The independent. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1902-1907, April 21, 1904, Page 3, Image 3

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    APRIL 21, 1904.
come here under the republican ' re
deemers." , -Gen.
Daniels has this book for sale
at 25 cents a copy or ?2 a dozen. He
offers" to donate a dozen of them to
the Old Guard. I should advise Old
Guards who can afford it to buy a
copy direct from the author; add ess
Gen. Percy Daniel Girard, Kas.
Those who would like the book, but
do not feel able to buy it up to It
persons in all may make application
here for a copy.
The populists of Custer county,
Neb., never do things by halves. Thty
are fighters and workers. I learn from
The Beacon that the second meeting
of the Vanguard of Populism of Cus
ter county was a very enthusiastic
one. President Headley announced
precinct organizers as follows: ,
Algernon: M. L. Lamb and Hugh
Ansley: J. F. Russell and E. A.
C. F. Holiday and vvni.
dependent will persevere in its high
estimate of Mr. Watson as we do, and
give heed to his counsel. Mr. Watson
is a very bright and a very brave
man." To be sure he is; but Mr. Wat
son has given no such "counsel as
Mr. Corcoran would have us inter.
Mr. Watson's counsel was that there
never was a better time for making
a "straight, fearless fight on both the
old parties. By all means make the
effort" His Indorsement or. Hearst is
a personal matter and contains no
"counsel" to Watson admirers. The
ndenendent has a hie.h regard for
Dan Corcoran, for example, but that
does not bind it to entertain the same
for all his friends.
J. B. Brown and W. H.
E. Taylor and H. J.
Broken Bow
Kilfoil: Ed Foley, A. C. Towle and
J. J. Downey.
Custer: G. W. Headley, D. W.
Lanterman and Moses Peacock.
Douglas Grove: J. T. Arthur.
Elk Creek: Hans Arp.
Garfield: G. -W. Greenwalt. ;
Hayes: W. 0. Robinson.
Lillian: Jas Abernalby and Still
man Gates.
Loup: Harve Brown ' and J. N.
Myrtle: E. C. Graham and Jos.
Murray. -
Sargent: Jacob Geise, W. P. Hig
gins and A. B. Hartly. "
Triumph: J. G'Schwind.
Victoria: 3.3. Tooley, C. T. Orr.
Westerville: M. E. Harris, R. J.
Mills and A. Allen.
West Union: Geo. Marsh, Wm.
. Wayne: 0. Johnson.
. Wood River: J. W. Conley. ,
, At the close of the meeting many of
those present came forward and
signed the roll of the Old Guard.
Dan Corcoran of the York Demo
Wnr seems much concerned because.
as he avers, "The Independent is
wrestling with a very emnarrassing
situation on account oi Tom war.
son's Indorsement of Hearst. "We
, hope,"- concludes Dan, "that The In
By the Great Specialist in Treatin;
Heart Disease, Franklin Miles,
M. D., LL. B.
Will Send $3-75 Worth of His Per
sonal Treatment Free as a Trial.
::- To demonstrate the unusual cura
tive powers of his new and complete
special treatments by mail for heart
1 disease, short breath, pam in the side,
oppression in . the - chest, irregu'or
pulse, palpitation, smothering spells,
pufflug of the ankles, or dropsy, Dr.
iMiina will send S3. 75-worth free as a
4 & V J
trial, to n.11 who mention this paper.
His treatments are the result ot
twenty-five years of careful study, ex
tensive research, and remarkable ex
iorimii'n In trpqtinsr the various aii
ments of the heart, stomach and
hlch so often complicate
'each' eae. So astonishing. are the re
sults of hi3 complete special treat
ments that h does not hesitate to of
fer all nersons h trial fire.
Nothing could; bo more liberal. I ev
ihv.Hi,nns have Bin1!! confidence in
their .remedies. There is uo reason
whv all afflicted lxrnous should no
'! il themselves of thin exceedingly
liberal offer, a? they may never late
another such opportunity. No thila
comcH a suddenly m that from heat
5!r A. Kronrk. of Honitnifton, "Int., wm
fiifiit ltrf iMrtv uin l4l!.-.- Mr Horn
tirn'1' r, l Hrl'tt'h iiU ., an. r iwrnty-tMo:
Jauu li. Wullc, III Illttl i lnT, ll r ' t
i..t uriiittiurtiH'il him liiiMiMit'li' Mm, r'rmik
in Hit, iil tiliMifx, alter UM' ttHi'ttiiit (It tt tain
tMt iO-t ImruisMr, Julitit keMvr, wit i.t-'ttgu.
kCvrtvU. Mr. K. 1'mkcr, iui uu.nui:,..
A thousand iv fere nn to. and lw
tlinonlaU from 111 shoo. ClerKJ men.
junkcm, Ftruicr. and their wha
will Ih unt free upon request,
Send at once for free examination
bank. Heart Hook and In ti.u
me lit bfor It U ttn hte, AddiCwN
Franklin Mile. M. . l.U It , Cirain
pmpe unary, sua 10 ;ai siai b. tai
rsrti 111.
rieamt) m-nt Ion Tli lndpenj?nt tu
uur rciijr.
The Fairbury Journal is urging the
populists of Jefferson county to aban
don their organization, and assist in
electing delegates to the democratic
state convention. The Independent
will watch with some interest the
Journal's effort. .
Silas A. Holcomb is mentioned as
the candidate for governor that will
side-track the .Mickey train. This pa
per will do what it can for Holcomb.
A. L. Taylor, in Trenton Leader.
Alfred Pont of the Stanton Regis
ter nominates C. J. Smyth, M. F.
Harrington, Judge Howard of Colum
bus,- Attorney Manahan of Lincom
and ex-Congressman Stark, to pre
pare the draft of a new revenue law
for campaign purposes. Good idea;
but it might not be a bad notion to
suggest a legislature that could re
frain from appropriating 3 3-4 mil
lions for two years' expenses as the
last bunch of redeemers did; an
amount, by the way, nearly a mi!
lion and a half greater than was ap
propriated by the legislature of 189V .
The Albion Argus. March 25,. be
gan the 29th year of its existence, the
past 'six years tinder tne guidance of
D. J. Poynter. Bro. P. nas made tne
Argus a good paper and he. has kept
the populist faith throughout.
Wert L. Kirk of the People's News,
Creighton, publishes the populist ad
dress and mentions the call for na
tional convention at Springfleld.
If the people's independent party
has a desire to elect; a governor for
the great state of Nebraska, they
should at once urge the name of Hon
R; D. Sutherland, of Nelson, or Judge
Adams of Minden, for the nomina
tion. Two cleaner or better men can
not be found, either of which can be
elected if proper attention Is given
to it and it is time to act. Geo. L.
Brown in Public Journal, Hastings.
The Valentine Democrot is saying
nice things about Judge Alton B.
The Schuyler Quill reprints Chair
man Edmls(:en's organization appeal.
Edsar. Ho ward says: "People who
sow the railroad wind must expect to
reaD the railroad whirlwind. And Ne
braska has a railroad cyclone com
ing." And Edgar has it sized up about
FTellol'Mr. Stallion Buyer! -Qtt ntxt to lam." He has hia competitors and buyen on the
run. They are hearted lor lam'i Barns. His "Swell Black Boys" please an norsemen. isms
Stallions are sure "Peaches and Cream." lams hypnotizes his many buyers with "Jensatlewal '
SUItloot at "live and let live prices." Owing to bad crps in France, lams bought his horses at
ruinously low prices for f pot Cash. cm
ii you wm visit laws ana pay casn or give a Danaame noie, you wm suro uuy iuvu,
lams sells them, and all must positively be sold. lams Stallions won the Sweepstake and hrst
prizes in their classes at Nebraska 1903 State Fair. (Had a walk-away). Then lams kept out or
the show ring his largest and choicest two, three and lour-year-olds. Showed Done ot his Special
Train ol 100 Stallions received August 2Hrd, 1903. They are all in the pink of condition, lie has
Uold Medal winners Irom France, lielglum ana uermany at ou cenis on uie uuuar. aucj o u
Visitors and buyers throne his barn and say: Hello, I'm from Illinois. I'm Ely from Mis
souri. Say, lam has the be st horse show I ever sew. Yes; see those lour 2,000-Ib. two-year-oios.
Isms Is a hot advertiser, but he has horses better than he advertises. Hello, Mr., I'm rrora jowa.
I'm Zeka lrom Ohio. Sav. this is the best string of Stallions I ever saw; they are surep achea
and cream. See those six 2,'iOO-lb. three-year-olds all alike too. Zeke, they are sure "the wiaa-
as-a-weron" sort, flother, look, thU is lams' great show of horses. Uis are au uiaca
and big ton fellows. He always has the best. Saraanthy, hers is lams' shjw herd, fcveryhodjr
wants to see his horses. We came from California to see lams' 5,100-lb. pair of stallions. That
them; better than the pictures. Tbey ar3 sure the greatest pair in the U. & Yes, and wortn
going 2,000 miles to see. nello, Louie, here is isms' 3,400-10. aweepsiaicee t-ercncrn
over all. He is a "Hummer!" Say, "Doc." I don't wonder at hi competitors wanting this horse
barred out of show rins. He is a sure winner anywhere lams always has good ones and in
shape. Hello, Hob; see those Illinois men buying that 2.200-lb. three-year-old, a "tppnotcher at
l,V00 much better than twenty ot my neighbors gave 1,(XK) lor. Kitty, see those tinecoachenor
lams'. Ueorgie, dear, they are lovely; tney can iook into ioe seconu-siury wiuuuw.
high, live "whirlwinds.' Yes, Kitty, lams has mora reglsteied dralt and coach Stallions
any man In the U. 5., and all good ones. Qcorgle dear, buy your nest stauion 01 lame.
horses are much better ihun the one you paia tnose unio men 94,000 ior, auu lamiuui
and Jl,600 lor "toppers." lams has reserved ior spring uaue,
117 Black Perctierons, Belgians and Goactiers 117
90 per cent blacks; 50 per cent ton horses-lams speaks the languages, buys direct from breeders,
pays no buyer, salesmen or Interpreters. Has no three to ten men as partners to share profits
with. Ills twenty. two years successful business makes him a safe man to do business with,
lams guarantees to sell you a better stallion at $1,000 and $1,400 than are being sold to stock
companies lor 82,500 to $1,000 by slick salesmen, or pay your faro and $35 Pr day for tronDie j u
.v. , 4. 1 . - u.... iraiirht anri hnvpra1 irp. vlvis fio DBr cent breeding
OCC til III, jruu Ul Jll 1 1 U III ymjm livl. . " ft " " - - D ' i
guaiantee. Write for eye opener and finest catalog on earth.
Kelerences: St. Paul State JBank, First state nanK ana uwzeng- wauouai uaua.
"We are continced it docs not pay
to have an issue of ideas or pnr
ciDles against the republican party,
savs Dan Corcoran in a column edi
torial In the York Democrat, conclud
ing that "if Mr. Hearst is nominated
and he sits back grave and stolid,
like the imnerturable Urover. am
nulctlv uses his money to organize
and scatter his literature broadcast
over the land, and the republicans
waee a bitter warfare' or persona
abuse and vi'lification upon him as
thev are now preparing to do, they
will wake tip the morning after the
election to fina that their strenuous
and spectacular Theodore has lost his
ppur.V It would seem that Dan ought
to be in the Parker bana-wagou
There's your- "grave, stolid ami im-
iH'rturahle" cainlldate. Parker dots
not even have a Ilrlabane to say
thine which misht Injure the
chance of winning by stirring up
The Kearney New Kra-Htandard re
print Chairman Kilmistrn's organi-
zfttlon apiH-al.
Cliarlle Wahlqulst (f the IVmociat
Hunt In rH-ently had ft pam be
cause "thosfl 'loyal old iMtpuUsts, Ja
I'Ailvff uni J. II. IMmiatcn. have
Joined In a call for a national popuhs
cotui'iiilon. July I. at Spiinsfleld, 111.
Intimating that It is done "to make l
lmpw;ll.l for Mr. Ilryan and h.
friend lo lontrol the dtuuxraUc roii
tentlon at St. I oula." Why bU
your d-ar sou I. Chartl', both Jo r.
Ilarley nr evincing a uriat deal o
M miration fur tlu princely llcarsi
an l a Mr. Hryan and hU frit-nl irem
J to be very much tutermtrj la tho iu,
525 To The Pacific Coast
Daily March ist to April 3oth 1904, Lincoln to
Portland, Tacoma.Seattle, San Franeisco,Lo3 Angeles and San Diego $25.00
Spokane, Ellinsburg and Wanatchee 122.50.
Salt Lake, Butte and Helena $20.00. Billings 115.00.
n .1
City Tlcktt Office
Cor. 10th and OStreeU
. Telephone No. 235. '
Burlington Dsp:t
7th St., bet P aad Q
Tel. Burlington 1290
m 11 m 1 niiun mm
And All rif- n A?ltl
Kinds riKI.U UUU UlUlww
I IOI to 1117 West 8th. Near Santa Fe St.. KANSAS CITY. MO.
firT runni irC Dovetailed, Ferguson, Langstroth and Alter v
Vl4U 1 UlUV veiIg Send for free catalog. Bees wax Wanted
103 SO. nth St., ; LINCOLN, NEBRASKA.
cess of the millionaire editor's cam
paign, you must have pulled the hair
trigger a bit too soon.
"Is ex-Senator Wm. V. Allen of
Nebraska hi? enough ior president, '
aaks John A. Parker in the Frankliu
Sentinel. Yes. from every standpoint.
Hut he has no inherited millions wim
which to make a rampaigu-and
probably wouldn't think of buying uo
presidency, if he had:
The expected has happened. A
bom has been started lor Chief Jus
tice Holcomb fr governor, and it he
I nominated Mickey's defeat U cer
tain. Alfred Tout, In Stanton
The populist a of Custer county have
called t hir i-ounty nominating
vcntlon to be held at UroKen IkAv,
June. J.
gument to prove that he is a dunilj
animal. Dan Corcoran, m York Dem
ocrat. . Dannie, old boy, have you
heard from New York?
The Hamilton (Tex.) Journal-Newa
reprints Watson's letter to Judgo Williams.
The Cantor County lleseoii leprlnif
IMmHtcn ori:anlxatlou letter and
Cot. Foluf r i.rt.
The l't. Morcan WoUx) IteraKJ re
print Chairman KdmUten'n organl
latloti Irttvr.
Ju.le I'afker may I etaftly
a dark horse, but it reiptlret no ar
L. P. Fowler. San Antonio, Tex., In
an excellent letter to the Southern
Mercury, urges the Texas populist pa
pers to keep, ringing the -changes on
the fact that national, state and coun
ty 'tickets will be placed in the field
this j ear by the people' party. t!ood
There ought to be some way of ptifh
li,: the circulation f the Ft. Morgan
Herald In Colorado. James Flaunlcen,
the editor. In making it worthy of a
wide circulation among Colorado pop
utiits. Th issue of April S contains
th.H national rail an t ad ire Cot,
Keller' report, Tvm WtMn'a letter
to Jude Wtlliini and a number of
other pertlneat artkle.
Calahan county, TeiAi, popalUU
hr) 1 m nthtislatto mevtlnf at tha
county aeat on March 2-1 and arranged
for tmu work by electing th ful
lowltiff otnerra: J. 6. Uuiuiu ot rut
nam wa madti county chairman (or