THE NEBRASKA INDEPENDENT APRIL 21, 1904. 9 Third Week of the Great Sale of Sample Silk Bolts. 9 0 The Reliable Store The Reliable Store. WE PURCHASED ANOTHER IMMENSE LOT AS FOLLOWING TELEORAH EXPLAINS: toy lap TELEGRAM NEW YORK, April 11, 1904. II A YPEN BROS., OMAHA., . L . ' , , , . Your spot cr sh offer for balance of silk bolts, 500 in all, accepted. Have expressed same today. Yours, HART, VAJM JNUSTOli fc UU. This is the greatest sale of silks ever held in .this western country. Each day adds to its impetus and the force - i. 1 ; .....unlink Knlo!nQ a C( 1 7 fplfr in narlv everv home. pvtdAa. pppopi p EXTRA SELLING SPACE EXTRAORDINARY BARGAINS Cmni. hnHa RJlks for the new shirt waist suits, worth $1, on sale 49o Sample bolts Silks for the new shirt waist suits, worth H, on sale; 58c Sample bolts Silks for the new shirt waist suits, worth 11.25, on sale. . . 69c ' Sample bolts Silks for the new shirt waist suits, worth $1.25, on sale. . . . -75c ' Sample bolts Silks for the new shirt waist suits, worth $1.50, on sale. ... -98c Sample bolts Crepe de Chine, black and colors, 24 inche3 wide, worth 11.00, on sale.... .' t;. ....... 5C n i. L.ii. n. JofUno Klnplr rmlv 40 infrhfiS wide. Worth $2.50. on sale . . W a Sample bolts embroidered and printed Imported PoDgee, worth $1.75 on sale Q9o Sample bolts 27-inch plain natural Domestic Pongee, worth $1.25, sale.-. .5c Sample bolts 36-inch crash natural Domestic Pongee, worth $1.25, sale. . ,58c Sample bolts pure white and cream Pongee, 24-in., worth $1.25, on sale. ,75c Sample bolts white Swiss Habutia, waterproof, worth $2.00, on sale 98c Sample bolts black Peau de Soie, 20 in. wide, worth $1.00, on sale ...... .58c Sample bolts black Peau de Soie, 38 in. wide, worth $2.50, on sale 45 Sample bolts black Peau de Cygne, 27 in. wide, worth $2, on sale. . . .,,..980 Sample bolts black Pongee Silk, 3G in. wide, worth $2, on sale ....... 980. 200 Sample Silk Bolts, including silks of every description, kind and color yard wide white wash silks, yard wide black wash silks, guaranteed black taffetas, colored taffetas, fancy silks of all kinds, brocades, plains this season's best and latest silks. Some worth $1, $1.25, 11.50, $1.75 and up to 2.50 in two lots, at G9c and 49c Darwin's theory of the survival of the fittest truly exemplified in the ey" olution of the silk industry. RAW SILK was first made by the Chinese about 150 B. C. It was first brought from India to Europe in 274 and was worth its weight in gold. Rilk was introduced into Europe by some monks in 550. Silk dresses were first worn in Paris in 1455. , Winslow Taffeta was first made in 1895 in United State of America. The silk that will beat it has yet to be invented. 1IAYDEN BROS, are the Omaha agents. High Grade Dress Goods The Leading Dress Goods House in the West. ' THIS WEEK'S SPECIALS All shades and black all wool Al batross, 33 iu. wide, at... v39c ' Black, blue and brown 54 in. Mo 'hair Sicilian, at... V..49c Black and blue 54-in. Cravenetted Sicilian, at.... 75c TRUE SUIT ECONOMY. Is exemplified in the wonderfully low prices wo are makingon Women's Spring thusiastic over the handsome line of goods shown and the extreme lowness of prices. Our Half Price Sale Will continue with just a. good bargains as those .formerly offered. ,3e sura to send an order and secure your suit before the line is brken. STOP! CONSIDER! at 45-in Lupin's Voiles and Crepe de Paris, in all the new shades, our $1.50 quality, for ; . . .-98c Brown mixed, blue mixed, green Mntmirs in little flaked effects, the latest weaves on the market, regular quality, reduced to 69 45 in. Fancy Voiles, in black and colors, our $1.08 quality, for n 39 P4 in. Priestley's Cravennetied Sicilian the $2.00 quality for ..$149 Women's Suits in military, eton and all other new nobby styles, made of the very finest materials, taffeta, lined coats elaborately trimmed, made to sell at $22.50, special sale price ..-.$10 00 Listen again! Women's fine Suits, made of imported fabrics in the most ex treme styles, suits that commend them selves to the very best dressers, high crade in every respect! made to" sell for $27.50 and $30.00, special sale price $14 90 Skirt Prices Shattered. Women's and misses' Skirts in walk ing and dress lengths in Etamines and fancy mixed fabrics, niade to 1 sell for $5.G0,at... k.-.:.32 77 Women's and misses' Rainy Day Skirts in plain blacks browns, blue and mix tures, ten different styles for your selec tion, mado to sell at 16.50, choice..-.....;.....: ........ $3 77 Women's Walking Skirts, the very fin est garments made, come in fancy mix tures and plain colors,- $10.00 values at .....$4 77 $12.00 values, trimmed with several rows of Taffeta bands, . special at $6 77 Slo.OO values, with hanasome - silk drop $8 77 Eicentionallv fine Voile Skirts at $12.v0, $15.00 and $20.00. Women's Coat Prices Not Spared. Women's Silk Coats at ..:...t3 90 Women a Cravenetto Coats SPECIM. SUE Fine VJ ash ORDER! $5 004 Women's Costs in tan and black Covert cloth, satin lined throughout, madeto sell at $12.00, special at. ..$7 50 Women's Silk Coats in rive ditierent styles, greatest bargain ever shown at $5 00 Women's Pongee Coats, trimmed with straps and bullet buttons, each 83 WJ Now for the worst kind of Price Wreckage, WAISTS WAISTS WAISTS More waists than all the rest combined. Women's lawn and vesting Waists, all new styles, worth $1.00 at 5UC . Waists in linens, lawns, organdies, worth up to $2.50, the greatest bargain ever shown, at 89c $4.00 Women's Waists in white and colored linens, lawns and organdies,' your choice $1 50 Women's Waists in Japs, China and Taffeta Silks, all colors and black, worth up to ?0.00, choice. ....... $3 95 OTHER PRICE SPECIALS Women's Crepe Kimonas in all colors, satin trimmed, worth $2.00, at. . .$1 00 $2.00 Women's Moreen Underskirts .$1 00 $2 Children's Spring Coats, braid trimmed, all color, al... $1 OO $1.50 Women'rf Percale Wrappers at $1 00 11.00 Mercerized underskirts at 59o Goods Fine Steen (mercerized) for shirt waist suits yard . . .' 15c Fine Wash Voiles in all colors, also black or white yard ? 15o Fine Silk Organdie in handsome de signs yard "25c Pongee, 36 in wide, silk and linen, tan and champagne shades regular $1.25 fabric yard..... 75p Pongee, silk warp and silk embroid ered, 27-in. wide, worth 75c at yard 49c Fine Waistingp, white and colored, worth 25c to 50c yard, full pattern of 3 yards pattern ..(5t)c White Batiste, chiffon finish, 15 in. wide, worth 50c yard.... ....29c We have now on display the great est assortment of all that is new and handsome in Wash Suiting Fabrics; of anything in wash fabrics that is dependable and strictly new and sea sonable can be had in this depart ment and priced always 1o MEET THE APPROVAL OF WELL IN FORMED BUYERS. TELIABLE GROCERIES AT WHOLESALE PRICES. The only house in the west that retails groceries at wholesale prices to the consumer. l'um cane eraoulaled sugar, per I crackers, per lb Co f Fancy irg.n.a ratpbwie. lb. . . . 10c lUnS . . ..$1.75 Choice Kulid packed tomatoe. Fancy Moor Park apriooU, lb.... 12ic 100 ban laundry soap In box, any brand Fancy hand picked navy bean, iwr ih. ....... . '.. Fancy Parl tapioca. ago, horn- ioyor farina, per lb 3c (loud Jpo rice, per lb .lie j gallon can pure table yrup, . .Ho 7 lb. boies bt macaroni 5o Tall can fancy Alaska almon...lOc Vitfor, Vim, Malta Vita. Kk'gO 8o or Nutrilia, fr package. . . jc Fancy fh.cripi?ingr nai,lb..CJ The t hU, oj.Ut, buttrr or 100 3Jc 3 lb. cans 7c 3-lb. can Boston baked beana....7ic 3 lb. can lye, hominy, or Califor nia ntqua4... 7ic 2 lb caort fancy wax or airing ban7io '.Mb. cann early June sifted I. .BJc H HUH I. DUILI1 I kl IT I'ktCI S Large California prunes, nr b....le Fancy French black prune, fx-r lh. ii0 Fancy Italian black prune-, per lb.Hic Choice California cached, per lb, 7fe Fancy New York pie, lb..;(c Fancy Cnlifornl grape, per H... ,7ic Fancy Virginia Idackberrit, th...7tc Fancy Cal. Bartlett pears I2jc kl LIAULU Tt'A AM) COPFI l! I'klCUS Choice Santou coffee, per lb 12tc Fancy (iolden coffee, per lb. ...... 15a U. II. C. Mocha and Java po- cial, per lb 17o (Irxxl Drink, English Ilreakfant, l!et Jafan, Oolong, tlunjowder or Young llyon tea, er 4li ,.3Hc Choic lea wftlng from Uvnh teai, per lb.,,. ,,...,.,..,. .,,,,,,ljc SenJ U4 your orderwe'll da the ret. Flannel Dept. 12Jc Drapery Cretonne, at, yard ..12C 8Jc 30 inch wide, Cotton Flannel, at, yard 4o 12ic Shaker Flannel, at, yard 83 ic 15c Woodland Cheviot, at, yard 10c 20c Feather Ticking, t, yard .....13c Bed Spreads 90c White Honeycomb Ued Spreads, handsome Marseilles patterns, hem med ready for use, full tUe, each G5c $1.10 extra heavy White Honeycomb tied Spreads, made from double tvrlnted yarns, very large ize, beau. tiful pa'tern. hemmed reaJy for ue, oaeh.... 89o White Fringed Ued Spread-, Marseillei pattern, with heavy knotted fringe atd eitra Urge site, fch 980 12 f Whit Fringed lUd Hprrada, Marmillf pattern, with heavy knotted fringe, cut corner, eitra large Ue, vch It 35 The tfulv econotnical buver l.V not fur the cheapest g-U bul rather for Ihe bent good at the l-Mt price. . Huch god yo will And at The llii Stjre. We 11 n-unlng Iiul oclmUKia injrcnnui!a anti ii.wrr pru' iun au ynr uw --'' v... - - - anif H'fect taViafacUoo or your money back, including all tranptrUtioa charge. ttlwya HAYDEN BROTH ERS Omtha, lletfaskj.