The independent. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1902-1907, April 21, 1904, Page 15, Image 15

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One or dozen. Same price Add 25c
for boxing and d ravage outside of Lin
coln. -
SI Penina S 73
1 Ktlnier'sSwamp Root . 74
35c Casforia (srenuine) .
50c Ryrup of Figs '. 39
i'Sc Itromo Quinine IS
25c A llcock'B Porous Plasters . 15
25c Carter's Little Liver 1111s. 15
25c Mennen's Talcum Powder 15
$1 Coke's Dandruff Cure 79
25c Allen's Foot Ease 19
?1 Bromo Seltler 79
el Booth's Hvomei; 9
81 Hostetter Bitters 78
25c Packer's Tar Soap 19
?1 Ozomulsion , 79
91 Dix Tonic Tablets 79
50c Hosford's A id Fhos W
81 Ayer's Hair Tonic 79
50c Omega Oil 39
50c Kadway s Relief 39
50c Pozonni'a Powder.... 35
25c Pear's Glycerine b'oap , 19
20C Pear s I'nscented Soap J3
81 Seven Sister's Hair Grower 79
81 Steam's Cod Liver Oil 79
75e Zozodont 65
81 Pierce's Remedies.. 76
81 Wine of Cardul 74
SI Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets 73
$1 Paine's Celery Compound 76
jl Hood's Sarsaparilla 79
81 S. S. Specific K
83.75 Horlick'8 Malted Milk (hos
pital size' S 19
81 Horliek's Malted Milk 78
81 Scott's Fmulsion 77
81 Lydia Pinkham's Veg. Comp'nd. 77
81 Listerine 74
Jtl Lister's Antiseptic, genuine 59
50c Denver Mnd 85
fiu Denver Mud genuinfe. 35
81Maltine Preparation.. 89
Si Trommers Malt Preparation. 89
81 Dnftv's Malt whisky 89
81.25 Vine Spring Malt full qts spe
cial cut 89
81.25 Old Style Bourbon qt.. 99
: 83.7ft Old Style Bourbon gal 2 99
81 Calilornia Wines qt...., 49
83 California Wines gal 1 75
81.2 Thia lion 89
82 Dr. La Due's Female Pills. 1 00 ,
81 Dr. Shoop's Remedies " 89 ,
St Rnssel's Emulsion 89
81 Wyeth's Beef. Wine and Iron 89
81 Riggs' Beef, Wine and Iron 79
81 Extra Domestic Beef, Wine Iron 09.
$1 Beef Extracts, any make......... 89
81 Mothers Friend 89
81 Hyomei (Booths) 89
81 Liquozone 89
81 B. B. Balm 89
81 CutJcura Resolvent.... 89
81 Pushkuro , 89 ;
81 Munyon's Pawpaw 89
81 Ayers Cherry Pectoral.... 89
, 81.25 Manola.. , 1 00
60c Miona 4(3
60c Cuticura ., ...... 44
25c Cuticura soap 19
7bc Box Cuticle Soap cut to 25
SI International Stock Food Reme
dies. 89
85.00 Bath Cabinets 3 75
82 00 Trusses 1 00
81 00 Hot Water Bottle guaranteed. 79
81 Fountain Syringe, guaranteed... 79
82 Vaenial Syringe, guaranteed...:. 99
83.50 Whirling Spray Syringe. 2 9!)..
Si Chest Protectors l 00
82 Rubber "Gloves every kind ; 99,
10c Bunch Envelopes .; 05
; 50c Box Stationary 25 ;
iuc Clears o&
50c Riggs' Cough Syrup, guaran-
teed .. '.. .... .. .... 46
. 25c Riggs Kidney and Backache
plasters... 19
Dr. La Rue's Nervine Tablets 1 00
for weak men (or 8 boxes 82.50) ;
Trilby's Corn Leaflet cures corns... 10
25c Riggs' Cascara Tablets 22
25c Rigsrs" Cascara Wafers........... 10
25c Trilby Headache Tablets 21
25c Cream of Pearls for the skin 23
Riggs Pile Cure, guaranteed 50
Riges' Eczema Cure guaranteed.... 50
Belladona plasters, Belladona and Cap
sicum plasters. Rheumatism i lasters and
a dozen other kinds regular 25c plasters
our price 15c each or two (or 25c.
50c Witch hazel, full pint (equal to
Pond's Extract). 25
50c Florida Water Sea Salt 25 '
25c bottle Ammonia , ,, io
SI Shoulder Braces 0
25c Mistletoe Cream 19
83.50 Abdomtn il Supporters. 2 50
' 82 00 Crutche" 1 25
25c Gas Mantels, guaranteed 09
. We handle the most complete line of
drugs in the state ol Nebraska andean
fill any order and save you irom 20 to 30
percent. A lull line oi International
and Security Stock Foods at cjt prices.
Clothes Bruih Free
To show you that Riggs does busi
ness right he will give you free of charge
a handsome Imported clothes brush if
you will cut out this ad and bring it to
him, or one ol these handsome brushea
will be sent free with every mail order.
The Drug
l3jt O Street, LlBco.'aNeb.
1. II. Ut(UM, Altrar
Tn John Chnrlfn Jonts, Mil Parsons WHwn,
Ami Parker. I'hvt Maud Jtyalt. Ri.lrl
W ti hell. An Irrw Voro, Albert irt-r. Albftt
Kiioli, Karah MieMoii, rally orn, Jane sy,
B Kjmm tfallrv, Thomn Mhrldnn, Mr. Uory
Ootkr iirim,h, nrxi rtui unknown,
IMit llorw t.l Itirharl I.tthrufUtir, MUry
rrtn. i.rtir.n Parker. Mitrcurtri Higirr, tun
riilrnt ilir(i.Unt; Vwu and rf h n( you art
krl,r noiirt.-U timt in ArH 1.1W l Ttioma
K t'i. .uiIh-m at .i'nttiT Wtmtt an ttun tni
T'U In lit t'tairu t ri'itrt m .ait irr t'iinif.
lf oka. lit rrttirm a f r'nlw t?r ir.ii Jttua
r, Jomt in l r. Uurr.1t1 My.7. Ivl, re
corda.1 In kMHik W ff J.U, m av tt, tn tha
rril."f u ilnnlt crtV t I alt alrr rtuiiUT, Nr
!', an i In dr hi lltU in lh talnitd lu
Ihw nrWwrt iriirter i.f In authirl rUrlrr.
and fit tt.uth ililr 1 ot lh uthwet irur (
lfi nrthajiit iiartrr i'( !hi-u,ii II 1un B,
l:..njfa, tu ai I rouitty and uio. Tttoi laln
lid i ra tt mI.I itwl h r(ovn, ihtl
tNa tit aat t rral ri im tiirl-i in lilm.
Hd Hr irsvr rrlir. mi ar rt.iirai l- an
r fllail(t'im.i i.n r Ufii Mat Ti, lt
1 HM H t II !Hf M,
l I. II. lUtfirt l, Aory.
TUlilng far iimillmrnu ii like
Smsini the hndi to iMa in rr.
Crawford Co., Pa.
Editor Independent: ' Enclosed find
blanks filled out to the best of my
ability, a thing that I was very glad
to do. Also find P. O. order for $1 to
pay. postage. The secretary of our
county committee has moved to Knox-
ville, Tenn. All the populists (or
nearly all) in Meadviile have'YOted
the socialist ticket the last two years.
So also in Titusville and Coneautvilic,
this county, because the populist or
ganization went fusion with demo
cratic officeseekers and was swallowed
soul and body.
I do not know of one farmer in this
county that voted the socialist ticket;
the majority of them stayed at home
on election day.
Socialism is only a class or "snap"
man's party, and never can be more
than that. The platform stands
some untried things which it is im
possible to understand or accomplisn
Please put my name on the list of the
Old Guard. C. H. BLYSTONE.
D. M. McConnell, Franklin counlj,
Ga.: "I think Mr". De Hart misrep
resents Mr. Watson on tariff for rev
enue. If I understand Mr. Watson, he
repudiates all tariffs and wants a
graduated income tax on franchises
obtained through lobbying, bribery
and other class legislation. Mr. Wat
son has had more opposition than any
other man in the south, but he ha3
shown himself to be the ablest ex
ponent of true democracy since the
days of Thomas Jefferson. Forward
with the noble work you have in hand
and may God reign and rule in the
hearts of men." -
Custer County, Neb.
Editor Independent: I am on the
list of the Old Guard and I herewith
forward my ballot, showing the choice
for president of the United States. 1
have sent you a small amount to help
defray postage, etc., and soon as con
venient. I will send you a little more.
I prefer populism to any new parly
that could be launched. Populibm
has made and can make a great. and
better record than the Way land or
Kangaroo socialism has made or ever
will make. Kangaroo or Wayland so
cialism as a party contains all the
freaks and fakirs as leaders of the
movement who are after office and
who played traitors to socialism! by
trying to break it up in the same man
ner as D. Clem Deaver tried to sell
out and break up populism. . .
If I ever become a socialist I wju'l
join a genuine S. L. P. socialist move
ment. Since that seems to be a-too
radical a movement for ihe farm and
small business element of the west at
present, I intend to remain a populist
while there is any show for reform
through the populist movement. :
E. W. Robbins, Waldo county,
Me. : "Populism in Maine dead and
buried. As for myself, I was a re
publican; joined greenback .part),
was sold out; went Into labor union
party, was sold out again; joined pop
ulist party, was sold out again; and
was urged to cast my vote for . the
democratic nominee, but I have not as
yet voted since. Populism is dead in
Maine and cannot be resurrected. I
have spent a great deal of time aad
considerable money for the cause of
populism, but am done. Am "5 years
old,, and never expect to see a change
from old party ideas. Socialism is
taking deep root In Maine and most
of my old populist comrades will vote
it this fall. I do not know a single
old populist in my vicinity, where wc
had a club of 75, that could be in
duced to vote for it Therefore I de
cline to take any part in politics."
Platte County, Nebraska
Editor Independent: Please find
enclosed draft for $1 to help along ifl
this good work. I am pleased with
the Denver meeting and hope that we
will continue in this line; for if we
do, I think we will meet with grcjt
success. I read over the columns
your paper and so bo many good men
all over our union of states that are
looking Into our government affairs.
It would Rtm we canuot help but
meH with bucchs,
Go on. gentleman, with your good
work and you will find friend: that
will stay with you. I will enclose 12
namra that I think will win our great
army, and hoj that we wilt soon Us
able to mart h to the front
Wm. .M. Ilho le, Watnn county,
In.t. t -Km h'd pirn find my en
roll men t. In th list of name fur
president you will thut I hav
Riven Hun. MurWm It uler as serond
ihuitf, I iooidr Mr. ItuthT i. n
of our al ien mm an t am thai liu
don th harden i iixhtiug for our prtn
1 1 pie In the senate. ftat Mum ff
his iene that 1 believe wouiJ
make interesting reading if published
in our papers of today. I also enclose
a list of names of men who have been
good populists heretofore and I think
possibly some and possibly all of them
will fall in line when our party is
once more organized, and ia working
order. Enclosed please find P. O.
money order for ?1 to help pay expenses."
Valley, County, Nebraska
Editor Independent: Enclosed please
find application blank properly filled.
I presume I am entitled to be en
rolled in the Old Guard also, although
I am only 42 years old. I have beta
supporting populist principles since 1
have been old enough to vote.
You are at liberty to call on me
for at least 30 days in the campaign
and $10 a little later on. I have ae
voted a good deal of time and money
to the cause in the past and am will
ing to continue in the cause the rest
of my life, provided , we pursue a
straight forward course. No more
.waiting to see what other parties 'may
or may not do. Nq. more trafficking
with eitner of the two old frauds for
me. J. a. CRONK.
This is the way Brice McCoy, oi
Cass county, Mo., winds up his Oid
Guard enrollment blank: , "I have
helped to fight populist battles and
tried to carry the banner to victory,
but never held any office never waul
ed any office hadn't lost any office
and, therefore, never hunted for any
office. Have stumped our county sev
eral times; made the first public
greenback speech ever made in the
county. Have been with the party
ever since I876am there yet and ex
pect to stay there. Have lots of good
fight in my old hide yet and can get it
out when called for." .
Iosco County, Mich.
Editor Independent: If the Cleve
land and Hill democrats capture the
next democratic convention, mv vote
and my support will be with the pop
ulist party. I am a Bryan democrat
and have taken The Commoner and
the Nebraska Independent since '3.
Was a, republican until Ihe St. Louis
convention, '96.
It s to be hoped for the eood of the
Bryan democrats and populists that
tne reorganizes of the, democratic
party capture the . next democratic
convention. Then the reform element
of the. republican and democratic par
ties will .look for justice under the
banner of the Old Guard. If W. - J.
Bryan respects the policy he advo
cates, he will be found there if the.
Clevelandites are successful. ,
I have great respect lor Bryan, bur.
I would have greater resnect if he
would gather his flock under the ban
ner of the Old Guard.
: J. A. CORNER." !
G. W. Wolf. Cass countv. Neb 'I
herewith send you papers for my en
rollment with the Old Guard, feeling
that it is better to be numbered with
those that do good unto the resurrec
tion of life, than with those that do
evil unto the resurrection of con
demnation,. . I am now 75 years old
and feel the decline of life, but do all
I can for the good of those that come
arter me. Please . find herewith 52.
$1 to renew my subscription to The
independent to May 1, 1904. and $1 ior
your postal expense."
Kearney Co., Neb.
Editor Independent: I send von
herewith application for membership
In Old Guard of Populism; also one
dollar to help the cause.
I have been a regular subscriber to
your paper since the first numbei,
and could -not keep house without It.
Missing two numbers lately, in my
mail, I supposed that my time was
out and renewed , through the New
Era-Standard; but afterward found
that I had more credit. So, if not too
much trouble, add the amount to the
time already to my credit. And lcr
the success of The Independent ana
the tight I will ever pray.
K. O. 8.MKAI).
S. M. Sutton. Bienville Parish, La.:
"Here's romc to be counted. I wuii
ten thousand could hear mo say that
I am an Old Guard. The people's par
ty Is united ami all tMnklng peoric
know It. I would say to lira W. 11.
Mills of Mlnnouri that ruudnliriKlr.K
should be a thing of the pml Quit
that, brother; we mint build up om
party, t am a mid rmdrr inof,
bit we have kid Mime rat dlfier.
ernes lung bro, Oh. It Uv me
to see the names of Old Guard mnz
en rolled."
II. 8. HnnHi. Custer county. Nb.f
"I rndo tj trnls, I'lrace enroll my
mm ni one of the Old Guard of ip-
Hail Insurance
The United Mutual Hail Insurance
Association is the oldest, is the
strongest, is the best; has paid
000 more for losses than the combined
payments of all other companies.
Paid $53,596.10 in 1903. Has paii
$200,911.80 for losses since its organ
ization. Wants good representatives
in every precinct. Address Home Of
fice, 110 So. 10th St., Lincoln, Neb.
Elsinore, Riverside County. '
12 acres Eureka lemons nine years
old; five-room modern house; insur
ance, $700; water piped to house and
barn; barn 30x22, two stories -r car
riage room, carriage and carpenter
shop; assorted fruit of all kinds; lo
cated one block from Lake Elsinore;
good well connected with good pump
ing plant; cost of water, 25 cents per
day; should produce $3,000 per year;
price, $10,000; mortgage $3,750 at 1
per cent; will 'assume equal amount
on good eastern farm. WEBER &
FARRIS, 1328 O St.
We still want buyers for the Dex
ter, Mo., farms. '
Pa d Immediately
Mr. Carl Carlson, an employe cf the
B. L. Paine Clothing House, who died
last week, held a policy in the Secur
ity Mutual Life Insurance Co. of Lin
coln. The company has told his
brother, who Is" the beneficiary, that
the policy will be paid as soon as the
proofs of death are made out." -----
This is one of the great advantages
in having a policy with a home com
pany. Settlements are much quicker
and easier made than with foreign
Mr. Carlson was a young man m
the prime of life and had no thought
that he would die. He had his policy
only a year and a half. He had no
family of his own, but took the pol
icy for the benefit of a young brother
in the event of his death.
Cheap One-Way Colonist and Rouni
TrJp Homeseekera Rates via.
Illinois Central Railroad
"OMe-Wajr Colon Ut Rta -
To.polnts in Montana, Idabo, Washington:
OreBon, British Columbiaand Alberta Terrltoiy
Tickets on sale daily until April aoth. Liberal
stopovers allowed. , ,
To polntB In Minnesota, North and South Da
kota," Manitoba, Western Ontario, Saskatche
wan and Asslniboia. Tickets on sale every
Tuesday during March and April.
iu pouus m lennessee, Mississippi and Lois
iann. -Tickets on sale the 1st-and 3d Tuesdays
in March and April.- , , ,
. ' Uumoaeckers' Konn4 Trip Hates"
To points in Alabama, Georgia, Kentucky,
Mississippi, Louisiana, North and South Caro
lina, Tennessee and Virginia. TicketB on sale
1st and 3d Tuesdays in March and April, at rate
ol one fare plus S2.00. Stopovers allowed.
Further information cheerfully given at city
ticket office, No. 1402 Farnam 8t., Omaha, or
write, -- W. H. BRILL, Uist. Pass. Agent,
' ; Omaha, Neb.
An ideal country for cheap
homes. Land at $5, $10, $15
per acre; grows corn, cotton,
wheat, oats, grasses, fruits and
Stock ranges 10 months in
the year.
Southeast Missouri, Arkansas.
Louisiana and Texas arc full of
opportunitiesthe climate s
mild, the soil Is rich, the lands
are cheap.
Low Home-seekers' rates
about half fare via the Cotton
licit twice a month first auJ
third Tuesdays. i ,
For descriptive literature
maps and excursion rates, wr.le
to '
E. W. LaUeaume,
a k a t. am
Cottoa ll. lt, St. Louis, Mo.
J, 12. IlitH, Chfjrnne county, Neb,;
"KnroiJ me as one of the Old Guard.
Wat about ready to quit, but will keep
staying; now right along. Voted tw(
tor Warr; tm.-w fur II. P. Uutler;
tUe for Uryan. May Ihe good work
go tin."