.11 16 THE NEBRASKA INDEPENDENT APRIL 21;. 1904. -fnl TiT lb lyj uL i I : 5 55 (J- 4 4 &3 O r- Vitaj-Ore points the way for storm-tossed sufferers to a haven of Health and Comfort. If you have been drifting in a sea of sickness and disease, toward the-rocks and shoals of Chronic Invalidism, Port your helm ere it be too late, take heed to the message of Hope and Safety which it flashes to you; stop drifting about in a helpless, undecided manner, first on one course and then another, but begin the proper treatment immediately and reach the goal you are seeking by the route so many have traveled with success. Every person who has used Vitae-Ore is willing to act as a pilot for you; each knows the way from hav ing followed it; attend their advice, follow the light and be cured as they have. Can you afford to disregard it? READ OUR SPECIAL OFFER TO READERS OF THE NEBRASKA INDEPENDENT. You Are to be the Judge! SENT ON 30 DAYS' TRIAL. By Mail, Postpaid. Read This Offer. WE WILL SEND to every worthy person who writes us, mentioning THE NEBRASKA INDEPEN DENT, full sized One Dollar package of V1TE ORE, by mail, postpaid, sufficient for one month's treat-' ment, to be paid for within one month's time after receipt, if the receiver can truthfully say that its use has done him or her more good than all the drugs and dopes of quacks or good doctors or patent medicines he or she has ever used. Read this over again carefully, and understand that we ask our pay only when It has done you good and not before. We take all the risk;, you havenothing to lose, If it does not benefit you you pay us nothing. Vltae-Ore is a natural, hard, adamantine, rock-like substance mineral Ore mined from the ground like gold and silver, and requires about twenty years for oxidization. It is a geo- logical discovery, to which there is nothing added or taken from. It is the marvel of the century for curing dis ease, as thousands testify, and as no one, answering this, writing for a package,, will deny after using, Vitae-Ore will do the same for you as it has for hundreds of readers of The Neb. Independent, if you will give it a trial. Send for a $1 package at our risk. You have nothing to lose if the medicine does not benefit you. We want no one's money whom Vitae-Ore cannot benefit. You are to be the judgel Can anything be more fair? What sensible person, no matter how prejudiced he or she may be, who desires a cure and is willing to pay for it, would hesitate to try Vitae-Ore on this liberal offer? One pack age is usually sufficient to cure ordinary cases; two or three for chronic, obstinate cases. We mean just what wesay in this announcement, and will do just as we agree. Write ' today for a package at our risk and expense, giving your age and ailments, and mention The Nebraska Independent, so we may know that you are entitled to this liberal offer. You Are to Be the Judge! Vifao Dro isa natural product -as natural as the sunshine, the air lIlGo'Ulu you breathe, the water you drink or the food you eat. It Is n God-made remedy, containing Iron, sulphur and magnesia as made In Nature's laboratory, and supplies to the body those elements which are lacking in disease and restores all the bodily organs to a normal, healthy condition. You Are to Be the Judge! !Iaq f)ro Is a natural Mineral Spring In concentrated form. One I II ue'UI C package is equal in medicinal strength and curative value to 00 gallons of the most powerful, efficacious mineral water drank fresh from the springs. It is the most potent and powerful antseptic constitutional tonic, blood, brawn and brain builder, flesh maker and neaun restorative ever uiseoverea. It gives tone to the system . and im parts new-life, strength and vitality. It is a germ destroyer, system lorti fier, and kills the nidus of the disease. "JUST THINK OF IF Was Using Four Different Adver . tised Specific Remedies NO HELP UNTIL V1TVE-ORE CALLED IN WAS I received a trial package of Vitae-Ore some three months age, having answered " and ac cepted tire thirty-day trial offer which ap peared in my paper, and it is from this duy that I date my return to health. I have used K continuously since that time with the fol lowing result: I now feel stronger than 1 have at an v time for five years. I can eat a variety of foods without in convenience or sufl'ering. I can walk five times as far and faster without losing my breath than I could before I commenced its The head noises have ceased: the back ache is gone; the nervous constriction 5f the bowels is entirely cured; I am not troubled with Constipation any more, althouuh for merly I had to take a dose of salts every morning; in fact, it 1s simply marvelous what Vil-Ore has done for me. I was taking a root medicine for my kidneys, nervine for my nerves, nerve and liver pills for my liver, and heart cure for my heart (just think of it) and still I could not He on my leftside with out a pain in my heurt. I used to bloat and the pain in my back made me miserable, but thank God for Inducing me to read through the Vitae-Ore advertisement. I have now discarded every other medicine bvit V. O., and am letting God's' natural mineral cure me and am nearer a pertectly healthy woman than 1 have been for sir years past. LOVINA PETERSON, Slatington, Cal. How can you refuse to give it a trial alter reading suchr' nging testimony? If you need the treatment it is a sin and a shame If you do not! ' use. A Certain and Never Failing Cure For - Rheumatism, Itrlglit'i Dine as and Dropsy, La Grippe. Bloed Pelioning, Sore aad Ulcers, Malarial Fever, Nervous Prostra tion and Anaemia, Liver, Kidney and Bladder Trouble, Catarrh of Any Tart, Female Complaint, Stomach and Bowel D It order, General Debility. OLl PEOPLE For t h e aged there 1 nothing better than Vitie Ore. The loss ot uppttitr and general break ing down of the digestive or gan is delayed, the blood purified and enriched, the vttat organ are strengthened and a peaceful old age may be enjoyed by the me of this great natural remedy wltaout drug. YOU ARE TO BE THE JUDGE! V'Ikq frfl strikes the disease at Its llaC'UI C root, entirely eradicates every vestige or trace and the patient is cured to stay cured. As a blood 1'urltler it is without a peer. No other remedy can equal it. Supplies nature with elements to build health in diseased bodies. It isthe idea ltonlc lor Weak aak.Anaeuilc Men and Women. Its use makes the watery, Impoverished blood become strong and virile, and as it comes through the veins imparts the color ol health to the face, a sparkle to the eye and strength and vigor to the system. When Yitfr-Ore lias done its woik you will feci like a new being. - YOU ARE TO BE THE JUD6E on afflicted with any of the Innumerable dl- ease which are so common and pre valent among your ex' We cannot mention them in this small space.but let us assure you that Vtt Ore lit the true Itnluiof Gllead" to every suf ferer and the manv di-u-ased condl- tradlcated iy tue uo Women trr . th.n which unnt outfit lor me lull rnjovmrnt ot invalid Itidutle my ue at once aiievmuu aim pemisniniiy of Ibi wonderful remedy. You Are To Be The Judge H.. Are fou amiiled with any of the rtl"' peculiar to men? Hare you in innranrr wrongeu ana Miei yonr iwti inm .All .J... i .ii.iu. ... ...ii.rf .1.1. iii. i. kin,, ti.u uii.i r.r ati.l Km iif mi Hi? AiNwe evervllilnv else troll nl lli.lr. mil itinciiiiu iimiiti air h.rvuki .-.fimt .. . w ' r th' condition It fruvr lo be a powerful l.-ule. a reviver, a TiUlUer. ff tortr. wee-winner, n m noi a lumpurary wiuuiaui, build up irorn the bottom by puttliti eat l orn, tlue, muscle and ligament la a healthy condition, Cured of Catarrh of Stomach and Bowels Suffered for ilany Years The Trial Treatment Pointed the Way and a Complete Cure Followed f, but Re&dWhat This Worthy Blacksmith S&ys of Vitae-Ore I was a great sufferer from Catarrh of the Bowels for a number of years. After using many different kinds of medicine, in lact everything that was recommended to me, f aimosi lost all bope of ever getting any betteruntilthe 'Iheo. Noel Co.. of Chicago sent mc a trial package of Vitw-Ore. After only a lew days' use my hopes ola com-1 plete earn were again revived,' the chungc being io prompt and j- iiiiniumaie. i i ii 1 1 i used atxint flv.. package of Vlia-Ore and through thl mel-. kliie am now airaln able to wield the sledge hammer and shoe horse ami do my black smith work a lu years when I wa younger, My stomach and bowels arc better than thc.v have been for thirty years pnm and it Is ail due to Vltie-Ore. I can connclentlonsly and truly reeuinmend Yltre-Ore loall pcronouf ferlnu Iront Catarrh of the Momeh and bowel, and would consider mvwlf, Indeed selfish did i noi write and tell what It ha done lor me, io that other may l cured at t have teen. HIIUM c. loWKl.l Center, ind. You Are To Be The Judge NOT A PENNY UNLESS BENEFITED. IfT Tbi otTft' will challrnev the ittcntiun and contidf ration, and aftrwrdi th gratitude of every living pnrnon who drire Iwtter health or who ufTer a, ill, ind diricaut which haf dr-llml the medical world and grown woro with age. We care not for your nkfpticiim, but ink only your Investigation, and t our iin', regardless of whst ill you have, by wnJing to m for a packnge. Addrtae TH EO. Independent Dept., Vltrc-Ore Building:. NOEL CO Chicago, Illinois. r ,1 a