The independent. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1902-1907, April 21, 1904, Page 14, Image 14

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    Susan J. Crane, of Hartford, Conn.,
wos made the recipient or-some oi
the stock of the Globe National bank
through a will. The bank failed, tbe
stock was assessed 100 per cent and
she had to put up the full amount, al
though she had never had the stock
really in her possession. That was
the decision of the court.
Upon the retirement of Major Gen
eral Wade, April 14, 1907, Major Gen
eral Wood, M. D will become the
ranking officer of the United States
army, and will continue, if he lives,
to command the army until October 9,
1924, when he will retire. That is the
reward that this great nation gives
to a doctor for serving with the pres
ident for a few months in a regiment
called "The Rough Riders." Is there
any wonder that some of the oici
army officers think that the reward 13
out of all proportion to the service
rendered? Army officers, make no re
marks for publication upon this sub
ject, but now that the thing is done
some of the republican newspapers
are making some mild comments on
the subject,
Hill won his case against Hani
man in the suit brought at St. Paul
but what interest the public has m
the question is not explained. The
lawyers will draw their fees and pas
senger fares and fret rates w'U
not be any lower.
The admiral appointed to succeed
Markaroff in command of the Rus
Bian navy in "Asiatic waiers reached
St. Petersburg last week and was giv
en a great ovation. So far all the
ovations have been given to men who
are "starting" to war, and great
prophecies are made about what they
are going to do. No such scenes have
been reported from Japan.
This .year Lincoln has 1,800 ma
jority and 40 saloons. H the increase
1s kent no. next vear it will have 2,-
000 maioritv and 50 saloons. Vote er
Last week things got so hot., in
Judge Barker's court in Boston wnere
the Rockefeller steals were laeing in
vestigated that the judge suddenly ad-
Spanking does notenre children ofurin diffi
culties. If It did there would be few children
that wonlddo it There is ft constitutional cause
for this. Mrs. M. Summers, Box 169. Notre
Dame, Ind.. will send her home treatment to any
nu.! aha aim nn mnnpr1 Write her todav
if vnnr rhiiriron trouble vou in this way. Don't
blame the chud. The chances are it can't help it
.. State or Nebraska
. tivml V TToVw-imrv 1at 10A4
It is Hereby Certified, That the Pacific Mutual
Ll'O Insurance company oi vatuormn, vi
i.'w, in tua stotp of California, has com-
l'inm,tF, ... - -a --, , . r :
...k tha Inenrnnnn T.nw fit this State. KD-
plieable to suoh companies and is thereiore au
thorized to tonunue we uusmens u ui
Accident Insurance in this State tor the current
yearending Januory ?.lst, 1905.
Summary of report filed for the year ending
December 31st, 4UU3. ;
' ' ' INCOME
Premiums 12,310,633.18
AU other sources , . 321,301.73
Total ... 82,631,99 1.91
Pnid policy holders 912.R-1S.80
All other payments.. 08i,lHi.68
Total..'..; ..'..I 1,89S,8-15.07
. ' . ADMITTED ASSETS (!,;, 412.90
Net reserve
Net policy claims
Altother littollliics
Capital stock paid up,..
hurplus beyond capital
stock and other liabil
ities... ,,,.....,.,
11. 0(10. IS
2S.Vdl.ttt S5,MS,51LOT
, . . ....... if... ,.. "..V ". I-.. TV
Witne my hand and the seal of the Auditor
of Public Accounts the day and year ilm above
6,:X. 112:90
fK u.I Auditor oi Kubilc Accounts,
JOJf.N UrlKRCn. Deputy.
I tneolii, Kcbruar? lt. l'.wt.
It I nerehv certified that the tity'l nmt t-ahj
lpoU and s' enrlty Company of Philadelphia,
In Mr lrtle of l'iuivsiil(, ha compiled tilth,
lite lnurn'n l aw ( tlt uic. at pili ablo
!u h cmnpttnh", and t ih-rt or Htiili"rud to
routlnue t!i tmlQ t I t toilty ud ;imty In
itiaiue lit ViU Mat for U l utrrtit I
lug January 1 5.
SvmkakY : ) i.r r tt M tins Tit 8 Vl.U
..i i.'SbtU DU'tMkli'Hiilst, iMi
frvnilnn. .1 I''.VV4 17
tl ttihrt ui-t .r -ViJ I dSi.l&.u
Ulll l( K M l' N I S
1 at-l tOlU-t V3rt
t'oUl....... ., f t.-J
AlMrtl'M Ai-KI Lti.i..tA n
Urv''' t'lira a'l
H.nw..... I J," ' v 'J
I Itl't'nPI "'i1 'H ....
All tbf lI.latkrt., 2.f IP.I-.Ht.M
t") tt I r . J'v.'uw
ft ut ! lM t l
ki r It an4iif luWl- . .
hnt im.nxH inM
ttntttnf bap t aal tJf ( ia tu Jtnf
1 at I'ltMW aw'ounu Utt J an I a(Kv
rUv (lUlitMUfrus.
nil Audllei w ibUo ArcvUUU,
innrneA court. The Question was whe
ther Rogers should produce his letlet
book. . . .i
Judge Grosscup of Chicago delivered
an address in Chicago last Monday in
which he declared that there was urg
ent need of a new party that would
control the great corporations, lie
made the positive declaration, so of
ten made in the past by populisms,
that the increase in wealth was not
what the plutocrats claim, and said:
"The per capita wealth of the coun
try has increased only 10 . per cent
nvpr what it was 30 vears ago." If
Judge Grosscup will make a study of
populism he will find tne very pany
already in existence that he is call
ing for.
Tha' form of Admiral Togo's report
to the emperor of Japan is causing
many remarks in the daily press, tie
attrihntes his success to .'his ma
jesty's glorious virtue" and "heaven
ly assistance." That is an equat ui
vision between thex royal forms of
Europe where the ships are "his ma
jesty's" and the devout Christians or
the republics of the world who believe
that God directs the slaughtering oi
mpn that. nrrnrR in ereat battles. The
only thing about the report that com
mends the admiration of all, is that
thA admiral makes no claims for him
sen. it was me emyeiui, ueavcu aw
the men behind the guns that did it.
A froc is a bird. That's settled.
Tha r.natoms house officers have de
cided to class frogs legs, a good many
of which are imported, as poultry.
v - i
Of all the platforms that were ever
written. Hill's New orn piatiorm
takes the lead for platitudes. There
is not a principle enunciated or a
policy indicated. It is worse man du
interrogation point. It is a vacuum
with the space extracted.
The Russians have thrown a bomb
into the laws of war by announcing
that any correspondent round using
wireless telegraphy will be considered
a spy and when found, will be tried
hv poiirt-martial. and if convicted.
hnner. The London Times has had
steamers equipped with a - wireless
telee-ranh annaratus sailing arouna
Port Arthur and it is supposed that
the order was aimed at this boat. The
Times denounces the order and says
that Russia iias no dominion over the
seas outside of the three-league limit,
A protest has also been filed against
the order with the state department
at Washington. Put notning win dc
done until some concrete case arises
Admiral Togo has used wireless tel
eeraDhv in moving his ships. It has
also been adopted by our own navy
The Japanese were the first of all
nations to complete and install their
exhibition s at St. Louis. ' It , is said
that everything has moved along there
with as little friction -as in the Ja
panese army and navy. The Russian
government abandoned the space al
lotted to it and it has been assigned
to other parties.
, Now that Dave Hill has absoluto
rontrol of the machinery of the dem
ocratic party in New York, what wia
the Bryan democrats of that state do .'
There are thousands of thein.r WiU
they be democrats still?
There was a heavv fall of snow re-'
ported in northern New York and the r
New England states on Apm u.
vmtv venrs ago on the same date the
thermometer fell to zero in Illinois
and the states of the west.
Cutting Off Coupons ,
When a man arrives at the age of
seventy (an! few do), the best years
of his life are purely behind him. If
ho 1ms been prudent and industrious
and fortune has favored him. he hm
accumulate.,! tonsidcraMe proiiertj. if
hia wife xtill Uvea and ho has about
him rhlMron and graud-children he
will not regret the magnitude of hi
estate or the work, worry and f lf
donliil incldtnt to huHdi.i it. tho-n.U
hs can take I.oa of It with him. -ll
vi!l cunti'inplate with natlafAcUuu
atnt tsrUle the amuunt of hi au'imm
latU'it. Hv bin attaint 4 th li'U
of hla tf t fa.rtan etattJor hi
ranilir. It I for thU ItKhuh la
somli or mt ldh agj r uwy t,t nat
iii it- t all work Inc. Wh?t
Ckul rive man tbe lueUlnsulnhaMe
JmiHitt! to ralw & family, lift w tko
Khtn tht t;r.(incnchtlo Celr to fart
for It dutittf hU Vito and jroiHJ lor
it after death.
ance Company of Nebraska has been
considering for some time how; it
might be possible for a man to make
provision for protection for his fam
ily in case of bis death," and at the
same time insure him an income, or
reasonable Interest on his savings or
?nvestment for that purpose, during
his "life. The result has been the in
troduction by the Company of an en
tirely new policy. All companies write
policies paying dividenus every year,
but the amount of these dividends can
not be guaranteed or foretold and are
generally disappointing. The Old
Line Bankers Life in its Three Fcr
Cent Guaranteed Income Bond, gives
yor. an absolute Guarantee of Three
Per Cent on every dollar paid in dur
ing the life of the policy. Each year
your income increases as the prem
iums are paid beginning with the first
premium and continuing to the ma
turity of the contract in twenty years.
The nossession of such a Bond is
the gratifying result of industry and
economy combined with a decision 10
do it today. You would never have
owned one if you had continued to
postpone its purchase.
Sn noose the government of the
United States- were selling these bonds
on long time suppose you could buy
one of $1,000 on twenty yearly pay
ments, receiving back each year three
per cent on all installments paid in..
SimDose in addition the government
would say, "If you die before all pay
ments are made we will cancel tne
balance and pay your family the face
of the bond, $1,000 in cash." Would
vou want it? Would you put away
one dollar a week more or less to
get it?
Well, vou can buy a guaranteed in
come bond of The Old Line Bankers
Life Insurance Company with just
these provisions. You can cut on a
three ner cent coupon every year
vou can. have the bond if you live
twenty years drawing dividenus aur-
ing the remainder of your life, ine
deferred payments will be cancelled it
vou die and your wif3 and children
will set the face of the bond in casn.
It is said , that "Money is always
handy in the family." Can you im
agine any handier or more opportune
time than when the head of tne tarn
ily dies. On his bond are coupons
numbered from one to twenty. Num
ber: one is three' per cent on one
Dremium, number twenty is three per
cent on twenty premiums. To secure
the, income it is only necessary to
cut off the coupon at the end of the
year, sign your name and mail it in to
the company. A check will be sent
vou immediately for the amount or it
can be used in payment or tne next
vears' premium. On a c-ond ot ?5,uw
at the age of thirty-five the income
returned to the , policy-holder will
amount in twenty years to fl,60S.50,
and is subject at maturity to the fol
lowing options 1 of settlement.
This bond is non-forieitable after
two vears. Should it become neces
sary o surrender It the holder may
1st Extended Insurance for the iil
faro of bond allcr two premiums are
2ud raid up Insurance alltr thrto
premium' are paid.
:,rd-Odh value at the end ot oath
five year period.
When a boy readies man's estate
h hi, nsldoi rhlldUh thliiK. Up is
looking for opportunities to make arte
savi nionry. Wbitevrr may be the
rtkult of ttliT Investments this will
l9 stuct'tsfut If hf need at
the maturHy of the contract he tan
Kt mow on hi polity than h hm
paid in. tf he tu-rd lempatary
n.U4ti. durlnj? thr? term Of th pa!,, y
hj an Uirrow of th ttunp iny.
Th more h uU in yearly the
Krtairr hli Intr rc-t will be tnd the
larger bU s tti-mvtit at matuilty, Ms
rry dollar tnrettrd U money atd
tomlnt UtW to him whi-n he mot
need It -or fkt hi i d 'ath to hit wtf
an4 family whu they mo4t orcd it.
It is secure as a government bond and
better as it costs less money and
gives a larger return living or dead.
The advantages of the bond may be
summed up as follows:
Three per cent on your money while
you live . .
Face of your policy if you die
Your money returned if you ma
ture -
Cost at maturity, nothing.
If the money e'nt east for insurance
since the Old Line Bankers? Life In
surance Company was organized sev
enteen years ago had been kept at
home, bank deposits would be double
their present size in the west today.
Further information will be given
by any agent of the Company or ad
dress, the old lime bankers lipe
Insurance company,
Lincoln, Nebraska.
Wind Storms
The season for tornadoes, cyclones.
and wind storms is now at hand. The
need of carrying protection against
loss by wind storms the past few
years has become more of a necessity
than ever before, because of the fact
of so many destructive storms. The
Western Cyclone Ins. Co. is a Nebras
ka company managed by well known
Nebraska men who are a guarantee
to tne policy noiaers or tair ana non
est dealings.- Call or write the Home
Office, 116 South 10th st., Lincoln,.
Neb., the only company doing an ex
clusive cyclone insurance business in
the state.
Mr. Tt. F. Morehouse had a counle
of cars of shorn wethers and Noble &
Bragg two cars of shorn ewes at South
Omaha Monday,' each topping the
market, for their kind, at $5 a,nd $4.65
respectively. Nye & Buchanan Co.
sold them and both shippers express
themselves as extremely well pleased
with their sale.
Irrigated Lands
Thousands of acres of the most fer
tile suerar beet, notator crain and al
falfa lands in Colorado situated in
Logan and Washington counties along
the Burlington k. k. ana union pa
cific It. R. Abundance of water.
Lands under Irrigation and cultiva
tion. $25 and upward per acre, In
cluding water. One-fourth cash pay
ment required, balance in five annual
payments, interest at 6 per cent, bu
gar beet factory accessible to these
lands, same quality of soil as the
famous Greeley Valley where farms
are selling from ?2&u to $suu per acre.
The oldest and best water right in
This land is selling rauidly. If you
want some, apply early. Write for
full particulars.
Sole Agents in Eastern Nebraska.
Office, Lincoln Hotel, Lincoln, Neb.
During campaign 25c will secure
Liberation, devoted to debate of re
publicans, democrats, and liberations
people. New issue to be sprung on
republicans and democrats that will
please the common people. Wm. H.
Stockman, New Lexington, 0.
Lincoln. Kf b. 1st, liXH.
Tt is hrrcby certified. That the MihurI Hen.
efit Life Insurance Co. ot Newark, in tho state o'
New Ji-rsey, bus eotuiilied with the Insur
ance Law of Oils Hute, applicable to such
corapfliiit'S ami 1h therefore authorized to con
tinue the bushiest of Life ln-Miruuec in thU
Mate for the current year ending January ;itt,
Kst-Lvy !m;!KH 8M, J'.Xi.
I'remiunH ... U.T.'
All other ourcc 3,'..W,.''a"H
TuUl..., f ll,i4U,t.ty3
fiild policy holder. . f fi."?.; 'hi
All oilier puyuietiU... i''.
Kid 1 1. !,?:. n
APMIIUO AKt-4 x;,..'.'.;:';
. . . 111.
I I Alllll I II'j.vio
Net l:e.. ve
Net l'.;h r CUiw . , .,
AU other liabtlilU'....
Sir) !u Wf&n I Capl
tai mk k Mit.i oilier
I .?..- o l.'.'.; i-t,TH.tW,U
lubutUM...., 6.i"..rvi t
Tat . t ;.:,Jl.f.7.Jk
linr lion t I tt. el ol the AudUi f
ot I'iiPHc Aicauiit Hi dm and cr i!rt
wriun. i II A HI W ho.
i tll Auditor ot 1 uMtv Aei uts
JOHN K VIKIU'K. tvpnt.
Noll1! Ntti. HtlHl llilal
Jawe t, M. iiul elsl tak t.i!- ihft ., js
bih itf of Watch, l ln vfi II. l:trr a Mt
lie of lb Mar tt I lnrd. t ahctef Counti,
Nrt.raka. ftit as oMi t attacbiurnt lor
t'Uii l- In an a. tia him,
bvttn J. e t M i,it.!ftllinirtP. an t Jm,a
T, Mriiu1!. ddi it ttl. Oial ftpuy ol tha d
tendant riatllo ol fct hrrf atli-it
tin. tar l t ofd. r. 1 1 ra. aaa ioullaucd t
tt.e M d Ml !, al a. w.
Jt'all'lt M.dRtrKXX.
Itf Joltx J. UPWtTltaai W, M MOUMNJ,
U Aiwraitai
Tht 014 Um IbnVcri lift Inatir