created by republl
ian. Not a dollar of it i the result
of "th Brours of iKipulUm." '1 he
fail U that durlkg t'ae ithort time
that th HjullsU httld tho Koverntnt'iit
ttu-y iid off $uTI,iJ:t.lO of the riub
lican inail d'lt
The ruan who built th Tomb U
now a prisoner within hit wall and
the dvltitlva a ho liutilukd tha Uer
ttlion mpa-Hurementa In tnla country U
a primmer chargwl with einbesxle
meat and hi nicanurement i part ot
the ixdlca record f tha couutry.
If orsanUed labor would unlta at
the ballot box. it could nocurw not
at on elrx ttun than In a hundred
year uf Ktrtke.
The latent Information I t the ef
(eel that thrre will b pn mr Ileamt
booming, lear ba been mad aa4
th tupptlea cut off.